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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 1024x831, 81AFD955-220A-475F-8868-D48AE4DE5389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11835403 No.11835403 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of foods should I make for the different asian girls I bring over to my apartment, I don’t just wanna make them food from their home country yet they seem to be super picky when it comes to non-asian foods
(Asians from Asia, and yes I’m being 100% serious)

>> No.11835408 [DELETED] 


I usually cook chicken nuggers for asian boys when they come over. btw im gay if that matters

>> No.11835414

deep fried cat with a side of dog :) xD

>> No.11835415

I'd cook something that's a specialty of your area, or perhaps something that you do well.

>> No.11835420

It doesn’t matter, this isn’t actually a bad idea, most Asian girls I know are very concerned about their weight and figure and keep to a strict diet, yet they have no problem eating things like McDonald’s and popeyes so I might just make fucking burgers and fries

>> No.11835440

Stay away from cheese, cook simple, do not cook shit from their country, at best they will think yours sucks, at worst you just patronized them.
>t. married to an Asian

>> No.11835452

Idk why but there seems to be a lot of people on /ck/ into Asians or married to an asian (myself included)

>> No.11835464

korean fried chicken

>> No.11835474

Why are you taking so many Asian women back to your place?

>> No.11835483

4chan has yellow fever in general.

>> No.11835484
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Go simple. No seafood more intense than salmon or tilapia. Roasted/blackened chicken is ok too. The meal should be a fastball down the middle... don't get cute.

Be sure to surprise her with a dessert... something that is well presented and photo-worthy. That's what she will tell her friends about. Keep it small though.

>> No.11835527

I like Asians
I can vouch for salmon

>> No.11835608

Asians are all autistic and rarely like anything they weren't brought up with. That's why you never see them in an Indian or Persian restaurant. It just doesn't look like autism to us because they were raised on more exotic food than tendies and hotdogs.

>> No.11835631
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>thai girl who is super into me is coming on saturday
>planned to make those rolls (idk what they're called but the flat beef cuts) with blue cheese, creamy sauce, chanterelles and some form of potato
and now you're saying they all have culinary autism??

>> No.11835655

Most asians can't digest dairy. How can you not know this?

>> No.11835665

I wasn't sure if things like cheese were a problem in small amounts, but I can just get lactose free variants anyway.

>> No.11835681

So you want to take someone who's eaten very little if any cheese, and you want to serve that person a processed version of a highly funky cheese that many white people despise? Surely even you can see the problem here. while lactose-free may mean they don't have GI issues, do you really think they'll like it?

>> No.11835687
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I don't know, I can't come up with any better ideas for a semi-fancy dinner

>> No.11835692


He wants to huff them thai braps bruh

>> No.11835718

Get that Thai pussy my man

>> No.11835727

more like slurp her thai dicc

>> No.11835733

if she's Filipino, surprise the bitch with some banana ketchup, the entire nation has a love affair with it

>> No.11835743

I'm not even trying to charm her here, I've already sealed the deal before. I just want to make a fancy dinner because it's fun to celebrate things.

>> No.11835744

No shit my Filipino gf just bought a big ass bottle of that

>> No.11835793

Where/how do you pick up Asian girls?

>> No.11835836


>> No.11835838

Where, at school (uni I go to has tons of international asian students)
How, usually sit next to them in class, answer a lot of questions in class and study for it and make it clear I know a lot about said class and slowly start making conversation, eventually she will start asking for more and more help and probably even ask for my number, because of this we will start coversating more and more and eventually end up hanging out, after that it’s a done deal, it helps with my grades too so it’s a win win, I’m also American and tall which helps

>> No.11835880


>> No.11835906

>go to asian country
>be groomed/not a fatass
>talk to asian girls

not even memeing

>> No.11836117

If you're white and you go to Asia they will be all over you. As long as you're not morbidly obese. And even if you are you will get some shitty ones who want to escape their hell holes.

I had hundreds of matches on Tinder all over Asia. Girls were asking me out to meet up, it was such a weird feeling as I'm not attractive.

>> No.11836186

If you’re specifically going after Asian girls they can smell your creepy Asian fetishization and will avoid you.

>> No.11836291

This. Tiny Jap dicks literally can't even compete with BWC

>> No.11836341

>creepy fetishization
I just think asians are cute and I've only dated white girls so they're something different.

>> No.11836549

Tall, white male is kind of a fetish for nips and gooks, sort of like our yellow fever. I never lacked for free ass over there when I was in the military and I toward above the crowds in the markets at 6'4".

>> No.11836662

Be white and not a total slob. Getting Asian girls (unless you're chasing minimum 7+/10) is very easy.

Don't marry them unless you want to be henpecked to death and lose the respect of virtually all of your peers.

