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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 964x467, recieptfeature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11826136 No.11826136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You like um boogars in ur food?

Cuz dis how you get boogars in ur food.

>> No.11826140


>> No.11826168


>> No.11826171


>> No.11826177


>> No.11826179

The only thing about this that offends me is that some cocksucking retard thought I needed a red circle AND an arrow to spot the part I need to notice.
I'm going to punch a waitress tomorrow just for this.

>> No.11826182

what if it said "tips for christians only" or "tips for whites only"? none of you would have a problem with that, really???
there is only one race, the kentucky derby. have a blessed day.

>> No.11826187
File: 20 KB, 210x240, glenn-quagmire-family-guy-23.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You like um boogars in ur food?
Well that depends on how attractive the waitress is.

>> No.11826188

>there is only one race, the Indianapolis 500

>> No.11826192

owright. giggity

>> No.11826213
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>> No.11826241

seriously, tipping of any sort should be banned

>> No.11826255

You know every time one of these gets posted to the net it turns out to be fake.

>> No.11826287

Would you rather the prices were just higher? because when tried, these experiments usually fail.

>> No.11826455

This. GET your redneck horse betting games out of here.

>> No.11826458

someone hasn't been following today's news, I see.

>> No.11826468

Shalom, rabbi

>> No.11826471

The experiment has succeeded in most of the world. If tipping were banned, everybody would have to raise prices together. The public would get used to it very quickly.

>> No.11826478
File: 216 KB, 778x448, IMG_1227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerifarts have no problems giving the tips of thier dicks to jewish doctors but tipping a dollar to a mexican is a nono.

>> No.11826481

As a legal immigrant, there is nothing I fucking hate more than white liberals telling privileged illegals that they can simply cut in line in front of the rest of us, who waited patiently in queue for our visas.

Allow more legal immigrants & stop illegals from cutting in line in front of us.

We are immigrants. Not votes to be manipulated by white people.

>> No.11826491

check comes after the food is eaten third-worlder.

>> No.11826505
File: 37 KB, 480x360, 1539602902179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally stopped eating in restaurants except for takeout. I don't even get delivery anymore. I am done with entitled wait staff and delivery people. It's not my job to fucking donate to them, if they aren't happy with what their employer pays them, then they can find another job and quit getting mouthy or otherwise nasty if I don't want to give them a $5+ tip for service that usually barely even qualifies as 'OK'.

Customer service in Leafland is fucking terrible, and restaurants are no exceptions. It's their loss, they can make like Mr. Lahey and fuck off.

>> No.11826523

>As a legal immigrant, there is nothing I fucking hate more than white liberals telling privileged illegals that they can simply cut in line in front of the rest of us, who waited patiently in queue for our visas.

Ditto. My father waited patiently for 6 years before he could get visas for me and my mother to come here. Fuck the illegal line cutters & fuck white people who encourage illegals to "just jump the fence."

>> No.11826568

How tipbeggers in america handle all those stress? Good thing my country strictly bans any kind of tip-instead.

>> No.11826588

with a side of rape?

>> No.11826592

Legal economic migrants are worse than genuine refugees. You had a chance to build your own country. You just decided to be lazy. Refugees come from places where there was no hope.

>> No.11826593


>> No.11826599

>another tipping thread

>> No.11826607


Get used to being manipulated by white liberals for the rest of your life my friend. You need to know your place & follow the herd in liberal 'Merica.

>> No.11826620

>that shitty handwriting
Embarrassing, shows how little education and proper upbringing this "person" has.
I assume a half-white mutt scribbled this up, its basically on the same level as niggers and indians.

>> No.11826634


It took my family 12 to get visas so we could emigrate. And yes, fuck illegals.

>> No.11826645

Um can you two get the fuck out of my country please?

>> No.11826652
File: 61 KB, 525x503, 1536077752580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't tip you get spit/boogers in your order
Can someone explain this meme to a europoor because I've honestly never understood it
Is it normal procedure in America to pay for everything up-front before you get your food? If I finish eating at a restaurant, pay for the food and decide not to tip the waiter, chef, janitor and goldfish in the aquarium, do they force me to regurgitate the food so they can spit in it?

>> No.11826657

>We are immigrants. Not votes to be manipulated by Democrats.

fixed your post my brown friend.

