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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 564 KB, 780x585, E37E3585-8B7C-4CA8-8531-83C2F26ED08D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11796837 No.11796837 [Reply] [Original]

Canada's new food guide was revealed today. What are your thoughts?


>> No.11796850

I really, honestly couldn't give a fuck.

>> No.11796853

What? No bugs?

>> No.11796998

Who gives a shit about a dying country

>> No.11797010

Where's the bag of milk?

>> No.11797018
File: 1.81 MB, 341x376, 1523474516120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes hello goys we need to eat more vegetables and soy to help stop climate change, you dont want to kill polar bears do you? Stop eating meat its much healthier to live off of canola and tap water our experts said so!

*Fills entire tanker ship with grain and sends it to china*
*Dedeicates majority of farmland to canola*
*Sprays your greens with mexican ecoli shits and herbicides*
*Imports produce from mexico*
*Eats 100$ dinners every night on tax dollars*

psssh nothin personel goyim

>> No.11797025

The country is just fine, the goverment's going to the way of the dodo bird.

>> No.11797029

>Make water your drink of choice
Are Canadians really so fucking stupid that they need government propaganda to tell them this?

>> No.11797033

Not enough rice

>> No.11797038

>"""protein foods"""
>doesn't distinguish meat from other sources of protein

>> No.11797061

The dairy industry is having some trouble so instead of dealing with it they decided to tell people to stop drinking milk.

>> No.11797066

unironically this

>> No.11797068

Remember the massive ad campaign by the American government saying milk is the healthiest drink in the world?

>> No.11797073

Looks good

>> No.11797075
File: 42 KB, 493x463, harvard-pyramide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been a perfectly adequate food guide in the form of Harvard's food pyramid for going on three decades now.

>> No.11797082

Is this saying you shouldn't have multi-vitamins or booze? Or you can have an unlimited amount?

>> No.11797088

Stop triggering the fitfags

>> No.11797092

Drink every drop of wine

>> No.11797093


>> No.11797094

For every bite of food you need a multivitamin AND a glass of wine. But only red

>> No.11797096

The quantities shown in your pic are clearly the recommended daily quantities.

>> No.11797103

Why is salt and steak on the top? salt is incredibly essential, and beef is worse than other meat now? this was created by some rich faggots who control everything and want all the butter, steak, salt, soda, and white break for themselves.

>> No.11797122

Do people actually need government assistance to plan their meals?
Or is this just for welfare moms with food stamps? I would love it if food stamps were only good for vegetables, but every nigger I see uses them for expensive meats and processed high calorie expensive convenience junk food.

>> No.11797125

Because if you live in a developed country and don't eat raw foods or cook 100% of your food, you're getting more salt that you need, or is healthy.
And yes, beef is considerably less healthy than fish, poultry and shellfish.

>> No.11797141

its just so they can steal money from us to pretend that teaching this to children in school is in anyway preventing obesity or unhealthy eating
i was unaware

>> No.11797149

>He said after consulting the FDA mandated nutrition label on his E.U. standard conforming Olive Oil he intends to cook his USDA graded steak in

>> No.11797161

meanwhile soros, drain children to eek out another decade of life

>> No.11797163

>*Imports produce from mexico*
Mexico has unironically good products. Actually, we export the best to other countries (like USA) and keep the worst, or even better: we re-buy our own stuff from said countries (including tap water, electricity, and processed petrol [gasoline]). You can thank our retard government for that...
t. angry mexifag

>> No.11797216

>Triggering the fitfags
>Image telling you to eat a lot of broccoli, oil, oats, chicken and nuts

>> No.11797220

100x times this. But WHEN you eat is also important

You don't want more than 2-3 moments on your entire day when you eat. That includes snacks and drinking anything that isn't water, coffee or tea.

>> No.11797229

>for going on three decades now.
You mean those decades where obesity did nothing but go up in every country where it was introduced?

Really gets your stomach rumbling.

>> No.11797235

MIlk is very healthy calories are not bad

>> No.11797243

>in every country where it was introduced
>The Harvard Food Pyramid
The Harvard Food Pyramid was never 'introduced' anywhere. It is in no way widespread.
The point of it is that they keep making more of these fucking worthless food pictograms when the the infinitely more accurate one goes unacknowledged.

>> No.11797250
File: 50 KB, 640x464, mckys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get a good understanding of how shit this board really is when you watch what happens when someone proposes a serious topic for discussion.

