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File: 280 KB, 1500x1125, 20141106-cast-iron-myth-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11655274 No.11655274 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't all utensils made out of cast iron? It's literally the perfect material, and it keeps brainlets who are too dumb to maintain it away from cooking

>> No.11655283

I, too, enjoy the occasional meme-based cookery, even having gone so far as to purchase an instant pot.

>> No.11655314

I actually have a question about cast iron. I've had cast iron passed down, cast iron (lodge) I purchased, and sizzlers that I picked up at thrift stores and actually used to get hot as fuck to sear steaks rather than use a pan.

Anyways, I gave them to family because I had such an on the run lifestyle and a high humidity lifestyle that it was hell to take care of them. They'd rust in the open even if oiled if they weren't seasoned. Yet I have a cast oyster shucking knife that was a gift. Sounds like a horrible idea I know, but it doesn't rust. Are pans just poorly forged and impure?

>> No.11655319

>high humidity lifestyle

>> No.11655322

>instant pot
What do you reckon? Thinkgen of getting one.

>> No.11655330

Laugh if you want, the time of the mermen is nigh. Environment.

Tired typo.

>> No.11655502

>cast oyster shucking knife
Knives are never made from cast iron, so it could be the rough surface of the cast iron pans that promotes corrosion, compared to the polished knife

>> No.11655553

There is usually 2 types of cast iron opinions.
The first is the lover of cast iron. They find and buy a pan that is very smooth and is enjoyable to use. These people know how a good pan is.
The second type is people who buy "Lodge" brand or similar brands trying to imitate "Lodge". They make it bumpy and rough looking because "lifestyle" and "rugged" appeals to the eye; but once used, everything sticks to it and becomes shit. The people then form a very negative opinion about all cast-iron cooking and cookware because they were taken in by a terrible fucking business practice of selling to your eyes and not a usable pan.

>> No.11655566

If it's perfect, why do you have to do something to it to make it usable?

>> No.11655766

Theyre breddy gud and breddy versatile

>> No.11655861

It's alright but ultimately unnecessary I think. It can cook dry beans in like 20 minutes which is nice, but I still find myself doing things the old way.

>> No.11655944

Cast iron is cast, not forged. And if I’m not mistaken, most cast iron pots and pans are likely cast from a grey iron rather than a ductile or malleable iron alloy, although the iron may be one of the higher strength grey irons in some cases.
Some steel pans may be forged like traditionally made woks, ans it’s possible “iron” alloys rather than steel alloys are used for pans in some areas.
As far as rusting goes, carbon steel and iron will both rust, but how quickly it rusts will have to do with the alloy possible contamination in the alloy, and possibly other things like heat treatment of the alloy.
A lot of carbon steel is actually alloyed steel that can still rust, but which may be less likely to do so.
Other alloys of both iron and steel can form protective layers of rust that can prevent deep corrosion in the steel/iron.
One issue with cast iron is it may be porous on the molecular level which can make it more likely to rust.

>> No.11656722
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Cast iron is good, but it's hardly the perfect material. Stainless steel with an aluminium core is generally vastly superior. Cast iron is really only great at searing, and the fact it's relatively cheap.

>> No.11656745

why in god’s name would you buy aluminium as a core and steel as a coating? steel rusts and aluminium is weak, that’s the opposite of what you want

>> No.11656753

Neither of those are true. Aluminum core is better for even heat distribution, and stainless is hard enough that it lasts longer with metal utensils. Aluminum tastes bad too.

>> No.11656755

>stainless steel rusts

>> No.11656763

stainless steel can corrode and rust, it just does so less

>aluminium is better for heat distribution
what do you even mean by this

>> No.11656775

That heat is more evenly distributed over the cooking surface. What's hard to understand about this?

>> No.11656805

Stainless steel is extremely resistant to corrosion. If your stainless steel kitchen utensils are rusting then you're clearly not looking after them. Iron however is extremely susceptible to rust, and must be bone dry before storage.

Aluminium is also one of the best metals for conduction, far better than iron and only bettered by copper and pure gold/silver. (you can get pans with a copper core also)

So yeah, it's far superior to cast iron, which has far less even heat distribution and like I previously said, is only really great at searing at high temps. In a tri-ply pan you can cook pretty much anything. It heats up fast. It's great for delicate pieces of fish, or for cooking at high heat and searing foods. It doesn't burn food as easily. Creates great fond and pan sauces. It's not reactive to acid based sauces, and doesn't require seasoning. In-fact it requires very minimal care, is extremely easy to clean and can be used instantly without any upkeep. It's also extremely strong and lightweight.

The only negative to tri-ply is the relatively high price, but looked after properly they will last a lifetime.

>> No.11656806

stainless steel will never rust in normal cooking condition.
it's ok if you're trying to use big boy science but consider where it's used and their environment

>> No.11656894

As others have said, it's ok, but unnecessary. I don't often find myself needing to cook soup in 20 minutes, but I can. I tend to use the more traditional methods. I do use it when the kids' sports practices run into dinner and I need to whip something up quickly. Same as a crock pot in that regard, just less planning.

