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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 449 KB, 740x1116, Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 11.14.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11960778 No.11960778 [Reply] [Original]

No. It doesn't. I fucking hate New Yorkers.

>> No.11961017

watch out im walkin here

>> No.11961023
File: 42 KB, 500x370, nycstyleslice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We da best.

>> No.11961024

Absolutely based Meesiks reference

>> No.11961029

Are you surprised a bunch of elitist pricks in a bubble city don't realize that time flows outside their hugbox?

>> No.11961069

New Yorkers think rat shit is a pizza topping.

>> No.11961086

Peanut butter pickle sandwiches have been a thing for decades

>> No.11961090

That peanut butter looks like an oily shit

>> No.11961171

Pb and j with pickles is great

>> No.11961175


>> No.11961225

CANS AY DRIVE you round the BLOCK
9/11 DUST in ally
$5000 a month studio apartment
store your clothes in your oven

>> No.11961242

The author of that article was born in West Virginia and lives in New Jersey.

>> No.11961270

Every discussion involving NYC is always super cringe. People's idea of NYC is stuck in the 70s

There are hardly any Andrew Dice Clay sounding white people left unless you go to the fringe neighborhoods like Tottenville, Staten Island that nobody cares about.

>> No.11961407

I was really into pb and onion sandwiches for awhile

>> No.11961505


>> No.11961534

Don't forget to put some liverwurst on that for the real experience.

>> No.11961541

i've been eating pb and garlic sandwiches

>> No.11961569

Correct it's a bunch of Puerto ricans and hyper sensitive whites.

>> No.11961578

they all moved to Jersey, cheaper

>> No.11961603


>> No.11961622

>friendship ended with jelly
>pickle is new best friend

>> No.11961816

thats horrid desu

>> No.11961826
File: 65 KB, 610x458, 20110104-elvis-sandwich-primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salt/fatty peanut butter cut by acidic sour or sweet pickles
In theory it could work.
Anybody ever had an Elvis sandwich?

>> No.11961828


>> No.11961836

elvis sandwich doesnt hve bacon in it.

have you really never made a fried peanut butter and banana sammich? go make one RIGHT NOW.

>> No.11961837

>Elvis sandwich
It's called a fools gold loaf, dingus.

>> No.11961858

Pretty sure peanut butter, mayo and pickle sandwiches come from the South (and they're actually pretty good).

>> No.11961986

That's different

>> No.11962001
File: 27 KB, 410x308, joey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AY YUG! Have ya eva put PICKLES on PEANUT BUTTA? It's da best thing since MAAHHHHHNSTA CAHHHHHHDS!!

>> No.11962023

PB was originally paired with savory ingredients rather than sweet. PB and pickle and PB and onion were the most common, Mark Twain even said that his favorite food was a PB and onion sandwich. PB and J came later.

>> No.11962027

>Mark Twain
I meant Hemingway, by fingers are retarded and I'm tired shut up.

>> No.11962032

Yeah now they have a bunch of trust fund babies and Puerto ricans. Much better

>> No.11962035

What? I literally eat peanut butter and pickle (or gherkin) sandwiches and I'm a Bong. It's nicer in toaster bread.

>> No.11962471

Americans were a terrible mistake.

>> No.11962486

The man who to this day we can't figure out if he blew his brains out intentionally or because he was so feeble minded that he couldn't figure out gun safety?

>> No.11962559
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Best combo coming through

>> No.11962568

>ah yes I'll have salt with my salt
I hate Australians

>> No.11962571

Fuck off, Wario.

>> No.11962587

I wasn't really using him as a measuring stick for quality, just as a known account of someone both eating and enjoying a PB and onion sandwich, and remarking upon it in a way where it clearly wasn't thought of as strange at the time.

>> No.11962822

You mean Brooklyn (((whites)))?

>> No.11962834

2 Airplanes weren’t enough.

>> No.11962992

>t. Flyover retard who went to tourist traps and got conned by fat Arab souvenier sellers and pizzerias

>> No.11962998
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>raging over a 7 year old article

>> No.11963052

Nah it was clearly suicide. Handling guns was second nature to him and it's quite difficult to unintentionally blow your brains out with a shotgun, a foot maybe, but not your head. Coupled with the fact suicides were common in his ancestors and he knew he would never write worth a shit again.