I should just leave, it seems only racist fatfag NEETs fit in here.

>> No.11797259

Yeah I didn't expect to get these replies...

>> No.11797263

fruit is mostly junk food. there is no need to eat much fruit

>> No.11797314

Besides the fact that your entire digestive system was built around eating fruit and nuts with a bit of meat on the side, you mean.

>> No.11797333

Quickly skimming the page, I did not find a single word about environmental impact of the food. That should be one of the first things to mention when educating people of their food choices. Added benefit is that the environmentally wise choice - locally produced food - is quite healthy as long as you don't consider processed crap factories local.

I've been seriously hyped about everything that comes from nearby lately. I can find cheap fish fished from lakes where the breed is faring nicely and fishing might even have a positive impact on its ecosystem. Frozen meat costs less than in stores when bought directly from the farmers in large quantities. Most of the grocery store stuff has been frozen at some point anyway, and I get cuts that are normally hard to find elsewhere. In the summertime veggies cost nothing so I figured this year I might try canning.

>> No.11797334

Take your racism and sexism back to /pol/

>> No.11797342

I live in Canada and I don't give a fuck. If you are too retarded to do research yourself and need any government to hold your hand telling you what to eat then you have issues.

>> No.11797364

Uncle Sam has a weird relationship with it's dairy industry
they have stockpiles of rotten cheese in caves all over the country

>> No.11797371

Jesus you sound like a perfect slave

>> No.11797408

Whole grains are a meme, and the surest path to bloody hemorrhoids.

>> No.11797438

At least I'm able to avoid most of the burgeristan corporations that own 99% of the food industry. Even local brands here are owned by nestle or some other piece of shit conglomerate.

Too bad my grandma ain't here to see me cooking anymore, she would be proud to have someone make food with her recipes that she probably inherited from her grandmother.

If better quality, cheaper cost, and environmentally good choices are slavery, I gladly accept it.

>> No.11797456

>gov has been pushing meat since forever
>everyone become redpill
>suddenly gov statement is diametrically opposite

>> No.11797458

don't listen to /pol/ infesting and shitting up every board. you're doing a good thing watching out what you eat and keeping it sustainable. These faggots shitting on you for that are a bunch of conspiracy theory numbnuts

>> No.11797461

>drink two whole fucking bottles of oil fuck you

>> No.11797463

No cheese?

>> No.11797465

Where the fuck are the Jellybeans? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the Canadians bought into the retarded anti-sugar propaganda.

>> No.11797466

So I guess Humans didn't exist before table salt was invented?

>> No.11797469

the ecoli was from cattle farm runoff.

>> No.11797472

they did but they died of goiter all the time eat your damn salt

>> No.11797475

No you are just paying extra for contaminated food so you can tell strangers on the internet how special you are. Go destroy the environment some more and brag you diabeetus hypocrite

>> No.11797478

Too low in protein, fuck beans, fuck red meat.

>> No.11797485

They died from everything but the lack of sodium. The body is adapted to what's already in whole plant food.

>> No.11797492

No it was from a vegan commune

>> No.11797493

t. actual slave fed on diet of HFC, soybeans and sawdust

>> No.11797497

Glass of wine and a daily multi vite I think it's implying. Not nutritionally necessary, but that's obviously not an "official" pyramid anyway.

>> No.11797504

Will someone think of the poutine?

>> No.11797521
File: 179 KB, 463x492, 1546529741342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the country is just fine
>have to pull out a loan to get groceries

>> No.11797551

>white bread bad

>> No.11797561


>> No.11797650

"table" salt have been around longer than humans. they use to get it from the sea, rocks, and animals.

>> No.11797679

>carbs and sugar good

This is why your country is filled with landwhales you dumb fuck.

>> No.11797683

>orange fruit bad
Enjoy the last 30 years of life with a catheter

>> No.11797709

The food guide was invented during and after the second world war, it's only around now days to cater to old people and boomers.
Younger gens (people under 40) don't even follow it.

And burgers still didn't drink enough of it.

>> No.11797812

>oil at the bottom instead of the top

>> No.11797823

No it was WW1 and millennials don't follow it all they eat is sushi, feces and avocado toast

>> No.11797896

I thought rhe Canadian drink of choice was rye whiskey

>> No.11798003

Oh no they're exporting products their country produces better than other countries and importing stuff they can't produce themselves! Somebody stop this madness!

