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11657277 No.11657277 [Reply] [Original]

I like them french fried potaters

>> No.11657278

Mmmm huh?

>> No.11657281


>> No.11657322


>> No.11657348

mustard n biscuits, mhm

>> No.11658373

Some folks call it a Sling-blade, I call it a Kaiser Blade

>> No.11658377


>> No.11658416

Yes, it’s a movie.

>> No.11659026
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>> No.11659031


fuck this murdering piece of shit.

>> No.11659052


>> No.11659094
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that goes for cocksuckers AND retards

>> No.11659161


dude the guy was a dick but he was paying the families rent and he wasn't even laying hands on them. it was murder, straight up. i forget what circumstances he killed his parents under. but killing that dude was straight up murder.

the argument always comes back to 'good ol boy culture' well guess what. heart disease, mental illness, depression, drug abuse, unemployment, anomie, crime, and BULLSHIT were all far less of a problem back then in that kind of town with that kind of culture.

he was obviously mentally competent to understand what he was doing, and just very awkward in his mannerisms and having a hard time articulating things. he should have been tried and sentenced.

>> No.11659173

This reads like a forgotten /tv/ pasta...

>> No.11659179


>> No.11659183


it's not, it's actually a big essay i wrote in a nutshell. i got a 100 on it.

the expectation of the author of the play wants you to sympathize with the retard. most people sympathize with him. but this is a gratuitous act of romantic ignorance, and if you found yourself in that situation, what has actually happened would feel very differently, because you're not expecting some tragic yet noble arc out of it. looking at the events on their own merit it's simply a form of 'suspension of belief' irl to think that the tard did was WRONG.

>> No.11659203

You're alright, my dude. I fucks wit you.

>> No.11659207



>> No.11659259

Just more proof that autists can't understand this movie. It's not supposed to be black and white like in your vidya, shitstain.

>> No.11659460
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the artists vision doesn't matter. a piece of art isn't a puzzle to be solved with 'what the artist thinks' as the pot at the end of the rainbow. a piece of art is judged by its ability to give impressions of the sublime.

slingblade is an example of a didactic framed as art, and decadent moralizations framed as entertainment. it's basically a litmus test for whether or not you agree with the basic errors our civilization makes.

those errors are subtly concealed inside an emotionally charged context in which one is allowed to identify with ANYONE BUT THE VICTIM. you are expected to cheer for the horrific act committed, because 'it's for a good cause'. god bless america, we'll put a boot up your ass, right?

so you watch slingblade and feel like you're special for agreeing with all the other fucking idiots that the retard is a good man, on the same premise that lets you sleep easily at night knowing your tax dollars go to burning entire villages alive across the world. because it was for a good cause or something.

slingblade isn't a plebfilter. it's an extremely fine grained npcfilter. anyone who has the ability to think morally for themselves will criticize the applomb with which it presents us this awful scenario AS IF THERE WAS A REDEEMING FACTOR in the brutal act.

those who merely believe that they have moral-intellectual independence will think they're clever for siding with the retard who murdered a man for being a dick.

fuck you.

>> No.11659470

Psychological abuse is more reprehensible than physical abuse, kind of like how rape is worse than murder. The tard did nothing wrong.

>> No.11659498


spoken like someone who has never been physically abused. physical abuse is also psychological abuse. there is not physical abuse that is not psychologically abusive. but psychological abuse does not imply physical abuse. in what way then could physical abuse not be far worse?

you value your survival less than your comfort?

your feelings are more important than your survival? oh wait. i mean, your feelings are more important than MY survival?

thank you for illustrating my point succinctly. your response is ABSOLUTELY TYPICAL of the thought process by which the average person justifies murder. and it is a microcosm of the nature of human evil, in that in this compromise that feels so pleasant and rational to the oversocialized and underexerted millieu will always, always, be one step back, two steps forward towards the edge of destruction. it is unconsciously nihilistic to the point of celebrating wickedness.

the industrial revolution and its consequences have TRULY been a disaster for humanity.

