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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 1200x1200, ginger-and-lemon-steamed-vegetables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11866525 No.11866525 [Reply] [Original]

How do we encourage more of this?

>> No.11866533
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up skellie

>> No.11866724

At some point, the government will need to step in

>> No.11866786
File: 105 KB, 1000x750, 1541977583952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More what?
a plate with 150kcal on it and a 2/10 flavour?
Is that lemon rind on Mushrooms?

>> No.11866891

I'm putting together a team.
Food paladins. To be arbiters of nutrition and decency in all things food.
Are you interested?

>> No.11866910
File: 184 KB, 744x756, 1511764605767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oo0ooh Pars ley application form tee hee

>> No.11866939

I would literally vomit if I tried to eat one mouthful of this. I'm not even joking. Vegetables need a rich sauce or they're impossible to stomach, or else they have to be incorporated into a soup.

>> No.11866982

Maybe you have the gene that makes you sensitive to PTC (Phenylthiocarbamide). People who are able to taste it find brussel sprouts and other vegetables unpleasantly bitter.

>> No.11867000

Nah, he's not even looking at the veggies individually. Wouldn't a person with that gene be alright with eating the slices of carrots and mushrooms ?
I think he just has a bad case of being used to swallow mouthfuls of high fructose corn syrup with fucking everything.

>> No.11867253

Just add some meat. Only faggots are vegan.

>> No.11867260

wow ive seen 5heads but that's a full 10head

>> No.11867327

How obese are you? Come on, be real. I'm putting your weight at 20 stone and your age at 15, how'd I do?

>> No.11868075

By executing people with an IQ under 100. Junk food tastes like total shit. It all tastes the same. Carbs, fat, canola oil, excessive amount of salt, artificial preservative. It's revolting.

At some point, ADULTS need to look after their own health and not need to be nannied by the fucking government. These are fully grown adults, not children.

>> No.11868082

Looks nice, I'll try it as a side next to my steak or pork loin next time.

>> No.11868091
File: 26 KB, 420x420, cf4e401a50beee2f4c549e005e58de5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remove lobbies that push sugar, dairy, etc.
>limit or remove advertising for fast food and snacks like doritos
>remove corn, sugar, wheat and dairy subsidies

As long as america still exists, it probably won't happen

>> No.11868100

>How do we encourage more of this?

Make people responsible for their own health care costs.

>> No.11868104

>its a "dairy is bad for you" episode

All your ancestors ate dairy and every single one could've beat you up

>> No.11868106

they already are in america

>> No.11868107

Isn't that how it is in america? Doesn't seem to work

>> No.11868111

dairy is not bad for you, but our ancestors did not eat and drink several forms of dairy in a day the way we do

>> No.11868115

>they already are in america
No, they're not. Insurance aggregates costs.

>> No.11868124

If they were farmers who had a cow/goat to produce milk, they actually COULD and WOULD have eaten several different forms of dairy on the regular. Milk, cheese, and yogurt. Upper classes would also have access to several forms. Stop acting like everyone in the past just ate a diet of dandelions and gruel.

>> No.11868125

What about European countries who have government healthcare, they don't have as much of any issue with obesity as us. I'm not sure this has to do with anything, its not like people have enough foresight to stop eating like shit in fear of future health costs

>> No.11868135

>literally sugar sticks
>literally starch bombs
Enjoy your diabetes.

>> No.11868136

This, but direct those subsidies to sustainable farms. If even a fraction of the ag subsidies that go to these monoculture megacorporate bemoths who are hellbent on poisoning not only the soil and water, but the populace as well, we'd have large scale sustainable farms producing the same volume of food only it would be nutritious and healthy and w/o simultaneously turning the earth into a cinder block.

>> No.11868140

>What about European countries who have government healthcare, they don't have as much of any issue with obesity as us.

