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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11706169 No.11706169 [Reply] [Original]

>three vegan threads
>no carnivore thread
where my dawgs at?

>> No.11706196
File: 94 KB, 1300x866, 72782117-eating-meat-hungry-woman-with-red-lips-going-to-eat-raw-meat-portrait-of-girl-with-beautiful-face-ma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11706308

If I saw qts eating meat like in those pics I'd get the strangest boner.

>> No.11706330

it's a primal boner.

>> No.11706348

I haven't eaten a carb in 90 days and I need to tell people about it. AMA

>> No.11706368

This is by far the most autistic /ck/ poster of all time:

>> No.11706414

As long as I reach meme status I'm okay with repping that mantle. Eventually I won't be the only one posting zerocarbqt.jpg once this carnivore train picks up some steam. I'd prefer infamy to fame any day. Any publicity is good publicity. Go check the /x/ and /pol/ archives for even wilder shit.

>> No.11706435
File: 30 KB, 450x319, zerocarbqt7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've actually inspired me to expand my collection. Thank you based hateposter.

>> No.11706458

Such a predator. I can imagine you now prowling the supermarket with your trolley to pounce on your prey, butchered meat wrapped in plastic. Truly a lion among men

>> No.11706463

Tell me more.

>> No.11706508

Kek this old vegan meme that was never funny, i suppose you think hunting and gathering the supermarket for your intensively grown fruits and vegetables which are unsustainable in a natural environment somehow makes you any better. I suppose you think you can just go out into the wild and find naturally occuring fields of vegetables that havent been decimated wild live, pests and disease.

>> No.11706557
File: 20 KB, 297x484, zerocarbqt8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunting has never been easier my man.
Living life zero carb is the best feeling in the world. The mental clarity is unmatched. If you've ever dabbled in fasting it feels like a permanent fast with no hunger or drop in energy levels. Getting off exogenous glucose and back onto ketones as nature intended is like waking up from a lifelong bender. My drug addicted life before was like some kind of slow and elaborate suicide ritual. Glad that spiral of self-abuse is over. Suicide by pizza isn't the way to go. I'd rather die on my feet. As a lifelong sedentary NEET emasculated by porn/vidya/sugar addictions and endocrine disruptors, I found the definitive cure for $oygoyism and it's working. I have a whole lifetime ahead of me to keep healing but it's amazing just to feel like I'm not dying for once. I had all kinds of fucked up symptoms before. Perpetually clogged sinuses, psoriasis on my scalp, GI distress, aching fibrotic breast tissue, gynecomastia, back pain, insomnia, low testosterone and a general lack of confidence. Thanks to this diet my hormones and brain chemistry are naturally balanced for the first time in my life. Old injuries are flaring up and healing. I'm highly motivated to exercise thanks to all this excess energy I never had before. Basically I'm a lean mean redpilling machine and you guys are a bunch of brainwashed poop factories. Carnivory is one of the best kept elite secrets to health and longevity.

>> No.11706585
File: 113 KB, 1300x956, zerocarbqt6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longevity isn't the goal so much as quality of life. Every day I used to feel like death on a standard american high carb diet. Veganism almost killed me even faster. That's a long story.

>> No.11706615

A common feature of mental illness is black and white thinking where you're convinced everything is either horribly bad or the greatest thing ever with no sense of moderating nuance. I'm not surprised you went from the one extreme of veganism to this opposite extreme of eating meat exclusively.

>> No.11706632

how do you poop?

>> No.11706717

Pooping is a jewish construct and degenerate. Why do you think they find it so funny? (((They)))'re laughing AT you not WITH you goy

>> No.11706850
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1540212001980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because I recognise agriculture and access to grains built civilization. I'm not larping as a lion eating raw meat. Also I love how carnivores think its vegan Vs carnivore and that no one else thinks their diet is retarded. Go stare at the sun, brainlet

>> No.11706919

Stupid shareblue vegan spammers who wander over her after shilling liberal bullshit on /pol/

>> No.11706947
File: 56 KB, 650x491, tfw not vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11706969
File: 53 KB, 580x326, 1d3ea027bc3856f62ae2141fa1e7695d_signs-eat-more-protein_580x326_featuredImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Longevity isn't the goal so much as quality of life

>> No.11707099


>> No.11707136

Firstly, I'm not vegetarian.
My question to you guys is as follows:
How much would meat have to cost for you to stop buying it?