>> No.11659527
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Pure autism. Didn't read any of that past the first sentence by the way. Keep proving my point

>> No.11659564

When someone is physically abused, they know it and are able to recover from it later on through therapy. With psychological abuse, they often go through their entire lives not even knowing that what was done to them is wrong. That's a fate worse than death.

>> No.11659587


confirmed for never having been physically abused and only thinking you've ever been psychologically abused.

>> No.11659594

You already said that.

>> No.11659634
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Nobody wants greezy bacon.

>> No.11659650


and you know that it is true. you know that it is a horrible thing that you are trying to justify with silly bullshit about abuse. you are fucking tripping. you are trying to imagine 'making things worse' as a noble response to 'things being bad', and that speaks to a deeply flawed character. (you).

i'm sure you have a whole story why its ok for you to be so deeply flawed. instead of accepting that some things are NOT ok and trying to make them better, you use your brain for the opposite task: you accept that its ok and try to make things worse.

amazing how this movie makes bad people reveal themselves so readily.maybe that was the writers goal. if so it's actually brilliant.

>> No.11659665

Can we at least agree that Doyle deserved to die?

>> No.11659671

somebody just read a certain manifesto for the very first time, ain't he adorable, the little scamp.

>> No.11659676

>keep proving my point

I took more of the message from that anon is that youre a brainlet.

>> No.11659693


for fucking what?

how about you? what do you deserve? do you deserve to be hacked apart by a retard you let live in your house?

doyle deserved to get taken down a notch. he did not deserve to be hacked to death by a lawnmower blade.


nice reference bro, i totally get it too.

>> No.11659708
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yes, it was that one word that apparently has only ever been used by the unibomber that gave him away. not the last sentence which was a unibomber quote though.

>> No.11659714

It's not my place to say what I deserve. But Doyle scarred Frank for life. Frank has to live with what Doyle did to him and his mother. He got what he deserved

>> No.11659764


what he did to them? you mean being a dick, or as they used to call it, 'he was a hard man'? he deserves death for that? so you deserve, what, waterboarding and needles in your eye for your failings?

scarred for life? really? because his stepdad was like basically every other stepdad in thie history of stepdadss? so when frank goes on to act just like him, should we send the retard out to chop grown-up=frank to pieces? no? well how do you think doyle got to be that way then?

ironically doyle is more likely to have come from someone like you being dissapointed in his late 20s than from someone like frank having a relatively less than scintillating childhood.

do you think that frank would even agree with you? fucking old testament levitical eye-for-an-eye law isn't even that harsh. your emotion-of-pity/offense based moral system is beyond the pale and you don't realize it because you're candy coat it under noble emotions.

this is how and why wbite phosphorous shells are used on civilians. the willingness to look away from the consequences of your petulant, childish, undeveloped judgments.

because you aren't out there killing stepdads with lawnmower blades on christmas eve, are you? you are absolutely complacent.

something about needing to watch things die from a distance.

>> No.11659840
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Wow, that was almost English. Good job!

>> No.11659847

You're starting to make me feel bad, so I'll go ahead and admit I've just been obstinate to see how many dissertations I could get you to write.

>> No.11659852

Absolutely Based

>> No.11659856


merry christmas then.

i really did get a 100 on a essay in college on this movie on the subject and content i've writ in this thread.

>> No.11659864

4chan remains the best place for people who like to argue because they have nothing better to do

>> No.11659877

You earned it.

>> No.11659887
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>> No.11659913

>it's not, it's actually a big essay i wrote in a nutshell. i got a 100 on it.
Is your teacher a universally acclaimed director and critic? No? Then shut the fuck up, your fucking 100 you fondled balls for doesn't make you correct

>> No.11659933


if my teachers acclaim for my essay counts for nothing, why does the universes acclaim for a director account for anything? is the implication here that under the same teacher, my 100 doesn't make me right but your 65 does?

he was a hard teacher and i'm proud of getting lots of perfect scores on essays and that is why i have told you about it, it doesn't mean i'm 'correct' on the issue of whether or not a man should be butchered with a lawnmower blade in a given instance.

but everything means something, doesn't it. anyways i'm going to sleep. i got a watch for christmas.

>> No.11661274

Maybe he doesn't get many 100s, just let him have it

>> No.11661377
