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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11742094 No.11742094 [Reply] [Original]

Sushi is the best food.

>> No.11742105 [DELETED] 

first post

>> No.11742127

How does /ck/ feel about eating live seafood btw

>> No.11742151
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i like it

>> No.11742153


>> No.11742185
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I honestly can’t understand why it triggers people
It’s just nature, bro

>> No.11742225

Why'd you post sashimi then?

>> No.11742266

Isn’t sashimi a type of sushi
I thought it was just sushi without rice

>> No.11742273

Sushi is actually just the rice. Things on top are called Neta and raw fish is Sashimi. Rolls are called Nigiri


>> No.11742304

because we already have sjw jannies here and they're trying to bring in the vegan faggot tumblrinas

>> No.11742326

Because it's unnecessary? And chances are you aren't getting that food the natural way anyways. You're eating your store bought farmed fish alive so you can feel like a grizzly bear? Talk about larping.

I hunt, and participating in the natural order demands some respect. I would never want to extend the suffering of anything I kill. Why would someone do that? Is it some sort of power fetish?

>> No.11742350

>Rolls are called Nigiri
lolno. you fail at weebing.
Nigiri sushi is a topping (neta) on rice which has been doctored up with sugar and vinegar (shari, aka "sushi rice")

Rolls are called "maki". they can be standard ones, or they can be cone-shaped hand rolls "temaki".

>> No.11742393

oh shit

brb committing seppuku

>> No.11742477

>I hunt, and participating in the natural order demands some respect.
Actual wild predators don’t feel the way you do. Stop LARPing.

>> No.11742495

Careful sharpening your katanas tonite, homeboy.

>> No.11742629

>Thinking that trying to elevate your spirit and psychology above that of an animal is bad.
Wed lads, don't you know we are all animals? Let's start shitting wherever and fucking on instinct! Just like proud wild animals!

You're supposed to pick-and-choose the noble parts of the natural order you are participating in dumbass

>> No.11742639
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Imagine being such a faggot that you try to insult someone for knowing more than you

>> No.11742889


sushi = raw fish + rice
sashimi = raw fish
mushi = rice with no raw fish

>> No.11742963

I'd give it a try but I feel like the live octopuses would get stuck in my throat and I'd die.

>> No.11742964

>We must respect the animals that we hunt but also we don't act like them because they're FUCKING RETARDED HAHAHA

>> No.11742971


thats not alive, the movement is caused by citric acid or another compound that fires off spasms in a dead creature.

>> No.11743817

Fuck I love sushi, I usually don’t get rolls but occasionally I’ll get Avocado maki. Eating sushi with normies is the worst. Always fucking soaking everything in soy sauce and coating everything wasabi. Then there’s always the person who ‘loves sushi’ but thinks raw fish is total yuks and only likes krazzzzzy rolls! I hate people.

>> No.11743845

why is it so atsy

>> No.11745115

sushi is sashimi just like nips are chinks, retarded soyboi

>> No.11746217
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>Always fucking soaking everything in soy sauce and coating everything wasabi
This 1000%!!!!

Holy shit I cannot even fathom how they work.

>invite friend to sushi place
>dip the edge of my sushi slightly into soy sauce
>look over to friend
>literally dropping the entire thing into the sauce bowl and waving around with chop sticks until the whole rice is soaked
>watch as this retard puts it in his/her mouth and munches it like it's normal
Every time.

>> No.11747494


>> No.11747553

i love plopping my sushi in my sauce bowl, i sometimes even flip it so the top side gets soaked too.

Its delicious and you cant stop me faggot

>> No.11747937

>you cant stop me faggot
I don't want to stop you homie. I want you to enjoy your sodium apocalypse and spend more money on drinks while we're at the sushi place.

>> No.11748050
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>> No.11748056

>spend more money on free water
Yikes. Hoping you didn’t hire someone to write that for you

>> No.11748059

based dahyun poster