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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11861783 No.11861783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I cook this rat?

>> No.11861791

Stick in pooper

>> No.11861792

dude you are so tough and macho for killing a small animal
wow such a hunter

>> No.11861796

Throw it in the trash, make some eggs, just forget about it.

>> No.11861801

I have a slow cooker and a blowtorch

>> No.11861804

nuke that sucker in the microwave for 2mins

>> No.11861807


>> No.11861808

No microwave unfortunately :(

>> No.11861812

>That foot.
>The angle of the hand.
What even is your body proportions?

>> No.11861815

Then jam it on a stick and give it a nice torchin' and be sure to season it first.

>> No.11861816

I'm 6'5"

>> No.11861838

Skin it, gut it, roast it over an open flame until it's brown and crispy

>> No.11861847

I like this idea

>> No.11861849

>periods in greentext.

>> No.11861859

In a bonfire until it's ash.

>> No.11861899

ask dinotendies

>> No.11862166

he wanted both the rat and the gun in the picture so he had to stand weird and ended up in that camera angle

>> No.11862173

>pick up a couple beers
>boil it in 1
>drink the other

>> No.11862176

I'm gay btw and that's my boyfriend's foot, dunno if that matters.

>> No.11862605
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filthy murdering subhuman much?

>> No.11862628

You have to go out and talk to the right NPC to unlock the recipe, and you need a really high Survivalist skill for that to work anyway.

>> No.11862691
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gib him a proper burial pls

>> No.11863074

The only way to cook el rato

>> No.11863193
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Ratburger. Do it.

>> No.11863202


Eat his balls.

>> No.11863223

Made me lol

>> No.11864089

This is how I cook chicken

>> No.11864102

If they kept puking blood like that they usually ingested rat poison. Wouldn't recommend.

>> No.11864182

He's going to need more than one rat for that.

>> No.11864188

I headshotted it with a 22. Got some brain in my mouth lol.

>> No.11864217

If you shot a rat it would legit explode

>> No.11864241

Nah I don't want my dog getting him

>> No.11864556

Thats a fuckin gamo big cat pellet gun. Dont try n act all cool like you have any real firearms

>> No.11864579

Fucking cook it already. Wtf are you waiting for? Post when it’s done (that will never happen).

>> No.11864594

Is it a fucking 22 or a pellet gun? Looks like you're the noguns in this thread

>> No.11864623

not with a .22 go on /k/

>> No.11864639

You can get break barrel .22 air rifles.
It's the biggest gun you are allowed in my country without a license

>> No.11864641

make yourself a rat pot pie

>> No.11864654
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The chinese dunk em in boiling water for a few seconds and then the hair comes right off.

>> No.11864822

These people need religion

>> No.11864823

This. So much this.

Threads like this make me wonder why I ever left reddit...

>> No.11864850

imagine getting asshurt over a fucking rat

>> No.11864852
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kek, no normal person would even blink pulling the trigger on a rat

>> No.11864860

You have to go back.

>> No.11864869

go back you fucking niggers. Do you see that? Do you fucking see that?? It means NOT WELCOME.

>> No.11864887
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forgot pic

>> No.11864897

>dude you are so tough and macho for killing a small animal

lol. Rats are vermin you lame american liberl faggot cocksucker.

fuck, you americans are lame

>> No.11864906

This is why the phrase "white left" is used as an insult in China. lol Fucking white liberal faggots get triggered by a fucking rat.

>> No.11864926


Why are white americans such cowardly pussies? No wonder why white women all lust over manly niggers & shitskins over lame white faggots.

*eeeek! omg! he killed a mouse!*

>> No.11864957

Kek. Well baited.

>> No.11864992
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honestly this. a rat dude? That is like a colossus bragging about killing a small peasant. Wow dude you used a gun to kill a little rat? Tough guy eh? That is like using a rocket launcher to shred a piece of paper.

>> No.11865014

That would also be cool

>> No.11865041

so he should have used a rubber band betwix his fingers and shot a toothpick at the rat instead?
How many toothpicks you reckon he would have to impale the rat with before it was dead for sure?

>> No.11865066

This. Who kills a tiny rodent using an oversized weapon and then brags about it? OP's insecure as fuck.

>> No.11865091

>brags about it
How do I cook this rat?
>quit bragging

>> No.11865095

If you had killed it with another method I wouldn't have minded but wasting bullets when you can just make traps is dumb. You're literally blasting diseased blood out into the open.

>> No.11865224

Traps are so easy, cheap and infinitely more sanitary. You're the kind of person who deserves rats.

>> No.11865238

you dont

>> No.11865281
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>Sees rat
OMG a rat!
>Catches it in a bucket
WTF do I do now? Stab it?
I have an air rifle, but that's just dumb. I should go down to the store and buy a rat trap and stick that in the bucket with the rat.

>> No.11865295

I wouldn't waste the time shooting a rat, you can't eat them, and they make a shitty pelt. Just set up traps and properly insulate your shitty fucking house.

>> No.11865554
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>> No.11865562

>WTF do I do now?
Stick bucket in freezer.
Or, add water to bucket.

>> No.11865572

1000% THIS
You are a man's man op

>> No.11865722

Why is she crying?

>> No.11865753

this, OP probably stole his dads gun and In some beta male power trip killed a small animal.

>> No.11867319
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Niggers, the lot of you.

>> No.11867340
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>> No.11867354

You are getting a bullet between the eyes one day.

>> No.11867385
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Oh no you didn't
>Post made by California Gang

>> No.11868043

go back to plebbit. it's vermin, you weak-willed shithead.

>> No.11868642

why are you this stupid anons? It must be hard, I mean with that little intelligence you probably have problems with tying your fucking shoelaces.

>> No.11868651

get the fuck out

>> No.11868748
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I guess there really are girls on 4chan

>> No.11869040

Rat burger

>> No.11869045

Feed it to chickens, then eat the eggs they poop out

>> No.11869060

Rat slider, then.

>> No.11869070

>no pics of cooking the rat
Fake and gay.

>> No.11869244
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>brag about bullying the weak and small
>No balls standing up to the tougher things

It's really easy to spot the insecure Americans, it's pretty pathetic if you think about it

>> No.11869253

>Freezing a live animal is better then killing it instantly

I hate killing animals but you are just a bigger dumbass

>> No.11869286

I think that may well count as Animal Cruelty you sadist.