>> No.11707210

Not by far but he’s pretty autistic, yeah

>> No.11707371
File: 167 KB, 919x387, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My question to you guys
This is very clearly just one severely autistic retard with a literal psychiatric hospitalization history who spams the shit out of these same posts, pictures, and links every single day. "Carnivore" isn't an actual diet trend. He gets banned for breaking the advertising rules all the time too because he keeps on trying to turn his bizarre attempt at a fad diet into a "meme." See:
>As long as I reach meme status I'm okay with repping that mantle. Eventually I won't be the only one posting zerocarbqt.jpg once this carnivore train picks up some steam.
(78 results for that exact same image hash that nobody else posts, just on /ck/ alone)
Bullshit, show me any example of a worse /ck/ autist. Carnivore-autist makes the "pepperoni pizza is for kids" spammer look like a well adjusted pillar of sane and mature culinary discourse. He has his own youtube channel for rapping about his meat only diet for fuck's sake:
>Raw Deal
>Masses fed on bread and lies
>The dreams within our hearts
>Never to be realized
>Sleeping behind the wheel of life
>Until the day we rise
>Until the day we rise
>Until the day we rise
And yes, I'm aware of the irony that I'm essentially becoming autistic over my half-disgust / half-fascination with this autism, but there you go.

>> No.11707534

She looks bald though

>> No.11707539

Meat is so fucking expensive in Canada I've resorted to lentils. I eat meat maybe twice a month now

>> No.11707546

The Canadians on /pol/ said high meat prices was just a bullshit American /pol/ meme. Is it real, or are you one of those Americans perpetuating a myth?

>> No.11708143


>> No.11708179


>> No.11708201

>trying this hard to make this place reddit
that's a double yikes from me there boss

>> No.11708251

never trust anything said on /pol/ unless they give proof/evidence

>> No.11708350

>that feeling when low-test, high-estrogen and high risk of cancer from eating the processed meat of hormone-injected animals raised eating fish pellets

>> No.11708354

eat meats and veggies, avoid factory made frankenfoods, do moderate exercise and get sun exposure daily

is it really that hard?

>> No.11708451

not really a huge fan of salicylates or oxalates. veggies are a jewish trick.

>> No.11708596

if meat becomes so expensive that I can no longer afford it, I'll just go hunt and fish instead.
I'd rather die than have to eat plants like some retarded herbivore.

>> No.11708676

In my freezer I've got 200lbs of venison, 30 ducks, a few rabbits and 20lbs of fish fillets.

>> No.11708877

What a fucking retard. His grasp on English seems to be degrading. I bet it's his shitty, toothless, deficient diet is to blame.

>> No.11708957

It's not a meme. Meat is expensive as fuck

>> No.11709064

>tfw moderate omnivore
>can't spin this into some trendy fad to get rich and famous from
oh well, doing the right thing isn't always the easiest i guess

>> No.11710254

Nobody wants to practice common sense anymore. People today want fanatical gimmick diets that magically solve all their problems by blaming everything on one food group and treating some other food group as the secret to perfect health.

>> No.11710360
File: 96 KB, 694x530, I'maLeaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can confirm. Maybe zoomers don't know any better but meat used to be far more affordable up here. Even tougher cuts are pricey now. I compensate by stocking up on 'deenz when they're on sale.

Average people need to realize that our cancerous economic paradigm of interminable growth may keep the boomers and elites in comfort till their graves, but the rest of us are going to have less nice things.

>> No.11710465


>> No.11710480

>as fuck
fuck off underage

>> No.11710511

Not him, but US born in '86 here and we definitely grew up saying "as fuck" all the time. Might actually be a *before* your time way of speaking rather than an after your time one.

>> No.11710747

>links reddit

>> No.11711526
File: 108 KB, 720x500, Steak Tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegan tears.

Long may they flow. Your tears are like a fine sauce to go with red meat.

(I had to eat cooked meat this morning goys, can somebody help me it was depressing??)

>> No.11711575
File: 157 KB, 670x409, 1532896755074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, we eat what Lions eat, because we have a similar stomach to lion, wolves etc.

You DO NOT have a stomach which is in any way similar to a cows or sheep's stomach, yet you try to live on cow food? Do you think that may have some relationship to why the long term vegans are such sickly emaciated zombies??


>> No.11711664

kys cancerous avatarfag. I see you post across the site and it's always utter trash.
>inb4 v-vegan
I eat more meat than a T-Rex and you're still an insufferable faggot

>> No.11711769

These threads make me want to become vegan

>> No.11712006
File: 80 KB, 833x555, Powerful Vegan Activist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow your leader faggot vegan activist
Do so

>> No.11712403
File: 34 KB, 610x484, Does-Beefy-Fritos-Burrito-Look-Awesome-Awful[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more BASED and RED PILLED source of meat?