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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11947753 No.11947753 [Reply] [Original]

>fork hits teeth

>> No.11947760
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>piece of tinfoil hits metal filling

>> No.11947764

Are you 10 and cant use a fork?

>> No.11947767
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>> No.11948183

Are you imaginary and accidents never happen?

>> No.11948198

you should have taken better care of your teeth

>> No.11948637
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>when that little spot in the potato actually goes all the way through

>> No.11948665
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>> No.11948676
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>knife dragging across cheap plate

>> No.11948992

How would it elelectrecute you

>> No.11949047
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>teeth hit wooden popsicle stick

>> No.11949071
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>somebody put the knife in the dishwasher again

>> No.11949079

You have to be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.11949081
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>glass hits tooth
>spend 3 hours checking tooth for cracks or chips

>> No.11949088
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>sliced bread sticks to palate

>> No.11949097

>popcorn shell stuck to the back of your tongue
>makes you gag if you try to pick it off

>> No.11949388

it doesn't take 3 hours to check one tooth for a chip you worthless retard

>> No.11949433

Yeah but the paranoia and anxiety forces me to keep checking

>> No.11949444
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>bite inside of cheek

>> No.11949449
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>bites inside of cheek again right after

>> No.11949451

>first spoonful of soup that burns your tongue and renders you tasteless for a day

>> No.11949460

>miss steak with knife and cut own head off

>> No.11949844

What's worse? Biting your tongue or your cheek?

>> No.11949850

>bite inside of cheek
>an hour later it swells up
>bite it again

>> No.11950074
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>some fucker is using his knife between the tines of his fork near me

>> No.11950085

somebody kill my roommate pls

>> No.11950106
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>watch movie
>dining scene
>character scrapes teeth against fork every single bite while delivering lines

>> No.11950109

>hot coffee/food obliterates taste buds for a week

>> No.11950110
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My dad used to do this on purpose. Annoying as hell, should've killed him back then already.

>> No.11950140
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>When housemates eat YOUR leftover meal your were saving and later complains about dishes not being done

>> No.11950278
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>chips cut your gums and your mouth feels really tender

>> No.11950291
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>> No.11950387
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i actually had little tiny flies come out of a potato. completey normal looking potato, nope, it's hollow a decent sized cloud of tiny gnats fly out and spread around the room

>> No.11950410
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>> No.11951193

This is why I only use plastic forks.

>> No.11951358
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>tine of plastic fork breaks in your food
>you can't find it

>> No.11951389

Same fucking thing but with a peach. It was firm and the stem didn't appear damaged. Must've been close to 20 of the little bastards though.

>> No.11951395
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Where may I find moar of these delicious fruits?

>> No.11951444

I too only use plastic forks for this reason.

>> No.11951764
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>shitty plastic cutting board
>knife keeps digging into it

>> No.11951781

remember the expriment where you stick 2 diferent metal in a lemon and it produces electricity? same thing. Your saliva acts as the acid.

There is a scientific term for it but I'm retarded

>> No.11951795
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Nurgle pls go

>> No.11951796

>cheap wood cutting board
>wash it once
>wood warps into an arch.

>> No.11951913
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This has happened to me numerous times with Chinese takeout and I almost always end up biting into it.

>> No.11951917

>i scrape my fork betweeny teeth then crunch down

>> No.11951927
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And take Slaanesh with you.

>> No.11952050
File: 270 KB, 400x400, MAKE IT STOP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat biscotti
>Canker sores on the roof of my mouth later

>> No.11952143

my dad does too... he whips the fork into his teeth 3/5 bites while hes eating... he also slurps his soup and beverages and stabs his plate with his fork when trying to pick up a piece of lettuce or something. its so fucking obnoxious and embarrassing but hes never going to change at this point.

>> No.11952287
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>move into a new apartment
>previous renters used the counter top as a cutting board fucking knife marks all over it
>bonus: cigarette burns on or near kitchen & bathroom sink

>> No.11952312

I've never hit my teeth with a fork. I can't even imagine that, what did you do? Put empty fork in your mouth and start waving around?

>> No.11953176

Don't understand this normie reference sorry