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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11742113 No.11742113 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good cooking book?

Now, I don't mean a recipe book. I mean one that will explain the usual techniques and explain why they are as such. I suppose that's what you're taught in cooking school, I want that in a book.

>> No.11742121 [DELETED] 

first post

>> No.11742144

it literally doesn't matter because you can just google something you want to know and find out

>> No.11742160
File: 736 KB, 1069x1331, Screenshot_20190111-064505_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this baby from 1971 and it's full of gr8 recipes. One of the best things passed down from my mother.

>> No.11742168

Well yes nigga sure but I want 1) a good source and 2) to know what the hell I should google.

But is it just recipes?

>> No.11742194

It's got loads of references for spices and seasonings among other things. I've used recipes in it as a basis for my own as well. It is pretty complete with the variety of recipes as well as variations on specific recipes

>> No.11742196
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>> No.11742320

>you can just google something
yeah, and find over 9000 wrong ways of doing something

>> No.11742357
File: 46 KB, 640x641, the_professional_chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. I suppose that's what you're taught in cooking school, I want that in a book.
Pic related is the standard. It's a culinary school textbook. Like most college textbooks the current edition is expensive but you can buy earlier editions for pennies on the dollar. I've given many of these as gifts, you just can't compete with the value for money.

Other good choices are:
Modernist Cuisine
La Methode and La Technique - Jacques Pepin (or the later compilation "Complete Techniques")

>> No.11742361

It does have loads of recipes, but it's also dumbed down for home cooks. So is >>11742196

this. Google blows until you get enough experience under your belt to separate the bullshit from the few bits of legit info out there. The internet has no barrier to entry so it's filled with outright crap.

>> No.11742385

This is it right here. The only things more in depth are specialty books on baking and fermentation. Also specialist food science books but explaining chemistry doesn't mean the master recipe is worth a single fuck. Even those are filled with bro science.

>> No.11742406

Are there any books which actually describe experiments they undertook to find the methods to cook food?

It's not good science without repeatable unbiased experiments.

>> No.11742411

>Are there any books which actually describe experiments they undertook to find the methods to cook food?
are you retarded? we were literal apes when we discovered how to cook food.

>> No.11742421

Yes, Modernist Cuisine. Also, the El Bulli cookbooks.

>> No.11742423

so youtube it. don't expect to get something right the first time, that's what makes quitters.

>> No.11742425

Do they really do stuff multiple ways and then blind taste test it?

Or do they just go "blah blah, so do it this way"? With the blah blah sounding scientific.

>> No.11742429

Youtube has the same problem. There's a lot of good cooking on there, but it's also hidden among mountains of shit. YT is alright if you force yourself to watch EXPERTS rather than "cooking shows". I guess Good Eats is OK for beginners. Most of the popular food youtubers are filled with mistakes, they are more entertainment than they are competent.

>> No.11742436

>are you retarded? we were literal apes when we discovered how to cook food.
Apes didn't fret over flip once or flip every 10 seconds for steak.

>> No.11742438

Yes you ponce. They're also filled with references to academic papers you need advanced degrees to understand.

>> No.11742448

i wasn't

>> No.11742539

>HERE'S VIDEO OF MY CHILDREN (may or may not be "fur babies")
>*snaps fingers over various vegetables, instantly chopping them*
>*throws ingredients into pot at the same time*
>*burns the garlic*
>*fails at browning the meat because they use nonstick pans*
>*curdles the milk and insists it's supposed to have the "texture of ricotta"*
>*doesn't eat it*

>> No.11742549

>*fails at browning the meat because they use nonstick pans*
You can get a perfectly good sear in a non-stick pan, you just don't get fond.


>> No.11742558

Yes, you can, but why would you choose to when there are other tools which do that job better?

I mean, I can drive nails with a big wrench but that's kind of dumb when a hammer exists.

>> No.11742574

In Gordon's case I assume Woll paid him to.

>> No.11742587

The Food Lab does this but not to the extent of a culinary school textbook. For a beginner it’s a great cookbook, it includes tiny “experiments” for stuff like why you should add liquid slowly to a roux rather than all at once.

>> No.11742600

Cook's is pretty good, I would recommend that to OP. Yes it's a recipe book but the first couple pages of each recipe talk about techniques and the how and why of what makes the recipe good. Best to find these at a used book store or something, don't ever give Cook's your credit card number.

>> No.11742688

>Best to find these at a used book store or something,

Especially because the newer editions are far more dumbed-down than the older ones. For books like Joy of Cooking, Good Housekeeping, Cooks Illustrated, etc, the 1960's and 70's versions are the ones you want.

>> No.11742693

Thanks guys, OP here and very happy with some of the answers here. I'll try to get one of these soon.

>> No.11742707
File: 17 KB, 325x359, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why you should add liquid slowly to a roux rather than all at once.
why is that anyway?

>> No.11742709

who cares?
go masturbate to alton brown you preschooler.

>> No.11742714

Piero is a nigger who thrives purely on drama, and so is Ramsay.

