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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11974973 No.11974973 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what I'm doing. I can't promise this won't end is disaster.
It's some meatscraps from last time I made sausage there in the bowl and a pig's heart on the board.
Diced up both and mixed in the bowl with an equally diced half pineapple. Because I had one and I've been wondering how it works in a dish.

>> No.11974978
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Gave it a mix and threw in some salt and fresh thyme and rosemary. Then let it sit for around 45 minutes.
I marinaded some cheap beef in pineapple overnight a couple years ago actually and it came out almost liquified. There really are some tenderising enzymes in that stuff, no kidding.
The JW Red in the glass is not part of the dish.

>> No.11974984
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Sweating some onions while I cut up the other vegetables.
Why carrots and peppers? I happened to have some. I seem to do a lot of my cooking that way. I'm thinking I might try shopping for a specific dish more if the /ck/ challenge gets off the ground this year. Have a little more direction in it.

>> No.11974987

add onions and rum

>> No.11974995
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Threw the fruit and meat in there and let it steam a bit before adding the rest of the vegetables.
I figured this stuff was too wet to even try getting a sear on it so I didn't.
I also figure there's plenty of flavour in this already, so I added some plain water rather than stock or boose.
Only have some salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, garlic, and ginger in there so far. I want to wait until the end to see what kind of spices will go with it. I guess I'll either want something sour/tart to counter the sweetness or, alternatively, just roll with it and give it a little cinnamon and cardamom.
Or maybe it'll be terrible and I'll get a pizza. Hah.

It's simmering now.

>> No.11975004

Onions check.
Almost did buy a bottle of rum today, but the JW was on sale so I picked that instead.

>> No.11975128

i would have marinated the heart then grilled that shit over flame

>> No.11975156
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I don't have a grill, though. This was mostly about trying to do something with the pineapple anyway.
It's getting there. I'm letting it reduce a bit now.
Definitely leaning toward a little cardamom and cumin spicewise.

>> No.11975173
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>Pineapple and thyme

>> No.11975178

It's only a little thyme. Rosemary and thyme work with pretty much any sort of stewed dish.

>> No.11975181

the fuck kind of peppers are those?

>> No.11975193

They're sold as "snack peppers" here. There's no heat at all. Basically the same as bell peppers really.

>> No.11975194

Good luck with that anon. I gagged.

>> No.11975248

Sear the meat first next time you make a stew

>> No.11975251

I recognise the wood board. You aren't posting in Pattis thread now ?

>> No.11975267

Kill yourself.

>> No.11975275

Thanks for commenting even if you couldn't be bothered reading.

Ehhh, I'm not exactly boycotting the cat thread. I'm just getting really sick of the assholes spamming it and I figured that with 276 listed replies when I made this one, the current cat thread would be dropping off to page 10 soon. I'm pretty sure deleted posts still count towards the bump limit.

I don't really have any interest in that guy's cat, but he really does make the only actual cooking threads that don't die in 8 hours, so I'm pretty annoyed with the sabotage lately. I don't suppose bitching about it here will make it any better, though.

I have some rice on. Shouldn't be long now. I sampled the stew a few times and it's pretty good. Not as obnoxiously sweet as I feared either. Definitely an option if you have some pineapple you need to get rid of.

>> No.11975449
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I'd say the pineapple definitely helps tenderise the heart.
It's not as aggressively sweet as it was raw either. Some cardamom and cumin worked nicely with it. I had some balsamic vinegar on standby but it actually balanced out nicely by itself.
The pineapple pieces hold together quite firmly as well. They're tender enough, but still nice and firm. A stew shouldn't be a mush anyway. You want to know what each piece is.

It's good, all in all. I'm having it with rice.
Probably could have gone way harder on the garlic and ginger. It seems quite forgiving spicewise in general.

>> No.11975839

Cool, nice to have you around

>> No.11976068
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>I don't know what I'm doing

turned out like >>11975449

You mocking us bro !? I'm having cup noodles here God damn

>> No.11976103

Refreshing to have some actual cooking going on. Good work OP