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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 394x302, charcoal.png?4993541855247008876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11890431 No.11890431 [Reply] [Original]

How do I activate this so I can cook with it?

>> No.11890440

Place it in a case and add water until it's partially submerged.

>> No.11890650

Burn it usually

>> No.11890674

Same way you activate almonds, I think?

>> No.11890692

Pay $19.99

>> No.11890736

Plug it in duh

>> No.11890756

Mix with peter and sulfur.

>> No.11890763

don't do this, it makes mustard gas

>> No.11890765

Enter your purchased licence key

>> No.11890775

Nonsense. You can buy nitrates to cure your meat with. Next time you're curing meat throw in about 1 part charcoal per 7 parts nitrate as well as 1 part sulfur for every part nitrate, then use a match or torch to activate it before applying it to your meat.

>> No.11890780

intense heat and pressure until it's solid and clear

>> No.11890796

Oops, I means 1 part sulfur for every part charcoal, don't want for meat smelling like farts.

>> No.11890821

Fuck you, this just makes useless ice that isn't even cold.

>> No.11890827

But if you smash it into dust you can use it to sharpen your knives anon.

>> No.11892631

post credit card

>> No.11893001

that's not 300 dorra binchotan, cannot be activated

>> No.11893031

activated charcoal
charcoal that has been heated or otherwise treated to increase its adsorptive power.

Try your microwave

>> No.11893042

most charcoal is activated given that it is produced via heat.

>> No.11893061


>> No.11893065

Brb, ordering pizza

>> No.11893078

If you examine activated charcoal under a microscope and compare it to charcoal from, say a fire place, activated charcoal is riddled with tiny holes. Its created this way to increase its surface area, it makes it more reactive for use in chemical labs.

Beyond labs, activated charcoal is pretty much only as useful as regular charcoal

>> No.11893247

You pyrolize it. It's the process of burning in the absence of oxygen. It's essentially how charcoal is made to begin with. With complete pyrolysis, you're left with nothing but fuel. After combustion, you will have very little, if any, ash.

>> No.11893282

Yes, I get that.
My point is that the charcoal you use for cooking is created via the same process which is used to make activated charcoal. It is already activated even if it doesn't say so on the label. Cooking charcoal and activated charcoal are already similar. Neither of them resemble the charcoal you'd get if you burned a wood log in an oxygen-containing atmosphere. If you were to by a bag of cooking charcoal and lab grade activated charcoal and look at them under the microscope they would look the same, because they are the same.

Note, by cooking charcoal I mean actual wood charcoal, not briquettes.

>> No.11893321

If you stuff them up your butthole and squeeze really hard you might push out diamonds which de beers sais are very valuable especially on valentines day.

>> No.11893343

don't do this it creates nuclear fission

>> No.11893787
File: 10 KB, 408x286, 1430169652278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that 4channel™ pass feature?

>> No.11893795

Yeah man, if you type it in directly the gold pass will hide it for you.

>> No.11894218

>He only has a gold pass.
Oh I am laughing.
Platinum masks your social, too.

>> No.11894494

Can I filter vodka with it?

>> No.11894984

useful for filtering dangerous chemicals out of the air