>> No.11963589

new york is an expensive shithole

>> No.11963620


>peanut butter

No, English. Tastes like dry roasted peanuts.

>> No.11963637

Were you attempting to confirm my suspicions of you?

>> No.11963643

cope jew yorker

>> No.11963656

This. This is all of the tri-state desu

>> No.11963661

expensive but super fun if you're a young adult. lots of opportunity to build a career as well.

>> No.11963670

Lol what? All the wops and associated IM WALKIN 'EYYERR greaseballs all relocated to NJ and Connecticut. I am a product of them.

>> No.11963704

As someone who has tried this combination as a desperate late night snack, I can confirm that pickles and peanut butter DO NOT go together.

>> No.11963709

unironically good

>> No.11963786
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bada bing
bada boom

>> No.11963817

But Anon, the rat turd marinade they call water is what makes it so good!

>> No.11963820

The only thing he confirmed is how well he knows New York. It is a massively overrated shit hole.

>> No.11964087
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>cock slurping NYT clickbait
Well there's your problem.

>> No.11964164

>t. Mid-westie obese flyover who walked through times square and ate at an overpriced '''authentic nyc''' pizzeria so now he 'knows' New York

>> No.11964178

>t. $5000 a month 100sq ft apartment in williamsburg faggot

>> No.11964184

no. it's a shithole alright.

>> No.11964200

>I fucking hate New Yorkers.
Yeah hey fun fact, it doesn't stop there. I remember the last time I was here some anon posted a chart of french fry quality and I thought he just had shit taste but turns out that was the fucking NY times that made that list.
He really should have said something because he got fucking roasted

>> No.11964223

fuck i remember that thread. i seriously thought that nigga was trollin.

>> No.11964505

PB&J&Bacon is good but you need to go heavy on the bacon

>> No.11964522

Me too. Imagine my shock when I was sitting in my truck, delivering food for a food bank, when suddenly the guys on the radio mention a controversial fry ranking by NYT. The minute I heard the criteria were taste and texture, with In n out ranked near the bottom, my mind immediately flashed to that stupid-ass picture. I just about drove off a cliff in shock

>> No.11964546

Fucking based
Butt blasted Jew York tranny

>> No.11964548

Still better than Portland and cali

>> No.11964549
File: 66 KB, 320x450, 13map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to be the one to tell you, but the coastal elites are the real Americans.

>> No.11964558

Right there with you. That point graph of fries was beyond retarded.

>> No.11964604

Getting this assblasted over a really good troll post about your city really goes to show how insecure you are with your living arrangement famalam.

>> No.11964677

Ehh it's more complex than that. NYC is super diverse
No, they were homeowners in Brooklyn and they moved when it was still cheapish. They moved because it got too ethnic for them.

>> No.11964683

They're probably gonna white flight even further after those areas continue to diversify. Jersey is becoming more and more Hispanic, soon the Italians will go live in Kentucky with Cletus

>> No.11964687

>implying he travels at all and actually went to New York

>> No.11964810
File: 894 KB, 1242x1201, FDC391F8-71BA-49FD-B522-F32343A53D67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kentuckian here, tell me more about these Italians you speak of

>> No.11964817

>take off them pepperoni
>don't say nothin, just do it

>> No.11964827

no joke, a lot of them are super conservative and would fit in perfectly in rural Kentucky. I am not even kidding that many Italian New Yorkers (the guido types) would love living in a redneck area like Eastern Kentucky or West Virginia. They have more in common with rednecks than mainstream New Yorkers

There are Italian-American mega conservative guys over here (mostly just in certain suburban neighborhoods that have remained guido enclaves) with bald eagles as their FB profile pic who constantly post about their love for Donald Trump

>> No.11964832

brooklyn rage

>> No.11964845

Also, BARELY anyone has that Paulie Walnuts accent anymore. Even in the 70s most people didn't, but for some reason people think the average New Yorker sounds like a mobster.

>> No.11964846
File: 58 KB, 306x460, 1546352565499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based wops.

>> No.11964854

Why do you Kentuckians love Donald Trump SO much?

