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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 992x764, IMG_20181224_143739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11659134 No.11659134 [Reply] [Original]

What do you wear to "nice but not quite $180 fine dining" restaurants?

>> No.11659141

I wear my regular clothes all the time

>> No.11659143

Bra, panties, buttplug, wig, make-up, heels

>> No.11659159

Never been

>> No.11659168

shirt with buttons, khakis, shoes that aren't Adidas

>> No.11659170
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don't forget your hat.

>> No.11659181

this. i don't go to restaurants with a dress code. it's not like they have better food.

>> No.11659200

What if they spit on my food? ;_;
t.unpassable transgirl

>> No.11659225


>> No.11659226
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>> No.11659230

>dogs wearing nicer clothes than me

going to go dump raid into the ocean.

>> No.11659258

>not a proletarian revolution
>kms instead, became a class traitor forever
Yes, you deserve it.

>> No.11659260

don't forget the way above average health care compared to most people

>> No.11659272

why would you even give a shit

>> No.11659273

the conflict you are describing is laughably out-dated. i'm a soldier in a new battle. also, you can go fight your class warfare on twitter because we're not about that here.

>> No.11659319

male spit has too much test; it would disrupt my HRT.

>> No.11659678

These days it does not matter. Up to you just don't look like a bum. But with young rich autists running around no one is willing to offend or discriminate based on clothes. Unless the place is known for having a dress code.

>> No.11659696
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Business casual.

>> No.11659949

stupid dumb fancy dogs

>> No.11659965

Just dont leave your fucking house then jesus christ

>> No.11660160
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>you now want to fuck a dog
thanks again, 4chan

>> No.11660175


>> No.11660183

oh nonono

>> No.11660845

The ultimate method to dine and dash.

>> No.11660851

There is no such thing. It's either business, or it's casual. No exceptions.

>> No.11660872

to be fair, those are quite feminine dresses they're wearing

>> No.11660909

>wore a bears shirt to Olive Garden
>the waitress makes a remark

>> No.11660928

Don't sweat it, a lot of restraunts in NYC as one example have jackets and ties just for folk who happen to forget to bring their own. They're there to make money not turn people away, as long as your not some nigger with some half assed jeans and a backwards baseball cap. The restaurant might give you a loaner.

It also depends on the restaurant, some restaurants might turn you away if you look like a proper human being instead of a nigger.
Some might not care.
You can just call the place ahead of time and ask, that's what I would do if I didn't know about the place and was expected to be there, of course being expected to be there in the first place I'd have some indication of why I was expected to be there and the type of place.

>> No.11660929

Short Summer Dress

>> No.11660932

show tits or it didn't happen

>> No.11660938

WInd your neck in, incel.

>> No.11660939

It's not that it's better, but it kind of keeps away the niggers on their cell phone yapping like savages. The way they behave in public is an embarassment to the USA and might keep other patrons of that restaurant from going there again. They might also bring in their niglets who'll run around bothering and trying to steal shit from so called normies jackets. Kind of like gypsies.

>> No.11660944

What does that even mean, I'm not up on my reddit terms and don't care to be, but since you called me one, what is it? You fucking faggot. I bet you know what that is.

>> No.11660946

the only reason im not going is because i have nothing to wear

>> No.11660947

Or are you just a fucking parrot that doesn't know what it means?

>> No.11660948

Involuntary Celebate.

>> No.11660950


>> No.11660952

And that means what?
Be precise... it seems like you can't and it means nothing and you're nothing but a fucking parrot.

>> No.11660957

It means you are such a horrible excuse of a human being that no-one would consent to have sex with your ugly ass, even though you desperately want to. YOU are Involuntary Celebate.

>> No.11660964

You have to be rich enough to buy the store in order to impress anybody

>> No.11660974

Babby's first white bloodlust

>> No.11660984

Would that make you a judgemental ignorant nigger? Because from what you wrote it certainly seems so when my last g/f who I was lucky enough to not marry was a fashion model, a really hot girl. She dumped me after nine years boo hoo, I'm so sad.

What was your last boyfriend some scrag looking methhead or perhaps a crack addict?

>> No.11660992

Pipe down, incel.

