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File: 332 KB, 1440x900, texas-chili-35-1440x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11627631 No.11627631 [Reply] [Original]

I'm alone in my house for a while with a good amount of ingredients and I wanna make a good bowl of chili
Can anyone recommend a good chili recipe?

I don't have any beans and no current way of transportation

>> No.11627634

inb4 add chocolate and remove beans

>> No.11627636

add chocolate and remove beans

>> No.11627646
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what are our options for meat, tomato products, vegetables, and spices?

once we know what you have to work with, we can give better advice.

>> No.11627660

I have a bunch of Bell peppers, onions and canned tomatoes. all your basic spices such as garlic, onion, chili powder a lot of other spices
And two pounds of ground beef

>> No.11627699

>Sweat onions
>Add ground beef and brown
>Add tomatoes (I'd crush them up with a spoon or a masher so they break down easier)
>Add bell pepper and spices
>Add liquid (stock would be preferable)
>Bring to a boil and then a simmer to reduce
>Stir somewhat consistently, add a bit of flour thicken it up if that's your preference

>> No.11627703

cook the beef, onion, and peppers (chopped up as fine as you prefer) in a big heavy bottomed pot with a few tablespoons of butter, let them go for a while on a medium-medium high heat, then put some canned tomatoes and either water or stock of some sort in there, then add a good amount of whatever spicy/flavorful things you enjoy. adjust amounts of ingredients as you prefer. hope it comes out great.

>> No.11628275

Make your own chili paste by toasting dried chilies and simmering them with beef or chicken stock then toss em in a blender

>> No.11628280

Also you should get stew meat for a chunky chili

>> No.11628282

do not use minced beef, cut it into tiny cubes

t. texan

>> No.11628327
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Get ready op. We gonna chili.

You need chili peppers. Get 'em.

>> No.11628332
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Starting from the upper left those were anaheim, guajillo (dry), arbol (dry), ancho (dry), jalapeno, habanero.

Take the dry peppers and the habaneros and cut the tops off.

>> No.11628337
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Put those in a blender jar, pour in a beer. We're doing this first so the peppers can soak while we do the rest of the prep. If you don't have beer use beef stock or broth, tomato juice, or V8.

>> No.11628340
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Now, we need some meat. Sirloin is good. So is chuck or brisket. Cut it into steaks about 3/4" thick. Season w/ salt and pepper, rub it into the meat.
If you only have ground meat, make hamburger patties and season those.

>> No.11628342
File: 174 KB, 752x564, chili5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire up your grill. Sear your meat. Don't worry about cooking it through, just make sure you get some color on there. Char and blister the fresh peppers as well.

>> No.11628345
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Here's what we're looking for.

>> No.11628352
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Chop up peppers.

(you can remove the skins if you want, but I don't need to since muh blendtec)

>> No.11628355
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Dump the chilis into the blender jar which had the dried chilis soaking in beer.

>> No.11628361
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Then puree it. The smoother the puree the hotter it will be.

>> No.11628365
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Slice meat into cubes

>> No.11628370
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And we're going to need more meat. Bison, Pork, and the bottom is Venison. It doesn't really matter what you use, but aim for a combination of different meats.

>> No.11628373

Well aren't you just the pope of chilli town.

>> No.11628374

>no beans
Well, don't make chili until you get some. Any alternative just isn't chili.

>> No.11628378
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The bowl contains 4 large onions, chopped up.
If you have good fresh tomatoes by all means use 'em. I didn't, so I am using boxed.

>> No.11628390

beans are terrible for you and taste like shit, I never use them in chilli

>> No.11628393
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Since I didn't grill that ground meat I browned it in the pot, in batches. You want it brown, not gray. The flash in the shiny pot makes it look lighter in color than it really is.

>> No.11628397
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When the meat is brown dump in the onions. They are moist which will deglaze the pot for you.

>beans are terrible for you and taste like shit
can'tcook moron detected.

>> No.11628405
File: 26 KB, 453x465, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beans are terrible for you
I'm constantly surprised by the new heights of stupidity the mongrels on this board manage to attain.

>> No.11628406
File: 235 KB, 752x564, chili15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the onions have turned translucent add the rest of the ingredients. Just dump it all in the pot.
I added two seasonings you can see in this pic. On the left is a heaping tablespoon of smoked hot Spanish paprika. On the right is about 1 tb of fresh ground cumin. Bring to a simmer.

>> No.11628411
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Simmer on low heat until the meat is suitably tender, usually about 4 hours.

>> No.11628416
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Some skillet cornbread would be a nice side. Or just keep it simple and have saltine crackers.

>> No.11628451

That looks fucking tasty.

>> No.11628489

Needs fritos and sour cream

>> No.11628656

you make good pots of chili, not bowls
i mean i make a good bowl of chili, empty can of Hormel Chunk No Beans into a wide shallow bowl and microwave (covered) for 2 minutes, stir, microwave another minute.

>> No.11628749

You need a few essentials:
1. good chillies. Use Ancho or something like that- dried smoky chillies. Grind them up preferably or just chop them small if you have the hours to simmer it properly
2. roasted and ground cumin- Do it yourself in a dry pan then a mortar/pestle or spice grinder
3. Good dark chocolate. Be careful not to add too much but use a good 70%+ chocolate and add maybe a row and a half
4. Honey. Maybe a tbsp or so. Again be very careful

The rest of it is pretty obvious- use good meat, simmer it for at least 2 hours, properly brown the meat etc.

>> No.11629343

Just wanted to ask a question. I also char my chillis (all-be-it in the oven broiler) but if you were to remove the skins, would there be any point in charring them? I guess it would make peeling easier, but you would lose all the flavour from charring right...? I've never tried removing the skins anyway.

>> No.11629352

Looks a little soupy, which is by no means a bad thing. You ever tried adding beans or sweetcorn?

>> No.11629604

I like to mix in a mashed baked potato to thicken it up a bit

>> No.11629615

Where’s the beans? Looks like shitty sloppy joe mix.

>> No.11629647
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I do the corn thing sometimes if I'm making the chili especially spicy. beans are always too waxy to me and distract from the spices cause they absorb like shit or something. I just add more meat like cubed steak/flank strips honestly

>> No.11629737

Looks shit

>> No.11631078

Sure, I sometimes add beans. I didn't that time, but I have nothing against it.

Sweetcorn? Eh, I find it doesn't add that much but sometimes I add hominy. Again, I didn't this time.

Post yours.