>> No.11964869

Inbreeding and ptsd from father rape lesding to surpressed homosexual urges

>> No.11964872


This SEETHING flyover dweller

>> No.11964894

I'm not from Kentucky, bruv.
Anything you need to get off your chest?

>> No.11964897


>> No.11964970

I thought that was a southern thing

>> No.11964990
File: 367 KB, 1600x1000, overnight oats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's overnight oats

>> No.11964993

Isn't that in Italy?

>> No.11964994

what a beautiful post

>> No.11965032

t. seething nooyawker

>> No.11965039

Nobody says "Noo Yawk"

>> No.11965369

I just did faggot.

>> No.11965373

Hey, I'm evolvin' hea!

>> No.11965436

Most of the kids posting in this thread have never left their cornfield ohian suburb. Their idea of 'going to the city for a nice dinner' is driving 40 minutes out to the nearest strip mall with an olive garden in it. Their entire conception of what a new Yorker is or what new York is like is entirely derived from the decades-old pop culture they consume.

>> No.11965451


>> No.11965477

At least in Cali you can get so high you forget you live in a shitty city

>> No.11965478

Elvis was based as fuck and had master sheboon cooks make him southern pb and j's that give you a heart attack

True story

>> No.11965488

Rednecks are just as elitist with their pretentious folksy wisdom bullshit.

>> No.11965569
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>> No.11966777

fuck you

>> No.11966786

>pretending new york isn't a shit hole because people make jokes about the accent
Nice try.

>> No.11966801

Like your mom's huge box.

>> No.11966811

This. There's a continuous line from the founders to the present-day intellectual and economic leadership of the US East Coast. Dissident groups in the frontier try to deny this because it's inconvenient to their manufactured self-image as the "real Americans."

>> No.11966824

NYC pizza is the most overrated shit ever

>> No.11966871

I live here and I hate it.

>> No.11966950

The jokes about the accent are precisely what shows how completely out of touch they are with modern NYC. Not even Brooklyn has sounded like that in over a decade (outside of some dying wop enclaves)

>> No.11967042

What's so bad about bean paste on vegetables?

>> No.11967418

Imagine being this touchy over a joke stereotype.

>> No.11967427

>I fucking hate liberals

>> No.11967438

Wrong. “New York Style” is the original pizza.

>> No.11967502

God i miss new york style pizza. When i was a kid in the 90’s, thsi type of pizza was in fashion in finland. Now it’s all turk shit.

>> No.11967507
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>> No.11967936

>People's idea of NYC is stuck in the 70s

Including the people who live there.

NYC is an amusement park for the stateless super rich. If you aren't one of them, you're just a carny working the attractions. There is no "gritty" "scene", there is no "vibrant" it was bussed in or moved to Jersey, Andy Warhol is dead, punk rock is dead, Lou Reed is dead, now there is woke blockbuster superhero movies for the Chinese and stuttering background music for your epic instagram shoot. "Ethnic cuisine" from ALL AROUND THE WORLD is all prepared by central american slaves, and you say "this is fun, this is real, this MEANS something".

May globohomo smile upon you.

>> No.11967949


>is all prepared by central american slaves

Found the Mestizo. All Kosher and Halal food is deemed dirty when touched by Goyim/Kafir, especially Islamic purity laws. Super strict. If those Central Americans were worth a shit they wouldn't be working hotdog and pretzel carts, they'd be doctors or engineers like their kin back home. Utterly worthless people.

>> No.11967969

I can't stop laughing at this stupid fucking post

>> No.11968078

>Andy Warhol is dead
That albino faggot did more damage to New York than 9/11.

>> No.11968117
File: 200 KB, 2000x1333, 1537529810844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can American's, specifically new yorkers, explain why they think their generic world city is hot shit?
It looks like a massive shithole.

>> No.11968138
File: 60 KB, 960x636, 414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You faggots won't stop coming here.

>> No.11968261

You just described the situation happening to EVERY major city, dipshit. It's called globalism. It sucks every place of its unique character, of its authentic atmosphere and culture. This is what happens when the 'idea' of a place outpaces its reality in a hyper-connected society. Novelty becomes more desirable than practicality, and there's an endless line of foreigners with more money than sense looking to live out their pop culture fantasies, and an eager sea of enablers who can't wait to sell it to them.

