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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11775229 No.11775229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11775234

Wow look at those buckets of kfc

>> No.11775248


>> No.11775261

>all that chicken and watermelon

>> No.11775265

Reminds me of that Kingsman scene. Why do we have such a based president?

>> No.11775272
File: 75 KB, 618x741, 1541445805885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely believe it's providence.

>> No.11775280

Burgers and salad are black racist caricatures now? If anything it'd be a caricature of white Americans but it\s not because ESPN are faggots.

>> No.11775283
File: 77 KB, 486x409, 713'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fed them McDonalds because there were no chefs around due to the govt shutdown he ordered for not receiving funding his KKK wet dream? LOLOLOL. How cucked do you have to be to defend this as being "resourceful".

>> No.11775288

This picture is so nice; brings a tear to my eye.

>> No.11775289
File: 628 KB, 823x893, screenshot-www.telegraph.co.uk-2019.01.17-23-10-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ESPN host would be right if Trump only served KFC and Church's Chicken. But it was all Burger King, McDonald's, and Wendy's. Dude just loves fast food even though he's loaded with money.

>> No.11775296

Trying to do something about illegal immigration is not kkk

t. Minority legal immigrant

>> No.11775299

>get expensive catering
>wtf all those government workers have no money you fucking bigot and you waste money on this shit
>get cheap fast food
>wtf you fucking racist cheap piece of shit
What is the winning move in this situation?

>> No.11775306

To have not shut down the government over a bullshit wall.

>> No.11775308

Uncle Tom

>> No.11775316


>> No.11775321

Every time I saw a picture of it, I only saw white players, so I don't know where he's getting that.

>> No.11775325


>> No.11775339

Patently democrat.

>> No.11775338

Plenty of countries have border walls. Why not the US?

>> No.11775345

It's funny because practically everyone in my extended family thinks a wall would be a good idea, and we're all Mexicans. You tend to change your tune pretty quickly when you see the human hurricane that are a thousand shameless littering and squatting Hondurans roll through your town, leaving a heap of trash 10 feet tall.

>> No.11775346

Because the wall will deter future democrat voters from illegally entering the country

>> No.11775360

They want a better life you brown grand wizard.

>> No.11775362

There is a way to do that legally, you white self-hating cuck.

>> No.11775363

>Meanwhile Obama gave a black team a feast of Nothing, with a side of "Don't fucking touch anything"

>> No.11775365

so do we. without them.

>> No.11775366

The fuck is a Honduran?

>> No.11775368

>A legal way.
Not with a migrant hating dictator in charge.

>> No.11775370

Lol this.

>> No.11775371

No one said it would be easy.

>> No.11775372

So the Dems will have to go back to using corpses?

>> No.11775375

It can be easy, it is easy.
We just have too many racist hurdles.

>> No.11775377

It's not exactly healthy, but it's pretty smart when you don't want to spend your money frivolously. Buying an expensive prime rib could net you a week worth of fast food. Gotta think smart. Even Cheeto man has a bright idea once in a while.,

>> No.11775378

Those hurdles predate the orange man, buddy. If you want actual hurdles, look at Japan.

>> No.11775381

There is literally no reason for America to accept ANY migrants

>> No.11775384

We never put kids in cages before Trump.

>> No.11775387

>being this naive

>> No.11775388

>What is the statue of "liberty"
Someone is too bigoted to see, apparently.

>> No.11775391
File: 90 KB, 774x595, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason why democrats obsessively oppose crackdowns on illegals is because they will overwhelmingly vote democrat once they get amnesty.

>> No.11775394

I don't know, what is the statue of liberty bro?

>> No.11775395

They already vote democrat as is.

>> No.11775399

What are you talking about, most Hondurans voted for Communi-ooooh

>> No.11775401
File: 525 KB, 1080x1690, Government Shutdown, or wall... which would you rather have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11775404

What does this have to do with cooking or food? Dumb polfags.

>> No.11775405

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Seems like the biggest troll post ever with trump in charge.

>> No.11775407

Yeah that big white lineman with 3 cheeseburgers on his plate sure looked offended.

>> No.11775409

The WALL is a giant omelet that must be cooked. We just need to crack a few eggs.

>> No.11775415
File: 721 KB, 1242x1629, 444B83EA-543B-4361-80BA-D9AEF4A5AB7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based spics

>> No.11775417

If it's a hundred years later and they're still wretched and poor, there is a problem.

>> No.11775419
File: 9 KB, 222x227, 1547762793816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only complaint about the whole thing is the absolutely criminal lack of bananas

>> No.11775424

Only applies to whites based off the constitution

>> No.11775426

It's statue of LIBERTY not statue of IMMIGRATION

Nice merchant poem, friend

>> No.11775430

The word food is right there in the title of the article.

>> No.11775432

Tacked on by a Zionist Jew well after it was delivered

>> No.11775438
File: 44 KB, 320x381, 1522345493307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bloo bloo muh kids in cages
Don't cross the border illegally then, they should be executed on the spot, you should be thanking trump

>> No.11775443

Fuck borders