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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 750x727, 8j9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11936257 No.11936257 [Reply] [Original]

Hot chips thread? Hot chips thread.

>> No.11936426

The lowest form of spicy food

>> No.11936454
File: 332 KB, 1600x1425, Paqui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found pic related after /ck/ said they were the only actually hot ghost pepper flavored thing (that isn't a hot sauce). Ate three chips and was done. Next time I opened the bag they were all stale.

>> No.11936485
File: 60 KB, 488x488, 7BF849F7-2ADD-4C5E-8EA1-7DA8AF40D8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based Tim

>> No.11936499

guac is unironically the best takis

>> No.11936505

This unironically

>> No.11936506

purple takis for me
fuck you

>> No.11936510

Whiteboi BTFO

>> No.11936511

>fuck you
this guy agrees with me so much I gave him a hardon guys

>> No.11936513

>no hot fries

>> No.11936540

I think you mean crisps mate.

>> No.11936545

>Snack says it has a jalapeno flavor
>Doesn't have much of a jalapeno flavor

Every time

>> No.11936546

Nigger/spic/retard thread? Nigger/spic/retard thread.

>> No.11936549

>Says on the bottle it's ORANGE soda
>Doesn't specify that the word "ORANGE" refers to its color, not its flavor

>> No.11936599



>> No.11936602

that image has such a wetback internet resolution that it is actually illegible. i can't read half the names of those chips

>> No.11936603

Doritos jacked, hot wing is so fucking good

>> No.11936757

He probably meant because they were so tame and boring. I tried them and they didn't even approach my definition of spicy.

>> No.11936776

sabritones are good but not really spicy

chile limon lays and flamin hot lays are best

>> No.11936810


>> No.11936828

Those barcel chips are actually insanely good, for some reason they're much better than their takis.

>> No.11936838

its right there at the top you double nigger

>> No.11936857

Barcel habanero lime are excellent but I can't find them anymore.
Takis are good when I'm drunk.
Best hot chip are these cheap fucks I can't find anymore either, Rays Gold? Gold Rays? Something Rold? they're thin but the powder is great.

>> No.11936871

Why do only pigmented people eat these things?

>> No.11936884

>hot fries not on the list

you had one job

>> No.11936934
File: 478 KB, 861x753, cheeto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11936942

they aren't bad, they just aren't hot

>> No.11936947

Cheetos aren't chips. Funyuns aren't chips. Bill shut

>> No.11937172

sabritones smell like butt

>> No.11937245

fuck you, I bet you're the poster who made fall for the jalepeno Cheetos meme. Worse than even the standard puff ones
Flamin hot Limon is the patrician flavor

>> No.11937301
File: 230 KB, 330x463, doritos-blaze[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty spicy

>> No.11937382

it's pretty easy to keep chips from going stale baka
just roll the bag up very tight and then take a shopping bag and put the chip bag rolled up side down pressed tightly against the bottom of the shopping bag
then twist the shopping bag shut to keep the rolled up end of the chip bag pressed tightly to the bottom of the shopping bag to keep it from unrolling
this will ensure the chip bag is tightly sealed and the shopping bag itself will help keep it fresh as well

>> No.11937393
File: 36 KB, 336x500, 1519591084232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ones

>> No.11937397

I agree

>> No.11937420


Uncle rays.