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File: 7 KB, 320x480, ci-grey-goose-vodka-5beb834a0488bbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11910834 No.11910834 [Reply] [Original]

Is there alcohol that won't make your breath smell?

>> No.11910861


>> No.11910866


>> No.11910867

The smell comes from your lungs, not your mouth. No.

>> No.11910868

Mouth wash

>> No.11910875

I used to work at Sprint when it was US Sprint. Big cup of ice and Tanqueray everyday after lunch. Learned it for coworkers when I was the new guy. Never got caught, never got caught, never got caught.

>> No.11911051

My nose absolutely sucks, but some people can smell it from a mile away. They will KNOW you've been drinking, and how much.
You just cant hide it, alcohol reeks. And many people have the nose of a fucking bloodhound.
Try other drugs at work. Benzos are pretty good, opiate painkillers, edible marijuana. But no, you wont get away with drinking unless you maintain distance by 10 feet or more.

>> No.11911073

A friend of mine has been working for a lawyer on edibles every day for over a decade. Yeah, that works.

>> No.11911129

I don't know how to aquire drugs, I have no friends that use drugs.

>> No.11911146

>just replace alcohol with edibles bro
Imagine being this naive

>> No.11911230
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Vodka mixed with half and half with lemonade, plus a few squeezes of pic related. Not only does it smell of alcohol, it doesn't taste of alcohol either. Used to use this trick at boarding school about twenty years ago and the drink could pass sniff and taste tests by the teachers.

>> No.11911233

Not only does it not smell of alcohol ...

>> No.11911253

Dr. Mcgillicuddy's mentholmint

>> No.11911263

>half and half
You don't mean like coffee creamer, do you?

>> No.11911267

half and half is a mixure of half milk and half heavy cream. I suppose some people put it in coffee, but
a) that's normally done with heavy cream
b) "coffee creamer" implies some kind of imitation product

>> No.11911288

Sorry, I just can't wrap my head around mixing dairy with lemon juice and alcohol. You're retarded.

>> No.11911291

Ah I see you are a faggot
Half & half is a citrus flavored soda, usually with grapefruit flavor. Think Wink

>> No.11911293

creamer doesn't have to be a dairy imitation product numbnuts

>> No.11911303

I don't know what Wink is either. Are you people from Croatia or something? Fuck off.

>> No.11911308

Mixed half and half with lemon juice.

Sorry about the typo - we don't have half and half in the UK so it didn't stand out.

>> No.11911309

You're on the fucking internet just look it up fuck

>> No.11911313

No. Guess why? Because there's alcohol in it.

>> No.11911317

I like to do this but with just vodka and the strong lemon squeeze

>> No.11911357

You could inject vodka into a vein and it would still make your breath smell like alcohol.

>> No.11911442

Where can you get benzos without prescription? Since I heard the effects are kinda like alcohol I might as well kick the booze and take benzos since there's less health risks in the long run.

>> No.11911760

I used to work in an ER. We had a frequent flyer who would hide her drinking by getting drunk on vanilla extract. It worked, in the sense that you couldn't smell the booze over all the vanilla. Of course, then you have to explain why you smell like vanilla, and vanilla extract is disgusting by itself.

>> No.11911767

That sounds incredibly expensive

>> No.11911810

Ask a bartender at a dive bar if they know anybody who sells weed. Weed dealers usually know someone who sells harder stuff.
If the entire ER knows you because you regularly get plastered on vanilla extract, you probably don't make good decisions.

>> No.11911825

You can literally just walk into a doctors office and tell them you've got severe anxiety and they'll write you a 30 day script for Xanax. Also this is a very sad but true thing, if you have enough money and you go to enough doctor (((consultations))) you'll get whatever you're looking for.

>> No.11911836

They gave me one of these before I had eye surgery, and I didn't feel squat. Are you supposed to take multiple?

>> No.11911853

>Benzos are pretty good, opiate painkillers, edible marijuana
These are all incredibly obvious and would get you fired, everyone thinks they're capable of acting normal high but it's only because most people don't care enough to call you out.
I had a pill-popper buddy when I worked at Walmart and he was always bragging about how he could "be cool". Half the time this nigga looked like Charls from that MDE painkiller skit.

>> No.11912081

it never worked for me either unless i had too much and blacked out.

>> No.11912107


>> No.11912111

Listerine tm

>> No.11912117
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Nobody knows what your sober normal is like if they never see you sober.

>> No.11912122


>> No.11912130
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>Still drinking alcohol in 2019

>> No.11912136

No. Alcohol in your blood stream means alcohol ends up in your lungs. The smell of alcohol will be in the air you breathe out even if you wash your mouth.

