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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 161 KB, 625x466, pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11849672 No.11849672 [Reply] [Original]

ham fist retarded bf just dumped my all my saffron into the sink

>> No.11849675

give him a kiss and tell him you forgive him. sometimes they dont know any better.

>> No.11849679

>actually buying saffron
This is your punishment.

>> No.11849680

Side affects from the AIDS drugs?

>> No.11849708

make him pay for it?

>> No.11849719
File: 43 KB, 500x618, PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sinks have a U trap for a reason.
Search, Rescue and Recovery operation should have already started, get to work dumb bitch.
Also, lets see your plumber's crack, or GTFO.

>> No.11849721

Good for him. Meme spices belong in the toilet, though.

>> No.11849723

During the darkest time in my life I recovered and used a hypodermic needle from one of those.

>> No.11849728

I'd like to check out her plumbing, if you know what I mean.

>> No.11849730

confirmed professional kitchen staff

>> No.11849925

You want to eat her poop?

>> No.11849938


>> No.11849942
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, texas-watusi-king-cattle-hunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same ham fist just made kraft dinner and overcooked it
my life is suffering

>> No.11850015

i still dont understand this
i tried all the meme recipes with it and it just tastes like dust to me

>> No.11850020

Well I would never drop your spices, mlady. *tips trillby*

>> No.11850048
File: 541 KB, 591x443, 92d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got what you wanted

>> No.11850058

Buy some more. Stop being such a poorfag.

>> No.11850185

bad quality saffron (and/or your tastebuds)

>> No.11851014

your tastebuds are fucked, many such cases

>> No.11851037

Well, he's a fucking cunt isn't he?

>> No.11851040

Tell him the kitchen is a woman's place then get the broom handle. It's legal as long as it's not wider than your thumb.

>> No.11851160

better cuckold him fast

>> No.11851179


>> No.11851216

omg did that girl get her pony back

>> No.11851225

This belongs in the "Over-rated meme tier garbage" thread

>> No.11851229

jesus dude

>> No.11851303

OP here, I'm gay if it matters

>> No.11851312

Instead of continuing a relationship with someone you hate, why not break up?

>> No.11851580

Well buy some more then you dumb fuck then get back in the fucking kitchen

>> No.11851599

Try making some salmon taghliatelles with real saffron

>> No.11851771
File: 213 KB, 276x730, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.41_[2018.09.22_20.52.45].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tops shouldn't be in the fucking kitchen smfh

>> No.11851777

you fucked up buying it in the first place

>> No.11851943
File: 70 KB, 1024x696, 1541551263750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl is so beautiful. I want to make love with her from behind to comfort her from losing her pony.

>> No.11851998

>Dumb bitch too lazy to grow one of the simplest low maintenance spices.

>> No.11852110


>> No.11852142

Anon, I...

>> No.11852178

who is this promiscuous princess?

>> No.11852361

stab his throat with a chef knive in his sleep

or just forgive him which is the better option

>> No.11852419

Still know a dealer? You should hop back on the wagon. At least once for old times sake.

>> No.11852747

How is it heroin addicts always seem to know how to find more, yet you'll see people crying about their pot dealer blanking them and being "dry" everywhere?
Surely the latter should be easier

>> No.11852761

Heroin dealers need to keep their clients alive, which means a steady supply.

Weed dealers don't care if you have to go a little while without.

>> No.11852903

where do they suggest they hate their boyfriend?

>> No.11852920

That didn't happen. Saffron doesn't remotely look like something that you should put down the sink.
Fuck you and your retarded thread.

>> No.11852978

Serves you right for being a faggot

>> No.11852997

diabetic are ya?

>> No.11853558

a pony is not a spice

>> No.11853567

That's what you get for being gay.