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11723052 No.11723052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11723062

Why is he wearing makeup

>> No.11723071


not makeup, just good genes and diet

stay jelly jannie

>> No.11723080
File: 115 KB, 1088x629, 64197306-BC47-4ACA-96F3-0F06DD8A4694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean...

>> No.11723087

i met a guy in college who did the raw meat diet. his teeth were yellow.

>> No.11723098

and this dude's aren't. What's your point? Once you lose the layer of enamel on your teeth you can't get it back

>> No.11723116

This dude looks like the offspring of the Bogdanoffs.

>> No.11723119

Everyone knows American health education is all funded by Big Dairy and Big Meat. They fill the media with their propaganda and pseudoscience all the time. From childhood "diary is necessary for strength and bones!!" to the 'Paleo diet' (which is just a diet without grains: convenient for the meat industry who do their best to spread fear and disinfo about grains, nuts, seeds, soy and other vegan alternatives), to the mad 'carnivore' diet and raw milk and raw meat movements. All heavily funded pseudoscience and disinfo supported by powerful American orgs which get donations from ranchers for increasing their sales.

>> No.11723144
File: 122 KB, 1125x598, 3B11CAA7-305E-4380-8D0B-3F8818B99C34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”yeah I don’t really enjoy this particular steak but, trust me, I usually love it.”
>”here’s another look, yeah”
These videos are hysterical thank you OP

>> No.11723152


I’ve listened to the raw meat people talk about the food industry, and I seriously doubt they’re on the take.

>> No.11723154

right and veganism is immune to political grandstanding:


I think people (like you) are just too dishonest or ignorant about the fact that veganism is just as destructive towards the environment as agriculture and hunting for sport. And more importantly, you're afraid of admitting that modernism is unsustainable and will soon lead to a worldwide collapse (and guess which lifestyle will have the greatest prospects for survival? It sure won't be the vegans who need their diets imported from 12 different countries)

#nOt aN ArGuMenT

>> No.11723161

What the fuck is this video, I skipped to a random part and it's someone zooming in on someone's Jewish ancestry on Wikipedia. Another is Jay Z. What the fuck?

>> No.11723163


did your friend happen to be vegan beforehand?

>> No.11723167

If you actually watch from the time I linked you to till the end, you'll see that veganism is promoted by leftists, Ashkenazi Jews, and celebrities

>> No.11723168
File: 66 KB, 708x617, 1534529462829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not a coincidence.

>> No.11723171

Around when I found out about based Sverige.

>> No.11723181

>it's someone zooming in on someone's Jewish ancestry on Wikipedia
lmao. sounds like the evidence I would have expected

>> No.11723182

I took the omnivore pill like a true Chad

>> No.11723187

It’s always a bit telling when a rebuttal to an argument is to take down another extreme diet, one that wasn’t even mentioned.

>> No.11723193

Have you considered that meat and dairy increases your estrogen levels and gives you cancer?

>> No.11723202

that isn't enough; you need to be pilled on which foods have anti-nutrients

I just responded to your argument with the same tone of response; everything is politicized and has corporate interests, that's not an argument

The siberian innuits eat solely fish meat and fat and survive to modern age levels (without the artificial prolongment of life in the western world)

>> No.11723209
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1546887449581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teeth color can come from variety of reasons. Teeth falling out completely?? Probably from vegan malnourishment.

>> No.11723211

Why do the ugliest people film themselves going on meme diets.

>> No.11723215
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, skinny raw vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered that vegans are hillariously malnourished girlymen?


>> No.11723218
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, Vegans are healthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea, ask any vegan.

>> No.11723225

The whole point of a meme diet these days is to share it on social media to get attention.

>> No.11723232

til the diets that are responsible for our human ancestors surviving hundreds of thousands of years before agriculture are "meme diets"

>> No.11723252

>I just responded to your argument with the same tone of response; everything is politicized and has corporate interests, that's not an argument
You weren’t responding to me and I’d hardly call your rabid attack on vegans an argument. It’s no secret that the dairy and meat industry have long been intertwined with the government, hence dairy checkoff programs and the like. Say what you will, but that anon isn’t wrong to point that out, nor will attacking vegans (a diet I don’t subscribe to) change this fact. Rather, the diets less vulnerable to propaganda are those that don’t have meme names like vegan, keto, carnivore, paleo, etc. Theyre ‘diets’ that aren’t plastered on news pages or television screens because they advocate for a little of everything (a moderate intake of vegetable, fruits, starch, and, occasionally, meat). These are the diets that are immune to political grandstanding. It doesn’t mean that they are necessarily better or worse for you, but they’re not heavily politicized.

>> No.11723257

hella thaiboy levels of gay

>> No.11723310

>I’d hardly call your rabid attack on vegans an argument.
vegans deserve to be rabidly attacked because their ideology kills people and babies

>It’s no secret that the dairy and meat industry have long been intertwined with the government, hence dairy checkoff programs and the like. Say what you will, but that anon isn’t wrong to point that out,
he isn't wrong; both of you assumed that I support the dairy industry/meat industry when that isn't true at all. Most dairy is pasteurized today, and most meat is raised in crap conditions. That doesn't mean there aren't good dairy/meat avenues.

>Theyre ‘diets’ that aren’t plastered on news pages or television screens because they advocate for a little of everything (a moderate intake of vegetable, fruits, starch, and, occasionally, meat).

"Occasionally" meat ehh? I don't suppose your definition of occasionally means "every day", ehh? Starches and fruits aren't "necessary" at all, and the fact that you place them above meat tells me all I need to know about your agenda.