>> No.11657209

stainless steel is the best material because its easy to clean and doesnt rust

>> No.11657513
File: 45 KB, 1024x1024, stainless steel masterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast iron plebs:
>have to season their shitty pan before use
>even then still have to use it for a year before it gets good
>can't wash in a dishwasher
>can't even use soap
>can't soak in water
>can't store their shit pan within 3 feet of a tomato or the seasoning will immediately dissolve
>still afraid to use metal utensils for fear of chipping the seasoning

Enlightened bare stainless steel connoiseurs:
>pan is already perfect on first use
>just put it in the dishwasher
>or soak it in the sink
>can cook literally anything in it
>fucking scrub it with steel wool
>leave it lying around wet and dirty in your kitchen for a week when you're too lazy to clean it

Cast iron is literally meme cookware. It's touted as being "durable" despite it needing constant babying and the only thing you can use it for without cast iron plebs shitting their pants is frying a steak. Just get a stainless steel pan you fucking hipster.

>b-but the food sticks!!!
So? Just pour some liquid on it and fucking scrape it off.

>> No.11657986

stainless doesnt form nice brown crusts because its infared emissivity is just a tiny fraction of that of cast iron.

>> No.11658008

Stainless lined aluminum is fine for students and the indigent, but heavy copper with 18/10 lining is the true master race

>> No.11658825

Also don't forget the weight of a cast iron pan, and the fact the whole thing heats up including the handle, making it a potential burn risk and requiring the use of a towel or oven glove to move around.

Properly designed pans like All-Clad Tri-Ply have stay cool handles, and are the perfect weight. They also have better designed edge lips for easy transfer/pouring of sauces. Edged markings on the inside of pans for measurements of liquids. They really are in a whole other class.

Cast iron is just cheap and for hillbillies.

>> No.11658895

>scrub it with steel wool
please don’t

>> No.11658942

why not?

i routinely scrub my ss pan with steel wool.

>> No.11658977
File: 30 KB, 500x331, db5971db178261998e00cc11d3f745f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast iron is literally shit after you use cast aluminum. Perfect blend of durability and heat retention, all while being light weight

>> No.11659085

I didnt day it was the best pan for everything. I didnt even say it was the best pan.
Its the best material for utensils ("silver"ware, spatulas, tongs, ect)

>> No.11659101

well you scratch it...

>> No.11659106
File: 56 KB, 857x800, 15280129001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses 3-4.5% Carbon materials

>> No.11659110
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>> No.11659116

It's my pan and I'll scratch if I want to.

You would scratch too if it happened to you.

>> No.11659239

More expensive material and unnecesary for most standard cooking.

>> No.11659340
File: 7 KB, 242x242, 1489768334134s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the microwave is not cast iron

>> No.11659357

got to wonder why someone would need so many pans? I mean there's no way you're using all at once, even if you're cooking for a large group of people. It would be completely unnecessary.

>> No.11659387
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>> No.11659477

your post can be summarized as
>don't buy a pan that costs 1/4th the price
>be lazy, like me

>> No.11659485
File: 116 KB, 1500x1125, 20150305-black-steel-pans-daniel-gritzer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because carbon steel is better in almost every imaginable way

>> No.11659595

aluminum gives you alzheimers. iron gives you.. iron.

>> No.11659865


Who are these people who get food to stick to a cast iron pan?

>> No.11659912

Show me where the cast iron pan touched you

>> No.11659927

maybe they just like pans and had a bunch and then their grandparents died and they inherited their pans too. YOu should see my kitchen and basement, I proebably have around 20 pots, pans, skillets and shit. Plus enogh towels and bedsheets to last me ten lifetimes.

>> No.11659932

peopel who are afraid of cooking on cookware that gets hotter than is necessary for melting butter

>> No.11660041

>if it happened
If you meant the pan getting burned you can just use baking soda to get it clean.

>> No.11660046
File: 87 KB, 736x718, 1521680502152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have some?

>> No.11660073

Sounds like van living.

>> No.11660077

baking soda will scratch it too

>> No.11660086


>> No.11660187

Because it's hard and not cost effective to cast small things like forks and spoons, numb nuts. If it's so much better, then it seems like there's an open market and you should capitalize on it, faggot.

>> No.11660258

Any reccomendations for a cast iron pan, I'm a foodie so price isn't an issue. My nan said she would give me hers when she dies but that's like 10 years or so away. I want something high calibre so that it will last long enough to give to my grandkids

>> No.11660421

Do y'all really have nothing better to talk about?

>> No.11660437

I soak my iron lodge pans sometimes in the sink and only put a few drops oil on it after every use. I use soap because who cares The pans are still fine and never have trouble with food sticking too it.

>> No.11660501

>the hoarder

>> No.11660507

>but that's like 10 years or so away
I’ll tell you what, since it’s christmas I’ll do you a favour; If you don’t reply to this post your nan will die in her sleep tonight. You’re welcome.

>> No.11660524

If you pay for shipping from southern Germany, sure.

>> No.11660530

LOL, yeah I am also the guy with the chef knife collection

>> No.11661201

>the whole thing heats up including the handle, making it a potential burn risk
You are American, arent you?