>> No.11798341

70% of the world is reducing or removing meat from their diet
The vegans are winning.

>> No.11798352

I don't listen to anything from the Dicktatership of Kanuckistan...
>When you see Canadian politicians lips moving, and a noise from their mouth - it means they are lying...again...
Best thing to do is think and do and eat what best suits you desu...

>> No.11798366

fake data for fake news, as usual.

>> No.11798461

Enjoy the burden of proof

>> No.11798512

>too brainlet to understand what a "guide" is

>> No.11798521
File: 192 KB, 638x824, fort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for a whole country with brittle bones

>> No.11798708
File: 54 KB, 452x440, 1536474825735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, are they staying nonvegan?

>> No.11798724
File: 107 KB, 1600x1200, SoZUc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotchu senpai

>> No.11798909
File: 1.52 MB, 889x1200, 1514759226877752462716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homo milk

>> No.11798917

>Make water your drink of choice
Jesus, the /pol/ memes about economic collapse in Canada seem more and more plausible by the day.

>> No.11798922

die fatty

>> No.11798923

So did the leafs just make veganology and ketardation illegal? Based canucks.

>> No.11798972
File: 37 KB, 807x659, 95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember the massive ad campaign by the American government saying milk is the healthiest drink in the world?
Well, it's true.
>Agreeing water should be "your drink of choice"
>Medical myths
>The advice to drink at least eight glasses of water a day can be found throughout the popular press. One origin may be a 1945 recommendation that stated: A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 millilitre for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.
>Drinking two liters of water per day may not benefit most individuals and even could be harmful, investigators say.
>At the Canadian Society of Nephrology annual meeting here, re-searchers from the University of Western Ontario, also in London, presented a study showing a significant correlation between excess urine production—which is usually caused by excess fluid intake—and proteinuria.
>The large population-based study un-covered a fivefold higher risk of proteinuria among people with polyuria than among those with normal urine volume, even after taking into account such factors as age, sex, and estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Reminder that Danone (holding company for Evian, Volvic and Badoit) was literally caught slipping baseless propaganda ads into academic journals trying to get doctors to warn patients about "mild dehydration":
You know how you know when you're dehydrated? It's this thing called "thirst." Mild / chronic dehydration is a 100% bullshit marketing meme.

>> No.11798983

Only a fatty would believe you need to make water your drink of choice to not be fat.

>> No.11798998
File: 81 KB, 680x680, Dtfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not swilling a couple gallons of carbonated hfcs/day means you're poor
LMAO! Yeah, that 40% obesity rate is something the entire world is jealous about!

>> No.11799026

>anti-sugar propaganda
Sugar lobbyists are the reason fat was vilified until a few years ago.

>> No.11799032

Food is only expensive if you're stupid or live somewhere with shit or no infrastructure.

>> No.11799091

I was referring to the stark omission of dairy on the chart.
Did you read the study you posted?
You sound like you meant Vegans have better calcium levels than normal people but the study doesn't show that.
It tests two wildly different groups of people who both consume dairy... and found neither group suffers from low calcium.
What am I supposed to learn from this?

>> No.11799167

>lots of filler so that the commissar can cheap out on the bread in order to have more circus all to himself
Sounds about right.

>> No.11799200
File: 26 KB, 450x407, 10 - HjWgJqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legitimately sensible barring the exemption of milk and other dairies other than cheese. Trudeau is just throwing a tantrum.

>> No.11799201

>Donald Trump is poor
>Diet Coke has corn syrup in it
>Its zero calories per can made him fat
Example nitpicking aside, yes, I'm sure poor people do like soda. But there's poor people and then there's people a couple years away from total economic collapse who can't afford basic commodities like meat or beverages. A poor kid living in the projects off his single mom's food stamps might not be enjoying the high life, but he's also not really all that comparable to residents of the Weimar Republic needing a wheelbarrow full of Papiermark to purchase a loaf of bread, or to starving Russians black market trading in their dead children's meat.

>> No.11799264


>> No.11799309
File: 264 KB, 546x530, 2022Projected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11799338

i already eat like this but i am still a fat fat

>> No.11799992


>> No.11800022

5 hours in MS Paint

>> No.11800033

>still pushing that bullshit

>> No.11800359

>What am I supposed to learn from this?
That vegans can't read and understand simple science. Though I guess everybody knows that already, so yeah, you're right.

