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File: 84 KB, 749x486, Does-MSG-have-a-future-in-Europe-as-umami-gains-flavour-favour_wrbm_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11816305 No.11816305 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on MSG

>> No.11816312

It's literally cheating. If you use it, you're shit.

>> No.11816317

Dabs on 3 star chefs so they talk shit about it whenever they can.

>> No.11816320

Causes cancer

>> No.11816322

Saves you a ton of money on dried mushrooms

>> No.11816330

It's pretty good and there's no real evidence it does what >>11816320 says.

>> No.11816367

>there's no evidence

Yeah, fuck you

>> No.11816375

Everything causes cancer. Try again.

>> No.11816376

Its like a more natural version of salt

>> No.11816381

glutamate is literally one of the most important building blocks of life. Not only is there no evidence it causes cancer, its downright implausible

>> No.11816389



>> No.11816400

Really doing a good job making your case

>> No.11816401


>> No.11816426

>Glutamic acid is a non-essential amino acid, meaning that *your body can produce it*. It serves various functions in your body and is found in *nearly all foods*.

Better stay away from tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese, corn, potatoes, sardines, breast milk, peas, etc, etc.

>> No.11816435

They were all using it, as well as well as synthetic truffel oil ... and then suddenly it became not done. You'd think with the whole molecular cooking craze, it would have been redeemed.

>> No.11816443

people are afraid of chemical names, thats all it comes down to

>> No.11816448

It's in Doritos and Chik Fil A food

>> No.11816451

i wonder if theres a connection with alzheimers or dementia
i heard glutimate is related

>> No.11816456

Makes (You) Super Gay

>> No.11816457

>Source: my ass

>> No.11816462

Actually Chick Fil A doesn't use msg (I'm p. sure of this). A lot of companies use yeast extracts and products that contain glutamates without being pure MSG themselves to try to trick consumers though.

So I think a lot of people assume MSG is a really strong, dominant flavor, and as long as you are using about 1/4 to 1/8 as much MSG per the amount of salt you use in a dish, you won't really find it very strong, and indeed might be surprised by how subtle it is. I use it in sweet and savory applications, because it was discussed here and I love it. Just think of it as a subtle flavor enhancement not a magic ingredient and you will be pleasantly surprised. The key is learning how to ratio your salt and msg in a dish, desserts included.

>> No.11816466

Seriously, coastie women will protest anything with even a whiff of science near it from GMOs to MSG to modern medicine and vaccines

>> No.11816470

Only losers don't cheat if they can't get caught.

>> No.11816477

Think about that for a minute.
MSG is produced by your own body and is literally present in everything you eat. How could you ever research this. The control group would have to live off water for 25 years

>> No.11816480

>A lot of companies use yeast extracts and products that contain glutamates without being pure MSG themselves to try to trick consumers though.

>reading food label
>"no refined sugar!" on the packaging
>ingredient list has "evaporated cane syrup" or "dehydrated cane juice" in it

>> No.11816494
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Straight from the website

>> No.11816519

or even just honey. No better way for market your unhealthy sugary thing as being a natural health food

Honey and HFCS are chemically almost the same blend of stuff but one is perceived as manufactured and evil and one as natural and therefore good

>> No.11816537

>Honey and HFCS are chemically almost the same blend of stuff but one is perceived as manufactured and evil and one as natural and therefore good
I wonder if food companies wanted that to happen just so that they could switch out for another sweetener and have people think it's healthier, instead of reducing how much was used altogether and maybe losing customers because people are addicted to sugar

>> No.11816547

Makes cottage cheese taste good.

>> No.11816574

HFCS is used industrially because it tastes good , and is more convenient to use being a liquid. Its much easier to handle liquids than granular solids such as table sugar because they can be pumped, and shipped in more efficient formats like tanks or drums rather than bags

Honey is very similar but with the added benefit of being considered natural by the general public which many, especially women and coasties, assume makes it healthy. The downside being honey is considerably more expensive to source, but if you are marketing as a natural "artisanal" product you can more than make up for that

>> No.11816610

It's fancy salt nothing more. It's not made in a lab it's just byproduct of fermenting things like beets. It's like using celery salt sometimes you want a flavor but don't want to put reductions on everything. There's no evidence saying it causes adverse reactions in people. Like most people with "food allergies" (outside real ones like eggs shellfish peanuts) it's all in their head.

>> No.11816624

your body profuces lots of things.
like hair, nails, stomach lining, snot, skin
semen, blood, stomach bile, piss, hydrygen peroxide
cerebral spinal fluid, bilirubin, shit, tears, farts and co2. sometimes milk
not all of which are recommended to imbibe

>> No.11816626

Honestly, its even more basic than that. Its one of the building blocks of life, its present in all living cells plant or animal

>> No.11816637

Honey gets a lot of flavor and rand color from the kind of pollin they pick up. So in my mind it's more than a sweetener. Although the stuff they probably use in drinks is probably cheap honey without locating the hive near a intended sources of pollin.