>> No.11826665

That doesn't make any sense why would you pay up-front if you already ate?

>> No.11826671

No they mean if you come by next time they'll remember you

>> No.11826673

That's why I'm confused
The only way I can see them getting an opportunity to spit in your food would be if you paid up-front, but in every single restaurant or dining place I've been in here you always pay once you've finished eating

>> No.11826675

This is retarded as fuck. You don't pay a tip until the end of the meal.

>> No.11826682

>Can someone explain this meme to a europoor because I've honestly never understood it

It's not actually true. It's something parroted by idiots because they heard it somewhere, or it's posted online by trolls to fuck with people.

As your own post explains, you've already eaten the food when you go to pay.

>> No.11826683

But I won't come again
There are like five dining houses per square centimetre of American soil so I can just go somewhere else every time. Even if I did come again after a couple of days it'd have to be the same waiter AND they'd have to remember me

>> No.11826686
File: 152 KB, 830x664, purison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people on this continent have become so spoiled that they have an entitlement mentality. Once you start giving someone something for free, like free money from tips for unexceptional service, if they are emotionally underdeveloped persons, they begin to expect it and demand it and act like you're doing something bad to them if you're not giving it to them.

It's made even worse by the fact that restaurant employers also know that cucky patrons tend to give big tips, so they deliberately pay their employees less, thus forcing some of them to rely on tips to make it worthwhile.

It's just another mess this diseased culture has created for itself.

>> No.11826707

many restaurants are shit maybe you like their food or something.
And if you dont tip the first time, or especially write some retarded shit like the OP has then the waiter might also show it to other kitchen staff and basically you will be remembered as that racist fuck who didn't tip.

Obviously it doesnt fucking matter if you never gonna go back there again, but if you want to come back you should probably tip.

>> No.11826711
File: 200 KB, 1600x900, 565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nieeeeeugh! I can't pay my rent, I can't buy a house or a car, I survive only of ramen!
>here's your coffee, Xir.
>and here's a 10 bucks tip for you my friend!
american tip system is fucking stupid

>> No.11826717

this lmao
>waaa I can't afford a house in Cali :((
>yum yum avocado toasty :) good for the environment :D

>> No.11826736

Lmao that sissys like you cry racism and then claim the colored people will act like subhumans

>> No.11826757

Huh, don't get your panties bunched up girl.
I'm just explaining to him the reality of the situation, I dont personally find it bad what he wrote there but it's objectively openly racist/discriminating, and you will be perceived as such when you write this shit down.

>> No.11826768


Millennial retards absolutely btfo

>> No.11826772

You're gonna put boogers in my food after I've already eaten it and left?

>> No.11826775

I recently started working BOH as the only prep position in a restaurant, and I literally never stop moving. I have my list of shit to do, I do it, and I go home. It takes eight plus hours, but I don't mind it because I can mind my own damned business.
When FOH runs out of menial tasks to do (making tea or coffee/ rolling silverware) they just stand around and fucking complain about how there aren't any customers and will do literally nothing.
They can still get slammed during dinner rush and make really good money, but if that DOESN'T happen, holy shit do we never hear the end of it.
I'm not one of those
>hurr durr tipping is retarded get a job that pays more than $4.00 an hour you philosophy major
Retards, but I do genuinely feel that by working FOH you are actively gambling your paycheck for the chance that you won't have a hard day except for peak hours and will still crush it pay-wise.
The butthurt and entitlement when that doesn't happen consistently drives me up the fucking wall.
If you want guaranteed money, take a guaranteed job.

>> No.11826783
File: 349 KB, 350x233, 1540397786835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off our board meximutt

>> No.11826786

>Not wanting criminals in your country is racist

You better check your racism biy

>> No.11826787

what the fuck are you two on about...
how's live in a flyover state treating you?

>> No.11826795

Welcome to 2010+

>> No.11826797

>but if you want to come back you should probably tip.
Depends on how often you eat at the same place. Any more than twice a month, maybe. Otherwise, no.

>> No.11826799

what about white collar criminals? i don't want them in my country, what are republicucks planning to do about them?

>> No.11826801

>As a legal immigrant, there is nothing I fucking hate more than white liberals telling privileged illegals that they can simply cut in line in front of the rest of us, who waited patiently in queue for our visas.