>> No.11800419

Are there even any canadians left? Or have asians already outbred them?

>> No.11801256 [DELETED] 

>Moves vegetables over to the "meat" group.
>Meat disappears from your plate
>Nobody notices

You'll notice in the mirror after ten or fifteen years taking this vegan path....


>> No.11801284

>Soil foods and yolk

>> No.11801286 [DELETED] 

>Do people actually need government assistance to plan their meals?

Evidently. I would listen to whatever the (((government))) tells me to do, and do the opposite. I'll probably live forever.

>But every nigger I see (just buys) processed high calorie expensive convenience junk food.

At gas stations it's is incredible. Blacks appear to live on multiple small bags of chips and garbage along with cigarettes and onesies mini-cigars.

>> No.11801290

>abstaining from vegetables to own the libs
Enjoy your hair loss and colon cancer, lobster boy

>> No.11801294

>eating local fish instead of McDonald's
>look at this absolute NPC

>> No.11801299

>following the food guide
do americans really...

>> No.11801302

>>Donald Trump is poor

>> No.11801307


>> No.11801323 [DELETED] 

>Vegan telling healthy people they're not.
>Vegan doesn't notice his own teeth.


>> No.11801380

I'm not watching that shit. Vegetables are good for you. If you think otherwise you're in a cult.

>> No.11801407

>Vegetables are good for you.

Might want to learn something new before you keep repeating shit you heard in 4th grade.


Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease

> Vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

>> No.11801421

Did you even read the article? That's discussing evolution over many generations. Has nothing to do with what you, as an individual, eat. Humans aren't evolving like that anymore.

>> No.11801428

>Vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters

Interesting stuff.

>> No.11801437


Might want to read the article you illiterate vegan. It's talking about the effects of arachidonic acid and how it changes in just one generation. It's direct causation, not just correlation.

>> No.11801448

That’s because that particular population in India has been eating vegetarian for generations. It’s brought a genetic mutation that’s enabled them to absorb nutrients more efficiently than normal people but at the cost of being more inflammed by oils, plant oils specifically I think.

>> No.11801450

>if large populations evolve a certain way over centuries the same factor will affect me, an individual, over the course of years

>> No.11801451

> vegan covers ears


As a high school dropout vegan, I disagree with this article, so I will dismiss it's information.

>> No.11801455

>As a high school dropout vegan, I disagree with this article, so I will dismiss it's information.

This is pretty much how vegans get their "knowledge"



>> No.11801460

PhD biochemist vegan

>> No.11801466


>> No.11801482

what did they mean by this

>> No.11801492

> desperate vegan larping

Based on the way the guy reads the article, he hasn't even seen a modern biology book.

>> No.11801503 [DELETED] 

Vegans can lie to themselves, convince themselves and each other of anything, but reality will hit them like an oncoming train if they stay Vegan for ten or fifteen years.


Even five or six year vegans are totally falling apart like Bonnie Rebecca, and moon/rock, and Bobby's perspective, and that's just two weeks worth of crashed Vegans.


These now ex vegans are going against their own financial best interest to tell the truth about Veganism/malnourishment/sickness. It would be in their be$t interest to switch their diet to carnivore, be healthy as fuck, and stay publicly "vegan" for the trendy vegan fame and $$$$.

>> No.11801512
File: 273 KB, 812x566, 42E48DFF-EA98-45CA-B40A-077EB07814DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your mere existence gets poltards aggro

>> No.11801519

stay mad trumplets

>> No.11801548

This is idiocy, that woman quit veganism because she had IBS and couldn't digest plants well. She didn't get IBS from veganism.

>> No.11801557

The NEET queer doesn't care about fact he's just desperate for some interaction and easy (You)s

>> No.11801560

>the poor can't live in luxury

>> No.11801567 [DELETED] 
File: 3.95 MB, 441x480, Asian Jew gets his$$$.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes hello goys we need to eat more vegetables and soy to help stop climate change, you dont want to kill polar bears do you? Stop eating meat its much healthier to live off of canola and tap water our experts said so!
>*Fills entire tanker ship with grain and sends it to china*
>*Dedeicates majority of farmland to canola*
>*Sprays your greens with mexican ecoli shits and herbicides*
>*Imports produce from mexico*
>*Eats 100$ dinners every night on tax dollars*
>psssh nothin personel goyim
Oy Vey the goyem know burn the receipts

>> No.11801578

imagine the level of autism it takes to not only write shit like this while giggling like a toddler but to post it multiple times in one thread

>> No.11801583 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 480x267, Bold Jew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine the level of autism it takes to not only write shit like this while giggling like a toddler but to post it multiple times in one thread
:^) problem goy

>> No.11801584

Autists don't do that anon, this is full on dissociative identity disorder

>> No.11801668

Whats the point of going vegetarian if you only do it for a couple of years?
The whole point is to save animals and get rid of the meat industry.

