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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11525186 No.11525186 [Reply] [Original]

Why is food so expensive in America?

>> No.11525197

It's only expensive in shitty coastal cities and states really

>> No.11525207

Only the poor and wasteful complain about food prices. You've identified yourself.

>> No.11525215

That person is retarded. 100 dollars for two people is bullshit.

>> No.11525289

>buying wine with a fucking burger
>almost $100 with tip for 2

>> No.11525295

What the absolute fuck are they eating to have a burger and some wine cost 100 dollars? Some fucking truffle burger?
Whoa guys, novel concept, if you buy stupidly expensive food its going to be stupidly expensive.

>> No.11525298

People who live there genuinely don’t realize thry’re paying double or triple what everyone else pays for food. It’s hilarious. Even shitty LA has more regular priced food.

>> No.11525299

Did they eat in Times Square or something wtf???

>> No.11525302

>100 dollars for two people is bullshit.
Such is the power of Jew York

>> No.11525303

>buying a bottle of $80 wine with a fucking burger
nuke jewyork

>> No.11525306

>a burger with some wine

Literally impossible that these people aren't cunts.

>> No.11525387

you forgot to count Chicago's 9% amusement tax

>> No.11525429

Just saying "a burger with wine" is meaningless because both can be expensive and overpriced. You can find good burgers for under $10 almost anywhere in the USA. Some places scam you by saying they use Kobe beef for their burger with truffle aioli, and put a little Parmesan cheese on the fries so now they can charge you $30 for the meal. I've even seen some places selling a regular burger for $15 and it doesn't even come with fries, but there are places within 5 miles that'll serve you basically the same thing for almost half the price.

It's only expensive if you don't actually look for restaurants that aren't just trying to overcharge you.

>> No.11525540

Burgers: $30 ($15 each)
Bottle of wine: $50
Tip (25%): $20
Doesn't seem that crazy

>> No.11525576

>Bottle of wine: $50
Maybe don't buy an entire bottle of expensive wine every time you go out to eat

>> No.11525593

>go to local Mexican restaurant
>two loaded plates are 20 bucks
how retarded is that person

>> No.11525603

Depending on where you go and if you get drinks at dinner, it can be about the same. Restaurants make most of their profit on alcohol sales.

>> No.11525612

I live in NYC. If I want to go out to dinner for two I can easily spend $100-$300+. But I can just as easily get a great dinner for two for $30-$50 at a place without a wine list. Less than that at some places. There are plenty of places where I can get a great meal for what the rest of the country pays to eat at chain places. For fast food prices I can get falafel, Indian food or tacos. There's great stuff at every price point.

But yeah, most places with a wine list will cost at least a c-note for dinner for two, because a bottle of wine will cost you one third to one half of that in a restaurant. It's not that the prices here are insane, it's that the markup on a bottle of wine is about four times the wholesale pice in most restaurants. If you don't like that don't order wine.

>> No.11525615

there's your problem
cost of living varies so much in the US, mainly just because of the sheer size of the country
The Northeast and most of the west coast is insanely expensive to live in compared to parts of Mississippi or Dakotas where per capita income is basically tied with most third-world failed states

>> No.11525634

This person is retarded. I live in Vancouver, literally one of the most expensive cities in the world and me and my gf don't even come close to 100$ for a dinner. Usually 15-20$ per meal and if we want wine we just pick up a bottle on the way home. Most dinners for two are only 40-50$ after tip. If you can't afford that you're poor as shit and need to move.

>> No.11525651

>price with tip
>not the same as price without tip
now there's this guys problem right there

>> No.11525665

$100 dollars for a very nice meal isn't bullshit. $100 dollars for a couple of burgers and some wine however is. Where the fuck does that person live? Oh, NYC. Makes sense than.

>> No.11525709
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>burger meal only costing $100
plebish burgers

>> No.11525769


The United States is big. The travel distance between farm and table is why the US farming/food industry looks the way it does. The transportation necessities incentivize certain types of farming and certain types of materials. Science, innovative supply chains and economies of scale is why you can get chicken at .89 a pound which will taste chicken-y and is mostly guaranteed not to kill you if you cook it properly. It is also why if you want quality chicken you might be paying 4.99 a pound, unless you're really lucky with geographic situation.