I suspect that's because those countries didn't get industrialize food until far later. If you look at the data for world obesity, the US used to be at the top of the list, and England was not far behind. That's because the US and the UK were the first nations to industrialize food production, and those places where were cheap junk food was widely available first. Now those things are becoming commonplace in other countries, and as that happens their obesity rates skyrocket too.

The ultimate cause of obesity is lack of willpower combined with easily available cheap food, and that in turn is dependant on industrialization. Europe is now getting fat where as the US did it decades ago because we industrialized decades before.

>> its not like people have enough foresight to stop eating like shit in fear of future health costs
Eventually they will. The question is how many of their friends and family will they have to bury before they learn?

>> No.11868147

Based and redpilled, checked
Obama created healthcare that gives free healthcare only to poor people who are already obese, pack per day smokers who drink too much. Have no idea why anybody thought that would be a good idea.

>> No.11868148

>sustainable farms

College retard detected

>> No.11868153

You're right, obesity wasn't a problem before Obamacare

>> No.11868165

White people have low obesity rates. In fact none of the top thirty countries of fatasses is white. The UK is at # 33


>> No.11868167

Well those upper classes had problems like gout from eating those fatty foods like cheese.

Regardless, even if dairy isn't bad for you I still think it's production should not be subsidized

>> No.11868174

Falling for the Muh subsidies meme

>> No.11868176
File: 30 KB, 500x425, 18E5D81A-E69E-4583-B56A-AD4974CA114C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me what the fuck is with that body?

>> No.11868178

>um excuse me our ancestors didnt have access to several forms of dairy
>actually they did

you're pathetic

>> No.11868186

Aren't semi-poor people the fattest already? Making them poorer wouldn't help unless it's to the extent where they starve

>> No.11868206

the fat people are the ones who don't cook for whatever reason.
If you can afford fast food then you aren't truly poor.

I'm not advocating starving people to death. I'm advocating making people deal with the consequences of their own actions.

>> No.11868226

> I'm advocating making people deal with the consequences of their own actions.

Haha what a retard like that's going to happen

>> No.11868243

>If you can afford fast food then you aren't truly poor
Well no, but the obesity rampage is happening in the poorER classes. I don't think making their economic situation worse would help in any constructive way.

>I'm advocating making people deal with the consequences of their own actions.
They won't though. People are seeing their own kids get diabetes before they even hit puberty and they still won't stop feeding them shit. We either have to change the fast food industry or force fat people into rehabs.

>> No.11868249

>We either have to change the fast food industry or force fat people into rehabs.
No, we don't.

We can let people who want to kill themselves by overeating do so.

>> No.11868251

hey, I can dream can't I?

>> No.11868259

Sure but the thread is about how to change it so

>> No.11868273

if the fat people kill themselves does that not affect change?

>> No.11868277

Doesn't seem like it, they reproduce too fast

>> No.11868282
File: 6 KB, 210x138, African American Obesity Epidemic - out of control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more awareness for our communities, especially health education in schools. To start.

Our kids are not learning the basic nutrition facts they should. Hell, most of our black kids think that the white people trying to pass a sugar tax are nothing but "racists." They don't even understand how much damage sugar does to our community.

>> No.11868289

>Hell, most of our black kids think that the white people trying to pass a sugar tax are nothing but "racists."

They are racists. Data & statistics prove that the soda tax disproportionately affects the poor and African Americans more than anyone else.

Soda tax = tax on black people. period

>> No.11868294


If they made vegetables cheaper in the inner cities, it would be a start. Shit... we pay $3 for a fucking apple here at my fucking fruit stand in NY. Poor people & blacks can't afford that price.

>> No.11868295

Slow down esse us Mexicans are fatter than you and more us than you so we get the money now

>> No.11868298

t. corporate bootlicker

>> No.11868301

isn't it a GOOD thing that blacks are consuming less sodas when diabetes and heart disease kills more blacks than even other blacks?

