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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 168 KB, 2400x1600, chipsdip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11604580 No.11604580 [Reply] [Original]

Chips and dip.
That is all.

>> No.11604587

as close as we'll get to ambrosia

>> No.11604600

Can tell just looking those sre shitty lays chips

>> No.11604602
File: 21 KB, 326x397, lawsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11604657
File: 8 KB, 197x256, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make way for the GOAT chip

>> No.11604671
File: 22 KB, 355x355, heluva good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, just posting the best chip dip

>> No.11604672

This combo is better than holding hands with a cute girl.

>> No.11604676

How the fuck is this pronounced? Is it "HehlOOOvah"? I can't figure it out.

>> No.11604679


Like slurring "hell of a"

>> No.11604680

Hell of a good chip dip.

>> No.11604732

>not salt and vinegar
Correct. Bison fags eat shit.

>> No.11604743

Salt and vinegar is good but black pepper > salt and vinegar.

>> No.11604758

Hence why I called you a fag. Because of your gay ass wrong opinion on chips. Also, Kettle chips are a meme for yuppie redditors. You buy a bag of salt and vinegar Lays, tear it open and leave it to sit for a day to achieve maximum tang. It is known that this is the proper way to eat chips if you're not going to have them with dip. With dip, you obviously just use classic Ruffles brand potato chips - available at your local supermarket!

>> No.11604761

Get the fuck out with your greasball hamster bedding chip.

>> No.11604765

>doesn't know shit about chips
>keeps trying to give opinions
Let me guess, you're under 25? Most people that age don't know when to stop talking.

>> No.11604814

Dipping potato chips into a mix of sour cream and dehydrated onion soup mix? It may be tasty, but it's so wrong on so many levels I can't even.

>> No.11604851
File: 376 KB, 1500x1000, 1535415771798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't even

>> No.11604856

What is the protocol on double dipping?

>> No.11604873

Who cares do it.

>> No.11604940

What's wrong with Lays?

>> No.11604953

They aren't faggot hipster approved.

>> No.11605036

>not jalapenos
>not dill pickle

Salt and vinegar specifically for this brand is trash. It's 20% salt and 80% vinegar.

>> No.11605044

They are papery, greasy, can't hold dip, have no texture, are always reduced to shards in the bag.

Ruffles are fine, but Lays are not good.

I don't think there's a single -bad- flavor of Kettle brand chips but the Salt and Pepper is my favorite because of my intense fetish for black pepper.

>> No.11605045

too salty for me desu senpai

>> No.11605049

Fuck you.

>> No.11605059

>using dip transfer integrity as a criticism of a salt and vinegar chip
Could you stop reddit spacing, idiot?

>> No.11605069

We are not talking exclusively about salt and vinegar you autist.
>mad about spacing
Super autist

>> No.11605082

The post you replied to was specifically about Lays salt and vinegar chips, Jamal. Follow the links back if you're not too new to figure it out (you obviously are because you don't understand why formatting matters). Everything you've written has indicated you're an effeminate from reddit. Maybe Fancy Lad Snack Cakes are more up your alley. Chips are for men.

>> No.11605095

I have never posted on "reddit" but your obsession with them and trying to assert yourself on an anonymous imageboard over a chip preference is extremely insecure and beta.

Also Lays are bad.

>> No.11605100

>nuh uh!
Yeah, you lost.

>> No.11605102

Never dip with any part of the chip that touched your mouth, don't lick your fingers in between bites. But in general just don't do itm it's like putting your whole mouth in the dip.

>> No.11605105

Lays are still bad.

>> No.11605107

I always think it's amusing when people get angry when they get called out for liking 20th Century foodgore. I bet you think green bean casserole is delicious, too. And a fucking grilled cheese on white bread with Campbell's tomato soup on the side? You have a favorite brand of frozen pizza too, I'd guess. And think McDonald's is delicious? And dip yopur tendies in honey mustard?

>> No.11605109

>still talking
When will zoomers and californians learn?

>> No.11605111

>I always think
Obviously not.

>> No.11605112

I don't know maybe Lays are bad when Lays are bad

Oh and by the Lays are bad, Lays are bad.

>> No.11605121

>And dip yopur tendies in honey mustard?
Hey now when you're at a bar and need a quick bite, outside of buffalo wings chicken tenders are a pretty good option.