>> No.11836888

Serve em up a fat sausage.

>> No.11836889

I'm Asian and I've never seen a Persian restaurant ever. Besides, we're asians we eat everything.

>> No.11836939

You must live in a shit city then

>> No.11836944

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little asian fetish up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" big tit gook, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about 3d women while never actually interacting with any. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic waifufag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "THE DIFFERENT ASIAN GIRLS I BRING OVER TO MY APARTMENT." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
Stop posting this shit thread.

>> No.11837032

>mfw this is the first time I’ve posted this
Keep seething anon

>> No.11837056

I fucking died reading this, if anything you’re the pathetic one for getting so triggered over a shitpost on /ck/

>> No.11837081
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>> No.11837087


>> No.11837099

It’s a commonly used image, I originally saw it on /v/ and I’ve seen it here many times

>> No.11837102

you are such a faggot

>> No.11837173
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>> No.11838229

bumping so the board knows of ops faggotry

>> No.11838308
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Wait a minute... if they don't eat cheese what the fuck do Asians put on their pizzas?

>> No.11838321

How do you meet them, dating apps fucking suck

>> No.11838472

How do they drink boba daily? It's because they can't digest dairy yet they still try

>> No.11838539

that's cause they purge you idiot, that's why they like sweet things instead of just normal carbs

>> No.11838548

Not true I once fucked a 19 y/o chinese girl like 30 mins after matching with her on tinder at like 3am, the hotel she was at was literally 4 blocks away lmao, we met again and fucked a few times after that

>> No.11838768

The power of being a white dude I guess, you must be pretty good looking.

>> No.11838843

Doubtful he is. Chinese girls on tinder are notoriously ugly and have white pig fever.
Also this kind of shit can happen to anyone, right place and right time.

>> No.11838848

Cyanide breath mints

>> No.11838870

I dunno about anyone, I'm black and while 90% of my matches are asian girls, they never fucking respond, it's like getting trolled.

>> No.11839805

The one time my wife ordered pizza, it was just sauce and toppings. To be fair though, the Mexican I dated before her would do the same.

>> No.11839833

if you're black you should be targeting the white thots on tinder anyway, higher success rate

>> No.11839864

A lot of Asians are only mildly lactose intolerant. They can and will ignore their diagnosis if they deem it worthwhile. Pizza is not worthwhile to them.

>> No.11839868

When asian girls come over to my house i feed them my long dong.

>> No.11839972

Asian chicks love noodl. I da

>> No.11840078

Most Asians hate blacks, you might find some success with Koreans, but you're better off with whites and cholas.

>> No.11840141

As the OP said, Asia

>> No.11840251




Wrong demographic, dude. Most Asians are racist as fuck. Go for jungle fever white bitches, chances are in your favor.

>> No.11840497

Jews have literally done half the work for you lad, just chimp out hard and you'll attract coalburners ( though odds are they're nutcases). I assume your IQ is >90 if you've made it here, so you're probably not all that interested in BPD sluts.

>> No.11840638

OKC (OkCupid) is how I met my Asian. If you're in the US or not in Asia then you can just move your location on your profile by picking a new one and then you can search around that area for different chicks to check out. It's not bad but most of the women on OKC are fucking retarded and they only eat their weird Asian food. I married a Filipina so it's worse. She doesn't really like Filipino food and would much rather have real white people food instead of peasant food.

>> No.11840644

Like all the other Anons Asians are not fond of black people. How about you come over to any country in Asia and you can see for yourself instead of not.

>> No.11840672

What? Not in CA. also I have a pal that hooked up with a bunch of Japanese women while deployed because they wanted half black babies. Asians out here burn way more coal than white women.

>> No.11840679

That's not so true anymore in the major cities

>> No.11840693

In what major cities? Which region of the world? Overall I'd say the majority is racist. The minority might not be racist bit the majority is. That's what I mean. Most of them are racist and it's not going t change. The minority is the minority and the majority is the majority. Why argue that less than 1% wants your dick if you already know this.

>> No.11840698

This, black anon has a pretty good chance of getting an Asian as long as he's in a metro area and not the Chinese countryside or something. It's starting to be trendy, Asian women are really susceptible to that

>> No.11840700

The US isn't Asia. Just because Asians come to the US doesn't mean that you went to Asia on a 14 hour flight. Your logic is flawed anon.

>> No.11840714

It's already changing. Most Amer-Asian girls want black guys way more than white women do in a lot of cities where I'm from. I think you just don't live around a lot of Asians

>> No.11840726

I'm not black, but my black friends had way more luck than my white friends when we went to Japan while in the military. The guy I mentioned was approached by two women in their 20s, one already had a half black kid and the other one wanted one. Different black buddy is now married to a Japanese girlfriend he met whIle stationed in Yokosuka.