Wine? That bottle that you can pick up for $5 in a random store in France will run you $20 retail, because it has to be found by an importer/exporter, it has to be shipped across an ocean (with all the dead weight of the glass), go through a distributor, and finally get bought by a retailer. There's a lot more people, and each one of them needs to get paid. In coastal cities you have more access to rarer imports because there's a greater concentration potential consumers, but everything across the board is more expensive because duh cost of labor, land, transport.

Nobody is making a killing. Same as why drug dealers are usually broke, even if you are paying 20 bucks a dime-bag for your stepped-on seeds and stems.

>> No.11525816

>Why is food so expensive in America?

Because there's about 30 million illegal aliens competing for the same low cost housing, jobs, and food in our major cities, and when demand is higher, prices go up.

>> No.11525841

That pic is full of shit. America is probably one of the cheapest countries in terms of food when it comes to the highly developed countries.

If you think America is expensive, try coming over here to Straya. You'd kill yourself.

>> No.11525842


Those fucking illegals, living ten to a shithole apartment and working for five bucks an hour under the table. Really driving up costs for the rest of us, amirite?

>> No.11525865

>Yeah I’ll take your double bacon cheeseburger and your finest Pinot Noir by the glass
These guys must be hambeasts that happened to come into some money, decided to become classy, but had no idea how to do it

>> No.11525871

They get free housing and shit from advocacy groups and sanctuary cities

>> No.11525896

>I don't understand supply / demand economics but I'll post anyway because the thought of requiring foreigners to comply with immigration laws hurts my feelings

>> No.11525903

are there actually any places where eating out once a week or more is the norm? sounds like a massive waste of money to me

>> No.11525912

My parents cooked maybe 2-3 times a week growing up. The rest of the nights we ate out (no, not at fast food or chain restaurants).

>> No.11525917

Lots of people I know do it here, Silicon Valley.

>> No.11525948

>juan picks the vegetable for 50 cents an houre
>juan cooks the meal for $2 an hour
>anon skipped basic economics, thinks this makes food more expensive

anon, it's angrily documented by everyone, no matter what their politics - chuds like you mad because we still do farm subsidies along with it and sometimes markets make donations to the 'undeserving', the rest of us mad that the subsidies mandate it and the donations are carefully limited with 99% of overpurchase going straight in the trash - that the us produces enough excess food to solve world hunger singlehandedly and then straight-up plows it back under because doing so would take effort rather than being free profit. look at the mountains of soybeans rotting in under tarps in the midwest right now and ask yourself why tofu's gone up 50 cents this year and natto, the perfect breakfast food, is still only available at specialty markets.

and that scale of habitual waste is why food in the us is so expensive. the supermarket and the asian market in your neighborhood will both order the same pallet of onions from the same grower at the same time; the supermarket will make someone hunch over it at minimum wage pulling every gouged one out and throwing it away, call that "quality", and mark it up from 50 cents a pound to $1.75 a pound.

there's also a strong press to move from concrete measures of actual quality to branding that implies quality in order to nickel-and-dime you. like how you used to be able to pay a couple bucks extra for beef and get Choice which was actually inspected by a butcher and separated as being of notably higher quality, but now you pay a couple bucks extra for "angus" which could well be school lunch/prison grade because you're only buying better odds in the fucking meat gacha.

>> No.11525999

Illegals and migrants working slaughterhouses, harvesting fruits and vegetables is one of the reasons food is as cheap as it is, tard. And no, Billy Bob and Sally Sue aren't chomping at the bit to do those jobs no matter what they pay. Get your head out of your ass and stop following the manufactured hysteria of le orange and his sycophants.

>> No.11526015

>thinks majority of working people in their 20's actually know how to cook for themselves

>> No.11526029

>I'll just completely ignore the reality of supply/demand economics again and double down on my hurt feelings
Not reading any of your crybaby shit.

We're done.

>> No.11526044

>Illegals and migrants working slaughterhouses, harvesting fruits and vegetables is one of the reasons food is as cheap as it is, tard

Chinese and S. American shit is the same price and it's shipped thousands of miles before it even enters the nation.

Food is cheap because of the surplus we grow, and the only reason we can grow a surplus is because we subsidize farmers to keep them working rather than let the industry die out to cheap foreign workers.

