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11695545 No.11695545 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you first started drinking energy drinks? Did you run into issues with energy drinks when drinking them as a kid? (mom forbidding you from drinking them, store clerks refusing to sell you energy drinks, heart problems, etc)

>> No.11695554

>How old were you when you first started drinking energy drinks?
36 IIRC. Was about 5 years ago.

>> No.11695578

from 16 until I was 20. experienced none of the issues in the OP

>> No.11695606
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>41 on 4chan

>> No.11695625

I don't. I drink bourbon and do cocaine because I'm 43 and not gay.

>> No.11695642

that better be a boy

>> No.11695651

not even the oldest on this board, you sweet summer child :^)

>> No.11695726
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>saber figurine
>books on astronomy
>installed own video card
>costly home fan
>gym bunny physique
You are a serious faggot.

>> No.11695740

it's not gay to want to date a cute brown gym bunny that likes stars

>> No.11695748

Yes, but why is he wanting it to be a boy?

>> No.11695756

boys make better partners and they're cute

>> No.11695815

I'd be a safe bet tho

>> No.11695828

Yes but this is an anime character. Can't we just say it's a male-minded woman and leave it at that? It's fantasy anyways.

>> No.11695841
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I was working at a Fry's Electronics and they had the Full Throttle Agave flavor, it wasn't harsh but smooth, and unlike Monster it didn't leave a nasty, chemical aftertaste. I was tossing back 3 a day at a time in my twenties. Now I rarely ever touch them.

>> No.11695849

hetero male here. looks like a female to me. no, I'm not into traps lol

>> No.11695863

Beyond gatorade & a sip of a 4loco, never bothered with energy drinks. Shits bad for your heart op.

>> No.11696287

A better question would be, how old were you when you started drinking booze? 16 here.Been riding this wild and weird torpedo through life for a long while. Too rare to live, too strange to die.

>> No.11696317

I have never consumed an energy drink.

>> No.11696361

Am I supposed to wanna lick sweat off that anime girl's tummy?

>> No.11696369

Dat 1070

>> No.11696376

I don't think I have ever even had an energy drink aside from when they put red bull in jagermeister for me at the bar.

>> No.11696394

If youre not larping stop now. You will never be HST or even a shadow of his shade. You will never be able to bridge the void regret alcohol gives. Please, dont be me.

>> No.11696400

That's honestly the only thing I'm hungry for right now

>> No.11696422

When I was 16-17, my friend would drive me home from school and we'd stop at the liquor store and I had 2 drinks a day for 6 months straight.

At some point it started reacting poorly with my body and I'd have stomach pains and shit my brains out within a couple hours. Put 2 and 2 together, stopped drinking them. Couldn't touch them for a few years.

I drink 2-3 a week nowadays. I'm 26. No issues anymore.

>> No.11696427

>drinking 3 of the 24oz monsters in a day
>get kidney stones
>now only drink 1 or 2 every couple weeks

>> No.11696446

I drank very dark sweet tea and orange juice, and almost no water until I was 13 despite exercise. I had to have my gall bladder removed due to stones.

>> No.11696451

>How old were you when you first started drinking energy drinks?
> Did you run into issues with energy drinks when drinking them as a kid?
Gave me brain fog and made it hard to concentrate on anything complex.

>> No.11696486

When I was 18 I dabbled in energy drinks. I switched to adderall tho and I feel much better now

>> No.11696497

Started at 13. Friend's dad who was a radiologist (they had lots of money) told me straight up "you're going to be a drug addict" not sure whether it was a self fulfilling prophecy or not but it's now 12 years later and I still vape (haven't smoked in 2 years) and I'm clean from opioid pills/H for 2 years

I used to have a huge "collection" of different cans of energy drink, there was a golden age so to speak for A while with the market saturated with different brands

>> No.11696498


>> No.11696499

"Started" implies that I drink them regularly, which I don't, but I had my first at 16 I think. I've only ever bought them maybe twice since then. I don't really like them and I never feel the need for any additional energy, I get by with energy from food just fine. I drink a lot of coffee and tea but just for the taste.

>> No.11696508
File: 38 KB, 500x500, energy-drink-25cl-euro-shopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was 12-14 Euroshopper energy drink was the shit, drank many liters of that garbage.
I very fondly remember school fieldtrips where all the cool kids would stuff their backpacks with cans of it. Good times.

>> No.11696560
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>installed own video card
I remember that thread.

>> No.11696572

I am 19, started drinking them a couple months ago.

>> No.11696692

around 10-11. I did track in primary school and would always drink a can of redbull (was the only brand here) like half an hr before a race.

>> No.11696710
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>consuming massive amounts of stimulants
>anticipating anything but health problems

>> No.11696715

I had a gf in middle school. We broke up and she dated my friend for a little while, they broke up. High school came and went. A few years later, she's on the news, she gained 200 pounds from energy drinks, she drank at least eight a day. called my friend up and told him to check it out, but he was too cool to own a TV.