>> No.11660993

That's not true, working for a decent company is more important than being a rich fuck that knows nothing and can just buy something and fuck it up.

>> No.11660998

Yeah, right. Where'd you copy that term from? It certainly wasn't from here.

>> No.11661004

Nobody from 4c would be stupid enough to come up with a term like that, that means that you copied it from somewhere else, so where was it from?

>> No.11661011

*** crickets ***

>> No.11661013

It is a common term on 4chan to describe upset wierdos like yourself.

>> No.11661015
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Good answer!
Put that on the lottery for 400mil.

>> No.11661020

You know when people use terms that are made up and make no sense, that's a sign of insanity. I suggest that you seek therapy before you freak out and shoot up a school or join deash.

>> No.11661033

"common term" meaning that you just copied it like a parrot without knowing it's meaning. So really you're just a fucking moron?

>> No.11661037

just tuck your shirt in, and wear shoes

>> No.11661042


>> No.11661056


>> No.11661060

There's only one parrot here.

>> No.11661061

Reminder that this thing unironically refers to itself as "the master race".

>> No.11661083

Normal clothes. Navy patch-pocket notch lapel jacket. Some kind of light colored shirt with a pattern on it, cutaway collar because I'm not wearing a tie. Earth-toned trousers, probably cotton. Oxblood shell bluchers.
>being this afraid of minorities
t. eats soggy greyish-tan prime rib at the boomer steakhouse with the finest, most oaked-up boomer cab from napa valley. Probably gets scared when he overhears the busboy's foreign accent and needs to call Geek Squad to help find the text message app on his phone.

>> No.11661130

>states normal clothes
>describes faggot clothes
Good one

>> No.11661255

Imagine being this mad about something.

>> No.11661272
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Just imagine.

>> No.11661293
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>being this pathetically alone during Christmas that you talk about politics on a food and cooking imageboard for attention.

Sucks for you, this was my morning. Feel better champ.

>> No.11661302
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>> No.11661313

>bae caught me sleeping

>> No.11661316


That's a small child. Related question, why won't anyone deem you worthy enough to reproduce with?

>> No.11661331

post pics of boy in undies, pls

>> No.11661340

>reproducing with the first female who tells you "I'm on the pill so you don't need a condom"
>I had babies! do everything for me!
Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

>> No.11661370
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I love that you think $180 is top fancy.
Just wear some dress trousers, leather shoes or boots, and a longsleeved shirt with no tie. And button all the buttons, you savage.

Or pic related, in which I case I will pay you ten bucks for photo proof.

>> No.11661376
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"What's that, anon? Yes, you can pet me"

>> No.11661379

$180 per person is pretty fancy no matter where you're from senpai, unless you're including wine in your estimation

>> No.11661391

>unless you're including wine in your estimation
I was. My mistake.

>> No.11661400

>being this afraid of minorities
why the fuck do you thing restaurants, bars, clubs have dress codes you ignorant cunt. It's literally to keep out black people. I'm not afraid of minorities but I certainly don't want trash people yelling and screaming and arguing with the waiter over how fast their appetizer came out to get it taken off the bill when I'm trying to enjoy a nice meal with my significant other right next to their table.
t. minority who knows how to act in public because his parents aren't a disgrace even though they are immigrants.

>> No.11661401

also, I'm a faggot. does that matter?

>> No.11661404
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She looks like she fucks pitbulls

>> No.11661405

Usually just my Allgemeine SS dress blacks :3

>> No.11661467

Assless chaps

>> No.11661479
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How does this make so much goddamn sense?

>> No.11661497

Where do you get the shorts for $1.25?

>> No.11661515

>I'm trying to enjoy a nice meal so I go to Golden Corral
>my parents aren't a disgrace
Pick one

>> No.11661520

>t. flat bill wearing, jordan waitlist faggot

>> No.11661527

Who is "flat bill", is that some kind of YouTube e-celeb? Jordan as in Jordan Peterson? I'm sorry I have no idea who those people are.

>> No.11661530

>t. nigger

>> No.11661538

Search eBay for spandex shorts.
Or goodwill if you're nasty.

