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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11796764 No.11796764 [Reply] [Original]

I just saw some video about some kid who died from old pasta, and it got me thinking about the food in my house. We usually cook things and leave them on the stove in the pot for a couple days. I've never gotten sick from this, is this actually okay? It's usually stuff like chicken in tomato sauce left on the stove-top for 3 days; 4 days at absolute max. Am I already dead?

>> No.11796772

only kids are affected

>> No.11796872

Is that a trending video or something? I just saw it last night. Anyway, don't drink an ENTIRE bottle of pepto like a retard. Half a bottle at most. If it doesn't help, don't drink any more and immediately go to the hospital.

>> No.11796883

Don't you have a fridge?

>> No.11796894
File: 29 KB, 430x351, 1539036661705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving meat to fester at room temperature for days at a time

I sincerely hope you get food poisoning so you understanding how stupid this is

>> No.11796902
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we do but we've literally always done this and we never get sick

have we just gained immunity, or become part bacteria

>> No.11796909

usda or some other group recommends refrigeration after 3 hours. Why not? Better safe than sorry.

>> No.11796915

Congratulations, you have a device that for most of human history would have been a godsend and prevented countless unnecessary deaths, but you are too fucking lazy to use it.

>> No.11796917

forgot to mention, it gets heated up again before consumption

>> No.11796931

>Weebfaggot Starts A Tread On /ck/. THIS Is What Happened To His Anus.

>> No.11796941


>> No.11796946

it was the only fitting image i had for my reaction watching the video, im sorry

>> No.11796953

The key is reheating. Even semi spoiled meat is harmless if stewed.

>> No.11796958
File: 36 KB, 332x327, 1489356466266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to shitpost in the video title format

>> No.11796962

A couple of hours is OK even overnight if you live in a cold climate. A couple of days will make most foods start to rot

>> No.11796972

>I just saw some video about some kid who died from old pasta
How old are we talking about here?

>> No.11796977

Its fiineee some food or some environments accelerate spoilage, if it looks, smells and tastes alright it prolly is
That being said you dont lose much by refrigerating and reheating, I do so myself after like a day. These nonsense recommendations just make sure to cover people with compromised immune systems like fags with aids and fucking infants

>> No.11796984

Dumb akkoposter.

>> No.11796986


>> No.11796991


>> No.11796994

why are animeposters so fucking dumb bros? how do we stop them from ruining /ck/ with these godawful threads?

>> No.11798075

Your olfactory faculties are honed through millions of years of evolution to determine if your food has gone bad so you can avoid getting food poisoning.
Trust your senses.
If it smells, looks or tastes off, you can throw it out and rest assured that you're not going to die some freaky disease.