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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11816486 No.11816486 [Reply] [Original]


I'm a meat eater but I don't understand the hate for vegans. I understand why they hate meat eaters, if they think what we are doing is cold blooded murder then it would makes sense for them to be aggressive, confrontational or agitative. But for what reason would someone hate a vegan? Yeah they are annoying and all, but in what way are they immoral? Its not like their lifestyle is negatively impacting us, in fact it probably helps keep meat prices down if anything.

I say leave the poor herbivores alone.


>> No.11816490

The ya re obnoxious

>> No.11816498

Faggot vegan

>> No.11816507

It is natural to despise the weak. It is part of the evolution of the species.

>> No.11816508

>but in what way are they immoral?
I'm okay with some vegans, especially if they support lab-grown meat because they're a little more likely to be reasonable. But a lot of vegans are perfectly fine with misrepresenting facts and purposely being misleading to further their agenda because they don't want to admit the vegan diet isn't perfect.

>> No.11816509

Great discussion.
True meeting of the minds

>> No.11816514

anyone who uses the term HOT TAKE should be disregarded immediately

>> No.11816517

2 hot 4 u

>> No.11816522

>But for what reason would someone hate a vegan?
I only hate vegans when they spout lies.

For example:
>I don't eat meat because I am uncomfortable with the idea of directly killing for my food
that's OK.

>Eating a vegan diet is cruelty-free
No, that's a lie. There is plenty of cruelty in farming.

>A vegan diet is the healthiest diet
No, that's a lie too.

>I blab about veganism to virtue-signal on social media
Such a statement would actually garner respect, but you'll never hear a vegan actually own up to that.

so you see, it's not vegans that people hate, it's liars.

>> No.11816526


>> No.11816527


These conversations are stupid, just let people eat what they want. Dubs get

>> No.11816546


>> No.11816584
File: 26 KB, 554x450, Meat Eaters Deserve to Die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But for what reason would someone hate a vegan?

Because they are actively campaigning to get meat banned, and the entire powers that (((B))) are pushing veganism down our throats. Look at the Mainstream news, especially in Britain, nothing but round table discussions about "the growing, increasing, surging popularity of veganism and how wonderful it is for you." Now our only defender on TV is Peirce Morgan, universally hated twat.


>Yeah they are annoying and all, but in what way are they immoral? Its not like their lifestyle is negatively impacting us

The vegan agenda is directly negatively impacting us, because they are going to force us into their retarded starvation cult, by banning and taxing meat until we can't afford it.


>> No.11816586

I respect the decision to be vegan, especially if its health related, but not if they're an obnoxious asshole about it. Which is most of the time.

>> No.11816596


>> No.11816608
File: 98 KB, 605x500, 0009ef3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decision to be vegan
>health related

Do you respect girls who make a 'health related' decision to join Anorexia diet?

>> No.11816632

to be fair, i don't think the average vegan eats 10 lbs of lettuce for lunch. although vegans usually have less muscle mass than omnivores, you can still maintain a mostly normal weight because not all vegan food is low in calories.

>> No.11816661

Who knows what an 'average' vegan eats? I only know what the Masters of Veganism eat (the most popular vegan Jewtubers) and they eat bowl after bowl of rabbit pellets, and occasional chemical sludge "smoothie Drinks"

The results are not good. See for yourself-


>> No.11816666
File: 47 KB, 703x368, Average nutjob Vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I forgot to mention that Veganism is SATANIC as FUCK. Those who accept veganism are literally influenced by demons, their consciense is seared with a hot iron.

>> No.11816674

>Oh and I forgot to mention that Veganism is SATANIC as FUCK. Those who accept veganism are literally influenced by demons
Okay Satan.

>> No.11816709
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, Dr Michael Skelton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan just showed up for the shoutout.

>Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

>Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

>Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Above is a clear warning and prediction that the evils of MGTOW and Veganism would plague us in our own time (today)

>> No.11816734

I think a lot of people go vegan because of factory farming and learning the scale of death taking place. And I think most of them will eat meat if it's lab-grown.

>> No.11816821
File: 97 KB, 800x533, Cruel Factory Farming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>factory farming.

So they decide they would rather dump tons of chemical pesticides on wild animals instead? (part of every vegetable and fruit farm)

Truly a brave and noble choice.

>> No.11816916
File: 46 KB, 350x468, jesus8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satan has spoken

>> No.11817121
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>> No.11817132

Gotten to know a fair amount of CoS and fringe Satanic types, most mock the vegans.

>> No.11817150

I wouldn't care if they were so obnoxiously overzealous about it. They see you eating meat and they feel they need to convert you to their veggie religion for the rest of the meal.
It's just vegans too. Vegetarians are pretty cool about it and will really only mention it if offered meat.

>> No.11817151

>sustainable farms don't exist
This is your mind on brainwashed carnism.

>> No.11817177

Smug superiority can only be fought by equal or greater smug superiority.

>> No.11817198

>The vegan agenda is directly negatively impacting us, because they are going to force us into their retarded starvation cult, by banning and taxing meat until we can't afford it.
You don't need to join if you don't want to honey, it's not my problem if you get parasites and die bc you were too selfish to stop murdering animals for your own pleasure.
Muscles aren't really necessary in modern times, we have plenty of machines that can do the lifting. I've literally never lifted weights, but I run every day bc it stops me from getting fat and the only thing I do is use my legs, not lift heavy things.

>> No.11817225

Thank you, friend!

>now fuck off and die, carnivore bastard

>> No.11817228

They think they can force their shitty opinion down our throat.
Some of them even go as far as threatening butchers and vandalizing their stores.

>> No.11817231

the "poor herbivores" don't leave anyone alone.

>> No.11817242
File: 50 KB, 641x538, 1217776702152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are herbivore prey.
They are only good as food.