>> No.11816640

MSG isn't good because your body can produce, but we can determine that its not harmful based on the fact that it is present throughout your body, and indeed in every living cell. Quite unlike the harmfulish things you mention which are generally sequestered, outside cells, for a very specific purpose. MSG is simpler and more everpresent than any of those thing

>> No.11816647

I was talking more about its application.

>> No.11816653

>Honey gets a lot of flavor and rand color from the kind of pollin they pick up
it can, but most of the honey used in products is not such. You are thinking of super niche, expensive honey, not the honey that most people consume

At its best honey can be much more complex a flavor than HFCS, but base tier honey is almost the exact same thing as HFCS and thats the vast majority of honey that people encounter

>> No.11816660

Literally what I said in the second half of that post

>> No.11816667

Honestly I just read sentences and respond before reading entire posts, thats just how it goes

>> No.11816668

Fuck you!

>> No.11816676

It's hardly even a paragraph man, come on.

>> No.11816680

>millennial attention span

>> No.11816687

how old are you?

>> No.11816694

None of that is true, which we can see because the rest of the world still uses sugar.

The only reason the US uses so much HFCS is easy to look up: During the 1970's the US sugar industry was having a hard time competing with cheap imported sugar from abroad. They lobbied congress, and as a result congress passed a farm bill including high import duty, as well as quotas (limits) on foreign sugar import. The goal was to drive up the price of foreign sugar so that the US sugar industry could make more money. Alas, that didn't work. The price of sugar did go up. But instead of switching to domestic sugar, all the big soft drink and processed food companies switched to HFCS instead during the late 1970's and early 1980's. The sugar industry got fucked even harder as a result. And THAT is why HFCS is everywhere today: in the US, sugar costs about 3x what it does elsewhere in the world. Were those duties and quotas legally repealed then the price of sugar would plummet and US production would switch back to beet and cane sugar again. The rest of the world doesn't have this issue because they never passed the same kind of quotas or taxes.

>> No.11816710

its both

>> No.11816719

also corn sugar tastes better

>> No.11816728

Mainly this. It's used by cooks and chefs who are either churning out slop for pig trough feeders by the ton on the cheap or too uncreative to incorporate glutamate rich food items into their dish which will add an additional depth and complexity. It's similar to midwest suburban housewives opening a can of cream of mushroom soup for their shit casserole instead of making it from scratch.

>> No.11816744

how is it different than sodium chloride according to your system of morals?

>> No.11816746

>It's similar to midwest suburban housewives opening a can of cream of mushroom soup for their shit casserole instead of making it from scratch.
Oh yeah, because only midwesterners use canned ingredients, might coasties make everything from scratch of course

>> No.11816753

I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but I'm glad you asked.

It's not. It's about on the same level as sodium chloride. That is to say: it has its uses, but they are generally limited. The overwhelming majority of the time there is a less refined product which gives more flavor that is better suited to your dish.

The same applies to the other basic tastes: sugar for sweet and acid for sour. things like honey, nectars, and syrups are much better sweeteners than plain sugar is. And likewise: citrus juices or flavored vinegars (wine, malt, cider, etc.) are a lot tastier than distilled white vinegar.

Of course, having the concentrated forms like MSG, NaCl, white vinegar, white sugar, etc, have advantages because they're cheap and flexible in their application, but no, they're not as tasty as alternatives.

>> No.11816956
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>Yeah, fuck you
Your skills in debate are exceptional

>> No.11817006

i bought a bag of this but don't know what to use it in :((((

>> No.11817058

To be fair there is some truth to it, life is just one long bout of kicking the can down the road till after you've already had kids, where the can is cancer.

Even oxygen causes cancer in the form of free radicals that float around and damage DNA.

>> No.11817275


>> No.11817289

That's a load of horse shit,
execution is everything.

>> No.11817429

sniff it like a man, faggot

>> No.11817442

It's a pretty big building that's best used for sporting events

>> No.11817744

make a hamburger and sprinkle it on that

>> No.11818084

It's a basic amino acid. Your own body produces it. It's in every living thing.

It can be a source of sodium, so if you've got high blood pressure you should be careful, just like your regular salt intake.

>> No.11819553

Msg is just ground penises its healthy and natural

>> No.11819589
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>these are the "arguments" claiming MSG are bad

>> No.11819831
File: 522 B, 50x13, fare-eyes-tiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is actually ground down dead hens

>> No.11820789

MSG is the god of all spices. I never lesve home without it.

>> No.11821600
File: 43 KB, 694x741, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has its place, but like anything that is specific for adding flavor, you should use it sparingly. To base an entire dish off MSG would be like making a burger that is 80% mustard.

>> No.11821616

It makes stuff good

>> No.11821617

I know that fox.

>> No.11822185

Use too much and you'll have a nice headache.