>> No.11696721

I suppose I was probably in my teens when I had my first one, not sure. I don't remember any issues, but it was never really a big part of my life. I've probably had 20 to 30 of them total, and I'm a middle aged 30something boomer.
>gym bunny physique is a bad thing
Fat ''''''culture''''''' is way out of control

>> No.11696811

I think I was 23. I did zero research into potential health problems and got kidney that absolutely ravaged my left kidney to the point that I'm saddled with long term damage. But I can manage the pain by drinking about 20-30 oz of water before doing anything that doesn't involve laying in bed. I was going to an hero eventually anyways.

>> No.11696814

I think I was 20 or 21 when I started, now I'm 26 and addicted to caffeine.

>> No.11696817

I rarely drink them because caffeine makes me crash. I used to drink soda pretty much exclusively, no water as a teen because I had to study for shit and there simply weren't enough hours in the day. But I stopped drinking soda when I turned 20, after I dropped out of college because I was failing all my classes despite trying my hardest, went to water, now when I drink caffeine it just makes me tired as fuck, at worst, and at best does literally nothing.

>> No.11696845

started 8 years ago when i was 14 and never had any problems...even tho i got colitis ulcerosa and liver transplanted twice it never caused any harm (no irony here)

>> No.11696859

>energy drinks
>as a kid
Energy drinks weren't really a thing until the mid-2000's, dum dum.

>> No.11696881

Translation: energy drinks weren't available to me until the mid-2000s

Where in North Korea do you live?

>> No.11696883

First year of college, but only when I was exhausted and needed to keep going to meet deadlines. Never made a habit of it. These days I only have them if I have to work through the night or something, since they're often the only caffeine in convenience stores.

>> No.11696884

not even the oldest in this thread, babby

>> No.11696893

The only thing resembling an energy drink you could find in the grocery store in the 90's was a Frappuccino, or other canned coffee drinks.

>> No.11696924

Flyover detected

>> No.11696940

Speak for yourself

>> No.11696944

i started drinking them when they became popular when i was in junior or highschool
i stopped sometime in my 20s because i'm prone to kidney problems

>> No.11696951

it's much sadder to see young people piss away their life on the 4channel, dude

>> No.11696957

Are you counting any caffeinated sugar water as energy drinks or what? The energy drink craze didn't start until Red Bull started aggressively marketing themselves in the mid-2000's, and even then it was just those little cans and not the Monster/whatever copy cat sip #3523532 that the zoomers all drink these days.

>> No.11696993

Not any but considering it’s mostly a marketing term that’s not a far off description. I would put josta, Mountain Dew amp, surge, jolt, bawls etc under the same umbrella as monster.

>> No.11697000

Fair enough, but everyone drank Surge back in the day, though nobody thought of it as an energy drink; it was just another soda.

>> No.11697006

>The energy drink craze didn't start until Red Bull started aggressively marketing themselves in the mid-2000's

Energy drinks marketed as such certainly weren't a thing until Red Bull took off, but they certainly existed before then. When I was in college in the late 90's I remember buying Indonesian Red Bull from the Azn market because it was half the price of the Western product, so Red Bull was certainly a thing then. Then you had extra-caffeinated sodas like Jolt, as well as more novelty-oriented drinks like Bawls and the "Skeleteens" line of sodas which were infamous for their high caffeine content.

Anyway, to answer OP's question, I drank them occasionally if I had a ton of homework I had to stay up for, but it was a rare thing. I saw a lot of friends drink them like mad (yet never seemed to actually have any energy) so I thought that was a rabbit hole best not to go down. ...not to mention how ludicrously expensive they are. Just take a caffeine tablet if you need your fix.

>> No.11697133

Even my irrelevant country had their own energy drink in the 90s. Before that we had red bull.

>> No.11697140

Your irrelevant country is practically SE Asia, where energy drinks come from.

>> No.11697347

The first energy drink I tried was Red Bull when it came out in the US. Later on I had a purple Monster at a friend’s sleepover, but that night I felt really sick so I stopped trying them for a while.

When I started working outside during the summer I would occasionally buy a Monster Mean Bean and drink it through the day. But one time when I did an overnight at my main job I drank a Monster and some coffee another guy there roasted/brewed, and having both messed me up. Because of where we were there wasn’t much access to food or water, so I became dehydrated and started shitting my brains out. I was dizzy with heart palpitations and my coworker had to drive me home while I chugged water and Gatorade. Haven’t had an energy drink since.

>> No.11698332

Never drank an energy drink, 23.

>> No.11698344

Ive been drinking 250-750 mg a day for several years. No issues.

>> No.11699190
File: 211 KB, 405x423, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.54_[2018.07.15_00.06.28].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>energy drinks
>willingly ingesting 600mgs of cyanide
Yeah, no. I'm not stupid

>> No.11699295

and it'll happen to you too

>> No.11699298
File: 196 KB, 1224x895, spuro-on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if they changed the recipe at one point, but that shit made a whole generation of my countrymen go insane. Truly the GOAT energy drink.

[spoiler]99% varma, että olet kanssa suomalainen/spoiler]

>> No.11699972

I wasn’t even aware that energy drinks existed until I was 19. Before then all I knew was Mountain Dew had a ton of caffeine. Now that I look back I see that money spent on energy drinks was 90% of the time a waste of my money, coffee is better anyways