>> No.11661541

>being racist
>my parents aren't a disgrace
Pick one

>> No.11661544

>t. woke sjw nigger

>> No.11661549


>being delusional enough to think mating is a choice for him.

Man, that incel meme is based in truth. You should go spend Christmas with loved ones, instead of rationalizing your partisan political ramblings on a food and cooling imageboard.

>> No.11661551


>> No.11661554

This is always the right answer. Why play dress-up unless that's your M-O already? I see all these celebrities going to red carpet events and interviews wearing thousand-dollar suits and it blows my fuckin mind. You couldn't pay me enough to wear anything but a t-shirt, jeans, and slides.

>> No.11661558

I've already had 3 pourovers of Mahal Aqueeq Ul Yemen this morning, one would certainly hope so

>> No.11661559

that's nice sweetie but you don't get to decide

>> No.11661565

>everyone celebrates Christian holidays
Where in Appalachia are you?

>> No.11661572

Why is it whenever a nigger is called out for being a nigger they immediately jump to call the other person racist?

>> No.11661574

american and modernismpilled

>> No.11661575


Yule is a pagan holiday friend. Why are you desperately alone? I'd invite you to my ham dinner with friends/family later but you'd have to bathe/shave first.

>> No.11661580

Why is it that keyboard warriors are brave enough to be racist but aren't brave enough to own it?

>> No.11661583

>>everyone celebrates Christian holidays
Christmas might have originally been a Christian thing but these days it's secular as fuck. Hell even Japan celebrates it despite have a fucking tiny Christian population.

>> No.11661585


How can racism be real if based on a social construct, which doesn't "really" exist? Racism is just as nonexistent as race is hombre. A figment of your imagination.

>> No.11661586

>it thinks paganism means "everywhere that isn't Christiandom"
Santa Claus isn't real either buddy

>> No.11661588


Japan is a country of westaboos/ameriboos.

>> No.11661591

>Mahal Aqueeq Ul Yemen
ceasefire: whats that?

>> No.11661595


Kris Kringle did in fact exist. My offer still stands, if you can bathe/shave and make your way to the Hudson Valley of New York I'll host you for my Christmas dinner party.

>> No.11661596

>t. 14 year old edgelord
Yes, everything is just chemical reactions in your brain. Morality isn't even real, it's all relative!

>> No.11661601

Yeah, so?
The point was to illustrate the disconnect between Christmas and Christian. Ameriboo or not the point still stands.

>> No.11661606


There is no standard concept of morality. Good and bad are subjective terms which ultimately mean nothing. I'm eating ham and prime rib for dinner tonight. You're eating a plant based diet alone and babbling on and on about your political leanings on a food and cooking imageboard for attention. That's fine. You should drop the humbug act and come over for a visit tonight for drunken merriment.

>> No.11661608


Christmas is a consumerist tradition now, go visit the Amish to experience Christian Christmas.

>> No.11661616

Thanks for the offer but I'm having the traditional "Americhinese food because everything is closed and there's literally nothing open today except hospitals and the subway".

37th Avenue in Flushing at 7 PM if you want to head over.

>> No.11661624
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>when you speak the truth, but only sarcastically

>> No.11661626


Halal shops and deli should be open today. You could get a kebab or sandwich instead of Chinese. Indian should be open as well. I avoid Christmas Chinese based exclusively on the fact a lot of annoying Jewish people will be there.

>> No.11661632

>Christmas is a consumerist tradition now
Yes. That was my point. I'm glad we agree.

>> No.11661636

There's nothing wrong with a plant based diet, but I'm not particularly strict about that. It's reassuring to know you'd be a serial killer if you weren't afraid of prison.

>> No.11661641

I overdosed on halal and kebab food last week. Also I am the "annoying Jewish people", so there's that.

>> No.11661645

faggot answer me

>> No.11661650
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> It's reassuring to know you'd be a serial killer if you weren't afraid of prison.
>this is what moralfaggots actually believe

>> No.11661656


So you're agreeing that humans are subject to their baser instincts as apex predators, and as animals are also subject to likeness preferences and herd mentality which creates homogeneous enclaves of migrants in large cities towns and villages? I'm glad you agree that different breeds of human forced to live together naturally self segregated into their own homogeneous little worlds. So are you coming to my Catholic enclave for meat, drink and merriment, or not? I have an open door policy on Christmas, don't come empty handed...it's rude.