>> No.11868305

Sin taxes never make people stop buying the shit, it just makes them more broke

>> No.11868312


Maybe some people just don't want to be helped. Did you ever think of that? I tried to teach some black kids at my school about the benefits of vegan foods and they just laughed and called me a privileged racist. Sometimes, you just can't fix stupid.

>> No.11868317

Wouldn't they have to commit more crimes to pay for that tax? And then when they get shot while robbing a cop the city ends up paying $5 million to the family. Probs ends up costing them money's all in

>> No.11868321


That's just ignorant. If you tax anything high enough, you'll change people's behavior.

>> No.11868338

No, if you tax it high enough you create a black market, and then problems get even worse because now purity of the product becomes a concern, just like with the failed "war on drugs"

>> No.11868403
File: 74 KB, 882x556, Trust in Monsanto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it whith these monsanto vegan shills shitting up /ck/ lately? This place is worse than /pol/

>> No.11868421


Yes, because we all know how effective the alcohol prohibition was. I'm sure sugar prohibition will work out exactly like you imagine.

>> No.11868431

That's the modern male body on modern post-industrial "food"
and it's beautiful

>> No.11868440

>. Hell, most of our black kids think that the white people trying to pass a sugar tax are nothing but "racists."

This is exactly what happened here in Atlanta. Our sugar tax bill got killed because it got turned from a health issue into a race issue and all the blacks voted against it.

Forcing a population of people to change their culture just because you think their eating habits are "morally wrong" is by definition, racist.

>> No.11868451

>he doesn't know about how margarine development was pushed by the old european elite to return butter consumption to their exclusive "class right"

>> No.11868458

Are you retarded

>> No.11868463

It's /pol/ falseflaggers, not vegans, posting these threads to make it appear meat eating is under a full scale assault on every front. It's a well known tactic they routinely use.

>> No.11868465


ITT: trying to get blacks to eat healthier = racist

This is some twisted, white boy mental gymnastics right there.

>> No.11868472

Carpet bomb the flyover states

>> No.11868474

Taxes won't change the situation. Awareness, information, and the accessibility of alternatives is the only way to change these things.

>> No.11868481

>free will! Gubmint off mah back!
>except to be alive, the government should decide that

>> No.11868484
File: 13 KB, 259x194, Flyover Cities - Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, New Orleans, etc, etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carpet bomb the flyover states

Yes, please tell us how you really feel about america's blacks.

>> No.11868490

You all look the same to me

>> No.11868500

>Make cheap sugar-packed "product" more expensive to consumers
>Healthy alternatives raise their prices and the agri-business complex laughs on their way to the bank
>poor people get even more poor and resort to eating even more shit

taXEs fIx eVeRyThiNG

>> No.11868503

If people are so stupid that they have to be protected from themselves, then they don't deserve to live. There's no hypocrisy in that. Your projection makes it obvious you're both stupid and insecure.

>> No.11868505

Tax policy is how we got massive obesity in the first place. Or do policy effects only count when you’re actually looking?

>> No.11868513

Pushing users further into criminality and potential poisoning are collateral damage, but it's naive to think criminalization/taxation won't negatively affect the number of users.

Most people are too lazy to seek out criminal channels.

>> No.11868514

Cheap cop out. You only propose an outlandish solution because you’re too dimewitted to think of a more realistic one

>> No.11868520

Oh yeah, the underground HFCS markets will be popping up everywhere cranking out soda that’s cheaper than water. That will definitely happen

>> No.11868556

It's not outlandish at all. You do realize genocide has happened many times before? We have to put obese people and brainlets in camps (this includes you), while the normal, intelligent, responsible people get to keep their rights.

>> No.11868584

>You do realize genocide has happened many times before?
Yes. And it's failed to achieve its goals every time.

>> No.11868591

Ok edgelord, good luck getting people to sign up for the “kill everyone I don’t agree with” platform. You have all kinds of charisma and I am sure you can get yourself installed as dictator any minute now

>> No.11868593

Natsoc, communism or religion are the only way to fix things, government needs to reform the entire culture and drill ethical behaviour back into the population.

