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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11556429 No.11556429 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever made dinner for yourself, that turned out so awfull you had to throw it out?
Done it a few times.
And couple of times, I just ate the damn thing though it tasted not-so-great.

>> No.11556436

first post

>> No.11556438
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I put homemade fries in the oven on my stainless steel baking sheets without greasing them first.
I was so disappointed in myself I didn't eat the rest of my food.
Good thing I have half a container left for a redemption arc.

>> No.11556451

Only once I remember. I was living in france moving from hostel to hostel because I had some issues with finding a place, and ate crêpes and sandwiches every evening in the street, and was generally starving since I was low on money and so I just bought enough. When I finally moved into a (tiny) apartment, I went to a grocery store and bought some canned mushrooms, eggs, and I think it was spinach to make some kind of omelette. I was excited I was gonna eat real food again. I don't what I did (certainly I didn't cook the mushrooms long enough) but the thing was hideous. I couldn't even finish half of it, despite having been eating badly for like a month. Into the trash it went.

>> No.11556457

>Spent several hours picking blackberries and cooking to make blackberry jam
>Make it
>Taste it
>Its fucking disgusting
>put it directly in the bin

>> No.11556483

I tried making orange chicken one time that was really bad for some reason. Couldn't even finish it, into the trash it went. Had to go to McDonald's in shame because that was the last of the food I had.

>> No.11556515

First time I cooked taco beef
>recipe used T and t instead of tbsp and tsp respectively
>assumed all were tablespoon for some reason
So I ended up with a recipe close to:
>1lb beef
>5 tbsp cumin
>3 tbsp chili powder
>1 tbsp salt
>1 tbsp pepper
>2 tbsp oregano
>2 tbsp paprika
>2 tbsp onion powder
>1 tbsp garlic powder
>2 tbsp cilantro
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.11556530

do you not have any logical thinking?

>> No.11556604

That was a decade ago, I was a teenager that grew up exclusively on boxed meals and wanted to eat something better than Applebee's or Chili's.

>> No.11556630
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This hangover pizza didn't turn out too well, I almost heaved just looking at it.

>> No.11556643

>he doesnt understand that more spice equals more flavor
t. tastelet

>> No.11556665


>> No.11556682
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My first time making spaghetti carbonara I destroyed the sauce in final stage bc my pan with spaghetti and bacon in it was too hot and it turned into some kind of disgusting scrambled egg noodles dish. I could not bring myself to eat that, cringe every time I think about it.

>> No.11556703

Live and learn, same with that pizza thing I did.

>> No.11556831


More than a full cup of spices, holy shit it must have been gritty as hell.

>> No.11556854

My first time making dough the entire thing stuck to the surface I was working on, despite putting a ton of flour down

>> No.11556861
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Ruined a whole pot of split pea soup by not looking at the beer I grabbed out of the fridge, accidentally used my roommate's meme IPA and the whole fukken pot tasted like hops. Was pretty mad with myself.

>> No.11556910

>the fiancé what’s to make something by herself to celebrate our moving in together
>goes for a run of the mill pot roast
>I’m hanging out in the couch playing vidya, begin to notice a horrible smell
>some awful mix of swamp gas and feces
>ask her what she put in there
>she goes on to list what you’d expect to be in a pot roast
>against by better judgement I give it a try
>literally tastes like someone dumped a four Loko in a crockpot with meat and shut the lid
>we throw it out and order pizza

>> No.11556940
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Swiss chard steamed with vinegar, so bitter I almost puked
Gnocchi that were raw inside
Trout baked on rice with no real seasoning

>> No.11557045

Went to buy skirt steak for fajitas last week.
Oh here’s skirt steak already sliced and tenderized similar to cube steak.
After it cooks it has the texture of unbreaded boiled steak fingers.

Cussed myself out for buying stupid boomer meat and threw it right out. Didnt even let the wife try it.

>> No.11557066

like once a month... is that bad?

>> No.11557079

Meh, done it maybe 4 times in 3 years

>> No.11557086

Confused a garlic clove with a garlic bulb.
Got through 1 bulb making hummus before I realized It was too spicy

>> No.11557099

did your pizza go out that night too?

>> No.11557105


>> No.11558079

I was trying out different mac n cheese recipes, and I saw a bleu cheese and bacon baked mac and cheese, I love bleu cheese and bacon, so
I tried it.

It was fucking disgusting, smelled awful as it was cooking, tasted even worse and made my breath smell terrible. I only was able to eat like half.

>> No.11558086
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That's not a pizza.

That's a fucking abortion.