>> No.11526067

it's only a waste of money in the suburban and rural US, because of the fucked-up way the US assumes you've got several thousand dollars of cooking equipment, stock several hundred dollars of ingredients, and have a $10k+ vehicle which drives on roads which bring your taxes up more than the price of a train pass anywhere civilized. which makes eating out a luxury that gets charged extra for.

when i've lived in new york or la, to say nothing of tokyo, it was entirely possible and expected to pay $3-$5 for lunch and $5-$8 for dinner prepared, which is around what i'd be paying self-prepped if i didn't spend a few hours a week hunting sales, except now i also need to pay for the fridge, and the oven, and the power to run them, etc etc etc.

>> No.11526082

don't worry, when mom kicks you out and you go to community college you'll eventually take econ102. and then you'll either learn or flunk out of that and have to go pick veggies with juan so i get cheaper meals. :^)

>> No.11526136

I own my home, my car, and work on my terms. I'm well aware of the economics involved.

You? Not so much.

>> No.11526141

>possible and expected to pay $3-$5 for lunch and $5-$8 for dinner
It's entirely "possible" to eat free in large cities every single day due to charity, or the free food specials at places trying to sell you alcohol to make up for the loss.

>> No.11526154

Unless your supplies are homegrown the market is guaranteed to exploit the workers and underpay everyone below managementwill. Not shill at all

>> No.11526158

you really are braindead and illiterate, aren't you
enjoy your fentanyl overdose in five years

>> No.11526168

Because Amerisharts will bend over and take it. They wouldn't dare defy their corporate overlords.

>> No.11526210

>market is guaranteed to exploit the workers

The market is guaranteed to try and exploit the politicians that allow them to exploit the workers, but we, the citizens, must ensure they're doing their jobs.

Funny how the assholes that defend using foreign labor to undercut their own national labor never seem to feel the same way about cost cutting measures in other areas, like material safety, building safety, or food safety.

>> No.11526219
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>some yuropedan think's they're hard and not a bunch of pussy sheep
Fuck off, pussy. You faggots can barely even own a gun, and your nation will lock you up for hurting somebodies feelings on the internet.

>> No.11526241

Illegals working for 3 dollars less than minimum wage have all been deported by ICE. That's why restaurant food price have risen much faster than inflation, commercial real estate rent, or food ingredient price.

>> No.11526352

Go to mickeyD's, get 2 mcdoubles and 2 giant-ass sodas - $4 and change.

>> No.11526373

its a fucking sales tax that applies for services and not only physical products, and you guys are tearing your pants over it

europe has a 17-27% VAT on eating out in every single one state

>> No.11526455

most do, since most that eat at yuppie establishments are transplants. they like to "complain" about prices, but it's almost boastful.

I can see both sides of it though. living in a big city certainly has its advantages. if you're a social person that makes a decent amount of money, it can definitely be worth it.

>> No.11526476

Cheesecake Factory
soft drinks $2.50
milk shake $8.95
appetizers $12-$16
salads $12-$20
burger $12-$18
sandwichs $15-$18
Entrees $16-$30
Steaks $23-$40
cheesecake slice $10
I don't drink anymore, so I can't speak to that, and it's not listed on the website.
It all adds up, then tax and tip, you're close to $100 for a nice dinner date

>> No.11526477

>praising Jacob Rees-Mogg
It's not nice to bully the mentally ill

>> No.11526491

>be cuntservitard politician
>subsidize a handful of megacorporations producing pig slop that endangers the health and welfare of citizens whose health problems caused by such pig slop line the pockets of the mega pharma/medico corporations both of which funnel profits back into my campaign coffers
>convince mouthbreathers that to do otherwise is muh atheist gombunism

>> No.11526492

thanks for the feedback, kind of makes me wish I lived in a place where it was economically feasible to just buy stuff whenever I didn't feel like cooking

>> No.11526497

>>be politician
ftfy angry little child

>> No.11526508

Shut the fuck up dumb cunt I'm American and can guarantee I own more guns than you. You're some fat faggot manlet boomer wasting his money at Applebees with your fat ass wife.

>millenials are killing muh restaurant industry

>> No.11526583

You seem upset, sunshine. Maybe you should take a break?

>> No.11526624


I can get a homemade burger at the local mom & pops place for $6. No wine though, because who TF drinks goddamn wine with a burger? Drink Coke or go back to your hipster shoebox.