>> No.11968273

Y'all haven't lived until you've had a peanut butter and fried egg sandwich.

Throw on some olives and avocado if you're a true patrician.

>> No.11968604

idk why but this made me rofl

>> No.11968645
File: 23 KB, 640x559, 1493762118229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying here anon, I can't catch my breath

>> No.11968656

I dont understand it but good lord I'm fucking crying laughing

>> No.11968737

i was there yesterday and the cashier at the bagel place i went to in east village sounded exactly like that

>> No.11968810
File: 264 KB, 447x446, 1551227916388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my day thank you anon

>> No.11968824

That pizza looks like it’s going through chemo

>> No.11968847

New York is generic because it creates the genre. No other city on the planet has that kind of economic and cultural impact.

On the other hand, much of the city is a massive shithole. Those aren't mutually exclusive things. There are a lot of people who live in the city limits but aren't actually part of what makes New York exceptional.

>> No.11968849

Why are yankies like this? Everything from there "best in the world"

>> No.11968899

New York died from its rent controls and overpowered unions. Unions held central positions in the economy but pushed too hard for the rent controls and wage raises when they already won their healthcare. Now only a million live in Manhattan with shitty tax revenue that can never fix that FUCKING SHITTY public transportation. And the effet that pretend its still economically important in anything other than financing. New York could have been a Chicago but it was felled in the 70’s.

>> No.11969053


>There's a continuous line from the founders to the present-day intellectual and economic leadership of the US East Coast.
They're there, but not dominating 'intellectual and economic leadership', 60 years too late.

>> No.11969120

>h-heh you're a f-flyover
Isn't there an obnoxious black guy on the subway who keeps doing chin ups on the hand rails who you need to keep averting your eyes from lest he beats you senseless while everyone ignores it?
I'd say I hope you step in hobo vomit on your way to your shitty desk job that just barely keeps the rent for your 1 meter by 1 meter apartment afloat, but that's probably a regular occurrence anyway.

>> No.11969188
File: 957 KB, 1242x1593, AD4F2F2D-983E-4DC2-A805-55903A38634B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT seething:

>> No.11969227

I can't help being Australian m8

>New York is generic because it creates the genre.
World cities existed before and will long exist after New York m8, it didn't create the genre, it adhered to it.
>No other city on the planet has that kind of economic and cultural impact.
Do you want a list?
>what makes New York exceptional.
See that's the thing, nobody ever gives an answer to why they think it's great, they just repeat that like a cultish mantra.

>> No.11969236

A decade? More like 2 or 3 decades, possibly more. My late grandpa was a native white Brooklynite and he did not have that Paulie Walnuts accent.

>> No.11969247

You are clueless, you're obviously not very familiar with New York
It does not look like a shithole, it has the best architecture in the country (Queens has shitty architecture but most its neighborhoods are a good place to live)

>> No.11969272

I've had a peanut butter and pickle sandwich when I was drunk and broke once. It was pretty alright

>> No.11969294

>It does not look like a shithole
From the outside looking it does.

>> No.11969325

show me examples because I'm not sure what you're talking about (besides some dumpy outer borough neighborhoods that tourists literally never go to)

>> No.11969335

>show me examples because I'm not sure what you're talking about
Why would I have examples on hand?
Regardless, everything from the subways, to the main centers to those secluded alleyways, look covered on grime and in a state of complete decay.

>> No.11969338

>secluded alleyways

You are full of shit because alleys are pretty rare in NYC.

>> No.11969355
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Time square

>> No.11969359

No New Yorker gives a fuck about Times Square, it is known as a massive tourist trap. This doesn't even look that bad though, just a lot of litter (however looks totally normal aside from that)

>> No.11969363
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>> No.11969375
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Bar bathroom

>> No.11969380

I went to new york as a tourist and did tourist things and I enjoyed it

>> No.11969392
File: 1.04 MB, 2415x1610, 072915_homeless_dm_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homeless man

>> No.11969396
File: 259 KB, 1024x686, JACK-GAROFALO_newyorkretrospective_com_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Yorker in their natural habitat

>> No.11969409

I got my masters in Manhattan and honestly the best time I had is when I first flew out with my mom (who'd never been) and we spent a few days just doing all the tourist shit. NYC sucks if you don't have money or know a bunch of people who live there.