>> No.11801669

Herbivores often go out of their way to visit natural salt deposits. Cattle needs blocks of licking salt. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.11801693

when's the last time you left the house?

>> No.11801696

>eating meat means you're not alowed to eat a side of vegetables
>eating a diet that contains a lot of vegetables is healthy, therefore eating nothing but vegetables should be even healthier

>> No.11801705

>a vegan diet doesn't cause IBS
>but eating meat definately causes colon cancer
I believe you.

>> No.11801728

>vegans eat nothing but vegetables
Are you retarded?

>> No.11801741

We're not cuckatarians. We're VEGAN shitlord. And that story describes some Indian KEKATARIANS

>> No.11801812

And fruits, nuts, and grains. You know what I meant. The retard I responded to implied that people who claim veganism is unhealthy don't eat any vegetables.

>> No.11802178

Seguro votaste por el Peje, joto.

>> No.11802481

Every response to the OP is more or less "YUCK! Veggies are gross/a Jewish plot to make me a Marxist Leninist!"

I really do despair for some of you lot.

>> No.11803512

>homo milk

>> No.11803520

Fruits and veggies shouldn't be paired together
That's going to give too many people the impression they can eat a shitload of fruit without consequence

>> No.11803521
File: 98 KB, 1024x458, quench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11803525

The fuck you guys talking about?

>> No.11803527


>> No.11803529

Milk is not healthy.

>> No.11803579

It took them this long to make a trace the Myplate image?

>> No.11803658
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, 1547538114180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I guess Humans didn't exist before table salt was invented?
>A species doesn't exist unless 100% of its population is perpetually free from of all malnutrition or disease
How is it possible to be this retarded? I can't even imagine entertaining such an obviously baseless and wrong train of thought.
>Goiter has always been a disease of immense interest of the general population due to its widespread prevalence. It is one of the most common medical problems portrayed in ancient paintings.
>Over 1/3 of world population live in iodine deficient area; 1.6 billion are at risk of iodine deficiency; 655 million have goiter
>How much iodine do I need?
>Adults - 150 mcg
>Am I getting enough iodine?
>Certain groups of people are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough iodine:
>People who do not use iodized salt.
>Adding iodine to salt is the most widely used strategy to control iodine deficiency.

>> No.11803793

>Harvard's food pyramid
>lobster tails are one of the main animal proteins
Checks out.

>> No.11805513

>no dog food


>> No.11806756

>thinking lobster is anything other than the roach of the sea
You're eating bugs thinking you're fancy, but really you're just shelling out $3 a tail to eat like a starving African.

>> No.11807417

Are you seriously trying to argue that water is bad?

>> No.11807451

if the food guide is the picture then its 10000000000000% healthmode

>> No.11807457

>make water your drink of choice
How am I supposed to wake up in the morning? How am I supposed to get drunk at night? This is so unrealistic.

>> No.11807837

Hmm is Muslim and Chinese dick considered a dessert then? I don’t see it listed.

>> No.11807894
File: 217 KB, 807x875, USAFOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These prices infuriate the Canadian.

>> No.11808542

There doesn't appear to be enough tofu in there for that to be a Canadian food guide.

>> No.11809712


niggers killing themselves is a happy thing for /pol/

>> No.11809819

Conservitards are already on the "killing the planet to own the libs epic gangam style" pill. I dont think they care.

>> No.11809825


These prices infuriate aussies too. We pay double or more for fruit and veg and 2 to 10x more for meat. Fuuuuuucked.

>> No.11809830

This sadly

>> No.11809958


I live in a fairly expensive area of Canada, and nothing on that flyer is extremely cheap compared to what I pay?

>> No.11809968

>Eat protein foods
Was this written by a fucking alien?

>> No.11810122

they can't deny that people need protein but apparently don't want to actually recommend meat

>> No.11810144

Looks solid to me. Better than the grainsgrainsgrains pyramid.