Modern liberalism only has the appearance of being ethical, but it's completely internally inconsistent ... it's the absence of ethics.

>> No.11868605

>ITT: trying to get blacks to eat healthier = racist

Who the fuck are you to tell other people how to live their lives? Do you think you're some type of authority on life & food?

>> No.11868611

>what is manifest destiny?
I don't agree with manifest destiny but that genocide was clearly successful. The english got to keep all the land and resources to this very day. There are probably many more examples of successful genocides outside of western history, but I don't know too much African or Asian history.

>> No.11868621

Liberal Technocracy is the ultimate form of government because unlike fascism it emphasizes goals over loyalties, facts over feelings, efficacy over obligations

The reason Hitler failed was because he genuinely bought into the idea that the Master Race could conquer the entire Western world by playing Wagner on vinyl and building a few expensive wonder jets instead of millions of cheap reciprocating engine fighters

>> No.11868647

Insecure, obese brainlets spotted. You guys are a parasite to society, everyone recognizes this. Here is an excerpt that should trigger you guys, but I'd be surprised if you have the reading comprehension required to understand anything more complicated than a CNN/Fox News headline.

>Body mass index (BMI) and intelligence appear to be negatively correlated, particularly in late adulthood [12–14]. However, rather than being attributable to common underlying mechanisms and parallel development, this relationship seems to be serial, although the direction of causation is disputed. Some suggest that obesity leads to vascular risk factors that cause or exacerbate neurodegeneration, thereby resulting in greater cognitive decline [14–16]. Others argue that more intelligent people generally maintain a more normal BMI, as they are more likely to eat a healthy diet and to exercise regularly [17–19].

>> No.11868653

liberal bureaucracy is the antithesis of efficiency

also, the germans could crank out a disproportionate number of piston-engine fighters than anyone else could, given the size of the country, because they were much farther ahead when it came to closed-die forging of alloys.

what dose any of this have to do with food though? back on topic.

>> No.11868672

guaranteed to be corrupt with power in the hands of so few

>> No.11868684

>saying to remove dairy subsidies means you think dairy is unhealthy
Calm down, farmer Joe. Everyone just thinks it's time to stop paying companies to raise and milk cattle for a product we don't even use. Dairy subsidies are an insane waste of money; it's literally the government subsidizing a non-lucrative lifestyle so a couple hundred farmers won't starve or have to learn an actual skill.

>> No.11868700

Genocide all carnists

>> No.11868712

>>ITT: trying to get blacks to eat healthier = racist

why the fuck do you care what black people eat? if someone don't mind being a little big, what the fuck do you care? mind your own fucking business.

>> No.11868881

>Liberal Technocracy
There is nothing technocratic about modern liberalism. It has almost no goals it can agree on when you get right down to it.

Stop the war, start bombing Assad. Increase wellfare and increase the wellfare dependent population through mass third world immigration and increase the race to the bottom through globalization. Religion is icky but you can't be Islamophobic.

The hard left isn't like that, but modern liberals are.

>> No.11868907

>Forcing a population of people to change their culture just because you think their eating habits are "morally wrong" is by definition, racist.

Yes and that's why only racists can improve the world.

>> No.11869525

I want all unironic /pol/ posters to shoot themselves

>> No.11870975

I want faggot jannies that nuke threads the instant it goes in a discussion direction they don't like to die.

>> No.11871405

That looks like a tasty side dish for my steak.
Or I could use 'em in a pot roast.
Oh! Lamb stew!! Fuck yeah!

Thanks for the ideas, op.

>> No.11871451

Who cares if people only eat meat. There is literally nothing from with Americans being predominantly obese with high blood pressure.

>> No.11871469


>> No.11871542

He developed that condition as a result of a long vegan period earlier in his life.

>> No.11871550

Is this achievable natty?