I was last there in maybe 2011 and thought they closed it to car traffic not long after.

>> No.11969416

Peanut butter and yogurt is an okay sandwich. Like a less intense PB&J

>> No.11969455
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OP is a faggot

>> No.11969460


>> No.11969489

>Also, BARELY anyone has that Paulie Walnuts accent anymore
I went there a few years ago and every fucking overweight, middle-aged Italian guy talked like he was in Goodfellas. Then I went to Boston last summer and all of the fat middle aged Italian guys talked the same fucking way. I never realized that Boston had so many wops.

>> No.11969530

literally does not matter
That happens in dive bars catering to hipsters, it's part of the vibe. There are also sports bars you can go to where middle aged white dads eat wings an watch football, sounds like it would be more up your alley

>> No.11969536

Lol, did you use an example from 1976?
That population is dying out though, they mostly only live in fringe areas like South Shore Staten Island or Howard Beach

>> No.11969550

>That population is dying out though, they mostly only live in fringe areas like South Shore Staten Island or Howard Beach
M8 I sent most of my time in New York in lower Manhattan and pretty much all of my time in Boston in the North End. Hardly "fringe".

>> No.11969592

Hardly any guidos live in Lower Manhattan, maybe you were hanging out with a bunch of construction workers who live in New Jersey

>> No.11969600

I didn't say that everyone talked like that, just that pretty much all of the middle-aged wops did.

>> No.11969949

LMAO you have never been to NYC. What you described sounds closer to a city like Rome.

>> No.11969963

>LMAO you have never been to NYC.
I never said I had, I said it looks like a massive shithole.

>> No.11969970

>this thread
And I thought California was bad

>> No.11970208

I guess I see what you mean. I've never been inside your mother, but I'd bet her cunt is quite a bit looser than her shithole. Maybe we both just need to experience it first hand to see if our presumptions are correct. ;)

>> No.11970294

You can be as mad as you want, it doesn't change the fact your city looks like a shithole.

>> No.11970296

NYC does not look like a shithole, it has amazing architecture that shits on any other American city

>> No.11970306

>dude the architecture
I'm not even talking about the architecture specifically, although it seems decayed, I'm talking about the view that your city is a crime ridden, trash filled, metropolitan shithole.

>> No.11970313
File: 176 KB, 877x1180, Screenshot_20190228-090751__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flyover opinions

lmao. You know you flyovers love to shit on yuros about how they have to know all about America while you don't have to know anything about their country? We are US-equivalent of that. You know every detail, every building in the skyline, our art, our music, our media. Flyover chicks get wet as fuck when you tell them you're from New York, and will hop on your dick lickety-split for a chance to get 'shown around'. I don't know anything about your cornfield in the middle of nowhere. It's easy to call my town a shithole when nobody has hears of yours, Cletus.

>> No.11970318
File: 32 KB, 480x362, 1534961496388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>11968117
At least read the chain before you shitpost

>> No.11970323

>crime ridden
No, it's one of the safest major cities in the US
what is that supposed to mean?

>> No.11970327

to be fair, there are a lot of places even in "flyover country" that are cool and not really flyovery, whose residents appreciate New York when they make it out here.
I think the 4chan posters who hate New York are just lame redneck NEETs who don't travel at all.

>> No.11970332

>No, it's one of the safest major cities in the US
It's in the top 20-30 m8

>> No.11970334

Oaaahoohh what if you mixed a buttered roll with pickles?? badabing
--food capital of america

>> No.11970335

Not if you only count actual major cities with populations over 500k

>> No.11970341

In which case they'd be in the top 10-15

>> No.11970349

>I think the 4chan posters who hate New York are just lame redneck NEETs who don't travel at all.
Then I suppose the meme of all major city dwellers gargling sperm from their platonic gf's boyfriend are correct as well?

>> No.11970356

I know that, totally. I've been all over the states for work, and I love it. There's tons of beautiful places out there. I just like busting the balls of stubborn rednecks who either haven't been here, or did all the worst touristy shit possible (incredible amount of opportunists here) then decide to shit on it as if they know the place like the back of their hand.