Agreed. It is very very insulting.

>> No.11826802

Replace them with Mexicans and H1B1 visa's apparently

>> No.11826803

Give them tax cuts and Presidential terms.

>> No.11826804

By this logic, you could also just walk out without paying if you're not planning to go back to the place. So I guess anyone traveling should just dine and dash, because no one is going to spit in their soup. Smart.

>> No.11826806

>what about non-violent criminals?
Who the fuck cares?

>> No.11826809

>white collar criminals?

All of the silicon valley liberal white collar crooks need to be put behind bars.

Silicon valley today = wall street of the '80s

>> No.11826813

Mexicans have better beer and women, so I'm okay with this.

>inb4 someone posts a picture of the ugliest mexican woman they can find to prove me wrong
yeah okay

>> No.11826818

Many people do so man, we call them niggers.
Yeah you can be a nigger, but then you'd be a nigger.

>> No.11826820

Are you willing to throw out illegals who are white collar criminals ?

>> No.11826821

that's why i live the best of both worlds, low prices and I don't tip

>> No.11826822

non-violent crime creates violent crime, if that's really all you care about. But if violence is the only "real" crime to you, your worldview is fucked up and you should probably read more

>> No.11826824
File: 244 KB, 603x961, 1518120832527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Europe dude and I've seen mexican tourists, they literally do look like goblins, they're short, fat and ugly I thought it was just a meme

>> No.11826831

Why wouldn't I be?
You presented that to me like it was a loaded question that would trip me up, but I don't see what your point was.

>> No.11826836

I know it's just a meme, but you're literally retarded if you actually think the girls in the first picture are going to end up looking like the ones in the second.

>> No.11826846

How? You got a time machine? Think I'm gonna go back to the same place after writing something like that buckaroo?

>> No.11826850

I saw them mate, they were speaking spanish and I couldn't work out where the fuck they were from in Spain until I heard them talk about "home in america"
Literally the bottom girls, the top is the exception to the rule

>> No.11826860

>non-violent crime creates violent crime
muh poor disenfranchised masses

>> No.11826871

You could say the same shit about virtually anyone, the average person from any place is probably pretty ugly. Do you really think Europe only sends its finest models and football players abroad for vacations? Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.11826874
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>> No.11826875

With the way some of these people talk I'd be surprised if they knew there were legal ways to get into the US. Swear to god almost all the debates about illegal immigrants never ever bring up the actual process on becoming a US citizen.

>> No.11826889

Europeans are better looking by virtue of being less fat than you fuck off meximutt
Maybe you're exceptionally ugly because they're a mongrel rape baby race

>> No.11826893

There's no such thing as an illegal immigrant in America. That's the whole point of America.

>> No.11826896

I live in South Texas, and plan on bailing soon. A majority of the Mexicans here look like fucking goblins it isn't just a meme it is real.

>> No.11826897
File: 33 KB, 128x128, haha tips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck arguing that in court Paco.

>> No.11826899

>There's no such thing as an illegal immigrant in America.

shut the fuck up, ignorant white liberal piece of shit

>> No.11826904

> this is what democrats actually believe

Are white people so fucking stupid that they don't even understand the concept of national sovereignty anymore?

>> No.11826906

You are a big dummy, everyone knows that mexican girls are hot at 14 and goblin beasts by 20. It's nature's way of limiting population growth but apparently Mexicans are like niggers and will fuck anything

>> No.11826916

Yes, white people that go to college are all functionally retarded

>> No.11826918
File: 37 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europeans are better looking

>> No.11826922

And most Texans don't look much better lol what's your point?

>> No.11826930

It's funny how the voices of the ignorant only get louder as they begin to be outnumbered. Sorry, but you're on the wrong side of history. Just die in your shack or shut up so the rest of the world can move on.

>> No.11826940

>Yes, white people that go to college are all functionally retarded

I've seen your american "college degrees." They're not worth the paper they're printed on.

When you hand out college admissions & degrees to your blacks just because you feel sorry for them and pity them, it defeats the point of an "education."

I've seen so many retarded 'merican kids with college degrees but can't even do basic algebra and speaks worse English than I, and I started as an ESL student.