>> No.11526660

No, their enriching our culture with independant cooking faculties and festivals it's about expanding our culture

>> No.11526682

Christ, take some fetanyl or heroin and calm down Cletus before you go on a shooting spree.

>> No.11526707

Umm, the red states produce the majority of pig slop food commodities, so no, it's not the progressives.

>> No.11526722

Jesus Christ imagine being so fucking stuck up that you cant lower yourself below a $100 burg and wine combo without making the statement that you cant eat out anymore. I'm all in favor of households cooking more and supporting their local markets and supermarkets, but fuck me this reeks of entitled elitist filth. I honestly want to see areas like NYC experience a foot shortage / war conditions involving rationing just to see how many stupid boomers and entitled millenial scumbags starve to death because they cant order gold and truffle dusted dry aged wagyu burgers for their midday snack.

>> No.11526769

>using political memes like "red state" that they want you to
>being so brainwashed at such an early age
Think for yourself, little guy.

>> No.11526775

>just to see how many stupid boomers and entitled millenial scumbags starve to death
They'll just flock to where YOU live and eat YOUR food.....all the while maintaining the same brainwashed mentality.

>> No.11526802

when the food shortage comes, the people eating $100 burgers will be perfectly fine (barring shortsightedly fucking it up for themselves) because they control the ports. the people working for them will be mostly fine because they've already stripped urban workforces in the US down to the bare minimum neccessary to continue functioning, and because when the owners inevitably fuck it up for themselves and shit really hits the fan the guillotines will come out.

the dumb assholes who grow only corn are gonna roll in the mud with pot bellies and shriveled limbs as flies swarm on them in anticipation of a meal. entire flyover states will starve within weeks surrounded by their local monoculture without the trucks and trains owned by coasties, which run on the fuel imported through the coasts, doing very specific reshuffles of their produce as planned by logistics centers on the coasts and communicated through coastal telecoms hubs.

but go on, crow about how tasty your Texan ass will find cotton and the cattle you emergency slaughter day 1 for lack of feed, while we're living off the same Californian produce and South American beef and Vietnamese fish we do now.

>> No.11526818

>Why is food so expensive in America?
Should be
>Why are restaurants in NYC so expensive?
Euros showing, once again, how literally retarded they are.

>> No.11526870

This is true.
>inb4 b-but in west jeebusville we have unlimited supplies of wild game
Nope. During the depression in the 30's, a comparatively minor economic catastrophe wild game was hunted to virtual extinction in many areas of flyoverville.
>b-but we be gardeners 'n shite
Nope. You won't have access to seed and since only a tiny percent of flyovers even garden, let alone save non-GMO, non-hybrid seeds they can replant, most flyovers will starve. And you better think twice before you raid my garden or try to access my well because you'll end up as fertilizer for my garden ;)

>> No.11526954

>Entitled idiots and trust fund babies armed with social science and modern art degrees are more likely to survive emergency conditions than people who have actually learned a trade or profession that could be productive in wartimes or survival tier conditions
You're mistaking the ultra rich with that worthless upper middle to mcmansion wealth tier subpopulation that only seems to exist around metro suburbia. Newsflash, anon - the ultra wealthy dont give two fucks about restaurant value.

>> No.11526965
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Do a lot of flying, do you sweet cheeks?

>> No.11526983

>have actually learned a trade or profession that could be productive in wartimes or survival tier conditions
First, "shitting your pants and screaming about soy NPCs on 4chan" is neither a "trade" nor a "profession", second...

>> No.11527047

Keep going to your bi-weekly paintball course to practice muh survival wargame tactics while I'm working in my self sustaining 2 acre garden using my own resources to build the soil and developing pest control methods w/o chemicals while also practicing food preservation techniques of both vegetables and meat. You'll starve, and I'll survive.

>> No.11527059

If you only knew what the fuck I did for a living.

Regardless, I support and applaud your growing efforts, as I grow too, and think everyone should.

>> No.11527075

Oh look it's the "everyone in flyover states knows how to live off the land" meme again.

>> No.11527125
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America needs to get rid of tip culture.
>but muh food prices will go up
Japan has cheaper food, better service and they'll refuse your tips. Truly America is 3rd world.