>> No.11840731

My point is there's a thing with the Asians as they tend to be more family oriented. Whatever that means to you. To me it means that they listen to their family more than their friends and they stick together for the most part. If they get that vibe that dating a black dude isn't super cool then they might do it if they want to but they might not take you home or to meet anyone. You might bang some Asians but finding one that'll take you home and take you to meet their parents and family I wouldn't think is high up there with them. Again, if the relatives don't agree then it's anti family and I'm sure it's not going to float unless they're a "strong independent woman" type. Where I'm at in the main cities there are the more liberal types but for the most part they're conservative and they do what the family tells them to.

>> No.11840743

I'm not writing about American-Asians. I live in Asia anon. The fuck man. I'm around them all the time. I've been here for 6+ years and I'm married to one and I have 2 children with her so again I'm writing about the Asians that live in Asia. The Asians that are now Asian-Americans isn't what I'm referring to at all.

They're 2 different things.

Asians in Asia and
Asians who want to live in the US and other mostly white regions of the world.

It's like do I really have to explain this. I guess so. The Asians in Asia have their way of living and their "culture" and the Asians coming to the US or EU are sick of their culture and they want the culture of the US or the EU. They want to ditch their culture. That's not hard to grasp. Bananas and oranges dog.

>> No.11840761

Eggplant parmesan

>> No.11840762

How many people live in Japan. This is something that happened one time. My point again is let's say that you're white or your friend was white. There would be a bigger chance that people in Japan who happen to be Japanese would want to fuck him because he's not black. White in Asia is superior to black. Most Asians I've spoken to are openly racist about disliking black people. This isn't like a one time occurrence like with your black friend and the Japanese females wanting to have black children. I'd say 99% of the Asians I've spoken to have openly been mid to extremely racist against black folk.

>> No.11840805

His "buddy" is just running his mouth; Japanese women are not running up to blacks begging to become single mothers/pariahs.

>> No.11840818

Yep, FOBs and bananas are two distinct classes.

>> No.11840835

You're a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.11840847

This, what that guy said was pretty ridiculous

>> No.11840907

Generalize much, you racist asshole?

>> No.11840951

It's also wrong (besides the fact that Persia and India are in Asia). When I go to street festivals in ethnic communities I see whites, orientals, and whatever ethnicity is holding the festival.

>> No.11840981

I mean my white grandpa has never had any food from another ethnicity, I'm pretty sure it's not a racial characteristic

>> No.11841000

Why not ask her about a dish that is from her country and say you've always wanted to try it but you don't know to cook it? Invite her over to your place and open a bottle of wine and cook the dish together! This gives you the opportunity to learn, talk to each other and compliment her cooking skills.

Afterwards, offer to do it again, but this time cook something that YOU like and want her to try.

>> No.11841007

I've had my Asian wife say that Asians can only eat Asian food, Hispanic only eat Hispanic foods, etc. Of course she threw that out the window when she was pregnant and wanted a snow cone with pickles. I think that might just be her though, all of her asian friends attacked a cheese ball at a wedding we went to.

>> No.11841014

Nice trips, but this sounds like a way for OP to lose his dog.

>> No.11841022

Hahahaha! That's part of the territory when looking for asian waifu, though.

>> No.11841057

I'll take the rantings of a shitposter for $1200 Alex

>> No.11841090

Saute a bunch of greens together. Cook a salisbury steak, throw that on top. Drizzle the meat juices onto the whole plate. Proceed to get royally laid.

>> No.11841109

White rice, fried chicken and a small side salad. Your chicken game better be on point, but basic white rice is sort of the main staple of most asian meals. The side salad should have some sort of sesame dressing on top. Bonus points for youtubing it and learning how to make your own.

>> No.11841116

What a closed-minded mono-cultured monkey you married. Hope that puss tight to make up for the loose brain free-floating between her ears.

>> No.11841173

>dating a retarded asian

i hope your kids don’t turn into school shooters/whores

>> No.11841227
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i see what you did there, newfag.

>> No.11841326

Just brought home my little /k/ daughter, so there is a chance for the school shooter.

>> No.11841367

>but finding one that'll take you home and take you to meet their parents and family I wouldn't think is high up there with them
I must be some kind of exception then, the three asian girls I know/knew all introduced me to their mom and the mom's all liked me, I think the stigma about being black is instantly discarded once they see you, you aren't a pants sagging ebonics slinging thug, you're just a normal dude.

>> No.11842054
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As an asian woman myself, I've noticed a lot of us love eating meat off bones (not boner, you perverts).

Like pan fried whole fish, or duck, or fried chicken.
Anything to make us feel primal again.