>> No.11558155
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>I was 20
>Got paid
>Be really into Marco Pierre White
>Want to make his Pepper Steak recipe
>Tell family I'm cooking tonight
>Go to store and spend nearly all my money on ingredients
>Ruined the steaks, they stuck to the pan and I didn't know about letting the crust form before moving
>Ruined the sauce, it tasted like pure beef stock pot and shit
>Ruined the presentation
>Everyone said it tasted awful
>I couldn't disagree
>My dad broke his molar on a whole pepper kernel
>All the food goes into trash
>The pan was caked in disgusting sauce
>Mother later throws it out because the stench wouldn't go away

>> No.11558166

I made beef brisket once using barbecue dry rub from a packet. I slow cooked it in the oven cause I don't have a smoker and I don't know what went wrong but I legitimately couldn't put it in my mouth. It looked fine but the taste was so repugnant I legitimately couldn't bring myself to chew after the first bite. Had to throw it all out because it was simply inedible.
That's the only thing I can think of.

>> No.11558224

When I made crepes(or Russian bliny rather). Ideally I'd use a bit of melted butter in the batter but sometimes I just go with sunflower oil when I'm too lazy. Instead of either of the above I decided to use olive oil once and that shit was nasty. The olive oil smell and flavor was way too strong to a point where I couldn't eat more than two.

>> No.11558257

Op here
Just bought some frozen pizza for a buck.fiddy, peeled of the pineapple, spiked it up with extra cheese. Didnt help. Disaster.

>> No.11558261

Only once that I can think of, tried to make american pancakes but added too much bicarb of soda, tasted fucking horrendous, I was gutted

>> No.11558274

no such thing as too much garlic you pussy

>> No.11558281

How did you mess an omelette up? You can eat mushrooms raw btw and they taste alright, definitely not bin-worthy.

>> No.11559476

swag on em lil mick

>> No.11559483

rancid meat?

>> No.11559497


>> No.11559511

All the fucking time, except i never threw it out. The best way to learn is to suffer through your mistakes. Unless it was unsalvageable and actively harmful it was eaten. Great way to learn not to burn shit on a grill or to make something shitty from experimenting.

>> No.11559847

Is it really that bad? That's really disappointing, I was thinking about making some next summer.

>> No.11559892

Not a full meal, but I've fucked up a few times making rice and had to go out to a chinese or mexican restaurant and buy some to go with the rest of my meal

>> No.11559961

>marrying a woman who can't cook
i feel sorry for your future children

>> No.11559968

Microwaved frozen garlic bread

>> No.11559976

Once. Put a quarter cup of crushed red pepper on a bowl of plain spaghetti.

>> No.11559979
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Few days ago i let some cubed chicken marinate in siracha, garlic, chili powder, and some pineapple. Looked like it was going to turn out great but as soon as i started browning it it formed a thick paste like biscuit dough. Texture was fucking awful. I guess i over tenderized the fuck out of the outside the chicken.

Live and learn...

>> No.11559989

>marinating in pineapple

>> No.11559992

Thought it would tenderise it but DANM.

>> No.11560006

You don't really need to tenderize chicken, and the enzymes in pinapple can fuck up proteins real hard.

>> No.11560080

I was making brownies for the first time. I lived in a college dorm and we had an old mini-oven where you could’t change the temperature. We made a couple of batches of pot cookies in it before and they turned up okay. But I baked the brownie for too long and after it cooled down, it was hard as rock. I was pissed so I threw the brownie out of the window. It landed on a road in front of the dorm, it stuck to the road and stayed there for weeks.

>> No.11560188

Yep. Wanted to make a whole pan pancake, put too much milk in the batter and it came out liquid. IT. WOULDNT. FLIP

>> No.11560189

nah, mushrooms cooked a little are worse than raw or properly cooked. They get a gross slimy coating.

>> No.11560190

You didn't knead it long enough

>> No.11560191

There is no reason whatsoever to go through that unless you're somehow incapable of learning without abusing yourself.

>> No.11560215

I think I kneaded it too long desu and it got too warm. I didn't throw it in the fridge/freezer

>> No.11560247

i once made fried rice that looked and tasted like puke.

i didn't even want to make fried rice i actually wanted to make pilaff rice but i mixed up the recipes

>> No.11560354

>Have you ever made dinner for yourself, that turned out so awfull you had to throw it out?

Yeah that happens - it's when I'm cooking only for myself that I do all my experimentation and hoo boy, some flavors do not go well together :-/

>> No.11560361

>Is it really that bad? That's really disappointing, I was thinking about making some next summer.

Blackberry jam is delicious when you do it right, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to fuck it up.

>> No.11560372


>> No.11560375

this, even if i have to slam a gallon of water in the middle of the night

>> No.11560593

trying to use cinnamon on things.
trying to use garlic on things.

If it's not pretty damn good I just throw it out.

>> No.11561703

When I was poor as fuck I ended up going through all of the canned goods in my house making terrible meals. I forced myself to eat what I already had to put off buying more groceries for a little while.

The worst was a chili made from a can of Bush's baked beans, a can of chili dog sauce, and whatever spices I thought might be good in it. Cumin, taco seasoning, some BBQ sauce, some tobasco. I couldn't finish more than one bowl.

I felt like I wasted those beans. I never thought I'd have gotten to the point where I would be so upset about wasting a single can of beans.

>> No.11561728

I see this a lot on here.
Is it a regional spelling?