>> No.11527236

>not taking your date out for a mcchicken with a bottle of MD20/20

This is why you're getting robbed out of 100$ instead of 10$

>> No.11527249

The second-to-last collapse condition we had in the western world led to a thousand or so years of hereditary rule for liberal arts majors--'liberal arts', the term, comes from their status as the tutelage of free men.

It turns out starting out rich, well-connected, and with a firm understanding of The Better Days makes you the new nobility and church hierarchy, while being a talented smallhold farmer makes you starve or accept serfdom and being a strong fighter makes you the first to get conscripted and die in the old order's last grasps at resources.

Not to mention, if we're talking survival skills, mr. "i take the barrel from Monsanto and place it on the back of my $100k tractor, i am pro farmer" will be eaten alive (probably literally) by the urban homeless.

>> No.11527256

Yeah, but you guys have like a $19 minimum wage, so at least you have that going for you.

But for sure, it's pretty cheap to eat here. Of course, you can force every meal to cost a ton, but I think that's more of a status thing than anything else. I mean, I've dropped $250 at a dive bar before in a night, whereas I could have gotten just as drunk for $30 bux.

>> No.11527281

I rarely go out to eat so that when I do, I feel like I can spend money on myself and get the whole drinks with appetizers, wine with dinner, coffee with dessert etc
I've spent over $100 on dinner for two at a place where I got a 50% discount (I worked there). It's easy when you don't count Denny's or McDonald's as "restaurants."

>> No.11527296

they are also taxed just as high as their wages.
>you're still making 14 dollars an hour cunt wait forgot the petrol and help the abbo tax, 12 dollerydoos an hour is great. what do you mean we only paid you 10? you don't need more than 8.25. now excuse me we have to sell land to the chinese

>> No.11527362

In Florida people(boomers) seemingly eat out for most meals.

>> No.11528283

Only a huge fat fuck would order all that. Even if it is two people.

>> No.11528317

>$10 for less McDonalds-tier food in Iceland than what $3 gets at actual McDonalds.
Uh ok eurotrash

>> No.11528320

Texas has ports you know

>barring shortsightedly fucking it up for themselves
That's a given

>> No.11528429

Who would eat this much on a date?

>> No.11528448

>Let's import starving flyover trash into the best state
Fuck off we're full

>> No.11528528

did you know the average price of 1 egg, 2 strips of bacon, 1 piece of toast, and black coffee in San Jose is $21 before tip?

>> No.11528541

Not at ihop.

>> No.11528570

>People who live there genuinely don’t realize thry’re paying double or triple what everyone else pays for food
Ever lived in Alaska? The only thing is that the residents here get paid so they don't notice the obscene prices

>> No.11528733

The real meme is restaurant alcohol. If they just bought alcohol from the store they'd save 80% of their money.
>$31,200 dollars spent annually on just overpriced burgers and wine
That's twice as much as I make per year.

>> No.11528767
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When I used to have a gf she always begged me to "go out" and get Indian food. Was the worst part of having a gf. I won't settle for non-frugal gf next time, who is happy with home cooked meals (made together very likely) and torrented films

>> No.11528788

> let the industry die out to cheap foreign workers.

>> No.11528802

Pizza and beer for the evening at my favorite place (not high or low end) usually runs me about $40-50. This is in the Bay Area, there's hundreds of burger places charging $15-20 per sandwich (sides extra).

>> No.11528819

Pizza in mountain view is like $20, is beer that expensive?

>> No.11528833

$6-8 per beer, pizza $11 for the half I eat. $40-50 is with tax and tip. To be fair- this place is quality enough that I consider it a treat, but I figure the OP image is in that context too.

>> No.11528843

Shit I'd get it to go and buy my own beer.
What pizza place? I wish there was more good pizza here.

>> No.11528853

Restaurants have always been expensive, food at the grocery store is (usually, depending on location) not

What amazes me is how people still manage to eat so much fast food when they're paying $6-11 every time they eat there. I can't believe that idea that poor people are fat because they have to eat fast food, what a crock of shit.

>> No.11528859

Shut the fuck up retard, food is VERY expensive in Australia and Canada and extremely cheap in America.

>> No.11528861

Oh definitely, but if we're comparing eating out prices then it is what it is. A lot cheaper if you don't drink. This is Jupiter in Berkeley, same owners as Drake and Triple Rock- I like it for the atmosphere and service, as well as the food.
No good pizza in MV? Food culture is weird in the Bay, I live in Hayward now and the few Asian restaurants around are all terrible.