>> No.11742726

i care because im lazy and i just dump it all in at once and aside from getting a horrific burn once i don't see the problem and i refuse to change without a reason but now im worried that im missing out on something

>> No.11742745

So why don't you try it both ways and compare the results, then make a decision from there?

>> No.11742752

>knowledge should not be shared, just do the research yourself
Literally retarded

>> No.11742761

You misunderstand.
I'm trying to help you get your answer the fastest possible way. You'd probably be done already if you had simply tried it.

If you'd rather get the book then be my guest, but you seem like the kind of whiny shitbag who won't do that. Given that assumption, you testing it yourself is the cheapest and fastest way to satisfy your curiosity.

>> No.11742764

I'm not the guy you were replying to. I'm sure an answer can be found online without having to waste time and food to find out.

>> No.11742769

anon that wasn't me, but it's going to take me atleast a few hours to make a decent stock and then several rouxs to do all this testing

In reality i'd probably either dogmatically follow the advice, or continue as I am, because seeing as i'm already happy with my roux method i don't even know if i'd be able to perceive a difference, without testing it thoroughly.

I'd buy kenji's book because he's a GC but i don't really buy cook books.

>> No.11742772

It only takes a couple minutes to make a basic bechamel. You'd be done already if you had started testing when you read my suggestion.

I'm sure you could find the answer online, but it seems to me that testing it would be much faster. Why are you willing to spend time searching online but not time testing? Especially when the latter is more trustworthy anyway?

>> No.11742775 [DELETED] 
File: 2.67 MB, 640x800, mcdonalds_ns.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will fucking kill you, you shitcunt, tell me the answer right now bitch

>> No.11742785

Blue board

>> No.11742787

Internet is actually garbage at this, both for technique and recipes, because for every competent guy posting a vid/article, there's 10 morons doing so, and if you're trying to learn, you probably cant tell which is which. And its true for many things not just cooking

>> No.11742799

>Especially when the latter is more trustworthy anyway?
But it's not. Maybe you can get away with it in this case, but you won't easily manage to figure if you food is safer to eat, or will keep longer, or other similar properties by just testing. That's where you need the results of people who actually took the time to do a proper study and got it published.

>> No.11742806
File: 103 KB, 261x320, recess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking loser i will shit in your mouth

>> No.11742807

because when the roux has just a little bit of liquid it added and incorporated it forms a smooth but still really thick paste. At that stage it is perfect for getting rid of all the flour lumps by whisking the roux vigorously and crushing them. If you do that you dont even need to sift the flour. That is how I do it and I have never had the tiniest lump in my sauce.

>> No.11742816

hm ok, thanks, that makes sense, but i never really make a blonde roux, i'm always standing over the stove whisking it for atleast 10 minutes already so that's not an issue

>> No.11742850

>but you won't easily manage to figure if you food is safer to eat, or will keep longer, or other similar properties by just testing

Why would any of that be a concern at all? the question is which tastes better, and that's something you can find out in just a couple of minutes.

>> No.11742860

Yes you are absolutely right

>> No.11742880

This man made Gordon Ramsay cry in a corner like a little bitch, be very afraid of him.

>> No.11743041

Gordon Ramsay is just a bully and a bully always breaks down like a pussy if you stand up to him.

>> No.11743045

>This man made Gordon Ramsay cry in a corner like a little bitch, be very afraid of him.
He didn't make him cry. He chose to cry.

>> No.11743512

My ninja

>> No.11743537
File: 60 KB, 1200x630, 34227692._UY630_SR1200,630_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only cookbook i've bought, it has a really good recipe for challah

>> No.11744618

Science of cooking.

>> No.11744844
File: 19 KB, 293x399, diefaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional Cooking by Wayne Gisslen. Will teach you everything from sauces to meats to desserts. Even how to use pots and pans and how to chop.

>> No.11745240


>> No.11745275

b-ok dot cc slash book slash 3386464 slash 85bc6b

You can get it here.

>> No.11745334


Older editions are available for pocket change. Probably because Le Cordon Bleu fell apart.

>> No.11745668

One of those better homes and gardens cookbooks with the binder rings, it covers all the basics. I guarantee your grandmother has one

>> No.11745706
File: 10 KB, 315x475, CCED562B-B5EB-4766-866B-2420F1D68A52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sashimi section is superb

>> No.11745738

Salt Fat Acid Heat. It’s a methodical approach to making excellent food of any sort which invites experimentation by the reader to test and refine what it teaches.

>> No.11746064

harold mcgee, on food and cooking. great book about the science of cooking, before all the other ones came out. its literature.

>> No.11746179

I have my culinary school books in my closet somewhere (ya cant have them though but i could maybe scan all the pages and upload them if you asked me nicely)

>> No.11746374

much appreciated

>> No.11746384

Sorted is all right. A few of them are professional chefs so they actually know what they're doing.

The YouTube channel is mostly entertainment though. If you want much else you'll need to visit their website.

>> No.11746649

Go learn in a kitchen you idiot. Preferably nowhere near america.

>> No.11747014
File: 206 KB, 480x640, 1544952289544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a new chef at work

>mfw he puts on a cordon bleu jacket