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File: 51 KB, 600x600, juulvsvape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11676668 No.11676668 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate

>> No.11676680

At least if you're gonna fall for the nicotine jew go for the pc of vapes not the mac

>> No.11676685

Do you mod your microwave, too?

>> No.11676687


>> No.11676694

It's a tool for consuming an ingredient. It's not a broadly powerful utility machine. The computer analogy is retarded

>> No.11676708

>JUULs just werk
>are meant to be a sleek statement
>are relatively expensive in the long-term compared to over devices
>limited configuration and flavors

>configurable vapes are made by multiple brands competing for the best product
>you can change out coils to adjust the flavor, heat, power usage and amount of vapor
>juice is abundant and cheaper per ml than JUUL pods
>batteries are easy to replace and can be carried around so you don't need to stop and charge in the middle of the day


>> No.11676732

Yes, I'm glad you've found a hobby you enjoy, but I actively have no interest in fiddling with a vape. Limited configuration is a positive

>> No.11676744

For me, it's Bad Dragon.

>> No.11676754
File: 149 KB, 700x700, smok_novo_ultra_portable_pod_kit_6_colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you talking about nigger it's a debate thread, that's not an argument.
they make piss simple vapes like the smok novo, and with that you still have access to salt nic juices that gives you a massive number of flavors and nic levels for cheaper than a JUUL.

>> No.11676764

i vaped for like a year and a half and in the end switched back to cigarettes and now i smoke cigars. vapes are just too much fucking hassle, and i like smoking.

>> No.11676770

>literally had to get into the pod business to complete

>> No.11676776
File: 63 KB, 700x700, smok_infinix_kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, kinda sad desu, but pod vapes are pretty much 85% of the market or more.
Pic very related

>> No.11676789

It's not surprising. Only hobbyists roll their own cigarettes, too. Most people don't want to have to fuck around with anything that isn't their particular niche

>> No.11676796
File: 60 KB, 750x445, 1009659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw everyone smoking this gay shit dies in 20 years and i live to be 100 smoking cowboy killers

>> No.11676813
File: 74 KB, 777x900, fuwafuwafoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take a DNA250C modbox over a Juul any day. I can also get 250ml of liquid for the price of a fucking four pack of 5ml Juul pods. Only thing Juul has going for it is that the pods contain double the nicotine content of the strongest liquids (50mg vs 24mg), but that isn't exactly a plus. A good tank and a good modbox will last you a lifetime. A Juul is only good until their cheap construction can hold up.

>> No.11676827

I can pick up new pods at the convenience store down the block. The convenience is worth the price

>> No.11676838

Not white trash person here who therefore doesn't smoke. Are they not the same thing?

>> No.11676845

No, one is Reddit and the other is based

>> No.11676848

Yeah but you can also order e-liquid online unless you're underage or don't have a card. Just as convenient and in some cases you can set up a recurring delivery whenever you feel you will be getting low. Vape shops are also increasingly popping up around neighborhoods, though they'll gouge you pretty hard. In some cases a 10ml bottle will run you about $8 which is abysmal.
At least I can run a mile without getting winded, lunglet. Decreased life expectancy is not a downside.

>> No.11676850

I mean I am genuinely curious. I just assumed Juul was a specific brand of vaping

>> No.11676855

Ordering online is more convenient than going to specialty shops, but people still but their consumables locally for a reason. Nobody likes to keep track of when they'll run out of what they have, and when they need more they want it now.