>> No.11970358

Friend, the thread is about NEW YORK, not Newark. Common mistake.

>> No.11970360

True! There are clearly a lot of posters who don't travel. I really don't think those posters you mention have even been here, I find it hard to believe that someone in their 20s with no kids would fail at life New York tourism that badly

>> No.11970378

> I just like busting the balls of stubborn rednecks
I'm not an American m8.

> I really don't think those posters you mention have even been here
Wow how did you come to that conclusion >>11969963

>> No.11970381

You'd honestly be surprised, man. When you grow up outside of here, there's a certain trustworthiness and naivete that these people smell and pray on. Half the 'bums' in the city make a full time wage off these people.

>> No.11970382

I love pickles but that shit looks fucking disgusting.
Sbarro fucking sucks, at least go to an actual Italian restaurant if your in NYC. at least try Keste if you want pizza with actual cheese in it.

>> No.11970383

>my city is full of con-artists
>this is a positive

>> No.11970389

They only hang out in heavily touristy areas like near Penn Station. There are so many of them that you quickly learn to ignore them

I give out money every now and then but it's rare, they need to make themselves genuinely stand out from other bums (which very few do)

>> No.11970391

Yeah but those people are only a problem outside of extremely touristy areas like Penn Station an Times Square, and they can't do shit if you say no. Even in other Manhattan neighborhoods that are very lively like the East Village I don't come across that many beggars.

>> No.11970442

Which does nothing to address
>my city is full of con-artists
>this is a positive
But whatever.
Seeing as you're apparently knowledgeable about the city, what makes you think your city is hot shit?
What distinguishes it and raises it above being just another world city?

>> No.11970454

Everywhere outside of NY is flyover to me ;)

>> No.11970461

>Everywhere outside of NY is flyover to me ;)
You're making an excellent case for why 2 planes weren't enough.

>> No.11970487

I see people outside of New York lack a sense of humor. I was making fun of myself, friend. Stop taking shit so serious.

>> No.11970493

>Stop taking shit so serious.
Nigger stop projecting

>> No.11970522


>> No.11970525

Ah, the autistic incel’s “no you!!!”

>> No.11970550
File: 39 KB, 485x364, København-om-natten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is normal and doesnt look bad

you guys are fucking weird and/or raised by bad parents
literally every american i met, had exceptional personal hygiene but didnt think twice of throwing cigarette packs, candy wrappers and anything else on the street. your restaurants have absolutely no standards in sanitation, public toilets look like absolute shit and clean drinking water is not an issue people really care about. you are doomed. in a way you remind me of chinamen, but with souls.

>> No.11970590

only trashy people do that. I do not litter

>> No.11970608

also, clearly not all Americans have good personal hygiene. I know a lot of nasty motherfuckers here

>> No.11970665

On a similar note, I really love to make peanut butter sandwiches with a fried egg and fried shallots inside.

>> No.11970815

It's almost exclusively city-dwellers who litter. I grew up in Boulder, CO, where the legal penalty for littering so much as a cigarette butt can be up to $20,000 fine and five years in prison. You would get straight-up smacked by angry hippies/trust-fund environmentalists if you tried throwing your garbage on the ground.

Similarly, people are obsessed with preserving clean rivers in CO--see Poudre Valley and Boulder River coalitions, anti-frakking legislation, and sabotage of mining operations that threaten groundwater quality. It's similar in WA and OR, ME and VT, UT, etc

>> No.11970873

>It's almost exclusively city-dwellers who litter
Not in the south. I live in a rural area and there's trash lining both sides of the 2 lane highway near me and that's even with a monthly county jail chain gang assigned to pick it up.

>> No.11970921

Yeah, that's about right.

>> No.11970948

I was born in a rural area. Large items were quite common along the highway because anything you couldn't put in the trash had to go to the dump, which charged by weight. Enjoy your couches because poor people don't want to spend 30 dollars to get rid of a couch.

>> No.11971033

Our county dump is free with proof of residency but lazyass whitetrash and niggers still throw it out on the road.

>> No.11971043
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>he thinks owning land is a bad thing