>> No.11605130

Just stop replying to her. She probably thinks dipping mozzarella sticks in marinara is somehow food gore too. She's just a hamplanet desperate for social interaction. Stop giving her (You)s.

>> No.11605131

Bar food is never a good option.

>> No.11605146

>dipping mozzarella sticks in marinara is somehow food gore too.
Of course it is. Think about the kind of people who order that shit. The same kind of people who eat chips and dip or fucking nachos.

>> No.11605154

Enjoy your salad, holes.

>> No.11605164

You need something to absorb that alcohol and I say the greasier the better

>> No.11605169
File: 18 KB, 360x240, escapefromnewyork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same kind of people who eat chips and dip

you say this like it's a bad thing

>> No.11605173

Whenever I eat Lays, I shit out pure grease. No poop, just like I've lubed my asshole up to be fisted for the first time. Does anyone else experience this? I've eaten a lot of different chip brands and this never happens with anything else, or with other greasy foods.

>> No.11605181

You might be intolerant to sunflower oil

>> No.11605184

>a food’s quality is defined by the assumed consumer
Imagine being such a snotty contrarian. Wew

>> No.11605208

There are people who like 20th Century convenience food because it's easy to like high calorie salty snacks. But this is exactly the kind of shit it's a good idea not to be guileless about. Be a little critical. Is this shit really tasty enough to be worth the calories it packs? Almost always it's not. It's the kind of shit people who don't think about what they eat like to eat.

>> No.11605210

>Excuse me bartender do you have any KALE chips these peanuts and french fries are simply un. acc. ceptable.

>> No.11605212

>Enjoy your salad, holes.

>> No.11605252

I’m actually very healthy. You can exercise a little self-control you know? When I see a mozzarella stick, I don’t immediately fist the entire platter into my mouth. The only people this hyper-concerned over fried foods are repentant fatties. Normal people consume them irregularly at bars or parties, though still recognize that they taste good.

>> No.11605257

Reddit memes started by a gay jew on a funny TV show.

>> No.11605258
File: 77 KB, 300x362, rachael_ray_6504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone else experience this?

wat, feel like I'm getting ready to be fisted for the first time?

>> No.11605378

>Normal people consume them irregularly at bars or parties, though still recognize that they taste good.
Whenever the word "normal' is invoked in a discussion about food it's always in defense of gross shit that's been mainstreamed. Normal is eating cereal in cold milk breakfast. It's settling for something that's kinda crappy, but deciding it's good anyways because your peers have accepted the same level of degradation. There's nothing wrong with guilty pleasures, but celebrating mediocre ones is just sad.

>> No.11605726

No it's not

>> No.11605816

>reddit spacing
You do realise that this meme is designed to catch out newfags because there is no such thing?

>> No.11605849

Sounds like it just catches people who have never been to reddit.

>> No.11605878

Holy shit you are a fucking idiot, do yourself a favor and take your head out of you ass.

>> No.11605879

Literal autism

>> No.11605885

Lol this, been here since 06, reddit spacing is literally a meme for newfags to get caught in.

>> No.11605890

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.11606485

One of the best dips I've ever made was from some home smoked speckled trout I caught in the gulf. Dukes mayo, sour cream, green onions, garlic, white pepper, cayenne pepper, fresh dill, lemon juice and paprika, served with triangles of homemade pita bread and some store bought wheat crackers for the plebes. Got laid by an evangelical preacher daughter wench that night who fauned on me saying it was the best dip she ever had, lol! A hot one, she was.

>> No.11607309

What are some easy dips to make?
I live in a country where you can't buy dip or hummus and all the chip flavors are bland. Closest I can get is salsa but I'm such to death of that.
I can't buy chickpeas but avocados are cheap, like 50c each.
Could I just melt some cheese or something to make queso or mix mayo with the avocado or anything?

>> No.11608149

just have you and all your friends jizz into a bowl and mix it up with some avocado

>> No.11609472
File: 225 KB, 600x718, 19384793745654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got laid by an evangelical preacher daughter wench that night who fauned on me saying it was the best dip she ever had, lol! A hot one, she was.

>> No.11609993

It's a gigantic site, it would be hard to avoid it. I google things and get reddit links all the time

>> No.11611231
File: 376 KB, 750x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve described me all too well anon