>> No.11842064


>> No.11842120


Cooking is how you show your love and appreciation to others in most Asian cultures.

More than most cultures at least..
As an Asian woman, one of the worst parts of marrying an American is that we don't have that in common.

>> No.11842131

My Filipino gf is just like this, loves eating bones, like chicken or pork

>> No.11842137

Do many men cook for their wives in Asian cultures?

>Like pan fried whole fish, or duck, or fried chicken.
>Anything to make us feel primal again.
That explains the eating alive shit I guess.

>> No.11842162

I think it's just a practice thing

My parents always roasted me for not cleaning the bones on wings and ribs growing up, but now as an a grown ass honkey kong, I leave NOTHING on the bone that's edible, and I'm 5 minutes aways from cracking the bone open for marrow.

There's alot of good meat that people who are afraid of textures just won't eat.

>> No.11842251


>Do many men cook for their wives in Asian cultures?

In most cases that I've seen(Family is from Hong Kong), I would say yes.
Both men and women cook a lot for each other. Usually, the one that's better at it of course (like my dad).

Wish my American husband would cook for me though... that son of a fast food eating bitch doesn't even have the patience for home cooked meals OR even knows how to cook. hmph.

>> No.11842279


>That explains the eating alive shit I guess

Yeah it totally does... My family breathes heavily while they eat, as if they just fetched that shit themselves.
My uncle eats duck like an animal. Literally, an animal. He sucks in the meat off the bones, then the bone juice(?) from the...bones i guess..
It's very hard not to look at him at the dinner table..

They remind me of how we were just living in huts near a river 2 generation ago.
And now I'm too lazy to even walk to the store.

>> No.11842306


I guess we just came from the jungle more recently than other races..
or came from poor families or something..

or are just plain smarter. Eat all the damn bits you ungrateful bastards!!

>> No.11842316

100 posts and nobody mentioned dumplings (potstickers).

You know, there's even a foreign horror flick about a young lady who cooked fetus dumplings for a living.

Boil or pan fry, can't go wrong. The real difficulty is making the dipping sauce

>> No.11842337
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I've seen that movie!! What was it called??

And dumpling sauce is the easiest part!
It's just soy sauce, little bit of sugar or mirin, little bit of rice vinegar, some minced garlic, and sesame oil.

or you can get this brand. which is pretty fuckin good.

>> No.11842351


Here's a more generic recipe for dumpling sauce.

1/2 cup soy sauce.
1/2 cup rice vinegar.
1 tablespoon Chinese chile garlic sauce.
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil.

>> No.11842376

What the fuck does that even taste like

>> No.11842389

What do they use banana ketchup on?

>> No.11842544


>> No.11842573

As an Asian-American female I find white guys who expect me to lust over them just for being white to be disgusting.

>> No.11842599

That’s why

>> No.11842663

You're just the same as a disgusting avg. american white wench. We're talking about based gooks, nips and chinks. Enjoy your ass literally puckering with jealousy.

>> No.11842668

Did you find a job yet? Get lost

>> No.11842678

Ty anon

>> No.11842710

The movie is called... Dumplings! Lol thank you I need a benchmark to compare my sauce with

>> No.11842863

What was the appeal

>> No.11842885

Well they didn't get those thoughts from nowhere

>> No.11843123

seeing them as "something different" instead of each individual is retarded as well.

>> No.11843157

Not only that, it's boneheaded. Some Asians are cold as fucking ice and just using dumb white boys as leverage. Remember, you are a social status tool and in many cases a means to a visa/green card, especially if you are going after flips.

>> No.11843188

Everything else, really.

>> No.11843193

T.penisbrained dickholster

>> No.11843214
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>tfw find 19yo chinese ex girlfreinds diary page detailing reasons to break up with me or not

>i cheated on him and i don't feel guilty
>he doesn't have money

>hes great in the kitchen
>hes funny

>> No.11843221

Sounds like a ginni

>> No.11843224

whore thread
hope all you whores die tomorrow

>> No.11843237

a what

>> No.11843304

So she provided sex and a great life lesson ... top tire girl friend.

>> No.11843318

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.11843385
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>but now as an a grown ass honkey kong

>> No.11843453

Anon you need to make better life choices

>> No.11843474
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Ive not seen someone get this toasted in ages. What is actually wrong with you op

>> No.11843539

I don't get why this thread gets to stay and agriculture threads get moved to /pol/

>> No.11843708

I really like this roleplay. Can I be a Czech diplomat? Or maybe an Arab Prince? So much fun in the world of imagination.

>> No.11843711

I don't know why you find it so unbelievable. Asian guys love white dick, and rarely return to their own race once they've sampled it.