>> No.11676860

Juul, as far as my limited knowledge goes, pioneered the pod style vape, which let's you just click in new disposable pods instead of needing to refill something with liquid. It's also explicitly designed to be the least customizable and most straightforward vaping tool you can buy

>> No.11676871

>he doesnt mod every electrical appliance in his home to get the most performance
lmaoing @ your life rn

>> No.11676874

I went from smoking cigs to a juul and recently got a box mod on the cheap. What can I say?
>very aesthetic
>a lot of options when it comes to nicotine amounts
>pretty expensive
>make you smell unappealing to other people
>small, easy to use, durable as fuck
>trendy, makes you popular with college kids
>limited to just 3% and 5% nicotine
>by far the most pricey
box mod
>big as shit, intimidating to figure out
>obnoxious clouds
>no smell tho
Honestly, if you're looking for a vape to quit smoking with I wouldn't recommend a Juul. If you're like me and took a while to actually begin cutting your nicotine in take back Juuls are pretty much the same expense as cigs + the initial purchase of the starter kit + unkeep (mostly buying new chargers). Just get a box mod or some other more traditional vape/a different pod system. If you're just looking for something to puff on every once in a while to look cool or just when you want to calm down or something, Juuls are fine.

>> No.11676878

So its like the Apple of vaping (assuming it is also more expensive than the alternative)?

>> No.11676879

I do, actually. So I can get cancer and be prescribed medical marijuana.

>> No.11676881

neither food, nor cooking

>> No.11676882

And with nicotine amounts for box mods, I'm not an expert on the subject but I've never seen e liquid above 6% so take that with what you will. I used to smoke Spirits so they ran well above that (I think the 12-36% range) so I definitely just wanted a lot of nicotine in me.

>> No.11676885

I guess. I don't think the computer analogy holds up very well when talking about unitaskers though

>> No.11676886

Recurring delivery can manage that pretty well. Much like how Dollar Shave Club lets you customize intervals for shaving supplies, some online vendors let you do the same for e-liquid and coils. I personally keep to no more than three bottles, and it takes me two weeks to run through that even with constant vaping. Slight learning curve, but once you figure your supply cycle it is fairly easy to set up.
They weren't the first. Pods have been around since 2003. Juul just took the Apple approach and made it a bit easier.
>>big as shit, intimidating to figure out
Some are as small as a vape pen. You can get a good box mod that fits in your hand, but you'll have the battery capacity of a vape pen. Difference is that you might have the option of carrying spare batteries for more use out and about. Some vape pens have passthrough, but in almost every case the charge isn't enough to keep it going with extensive sessions.
>>obnoxious clouds
>>no smell tho
Depends on the e-liquid and tank. Higher PG will produce far less clouds, and single coil tanks will accomplish the similar results even with high VG. Some e-liquid produces pungent vapor as well.

>> No.11676887

I was mainly just going of the simple to use, encouraging the use of proprietary pods, and no customization

>> No.11676888

Juul pods are $2.50 a piece where I'm at, which is a lot cheaper than a pack of cigarettes

>> No.11676903

Sure, and I could get regular grocery deliveries too. I'm sure some people do. It would not feel as convenient to me as just walking down the street when I run out

>> No.11676909

They're $5 a piece where I'm from, do you buy them someplace special because I'd usually just hit up a convenience store or tobacco shop.

>> No.11676917

No my convenience store sells four packs for $10

>> No.11676928

Damn man, I have no idea where you live but good on you for finding that place, I haven't found a place yet that'll sell them for anything under $20.

>> No.11676935

Iowa. I imagine you might be getting fucked by taxes of some kind that we don't have

>> No.11676946

Wrong fucking board

This topic should be posted to /lgbt/

>> No.11676955

Yeah, I just looked it up, they are pretty expensive in my state compared to others. Either way at $10 for 20ml that's $50 for 100ml, and I can get pretty decent e liquid for $25 for 100ml, and I'm sure there are other people who can get it cheaper. I still think Juul's are at a price point that really don't make them worthwhile as an alternative for smoking.

>> No.11676956

I just ordered an aspire breeze 2

>> No.11676970

Invalid comparison. They have different use cases.

Juul is if you want to be discreet, can only go to gas stations, and don't want to dick around with vape mods and voltages and whatnot.

Vapes are for if you actually want to know what you're doing and enjoy what you're doing.

It's more like the difference between gas station cigs and cigars from a tobacconist. Some of us want to get into "the activity" and other people want something to gulp down in their 5 minute work breaks. I personally have both, with the juul being for travel / work.