>> No.11723349

What’s my agenda

>> No.11723357


>> No.11723362
File: 11 KB, 320x180, milkjar at protest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diets’ that aren’t plastered on news pages or television screens because they advocate for a little of everything (a moderate intake of vegetable, fruits, starch, and, occasionally, meat

Q- How to advocate for veganism to meat eaters who aren't yet ready for the vegan message?

A- Spread the message that "less meat is better" forward the idea, that it is understood that people should be eating "less" meat, for their health and the environment.

These fucking kikes are pushing propaganda on multiple levels, everytime they open their mouths or computers.


>> No.11723375

And vegans are all gay


>> No.11723376

I wasn’t expecting this response. How am I pushing modernism pray tell.
>if you eat meat occasionally, you’re pushing veganism
Can’t argue with this

>> No.11723381

>These fucking kikes are pushing propaganda on multiple levels, everytime they open their mouths or computers.
this dude isn't even aware how brainwashed he already is: >>11723349

people like him are the most dangerous because they're the most unassuming

>> No.11723405

>How am I pushing modernism pray tell.
By suggesting that a plurality of different viewpoints can be viable at the same time. The reality is that you're slightly less corporatist/consumerist than the average vegan.

>> No.11723442

Wow, what a pseudointellectual response, thank you. If by ‘plurality of viewpoints’ you’re suggesting ‘a diet consisting of both vegetables and meat’, you are correct in making that assumption. Again, subscribing to any meme diet (carnivore, vegan, keto, etc) is more ‘corporate’ than a diet that doesn’t have any hard or fast rules. Eating vegetables and meat does not make you brainwashed.

Jesus. It’s hard to keep a level head with you guys sometimes. You’re just so deluded, it’s like having a debate team in a psych ward.

>> No.11723480

>If by ‘plurality of viewpoints’ you’re suggesting ‘a diet consisting of both vegetables and meat’

That's entirely different from your statement before; before you said veggies, starches, fruits were more important than meat, and you didn't mention dairy at all. Don't go all revolutionary on me now.

I can link you to your direct statements that show you to be a centrist/multiculturalist/unassuming-pluralist:

>I’d hardly call your rabid attack on vegans an argument.
>It doesn’t mean that they are necessarily better or worse for you, but they’re not heavily politicized.
>a diet that doesn’t have any hard or fast rules.

Just admit that you don't actually have a clue what you're talking about and on a day of the purge when shit hits the fan, you'd be the first to sell out your fellow friends who you were prepared to ideologically die for (at least in theory) the day before.

>> No.11723551

I was proposing a hypothetical diet that subverted being politicized. I didn’t say that I subscribe to that diet. Further, even if I did subscribe to that diet, I certainly cannot be an advocate for veganism, as I eat meat (and would be, hypothetically, advocating for its occasional consumption). Diets without a name are, obviously, less politicized/corporate. You don’t see many YouTube videos advocating for an omnivorous diet. Your other quotes are, correct, yes, though merely quoting my earlier passages still doesn’t make me a proponent for either camp.

Finally, exposing yourself as a /pol/tard LARPer daydreaming about some eventual riot in the streets in which leftists and vegans are purged does little to help your case and, honestly, just makes you look 14. Also your videos suck and you should stop wearing makeup.

>> No.11723585

>please watch my shitty youtube video
Fuck you, and your trash, you begging piece of shilling garbage.


>> No.11723591

>I was proposing a hypothetical diet that subverted being politicized.
You're a fool; your "hypothetical diet" is a vague virtue-signalling non-event. You think this: >>11723362
>a little of everything (a moderate intake of vegetable, fruits, starch, and, occasionally, meat

is something worthy of being mentioned, let alone undertaken? There's no detail, no science, no case studies, no nothing. Yours is the "diet" "normal" people take on and then in their 50s struggle to understand why in the world they have health issues. Well because they were under the misconception that everything in small amounts is good for you, while everything essential should just be taken 'occasionally".

Yours is the most cookie-cutter, most corporate, only second to veganism and those who eat fast-food every day. Of course it doesn't have to be politicized when it's the status quo already and responsible for the shit world we live in today, the world of delusion and feel-good-"facts". In short, you have nothing to be proud of.

>Finally, exposing yourself as a /pol/tard LARPer daydreaming about some eventual riot in the streets in which leftists and vegans are purged does little to help your case and, honestly, just makes you look 14. Also your videos suck and you should stop wearing makeup.

The collapse will come. Of that you can be sure. And I'm not the person in the vids (and he doesn't wear makeup, as I've already shown the vid where he literally wipes his face with a towel.)

>> No.11723600

Thanks for the bump, friend

>> No.11723610

>Yours is the most cookie-cutter, most corporate, only second to veganism and those who eat fast-food every day. Of course it doesn't have to be politicized when it's the status quo already and responsible for the shit world we live in today, the world of delusion and feel-good-"facts". In short, you have nothing to be proud of.
I think eating a healthy, balanced diet is something that you’ll realize, in time, is good for you, especially when mixed with exercise. I suppose eating raw meat is a nice fad to undertake, good luck to you on that.

>The collapse will come. Of that you can be sure.
I’m on the edge of my seat.
>And I'm not the person in the vids (and he doesn't wear makeup, as I've already shown the vid where he literally wipes his face with a towel.)
Maybe the most pathetic thing I’ve read today. If you aren’t this guy, you must really want to fuck him.

>> No.11723629

>I think eating a healthy, balanced diet is something that you’ll realize
lol, more feel-good platitudes

>> No.11723634

Most pathetic fucking post lmao, fuck off Frank

>> No.11723667

lol thx for the bump mate