>> No.11528867
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forgot pizza

>> No.11528868

Hahaha the faggot wrote an essay and get so pissed off he had to use the gay word his little podcast taught him

Go back to ribbit you dumb nigger lover

>> No.11528870

>A burger with some wine can be almost $100


>> No.11528876

>No good pizza in MV?
Some okay places that are neapolitan/wood fire style if you know what I mean, I want some new york pizza sometimes.

>> No.11528883

Nice try! Unfortunately you cant fucking read because I didn't say that. Also not a flyover or defending them, but since you seem to be getting defensive about liberal arts majors maybe you should have picked a non fucking useless degree you social parasite.

>> No.11528888

>today's liberal arts regards are the same as refined statesmen a thousand years ago
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.11528891

A burger shouldn't be more than $7 for the best damn burger. MAYBE $10 if you're getting gouged.

>> No.11528973

>with wine
$20+ alone

>> No.11529014

>have a $10k+ vehicle which drives on roads which bring your taxes up more than the price of a train pass anywhere civilized.

You are paying for the luxury of absolute freedom. People purchase vehicles because no one wants to ride around with homeless, crazy black people

>> No.11529432

Honestly fucking cost of shit here in south bay is why I don’t go out to eat much.

>> No.11529445

>25% tip
Are you trying to troll me you got dang troller

>> No.11529648

This, and we should the world’s burden of international aid, defense, and research. Just look at that shit happening with the border. If you can seriously tell me the US needs millions of illiterate vermin or that they have some right to our wealth you are fucked in the head

>> No.11529654

Yea it is, they are a criminal people who clog up our justice system and waste billions of dollars and countless man hours so they can spread subpar genes and that shitty faux rap

>> No.11529685

Two takeout burgers from your favorite decent-ass local burgeria: $25 (~$10 each with extra toppings)
Pint of bourbon: $20
Birth control: $0.50 (conservatively; you can get generics for ~$10 a month) or $0 if you're gay like OP
Gee whiz, a nicer night in for less than half the price

>> No.11529755

Food in NYC is very cheap though, just avoid the tourist shit and the "fine dining" traps.
Coffee and bacon, egg and cheese bagel at any deli or street stall: $3.50
Chinese take-out meal (let's say beef and broccoli, rice, drink): $6
Large slice of pizza: $3
Steak and frites at a nice restaurant in Brooklyn: $15-$19
Mussels and frites at same: $12
Seafood is generally pretty cheap and high quality.
There's tons of choice in general and if you're willing to get ethnic, the value can be really high.

>> No.11529788
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>> No.11529790
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>Illegals are good for the economy because CNN told me so
>Illegals are not taking jobs or opportunity away for native citizens
Whoever comes after Trump is going to be /ourguy/ too and he will be more right wing, people like you will be lined up against a wall and shot

>> No.11529805
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So you have a soft drink and a milkshake? Does that pair with the steak course, the entree, or the burger course?

>> No.11529810
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>> No.11529821

>American citizens aren't having enough kids to replace the workforce
That's the reason immigrants are good for the economy. They fill in the holes white people left by loving themselves more than their country and choosing to travel instead of having kids.
White people did this to themselves.

>> No.11529828

The italian place I used to work at got its house wine for $6/bottle and sold it for $6/glass and $27/bottle

>> No.11529846

It's not about replacing the workforce; it's about keeping wages down.

>> No.11529849
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>America is solely white people
Why is it whenever people talk about illegal immigrants leftists bring race into the equation this isn't a race thing it's citizen against non-citizen

>> No.11529854

No, it's about race. It's always about race. How am I supposed to understand it if it's not about race?

>> No.11529860

That's pretty common knowledge that a glass of wine at a restaurant pays for the bottle it's economics so the restaurant can make back it's money as soon as the bottle is opened. Usually restaurants buy bulk of house to lower the cost per bottle than a liquor store but for higher end bottles that's not the case

>> No.11529899

And then you go to your favorite parkinglot and fuck in the back of her dads Buick right?
Or did you make it all the way back to your trailer.

>> No.11529918

Dude, you're responding to a rightwing nutbag not a leftist. They're the ones running around like Chicken Little screaming about whites not spawning.