Hell, us immigrants are on our 2nd or 3rd languages, and you 'merican niggers can't even speak 1 language correctly. lol This country deserves to fail.

>> No.11826948

wtf is this post lol

>> No.11826950

Proving the point ya moron since most Texans are Mexicans

>> No.11826954

My point is most Mexicans look hideous, that's literally it.

>> No.11826955


Affirmative Action helps nobody, we can agree on that.

>> No.11826956

There's no wrong side of history. History isn't an episode of Star Wars.

>> No.11826960

>When you hand out college admissions & degrees to your blacks just because you feel sorry for them and pity them, it defeats the point of an "education."

Yay, diversity!

>> No.11826963

The truth

>> No.11826974

> In China, our college students are taught advanced calculus, programming, & pysics.
> In 'merica, your college kids are taught Womens studies & how to whine & cry until you get what you want

lol No wonder the world think's american schools are turning to shit.

>> No.11826976
File: 91 KB, 852x852, 1526629551894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He switched so quickly from "lol its a meme" to "WELL YOUR JUST AS UGLY"
I'm certain it's a wall hopper, no one get's that defensive unless they take it as a personal attack

Cope Goblino

>> No.11826983

>When you hand out college admissions & degrees to your blacks just because you feel sorry for them and pity them, it defeats the point of an "education."

Well, how else are we supposed to get them jobs? Just hand it to them? You gotta at least pretend to make it look like they've "earned" it.

>> No.11826989

26 months in a year that's crazy

>> No.11826998

>Just hand it to them?

Why not? Here in California, most companies have skin color based hiring quotas that do exactly just that. It's systemic racism at its finest.

>> No.11827008

greetings from the rest of the good world when tipping is only optional and wont your food fucked because of some fuckface

>> No.11827045

>white collar criminals
oy vey look at this anti semite

>> No.11827080

why are none of them wearing socks?

>> No.11827090

Be safe and Only do business with people who don't get a free ride, that would be white or east Asian men if you aren't paying attention

>> No.11827120
File: 550 KB, 600x600, 266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread on tipping
>Becomes /pol/ infested
Why am I not even surprised

>> No.11827173

Makes sense since only whites tip and that makes liberals heads explode with cognitive dissonance

>> No.11827188
File: 1.41 MB, 288x198, 1526977484414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since only whites tip

>> No.11827217

Nice pol bait thread.

>> No.11827247
File: 50 KB, 600x286, Your Future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead my friend, Suck your white masters' cock harder. Massa will never let you stay in the big house unless you learn to please him

>> No.11827254


>> No.11827298

australians don't need to obtain a visa to stay in the united states. how does this make you feel?

>> No.11827303

why they're just as good... stop being raceist ;)

>> No.11827316

How do you get boogars in your food after you've eaten and paid?

>> No.11827318

I'm not even American, nor have I eaten at a restaurant in the past 5 years, and this is still the first thing that came to my mind.

>> No.11827322
File: 293 KB, 1000x1501, Gwilym_Pugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11827341

I mean you literally are votes to be manipulated, that's the entire point

>> No.11827345


>thinks the thread was about tipping
>not the political statement being highlighted in the op
this was always a /pol/ thread. right from the start.

>> No.11827355

yea but the vallet parking attendant might rub his dick on my steering wheel

>> No.11827363

Jow about the boss opens his pockets more to pay for his workers rather then letting randos who walk in pay for their living.

I know this is a very very hard concept for an Ameriburger to grasp but this is what the rest of the world does.

>> No.11827369

Based Uncle Tom!

>> No.11827372


>> No.11827375

Well the food prices would have to go up, you can't expect me to lose the profit I gain from not paying my employee's can you?
This is a capitalist nation, not Venezuela

>> No.11827389

thenn i'll eat somewhere else. simple.

>> No.11827395

holy mother of BASED with a side of BASED smothered in BASED sauce ala BASED

>> No.11827397
File: 589 KB, 634x768, 1517850255771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Millennial stop killing restaurants

>> No.11827401

it's the garbage they call no-shows, really low cut socks that defeat the purpose of socks
I mock this douche at work all the time cause he wears them, half the workplace thinks he just doesnt wear socks now. I also banged his twin sister last spring lol

>> No.11827403

All out of cash babe.....due you take credit card?