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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11879362 No.11879362 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best things to suppress your appetite? Caffeine?

>> No.11879372


>> No.11879375


>> No.11879376


>> No.11879378


>> No.11879381

excercise, water, caffeine, nicotine, ephedrine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, blow

>> No.11879385

Drugwise all stimulants should work, but that's not a good path to go down.
I suppress appetite by keeping busy. If you're not working you can go for a nice long walk or go to the library and read a book or something.

>> No.11879386

A nice relaxing smoke of crack

>> No.11879397

.5l water

>> No.11879401


>> No.11879413

i find it easy to go longer without food after doing some fasts. caffeine might make it harder if you need to go more than a couple hours because once it starts wearing off it might make you feel even hungrier than before.

>> No.11879428

Heroin always gave me a craving for sweets. Are you sure you know what you're talking about at all?

>> No.11879440
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>> No.11879442

Brush your teeth

>> No.11879462

Chewing gum

>> No.11879463
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cheeky little fuck

>> No.11879473

Fiber pills and water.

>> No.11879491
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hey thats my mum

>> No.11879497

Didn't she marry some Russian porn star?

>> No.11879502
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>> No.11879600
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She doesn't mind the old nose if you catch my drift.

>> No.11879605
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I rmb he's a lawyer of some sort

>> No.11879607

Anyone else get a little dizzy and lightheaded without sugar?

I notice this happens to me on the first and second day of a total water fast.

>> No.11879609
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A hobby and shilling for a crush. Don't fap, it ruin your discipline.

>> No.11879653


>> No.11879656

Crack is really moreish

>> No.11879788

Yup. Any committed lover of Horse is always skinny.

Them chiseled cheekbones of your rock n roll heroes? It ain't genetics.

>> No.11879795

what the fuck is going on with her >shoes?

>> No.11879809

The early 2000s were a different time.

>> No.11879816

Appétit doesn't have an e at the end and the last t is silent.

>> No.11879831

Any sort of amphetamine, I suggest lighter ones like Adderall or Ritalin since meth tends to be massively addicting and honestly it's just too strong simply to suppress appetite, low dose Adderall will have minimal psychological effects but still work well

>> No.11880516



>> No.11880531

Willpower. Cost nothing, and makes you a greater person than you once were.

>> No.11880552

Frightening youtube videos

>> No.11880589

Cooking with Jack

>> No.11880607

Eating slowly...

People over-eat because they eat too fast. Typically a normal human being is hungry for only about 30 min. Eating a small meal over that 30 minutes will help suppress your appetite better than any other means.

In the long term, you'll build a habit that is beneficial.

>> No.11881270

EC stack

>> No.11881285

i can bypass having a meal if I smoke like 3 cigs

>> No.11881293

>entire thread goes by without a single Peep Show reference

And I'm American, for Christ's sake.

>> No.11881295

I find caffeine actually makes me hungrier

>> No.11881298

I don’t get what the hype is about. I got bored halfway through the first episode.

>> No.11881299

Don't be retarded. See

>> No.11881305

Pushing yourself to not eat. By not giving into your hungry impulses, your subsequent hunger signals will be weaker

>> No.11881312

Spicy food.

>> No.11881332
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You'd think so.

>> No.11881341

Can confirm my brother and all of his friends used heroin and they all looked like they were about to die from hunger. I don't know if it was poverty or lack of appetite though

>> No.11881618


>> No.11881620
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>> No.11881622

as strange as it sounds, looking at pictures of foods you really want to eat

>> No.11881647

That would be because you're a tasteless pleb

>> No.11881777
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Proper nutrition

>> No.11881779
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>> No.11881923

Sleeping pills are really effective.

>> No.11881949

a shit and a glass of water

>> No.11881971

Raw mushrooms
Peppermint tea
Water with a broth cube

>> No.11881976

any warm beverage honestly

>> No.11881990
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Crack helps suppress my appetite
a bit moreish though.

>> No.11881996

cocaine, cigarettes

>> No.11882014

Severe anxiety works like a charm.

