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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11693843 No.11693843 [Reply] [Original]

Why did putting hot sauce on wings need to be "invented" and why aren't they just called wings with hot sauce, or hot wings? There was commercially produced cayenne pepper based hot sauce as early as the 1800s, and adding it to meat is what the sauce was used for to begin with. The closest thing to any real invention is the decision to dilute the hot sauce with some butter and the decision to serve wings instead of just using them in stock or throwing them out.
>The Buffalo wing was invented in 1964 at Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York by Teressa Bellissimo.

>> No.11693850


and why the FUCK do we cover them in sauce rather than dipping them in it? just to get everything messy?

>> No.11693852


>> No.11693888

Someone has to do everything first, it’s just in this case we know who, where, and when... thirty years ago, I went to make tacos for dinner, and all the shells were crushed. Called my mom and she said to open the other box, same thing... since everything was already for tacos I put the shredded lettuce on each plate, with 1/4 of a box of crushed shells, the meat, and all the toppings. Called it a taco salad. Way before any fast food place “invented” it. So it’s also possible that things occur at various places and no one really thinks too much about it until the right person comes along and makes a big deal of it.

>> No.11693896

I've thought about that part too. Blue cheese and ranch dressing are set aside in a cup, yet hot sauce is applied to them before being served. It's not bad, but it just seems kind of arbitrary.
Huh-posting catching on made as little sense as hot sauce wings being considered an invention. I guess some people like spamming "huh" replies and then giggling to themselves in the basement of their parents' house to help put their mind on something other than how they're still single and unemployed in their 30s and headed for full on homelessness after their parents die or kick them out.
Is a good question to ask yourself about how you ended up like this.

>> No.11693908

>until the right person comes along and makes a big deal of it.
I think this might be the answer. It's less that anything's getting "invented" in these cases and more that marketers are going around shoving the idea some approach to food preparation has a name and constitutes a new product, and then people end up confusing the marketing campaigns with actual innovation.

>> No.11694127

Sauce comes together better when food is still hot

I make my own buffalo tendies, it’s better to toss than dip

>> No.11694138


>> No.11694148

I used to make U mad posts.

>> No.11694152

Recipe for buffalo tendies for neets to get away from Wendy’s

Cut chicken breast to desired shape
Marinate in seasoning salt and vinegar 30 min to overnight

Add flour to chicken and let sit 15-30 min

Fry in oiled pan 90 seconds on each side
Remove from pan for two min
Return to pan 90 seconds on each side

Drain on paper towel plate
Toss in bowl of buffalo sauce

>> No.11694154
File: 52 KB, 750x421, giordanos-deep-dish-cheese1_750xx2400-1350-0-123[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicago style pizza
Why did putting tomato sauce on top of cheese need to be invented and why isn't it just called tomato casserole?

>> No.11694160

Isn’t the cheese for holding toppings together anyway

>> No.11694181

buffalo sauce is a little thicker, most vinegar based sauce is very watery and thin

>> No.11694188

It’s vinegar sauce
With butter and a thickening agent

>> No.11694215

I was the first to start spamming huh posts as a response to totally untethered responses from autists on this board who go off on some opinion of theirs like its gospel. Glad to see it still enrages.

>> No.11694227

Butter acts as the thicker when whisked with the hot sauce.

>> No.11694230

I've never liked the American way of earing wings, the delicate fatty taste of wings gets completely overwhelmed by sauces

>> No.11694231

And bread is just water and flour. Dont be stupid

>> No.11694237

The chicken fat compliments hot sauces extremely well, especially vinegar based hot sauce.

>> No.11694250

>Here come the lazy attempts to prove the original question is invalid with faulty analogies
That's nothing like the wings case. You're grinding up grains to make flour, mixing it with water and some sort of leavening agent to make dough, putting the dough in a deep pan, covering it with mozzarella cheese (which itself requires creation from milk and a whey starter with a coagulant like rennet later added, curds cut and left to solidify followed by heating and separation from whey and eventual kneading into the proper consistency), covering it with crushed tomatoes (and often enough a variety of other possible ingredients like pepperoni or mushrooms), and I won't even go into all the details required for baking here.
Unlike with taking the wings of a chicken and adding pepper sauce, I would never expect to see a Chicago style pizza independently invented at multiple different locations / points in history without them having been influenced heavily by some common precursor dish idea.

>> No.11694263 [DELETED] 

Why does everyone learn that a nigger invented peanut butter when there was a patent before the nigger even ate a peanut?

>> No.11694268

True but some recipes use corn starch or something else

>> No.11694273

I always learned that George Washington Carver found many uses for peanuts but peanut butter wasn't one of them.

>> No.11694277

I like to roughly coat my wings in flour and oil then bake in the oven, on a wire rack.
When their done, I lightly toss in hot sauce and baste the tops with some more sauce, and throw back into the oven the sauce sticks and glazes a bit.

>> No.11694278

You're the one being stupid. Bread clearly is a non-obvious invention, and it isn't just water and flour unless you think dough is bread, and that baking isn't an important part of the process, or that bread and crackers are the same thing and leavening isn't an important part of the process, etc. That's nothing like taking a preexisting part of an animal's meat and adding pepper sauce.

>> No.11694283

The analogy was more about the name.
Buffalo wings are named after Buffalo NY.
In Buffalo they probably just call them wings like in Chicago they just call it pizza.

>> No.11694284

I have done a sear and bake on wings, it turned out pretty good

>> No.11694328


>> No.11694334

That's pretty autistic of you.

>> No.11694356

Yeah I guess. I honestly just got to a point where I couldn't even tell if I was being memed on anymore by some responses that would go off on something tangentially related. So I would just say huh? Whenever someone went off on one of my posts, then one day someone responded to my huh? With
>based huh poster
And the rest is history
Based huh poster

>> No.11694422

But my styrl is better than your styrl. You can’t block me (pew pew, wannnannanna pew pew)

>> No.11694452
File: 3.53 MB, 600x335, 1540175487757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you need to be "invented" and why aren't you just a cumstain in your dad's underoos? There was commercially produced gay as early as your mom, and without adding you the world was gay enough to begin with. The closest thing to any real invention is the decision to dilate your asshole with a hot iron and some butter and the decision to kill yourself instead of living or posting on 4chan

>ps ur gay

>> No.11694720


>> No.11694722

My styrl of food is better than yours

>> No.11694830

Why is it called a philly cheesesteak and not a steak hoagie with cheese?
Youre retarded.

>> No.11694840

Based huh poster

>> No.11694880

Sorry I forgot the add heat part ya fuckin dunce