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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11646528 No.11646528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just saw on colbert that "anxiety baking" (baking to relieve anxiety) is a big new trend, but I've never heard of this before. Do you guys do this?

>> No.11646532

No, I relieve stress and anxiety with booze, like a real man.

>> No.11646543
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>watching Colbert

>> No.11646547
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based and red pilled
>mfw right now

>> No.11646551
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>> No.11646558

are you triggered, /pol/edditor?

>> No.11646567

>a big new trend
this has been troped in numerous movies for the past 20 years

>> No.11646573

I don't watch movies, so maybe that's how I missed that. Don't you think movies would be a lot better if the tropes in them were based on things people actually do?

>> No.11646588

never heard of this but wtf I have bad anxiety and have started baking recently

>> No.11647531


>> No.11647553
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>> No.11647554
File: 99 KB, 565x500, REDDIT NIGGER FAG FAG FUCK OFF CUNTFAG FUCK FU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending colbert

>> No.11647558

This. Talk about your propoganda somewhere else

>> No.11647561

go back to r/the_donald
this thread is about baking

>> No.11647574
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>defending colbert

>> No.11647587

Stop projecting, redditor
Just go back to the mother ship
No one wants you here

>> No.11647600

Doing chores to relieve anxiety, depression, or OCD is not a new thing at all. You create a steady level of cognitive load by doing series of little tasks that requires physical body coordination and logical planning, your mind can't drift onto whatever terrible thought your mental illness was going to drag you into (because the brain is not good at having two trains of thoughts at once). Anxiety Baking is just the latest offshoot of this.

>> No.11647604

you can't distract the unconscious mind though.

>> No.11647605

could you be any more reddit?

>> No.11647606

>I just saw on colbert that "anxiety baking"
well this is where you fucked up.
you were watching colbert instead of using your anus for a cum receptacle.
go back to your uncles room and give him your boipucci and maybe he will buy you more hair dye tomorrow and send you to an expensive school where you can learn hate wh*te peepo and men.
once you're done with that you can go call the government that you hate to force someone to bake a cake for your faggot wedding where niggers and spics will shower you with nothing because they can't buy gifts with EBT.
after that you can make a youtube video about how you're such a GOOD person for hating the right people.

>> No.11647607

Yes you can. That's what sublimation is, effectively.

>> No.11647610

There's mindfulness meditation for that. You need to invest a lot of time into practice to be able to do that though.

>> No.11647611

I have never spent more than a few seconds on reddit in my life

>> No.11647613
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stop it faggot

>> No.11647614

What do you think your mind is doing while posting on here or watching tv? Actively thinking about your unpaid taxes? No it's not. That's the point.

>> No.11647616
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>projecting this hard

>> No.11647626

>I am projecting so I am going to claim he is projecting
Who are you, Trump?

>> No.11647629

you can't watch TV and worry about your taxes at the same time?

>> No.11647635

Intermittently, sure. But when I'm really focusing on whether they were really ON A BREAK or not, I can't for the life of me think about my taxes at that exact moment simultaneously.

>> No.11647647

what goes through your mind when you're about to have someone put their penis in you?
no. you're thinking about if you cleaned the inside of your anus with a man-douche so that your family/significant other doesn't have to see yesterday's sesame seeds on the end of their peter.
maybe just try not being a faggot and you'll be okay.

>> No.11647674

why do you think so much about faggots and what they do or don't do?

>> No.11647675

you know, that's exactly something a faggot would say

>> No.11647676

>baking thread
I have a question. How do I bake a half duck AND a pork log AT THE SAME TIME?? Good question. Answer it.

>> No.11647680

ur mom baked my pork log

>> No.11647681

What's a pork log?

>> No.11647686


>> No.11647690

try taking the penis out of OP's anal cavity where his shit comes from.
you can accomplish a lot more without a faggotous tumor attached to you. OR you can get really good with your male kegels and puppet his arms into service.

>> No.11647694

again, you just keep talking about gay sex. you should see a therapist about this. or maybe go straight to gay conversion therapy

>> No.11647702
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>all these people ITT who aren't up to date on their taxes
Have fun with your fines.