>> No.11882015

>go to the library and read a book
go to the where and do the what?
lmao this boomer must have dementia, he's crazy talkin

>> No.11882188

This. As a former 30-year manorexic, its all about will power, son. Read The Hunger Artist by Kafka. Changed my life.

>> No.11882204

Libraries are actually still really cool places to go. The only problem is that they don't enforce the noise level rule as strictly as they used to.

>> No.11882231


>> No.11882238
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She's watching the nose
>She knows

>> No.11882244

coca leafs

>> No.11882250

I hope
she deserves the best dick

>> No.11882393

Cough medicine

>> No.11882563

A bullet

>> No.11882757

basic self discipline

>> No.11882819


>> No.11882845


>> No.11882883

nothing, do what i do, after a few days of doing OMAD, your body starts to get used to it, and while you still lose the weight, you dont really feel the hunger pains

>> No.11882969

>yet another braindead post from a /fit/ tourist
Fuck off.

>> No.11882993

you're moms smelly peehole

>> No.11883034

I remember reading about hoodia on erowid back in the day and haven't thought about it since. Apparently the research hasn't been too kind to it.

>> No.11883469


How did it change your life?

>> No.11884438


>> No.11884444

You made me laugh a lot

>> No.11884451


>> No.11884454

A stranger came up to me halfway through and asked what I was reading. I explained it to her and she was very interested. Today she is my ex-wife.

>> No.11884489


Okay I just reread The Hunger Artist in anticipation to this comment but it makes no sense fuck you

>> No.11884582


>> No.11885910
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eat food to suppress your appetite

>> No.11885924

what do you call this look?

>> No.11885967

"white dad over 50"

>> No.11886069


mayonnaise people wear this look. they are people who look like they probably smell like mayonnaise.

>> No.11886232


>> No.11886377

Ice water

>> No.11886394

He said he has $20 for 10 days

>> No.11886397

Water, but if my acid kicks in I'm fucked and i gotta eat :|

>> No.11887042
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>> No.11887106

legitimately makes me hungry

>> No.11887440


You have no idea

>> No.11889090

For me this happens on days two and three. I avoid sugar normally so it's not a lack of sucrose. I think it could be a lack of some electrolyte (other than salt, I was having salt) which you aren't taking in. Magnesium or potassium maybe?
Either way I felt fine each day of the fast after that.

>> No.11889098


>> No.11890005

I've found that if you spit 5-6 times during a hunger pang it'll go right away, guess you trick your body into thinking you're purging something, hope I didn't just tell that to a bunch of anorexics.

>> No.11890087

Peak performance.

>> No.11890180

Green tea, unironically. Don't drink some on a fully empty stomach tho

>> No.11890972

Stop eating carbs.

>> No.11891101


>> No.11892106

Nearly every trend is linear if you only have four data points.

>> No.11892129

extra strong snus kills my appetite in about 5 minutes, nicotine in general works.

>> No.11892152
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>> No.11892203

my old roommate was about 5'2 with a belly like this, had a full beard and looked like a 50 year old dad despite being 20 at the time. he embraced it which was pretty based desu

>> No.11892208
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I'll tell ya what, crack is really moreish

>> No.11892212

>What are the best things to suppress your appetite?

A photograph of a morbidly obese naked person.

>> No.11893218

I take sertraline, bupropion and methylphenidate and my appetite is so low that eating my favorite meal feels like I'm forcefeeding myself. Highly recommended

>> No.11893545

A packet of Crunchy Nut.

>> No.11893556
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>> No.11893729


>> No.11893734
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It's vs. a normative.

>> No.11893759

but not advisable (?porque), keto is better

>> No.11893765

fast food thread

>> No.11893774

go fuck yourself you retarded liberal

>> No.11894320


>> No.11894334


>> No.11894345


>> No.11894881


>> No.11895087

go fuck yourself

>> No.11895440

Spoonful of olive oil works well.

>> No.11896501

Caffeine/coffee work for a while but your body adjusts.

I've heard good things about snus.

>> No.11896504

I was going to try this but I read about people getting them stuck in the throat and having it expand and choke them. I think I'm going to try the powder.