>> No.11912148
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There are alternatives

>> No.11912164

does butt chugging keep you from getting fat
would you pass a breathalyzer?

>> No.11912191

No and no.

>> No.11912202

The point is that won't work. It still goes from your blood to your lungs and affects your breath.

>> No.11912218

It's not your breath fukko
the main giveaway is the sweated metabolites that people recognise on a less-than-conscious level and end up catchin on

>> No.11912220

No as expelling ethanol from your lungs is one of the secondary methods your body has to rid itself of excess ethanol, maybe you should just stop drinking?

>> No.11912270
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You alckies are pathetic lmfao

>> No.11912284
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al/ck/oholics anonymous thread?
Drinking some captain morgan's right now.

>> No.11912294

t. friendless virgin who thinks nofap works

>> No.11912398

And you're a line cook, albeit knowlegable, but I've seen clear evidence where you're fucked up - crawl off your high horse, jackass.

>> No.11912924

I never got caught at work and drank whatever I wanted. Some tricks I used (got this from a cracked article from a few years ago before they became a complete sjw shithole)
>snack on foods all day that are very pungent like funyons, garlic chips, corn chips
you'll become known as the stinky guy, but that's better than the drunk guy.
>be seen using hand sanitizer a lot
this works like a charm because if they happen to catch a whiff of booze, they'll assume it's that
>talk to as few people as possible
should go without saying.

>> No.11913025

I found that if I showed up each day after a bender, people just thought that was my natural scent. Only got in trouble once for lunch beers. I'd always have blue moon so I'd smell of oranges.

>> No.11913098

I used to work at a mental hospital and detox clinic on night shift and I’d drink some Hennessy before going in to get a good buzz, then brush the hell out of my teeth before I left for work. Then I’d bring some Hennessy in a flask to work and drink it in the bathroom and brush my teeth and use mouthwash. If what all you say about the smell being in my lungs it’s a surprise I didn’t get fired lmao but it was a shit job and everyone I worked with did things 500x worse because they didn’t drug test

>> No.11913428

I paid 6 dollars for a Sapporo premium at Safeway. Did I got rip off by sneaky japs?

>> No.11913709

They just give me SSRI and none of the good stuff when I tell them about anxiety.

>> No.11913720

you should be less racist and be friends with the black guys

>> No.11914765

dont lie, what you really are is an allcockholic

>> No.11914944

You got ripped off by sneaky Seattleites

>> No.11914952

Sapporo that's sold in the US/CA is made there by their business partners (I think they use Bush/Budweiser breweries). It's gotten the company into some trouble because they obviously advertise it as a Japanese import beer.

>> No.11915440
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Look at him lash out lmao

>> No.11916309

I think only a few really notice or know what they smell, even less really care and even less would activly call you out. I drank alot in public without really taking good care of my breath and got only called out 2 times over 5 years.

>> No.11916334

> edible marijuana
> at work
How come i can tell your bullshiting?
Edibles are pretty intense, just a bit too much and you're tripping balls. Too little and you won't notice a thing.

>> No.11916340

you can make your own with cheap vodka and vanilla beans

>> No.11916369

it isnt that hard to tweak the amount needed and if you have a decent tolerance you can still function

>> No.11916374

um, no, alcohol has a smell

>> No.11916389

mentholmint schnapps smell like mouthwash

>> No.11916391
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Hennigan's, the no-smell, no-tell scotch.

>> No.11916930
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hey kiddo
I was not on any high horse
I used to be an alcie
Maybe I still am
Fucked up, for sure
thx for the compliment

>> No.11917046

So true. Most doctors are fucking terrified to hand out benzos or opiates these days.
I went in for actual severe anxiety, and I got a fucking beta blocker and blood pressure pill instead. Where can I find info on doctor shopping? That motherfucker should work for ME, not the other way around. FIRED.

>> No.11917139

Work anywhere that has a pharmacy and the pharmacists and technicians will out the loose prescribers in everyday conversations.

>> No.11917171

Also look into cash-only physicians. They are literally all criminals who will right you anything.

>> No.11918247
File: 104 KB, 1024x684, miod-pitny-dwojniak-966-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vodka + coke + lemon juice
They won't smell the booze, but they will tell you're wasted if you get to talkative, to 'funny', and when the alcochol has been digested.
I can't smell it myself, but I was told I smell kind of like acetone the next morning.
Eating a lot before sleep helps.
Taking loperamide helps reducing the smelly sweat too.
Also, eating during drinking & drinking a lot of water helps too, but then you're not getting wasted, so what's the point?

>> No.11918269

but did you get caught?

>> No.11918278
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Based and seinfeldpilled