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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 122 KB, 639x848, 618959AD-14FA-4B1B-8412-81FEA4DCDCA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11690617 No.11690617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wow that’s a lot of food. You must be having a big New Years party :)

>> No.11690624

bitch i might be

>> No.11690625

She has a Shadman face.

>> No.11690627

Nope, just stocking up so I don't have to leave the house for another month.

>> No.11690644

y..you to...

>> No.11690646

no that’s david sherat

>> No.11690652

>talking to the customers
No. I worked in a grocery store for 3 years. And of course shop in one every week. This is stupid and you need to fucking stop. Smile, say hello, ask them if they found everything, ask them if they've had a nice day, read off your script, etc. But don't fucking comment on their purchases unless they do first and don't start an involved conversation. Just scan the fucking groceries.

>> No.11690659
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>> No.11690689
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>> No.11690709

that's a weird looking guy

>> No.11690713
File: 291 KB, 640x360, 6BAF2275-5DB3-4824-83B3-25D4742B8850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say yes and never come back to that store again.

After a year or two i would scout trom time to time at the door if shes still working there

>> No.11690776

Seven out of ten, one night stand only unless she has a good personailty in which case I might date.

>> No.11690785

the old "Target 7/10"

>> No.11690813

>nobody recognizes the r9k dream girl from 2016

Nothing but newfags. New New Years resolution: leave 4chan(nel), and join the spirit world of anons gone by.

>> No.11690814

shut the fuck up "ciars"

>> No.11690819
File: 405 KB, 1242x741, 5377C812-243F-4874-BD4E-677AFCF03AAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11690823
File: 26 KB, 400x288, 3cbb58ae764fc38628b12b31ee3a980b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11690832

No I'm a fat fuck. Can I suck on your tits?

>> No.11690840

"Yeah! Its gonna be a lot of fun. If you don't have anything going on you'd be welcome to come!"

>> No.11690848

sure am. wanna come? what time do you get off?

>> No.11690851

God it is terrifying how fake women can be.

>> No.11690853

Based and sexualpilled

>> No.11690872

>ever having visited /r9k/
Not my fault I don't like poo poo pee pee images and stories.

>> No.11690886

>New years resolution
Go on every board constantly so youre up to date on every pic and spammed meme ever posted, so when someone posts anything you can say you were there and look super cool!

>> No.11690888

Thanks. Can I suck on your tits?

>> No.11690889

>sure am. wanna come? what time do you get off?
*look into her eyes with the piercing glare of a serial rapist*
>now i know

>> No.11690908

Ive been here for 9 years. I remember when rage comics were posted on /b/ unironically.

Apothanein thelo.

>Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Sibylla ti theleis; respondebat illa: apothanein thelo.

>> No.11690918

Only newfags stayed on r9k after 2014, faggot

>> No.11690925

It's not that much food. It's that reguardless of what you think we're not all dumpster divering faggots.
Keep that shit up and see how war it gets it get's you. You might want to piss off now.

>> No.11690931

And you would know that you hipocrate scumbag?

Why would you know that and why would anyone else war?

>> No.11690955
File: 59 KB, 197x198, evil or live mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do we allow 3rd world monkeys here

If you're still on /r9k/ after 2014 you're frogposting cancerous reddit. Kys before 2019 please and ty

>> No.11690960

no, i have crippling social anxiety and dont leave my apartment often haha

>> No.11691000

This would honestly be based to say.

>> No.11691029
File: 56 KB, 365x365, 1545690310417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have actually said that before and they just said "awwww." And then I awkwardly left.

>> No.11691041

>johnny neptune will not fuck her throat ever again
never waste the dawn, boys

>> No.11691059

hahha,sometimes that can work. Cheers!

>> No.11691064

>believing anything that came out of that meth addict

>> No.11691073

yeah no better believe the underaged heroine junkie who lives off scamming people
we know JN bangs underaged girls and we know she went to georgia, but nah nothing happened she just wanted to see the empty streets

>> No.11691080

Sounds like a clash song, morning song.
Stuff it faggot.

>> No.11691084

Be precise faggot euro, you can't so don't even try.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnU2Tmqqv9g [Embed]
Good morning America!
The Highwaymen, Willie Nelson

>> No.11691102

There's not much reason to believe a self-admitted troll either, desu.
>we know ___ because he said it

>> No.11691104

Women are literally the most deceitful thing on planet earth. It’s their nature.

>> No.11691114

>be precise
about what? how many thrusts?

>> No.11691115

>Stuff it faggot.
oh you're from georgia, alright you have my apologies (for being from georgia)

>> No.11691127

>together we can solve the puzzle
maximum keks

>> No.11691307

New York, get your shit right bitch.
Joe Strummer - Czechoslovak Song / Where Is England


>> No.11691313

Seems like you're faggot, calling someone out else but not declaring where it's from. To me you're a complete and total faggot. Deal with it.

>> No.11691317

Are you a hypocrite? I know the answer to the answer to it and it is yes.

>> No.11691325

>citation pleeeaaaasse
Neptune cucked you and your faggy board of orbiters for a small little satchel of white stuff. Sorry that rustles your jimmies.

>> No.11691414

Women are the jews of gender.

>> No.11691483

There's only 2 genders lmao

>> No.11691761

Who the fuck takes pictures of cashiers?

>> No.11691790

people who are asked to

>> No.11691797
File: 108 KB, 750x737, 1528601062137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least i dont kiss my dad on the lips lmao

>> No.11691827

it's literally only fucking boomers that do this shit
same goes for boomer customers, they're the ones that want to hit up the fucking cashier for small talk
and then you've got the old fuckers, 60+, that are so pathetic and lonely they want to spill their fucking life story to the pharmacy clerk

>> No.11691839

I had some retarded wagie of a cashier try and tell me that I was spending too much money on dog food, and I should just go back and get the Purina brand, because "it's cheaper"

>> No.11691840

they're probably dog owners and don't know what it means to have a furbaby

>> No.11691846

Gayest thing itt.
Purina is literal fucking poison for your dog and the company spends millions trying to get vets to shill for it

>> No.11691857

well shit this is creepy and i don’t like how he’s the one taking the pic

>> No.11692088

It's her bf that's double her age. Probably supplies her heroin addiction

>> No.11692099

What if that was the only convenient store?

>> No.11692155


Can you kmagine what kind of a fucked up piece of work it takes to want to date a fucked up real life meme?

And then post a picture of yourseld kissing said meme online?

These people are sick.

>> No.11692157

She's an r9k slut

>> No.11692183

>damn can you imagine banging someone 10 years younger than you for a year or so?
yeah what a loser kekk

>> No.11692245

Because she should put on a mask?

>> No.11692272

>something something big guy for you

>> No.11692274

Order online