>> No.11676973
File: 218 KB, 1280x1084, 1545797811000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a smok mod

>> No.11676985

>using a JUUL
>Calling a novo a mod
>implying I own smok
Please don't post selfies you absolute ape

>> No.11677000
File: 45 KB, 480x601, 1473176307713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but it's not a mod it's all in one

It's still smok. If you don't own one, don't be so assblasted

>> No.11677008
File: 41 KB, 640x562, IMG_20181220_221619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you faggots all in middle school or something?

>> No.11677050

there are 2 kinds of vape I want
one that looks like a wizard pipe, one that looks like a cigar
I want them to look as much like the real thing as possible, and this is mostly for fun dress up purposes, I don't plan to inhale

>> No.11677051

Well, good thread, I think we've come to a reasonable conclusion. Same time again next week?

>> No.11677083


>> No.11677129

what else can be vaped besides nicotine eliquids?

>> No.11677137

Weed. You can also get weight loss drugs and cilais in vape form from China.

>> No.11677143

Pretty much this, in my life, i have a Juul pod starter kit and am still using it, its fine for a quick drag or 2 in the walk in or dry storage, its not gonna beat a cig that i have time to finish, but on the other hand , i cant compare it to the clunky looking robot cocks that blow fat clouds, bro, know what I mean?

>> No.11677147

never heard of it until you just mentioned it. thanx.

have you tried any of the things you mention and can advise if the effect is the same?

>> No.11677149

Never tried them. The sources were sketchy.

>> No.11677151


>> No.11677158

>smoked for 27 years
>start vaping with a pen to try it
>decide to order a fancy mod, batteries, charger, couple of atomizers, coil building kit, etc, etc
>while all of that stuff is in the mail i get sick with the flu
>stop smoking before stuff arrives
>stuff arrives and don't need it because stopped smoking
i guess i'll take up choofing weed then

>> No.11677170
File: 227 KB, 729x849, 996BD93F-A0A3-4226-A624-22B4FDAF101C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusted that you weak-minded fgts need nicotine to function; can’t wait until the inevitable culling begins; until then, enjoy lining the pockets of your (((overlords)))!

>> No.11677171

Cialis sounds familiar? Boners or hair loss or depression? I watch NFL so it could be any of the 3.

>> No.11677195

wtf im straight edge now?????

>> No.11677259

I actually own a Novo as I wanted to venture outside of Juuls. It's pretty good if you want a slim and compact pod based system.

>> No.11677262

where do you dumb faggot stoners come up with these words?

>> No.11677344

neither because they dont take dry herb.

>> No.11677967
File: 1.62 MB, 750x1334, 1529730808249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods WTF this isn't food or cooking ??

>> No.11677973

Imagine being a tall girl and having no purpose in life other than vanilla-kink lesbian porn

>> No.11677979

the infinix is based fag i have one and its basically a juul but without all the gay shit and 10x better

>> No.11677997
File: 13 KB, 428x308, 1EF2EE46-EEFF-4AAB-A23E-4B2F7AC8CAA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are for fags and cucks

>> No.11678056

I would always smoke if it weren't for all the particulates I can feel in my pos lungs.

>> No.11678060

Not that anon but at the native american rez where I buy my cigs they're 2.70 a pack.

>> No.11678084

She's not tall, the other girl is just really tiny.
t. knower

>> No.11678328

you guys are ignoring one big "selling point" for the pod-based vapes is that you can hit them quietly so high school faggots can hit it in the back of class without the huge sucking noise.

>> No.11678361

my dad and sister just made me watch the show with that little shit in it
i cant eat comfortably while looking at her, i just wanna vomit

>> No.11678368

Why don't you just come out and say you like sucking dicks already

>> No.11678685

rolling cigs is the norm in england

>> No.11678737

>Only hobbyists roll their own cigarettes


Tobacco addicts roll their own cigs because baccy is cheaper in bulk

A hobbyist would be buying expensive tobacco and probably LARPing Gandalf with a wizard pipe

>> No.11678764

>sucking cheesecake-scented vapor out of a robot penis
shan’t be doing that

>> No.11680479

only fags vape