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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11632897 No.11632897 [Reply] [Original]

I have a date with a guy from Argentina (I'm a gay man from Mexico).
What should I cook for him? Argentines eat a lot of meat, so I could cook different meat cuts. Or should I cook Mexican food to show him about my culture?


>> No.11632899 [DELETED] 

You should kill yourself

>> No.11632912 [DELETED] 

Why did you feel the need to tell us you're a mexican gay? How is that relevant? I wish you fags would all neck yourselves

>> No.11632913

can't you make a mexican dish with lots of meats? he might feel a bit weird if you cater the dinner to his nationality instead of just making something you like to make

>> No.11632917

it's relevant to the thread you idiots
op doesn't deserve this treatment

>> No.11632925

Him being a mexican fag has zero relevance on him asking for Argentinian recipes

>> No.11632930

are you bottom? then be subservient and prepare his nation's cuisine, otherwise be dominant and make mexican food

>> No.11632935

he's not asking for argentinian recipes, he's asking whether to make argentinian or mexican for a date with someone from argentina if he's mexican
you didn't read the post, did you?

>> No.11632941

Goold ol BBQ never dissapoints. Get some Carne Asada, some chicken, and whatever else.

>> No.11632942

cook some good mexican food. he eats argentinian food all the time and if you try to ape his nations dishes he might be insulted.

>> No.11632945

i'm gay btw

>> No.11632947

Argentino here
if you try doing some meat you better be really good, otherwise you'll probably fuck it up or not make it as good as our very specific palate expects it to be
I've been to "top rated" steakhouses abroad just to be completely disappointed in the way the rest of the world just sucks at roasting and grilling
you're better off doing some mexican food, we actually like it a lot and you'll have a chance to explain/show things from your culture
good luck!

>> No.11632948

All fags deserve this treatment

>> No.11632950

I stopped reading after he took the first opportunity possible to tell everyone he was a fag

>> No.11632951

Make something italian, that will really fuck with his mind.

>> No.11632952

thank fuck I don't live in a third world shithole where faggots can just spread their aids everywhere

>> No.11632959

Cook something light so you can plunder his guts

>> No.11633024
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man, conservashits make me cringe. this board is for food and cooking!

>> No.11633052

>Argentines eat a lot of meat
Well, he certainly does.

>> No.11633060

>(I'm a gay man from Mexico).
Kill him then yourself

>> No.11633103 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11633110

Undeserved Smugness, the post.

>> No.11633112

You should always just cook whatever you're familiar with. Trying to make the food of someone else's culture when you aren't that experienced with it is usually just going to be bad to them.

>> No.11633113


I'd recommend wanking into a bowl of noodles and calling it maricones and cheese

>> No.11633119

Because it's relevant to the dilemma.

>> No.11633191

just make sure you overcook it

>> No.11633204

>Mexican fag
I believe the word you're looking for is "maricon".

Awww I'm just taking the piss out if you OP. Make a seasonal Mexican style dish. I say seasonal because I'm not sure if you're in Argentinean summer or Mexican winter rn.

>> No.11633336

no one cares, kill yourself faggot

>> No.11633346

Never cook someone something from his own country. Never. It will never be as good as what he would be used to eat.
Try to cook him something typically Mexican or, even better, something you enjoy and are used to cooking.

>> No.11633358

Make what you feel most confident in making well. Don't forget to make a chocolate sauce and present your slathered dick as dessert.

>> No.11633360

This is the one time >I'm gay btw
could be actually relevant

>> No.11633361

don't gay "dates" simply consist of having ass sex in a men's room stall? where does the cooking come in?

>> No.11633362

dissolve him in a barrel of acid

>> No.11633366

Based cartel poster

>> No.11633509
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>> No.11633518

Well desu if I'm cooking for a man or woman certainly makes a difference. Stop finding any reason to try and dunk on a gay man and just answer his question you invalids

>> No.11633527

why are gays allowed to make their personality "dunking on gay men" but when straights try to do it they're persecuted?
Fuck you.

>> No.11633563

Anal sex has certain dietary considerations. Unless you're german.

>> No.11633619

Are you really that sheltered? Telling someone in your gay in any setting is literally no big deal, especially since in this thread we've already had people telling people to kill himself bcoz he's gay

>> No.11633631

Being on 4chan and just admitting that gay people exist bring out the hordes of homophobes desu

>> No.11633942

deberías matarte

>> No.11633989

Make up a bunch of salsa verde in your blender. Save half for chalupas, then toast some pumpkin seeds and throw them into the other half to get a pipian verde sauce. Simmer some chicken in the pipian verde sauce. Cook some white rice with tomatoes, peas and carrots. Have that ready to go when he comes over. Then in front of him while having drinks make up the chalupas with the salsa verde and top with crema and cotija. Have those as a snack before serving the pipian and rice.

Since you're fags the sex could happen right away, before or after you get to the chalupas. This lets you allow for that because the main course is delicious and has been made in advance, but you still get to show off making something in front of him.