>> No.11661663


Ahh that explains it. So few Jews left in Queens, I thought you all migrated into Riverdale in the 80s. Neat. Did Abraham bring you everything you wanted this Chanukah?

>> No.11661666
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>> No.11661678
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>all this butthurt still

>> No.11661685


Are you coming or not? Can you afford the traveling fare? I'll compensate you upon arrival for your invested time.

>> No.11661686
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>know you'd be a serial killer if you weren't afraid of prison.
You're a fucking idiot

>> No.11661691


>> No.11661697

well this thread turned into shit. later queers

>> No.11661727
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>> No.11661738

Try backpage, this isn't the place for that

>> No.11661744

Sadly, for the past 10 years or so in most cities, any nice restaurant doesn't have or enforce a dress code

>> No.11661810

It's a good thing. Fuck pretentious twats.

>> No.11661842
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>fine dining
who let the poorfags on here

>> No.11661853

This thread really blew up, it's gotten from pathetic to hilarious.

>> No.11662008

No standard having pieces of human trash, like you, should be culled.

>> No.11662041
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They're not *your* standards, they're the ones your peers have chosen for you because you're just another mindless drone.

>> No.11662051

If you can't even meet a simple dresscode they are your betters, not your peers, and you don't belong in that restaurant.

>> No.11662068


Backpage and Craigslist personals are dunzo.

>> No.11662069

I could wear an engine block around my neck if I wanted, but I don't because it's uncomfortable and retarded. Would you wear an engine block around your neck if that was the "dress code?"

>> No.11662089

180 poxy dollars 'restaraunt' (diner) wins my pedobear onesie. proper eateries earn a tux at least

>> No.11662092

In my house, restaurant, or other business, they are indeed MY standards, and if you don't meet them, then you'll stay outside with the rest of the trash where you belong.

>> No.11662102

would you jump off a bridge if your friends did??

>> No.11662103

Butt out, kid. The other anon has potential for lulz but you'd just be too easy.

>> No.11662118

>some assblasted nigger that's been refused service for wearing ghetto nigger-tier "clothing"

I love places that have and enforce dress codes. Helps keep the ghetto and wigger trash in their places.

>> No.11662124
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>Mommy look! I'm trolling! I'm trolling!

>> No.11662125

Nah, he isn't cool enough to jump off a bridge

>> No.11662134

Lol you got owned so you just repeat your original point, which I already exposed as bullshit.

>> No.11662139

I wear what's comfortable in my own home. I wear what's presentable when I go to someone else's place.
I'm in a tracksuit right now. Doesn't mean I'm such a sack of shit I'd attend a wedding in it.

>> No.11662172

Good for you, but I am a man who asks questions when presented with intangible concepts like "what's presentable." Who decides what is presentable? What gives them that authority? It's not looking good for 'them.'

>> No.11662196


ride for my niggaz, die for my niggaz

>> No.11662205

>I am a man who asks questions when presented with intangible concepts like "what's presentable."
Yeah. It would be easier if some set of instructions, or "code", were presented, wouldn't it?
The fact that they own the restaurant gives them they authority, you Commie retard. Fuck off.

>> No.11662242

I haven't said anything about establishments that DO enforce dress codes, but nice strawman. *shrug*

>> No.11662259
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>this entire thread

>> No.11662274
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>cutaway collar

>fall for the spread collar meme
>looks like shit unbuttoned
>have to tie a garish full Windsor to fill it up with a tie
>bowtie does not cover the collar points (which it should IMHO)

>> No.11662331
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>thinks talking like some ghetto tier trash nigger is "cool"
You mean "wiggaz", don't you, little suburban snowflake?

>> No.11662334

And this is why you will never not be working class

>> No.11662379
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Pretty cute assumption, but I've been upper-mid and haven't had to do manual labor for about seven years.

>> No.11662385
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>thinks the "working class" doesn't understand and enforce dress codes and standards