>> No.11817246
File: 56 KB, 650x491, tfw not vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11817249

This is the 10 lbs of lettuce with medjool dates wrapped in the center girl right? No wonder she seemed kind of familiar, that video was like 5 years ago, i wonder how fucked her teeth are now.

>> No.11817252

>he hasn't met a vegan that tried to make their cat vegan, and it turned out fucked up with all sorts of health problems
>he hasn't met a person who tried to make their baby vegan after it's weaned, or worse fed it some weird vegan soy formula, and it turned out to be low-energy or fucked up somehow like with stomach issues (it's just genetic anon)
>hasn't met that moralizing vegan that makes finding a restaurant or acceptable dish not only difficult, but also unpleasant as fuck
Not only that, but it's basically a universal human social more that you eat the food a host provides for you. ANY human being is going to be put off when a person looks at what you've made for them, and goes "UHHH SORRY I CAN'T EAT THAT. I'M VEGAN" is going to make you subconsciously mad at them. Not only that, but a good portion are either conforming to a perceived fad for attention more than they are trying to live a lifestyle, and it shows. Even the ones who keep up with it for years or decades may treat it like a fashion accessory more than just a fucking diet, which is all it is.

>> No.11817257

>muscles aren't necessary
this is your brain when deprived of essential amino acids

>> No.11817260 [DELETED] 

>because of factory farming and learning the scale of death taking place.

>> No.11817263

How old is this bitch? She looks 70 but is probably 34.

>> No.11817268

Most vegans also ignore the fact that the vast majority of grain going to feed livestock over humans is out of necessity. Even with proper milling, most of the grain we produce isn't remotely edible to humans. Hell, some of it isn't even edible to cows, but it usually is for chickens. Producing human-friendly grain requires much higher inputs (water, fertilizer, fair weather) than the grasses grown for feedstock. It's SO much easier to make a shitton of silage to feed to cows and sheep than it is to create flour that is palatable and edible for humans. Vegans literally don't even understand basic agriculture. Yes, we need to reduce meat demands. But if EVERYONE went vegan, we'd have real problems, and basically many people would starve without livestock, especially in places where they raise goats (which will eat the shittiest of vegetation and be fine) like Afghanistan or Morocco or wherever.

>> No.11817269

>because of factory farming and learning the scale of death taking place.

>> No.11817272

>and I forgot to mention throwing red paint on a charnel house posing as a food purveyor is infinitely less destructive than factory farming animals in torture chambers
It's the same logic you carnists use when screaming it's legitimate to shoot a guy stealing a carton of cigarettes in the back while welcoming the oligarchical financial institutions fleecing billions from their own citizens and receiving a slap on the wrist. The stench is even worse.

>> No.11817276
File: 53 KB, 580x326, 1d3ea027bc3856f62ae2141fa1e7695d_signs-eat-more-protein_580x326_featuredImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11817279

>Satan falseflagging again
Trip 6's would've been telling enough, but this is just ridiculous Satan.

>> No.11817308

Smart people have always looked upon stupid people with disdain and annoyance. Compassion goes as far as you can throw it when it's pushed in your face of superiority, or worse leads to nanny state policies or forced upon you lifestyle when they make your life difficult at a catering event or social gathering. It's not a firm 100% of the time situation, but it's not unlikely either.

Most of the vegans you know are not highly educated, highly intelligent beings, nor are they religious idealists. They are middle of the road, mid-Bell curve or less. They are the kind of people who fall victim to cults, liberal but illogical political ideas that haven't worked ever in any country in the world, and they tend to have some fervor and lack of filter to be appropriate in their etiquette.

Most really wealthy and educated vegans are fine, because they are in positions of power to change how their companies impact others, have the moral backbone to do the right thing over costs or profits. But, realize they have the money and medical care, and likely the genetics that allow them some freedoms and liberties, whether free time or income.

I live among people in academia, multi-cultural, wealth and struggling people alike. I can count on only two hands the nutritionists, nobel prize worthy scientist/doctors, religious people, or others who have nothing to say about their choices, ever. Eating clean, nods towards modern science on longevity (whether calorie restriction, daily workouts, or hGh, or brief periods of low carb, is how the healthiest of the lot look). I don't know a single successful athlete that is vegan. I can't imagine any olympians or professional sports players are...without some serious tinkering with their supplements. To eliminate whole food groups from your diet is crazy stupid to me.

>> No.11817320

Hot take: anyone who freaks out over the diet of another person is retarded and gay. Nobody cares about your special meme diet and nobody cares that you lack a diet. You aren't superior for either, so shut up and stop looking like a sperg
>t. I eat female ass

>> No.11817344

>they think what we're doing is cold blooded murder
That's why we hate them. They're obnoxious delusional idiots

>> No.11817375

>le epic vegan thread xDDD
Why can't you fucking retards go back to where you came from already?

>> No.11817389

Can we have a rule that unless we're discussing recipes, we don't start these gay ads threads?

>> No.11817495

This. Diet belongs in >>>/fit/. This board is for food and cooking, not diet or fitness

>> No.11817991

why are you spreading lies on internet in an attempt to kill human and non-human animals as well as our planet?

>> No.11818006

>hurr durrr crop rotation and reappropriation doesnt exist cows are minimalist
Why do you lie to yourself?

>> No.11818013

>walls of text to explain how he’s smart because of anecdotal experiences
Lol what a self absorbed piece of shit you are

>> No.11818021
File: 18 KB, 540x384, 6747846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole plant based diet is technically the healthiest known diet right now. Problem is vegans eat shit like processed soy and junk food instead of gorging on legumes and greens. Also the most outspoken and attention seeking of any group of people are usually the most intolerable.