>> No.11529956
File: 100 KB, 900x675, Warren-Buffett-House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all around you and you'll never notice ;-)

>> No.11530060

Of course it's about race. If a bunch of Norwegians were coming over by the boatloads I would welcome them.

>> No.11530079
File: 6 KB, 210x138, African American Obesity Epidemic - out of control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we can afford it? Hell, even the poorest of our minorities and "disadvantaged" are generally well fed and obese.

>> No.11530093

Yeah, when they were recently offered that by potus, they laughed in his face and said, "thx, but no thx," lol!

>> No.11530110


America lets rampant property speculation get shit all outta whack and it affects everything

>> No.11530111
File: 3.78 MB, 5312x2988, 20181025_132055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in California bay area (East Bay)
Chinese food lunch combo is $8
Popeyes Chicken two piece Tuesday is $2.25
McDonald's has the 1 2 3 value menu
A 12 pack of soda is $6 ($4 if you buy from grocery outlet)

I don't know how bad the situation in NYC is if the guy needs to spend 100 on a couple of burgers and wine, maybe he just bullshitting or eating at some fancy shmancy ristorante

>> No.11530115
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, Obama's Entitlements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell, even the poorest of our minorities and "disadvantaged" are generally well fed and obese.

Thanks Obama!

>> No.11530127

Are you guys ever getting any "operating fees" or whatever at some places? The taco bell over here has the $5 box sold for 5.99 plus that fucking fee, and I only seem to get it if I order the box. Luckily I haven't seen it at anywhere else, even other taco bells don't have it.

>> No.11530143

There haven't been any significant changes to social security since the 90s. We've also gained almost a hundred million people in the past thirty years. Your graphs don't mean anything other than Americans are getting poorer and boomers are retiring en masse. Should've invested in some pie charts maybe.

>> No.11530253

>spending little
You're out of your mind.

>> No.11530270
File: 232 KB, 742x538, 'Mericans are Fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's ok. You still have, maybe, 20 years before shit hits the fan. Hopefully, we'll all be dead before then.

>> No.11530273

>We need more debt slaves
Free money will do that aka "quantitative easing" but that's been a worldwide policy for the last decade.

>> No.11530280

They've already spent the SS money. You're just paying for boomers right now, they'll be nothing left. 30% of pensions are at risk of collapse. NYC has 70 billion or so in unfunded benefits.

>> No.11530286

> that time when interest payments alone are more than national revenues

Millenials are just realizing that they'll eventually be the ones paying for all these entitlements they keep voting for. lol

>> No.11530330

Good thing we're going to have a full scale war with China before then and wipe all that debt clean.

>> No.11530358

food is incredibly cheap here. its the labor and location that is expensive

>> No.11530373

I often wonder why everyone's so obsessed with money in general, and on this website in particular. I mean it's not like you can't afford 99.9% of all food out there on a daily basis. Everyone's so obsessed with getting a good deal, instead of eating something delicious.

>> No.11530379

>I honestly want to see areas like NYC experience a foot shortage / war conditions involving rationing just to see how many stupid boomers and entitled millenial scumbags starve to death because they cant order gold and truffle dusted dry aged wagyu burgers for their midday snack.
Someone sounds jealous.Go back to your Costco pizza.

>> No.11530388

Trump's running a 2 trillion dollar deficit this year, more than twice what Obama ran his last year. Orange's solution? He told his aides, "Let's just print more money like Venezuela did," lol!.

>> No.11530395

QE didn't grow silicon valley it is just expensive due to geographics and the fact that talent concentrated there. sorry the baristas feel left out but QE did not put themin that position

>> No.11530426

This. Just because NYC has a lot of very expensive restaurants doesn't mean there aren't lots of reasonably priced ones as well. A lot of them went under ten years ago when the recession put the squeeze on the middle class, and they stopped dining out as often as they used to. But there are still plenty of mid priced options. If you insist on having French, Italian or Spanish with a glass of wine things will get expensive pretty quickly. But if you're interested in the cuisines of more recent immigrant groups you can eat very well for what folks in the country spend at Cracker Barrel.