>> No.11634010

Ill make you gay like me

>> No.11634015

this is the only correct answer
a thread died for this OP, its only fair that you offer your life in exchange

>> No.11634025

oh no the poor oppressed faggot who got told to kill himself on 4chan
that happens to literally no other demographic
i just cant bear the homophobia anons

>> No.11634029

Shouldn't you not eat meat during a date or are you bottoming? Most I've ever eaten if I anticipate bottoming is a salad, I'd never eat anything high in fat like a steak

>> No.11634046

i dont care which board youre false flagging from you are not welcome here

>> No.11634066

I fucking hate this stupid comic and everything ericka moen has ever made

>> No.11634067

You're a moron with your "-phobe" shit. Just because I find fags disgusting doesn't make me afraid of them and that's what your "-phobe" shit presumes. How about you're the one afraid of having an opinion?

>> No.11634069

>This thread
/pol/ really does get triggered by everything huh

>> No.11634114

Yeah, you must be right. Keep presuming stuff with a dick in your mouth and see how far it gets you.

>> No.11634125

So everyone that disagrees with you is "triggered?" OK little boi.

>> No.11634133

>gay bait thread
>furry bait thread
>fast food shilling
>complaining about /pol/ bait thread
>"haha it's actually /pol/'s fault our board is shit xd"
don't think no one is onto you niggers

>> No.11634200

>gay bait thread
You're retarded

>> No.11634206

No.but you 100% are

>> No.11634217
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>> No.11634222
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>> No.11634286
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>> No.11634297
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> argentine

Make that uncultured shitskin savage a nice vegan dish & teach him what it means to live a good moral life without murdering animals..

>> No.11634307
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>> No.11634380
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Hi guys! OP here!
Thanks for your advices!
And the triggered ones, what the hell is wrong with you guys???

I'm planning to cook Mexican food for my date. You're right, if I try yo make Argentine food I'll fail miserably.
I was thinking to cook chilpachole (pic), it's a crab and shrimp soup from the coastal state of Veracruz. But I'm not sure if it could be too spicy, Argentines usually don't eat spicy food and I don't want to hurt his tummy.

>> No.11634400

that doesn't look like Mexican food lol, where's the tortillas and refried beans

>> No.11634404
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>phone browsing

>> No.11634409

Bleach soup with AIDS pie for dessert.

>> No.11634430

the shitposter in question is probably using his phone and PC to make it look like its not just 1 person

>> No.11634457

Sound decision! If you are afraid of the spices, don't put too much while cooking and have some dried chilly or whatever on the table he can add during the dinner if he feels like it.

>> No.11634760

faggots are special and need special attention and treatment, right?
you got what you wanted. jeez. ungrateful poo poker.

>> No.11635101


>> No.11635322
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>all these butthurt closeted fags
Don't deny it you'll only make it worse

>> No.11635721

This is genuinely the worst thing I've ever seen

>> No.11635729

Lol how new?

>> No.11635733


make a simple fish dish. You guys are just going to bang anyway.

>> No.11635739

I've been here since 2007. Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.

>> No.11635742

Carne asada, like in Sonora or Monterey. (if you live anywhere south of Durango you can't try this unless you can find northern meat)
Barbacoa, like in Hidalgo
I guess that's it.
Alternatively, you could just do your best dish.

>> No.11635788

Sonora and Chihuahua beef is great, but Argentine meat is sooooo much better! Have you ever tried it? It's like eating a cloud.

>> No.11635814

>I've been here since 2007
Falseflag! This site, 4channel, has only been up for a few weeks.

>> No.11635833

I mean, let's be honest, you're gonna fuck before any food is cooked. At that point, just go out to eat some fast food.

>> No.11635849
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>> No.11635861

>btw I'm gay, have I mentioned that I'm gay? Gay gay gay gay
Fuck off kill yourself, fuck off back to your containment board, die FAGGOT

>> No.11636159

>try to ape his nations dishes
>try to ape
Are you the same homo who has been attempting to force this stupid expression on /k/ lately as well?

>> No.11636205
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>> No.11636578

Yeah, I've tried it, but I was refering to the whole thing: Grilled meat, quesadillas, grilled sausages, queso volador, etc etc etc... Independently, they might be mediocre when compared to argentinian meat, but as a whole,they compliment each other godly. Maybe you could just do queso volador and that's it.
Other things you could do: beef tinga, mole, those weird tamales with plantain leaf, queso relleno (the one from Yucatan), chile en nogada...

>> No.11636587

Sopa de macaco

>> No.11636612

Cook have him up a rope, sodomite

>> No.11636784

Cum casserole (south of the border style)
>5 cups Cum
>5 Lasagne noodles
>1/2cup red pepper flakes
>1 big kiss
Bake for 45 minutes at 350°f

>> No.11637071

>seething sugarsauceque eater detected

>> No.11637072

Not so bad

>> No.11637133
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I have an Argentine friend and he told me that Argentina is big on BBQ (there's a specific name for it but I forgot what it's called). You can marinade the meats in some dry rub with Mexican spices and make BBQ with it.
Also if I were you I'd mix in natural libido-boosting/naturally aphrodisiac foods so that he'd be able to violently and relentlessly dick you down for the entire night.
Good luck anon.

>> No.11637190

imagine how bad a wetbacks shit pussy smells

>> No.11637460
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Muerete de SIDA putos de mierda.
die of AIDS fucking faggots. stop saying you are mexican fucking subhuman

>> No.11637623

Oh hey what’s up Marco

>> No.11637871

I would hate op for being a fag but I'll always support less spics reproducing

>> No.11639498


>> No.11639505

So OP were you the top or bottom?

How do gays decide this? Coinflip?