>> No.11530438

Literally fucking where? Add a main dish to it (steak, burger, etc) and tip 20%, you might be close.
>t. Fremont fag

>> No.11530590
File: 99 KB, 464x1041, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GDP per capita is a dumb metric to use when most of the GDP is going to the companies drilling oil. The median household income for North Dakota is barely above average and South Dakota is well below average.

Source: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_17_1YR_S1901&prodType=table#none

>> No.11530700
File: 96 KB, 615x442, metro detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is food so expensive in New York City?


Hereabouts in metro Detroit, we've got every kinda restaurant you can imagine and the prices are cheep to reasonable.

>> No.11531425


Never come to Miami.

>> No.11531475

I'm not getting defensive about anything dumb faggot. I work in oil here in Texas and am doing just fine. I'm just not some delusional /pol/shill that genuinely believes mouth breathing trailer park trash in bum fuck nowhere America will be able to survive a societal collapse.

They're already killing themselves in droves because they can't find work now imagine that x100.

>> No.11531494

Alaska wages are fairly high compared to everywhere else. DOL actually has a separate poverty line just for Alaska and Hawaii, it's a couple thousand dollars higher than anywhere else.
What do you mean by "get paid"? If you mean the PFD it's a fucking joke, even a full $2000 wouldn't cover the cost of living increases you get here.

>> No.11531499

I go to the chinky every week and is 20 yankeeroos for a good soup and tofu.

>> No.11531511

tl;dr we've been propping up our farm industry for some 80 years to keep it from collapsing in on itself, both from inward pressure and now from cheap import food

>> No.11531665

We actually have excellent agricultural infrastructure plenty of good land for diversification into other cash crops for export but after all this time nobody's willing to drop the Depression-era market meddling and the let the market correct itself. We could do with plenty of other crops what we do with soybeans on the world market.

>> No.11531680 [DELETED] 

Japan had no tipping.

>> No.11531681

how the hell do you step on weed? Seems like you'd lose customers mixing in other shit.

>> No.11531686

Yeah, almost like all that work they do would have to be done at a fair wage paid to actual citizens who pay taxes, don't get welfare and food stamps and don't have five or six kids getting free public education and mostly free healthcare, imagine that.

>> No.11531720

If he thought for himself, ever in his life, he'd probably just do us all a favor and kill himself. Since he can't do that, he'll regurgitate easily disprovable lies in order to keep a slave race 'serving' him rather than pay a fair wage.

Yes they do jobs people don't want to do. why? Because the pay is shit. Why is the pay shit? Because employers can bitch and moan about not finding enough Americans to do the job and can then import, legally or illegally, workers to do the job for shit. They just have to live at the company apartment, shop at the company store, etc, etc.

Enjoy your slavery. But a rose by any other name is still a rose. And you are still a faggot.

>> No.11531723

Because the largest agricultural region in the country is currently on fire.

>> No.11531746

Yeah, sure, they're going to ship in food to support your fuck ass. What work are you going to do for this food? Surely something useful, liek building something, or creating an actual product in your hands. Cause all that art shit and gender studies will mean absolutely dick.

And yes, we garden, we hunt, we raise our own live stock. I've got about twenty chickens right now for eggs, more if i decided to let them breed, the acreage to support it. Enjoy your shit city when your pet diversity bunch cant afford food and they hang you from a bridge.

Its almost enough to make me wish your freakshow scenario comes to pass.

LEts see how you faggots do without gasoline. Enjoy learning how to refine shit form oil from scratch when all the actual fucking workers. ( read conservatives. I haven't met one oil bro who is a democrat.) come crashing down. Enjoy no heat, no ac, and no food. But I'm sure you'll be dead before you have to worry about that, after the rioters come to your home and murder you for your blankets.

>> No.11531763

Thats fine and dandy. Then when your fucking urban press comes banging down your door becasue they know you have food what are you gonna do? You're gonna get down or lay down mother fucker. And I guarantee your ass will be laying down and begging them to fuck you so they don't straight up skin you alive for food.

>> No.11531915

>Dumb flyovers bragging about their cheap mass produced fast food tier slop

If you're not spending at least $20 when you 'eat out' then you might as well just cook from here with whatever scraps you can harvest from your leftover casseroles or what have you lmao

>> No.11532073

I'm white, I'm male and I did those jobs that apparently you wouldn't do...and I had to hustle to keep the fucking jobs sometimes too...
Picked rocks and shit in fields, planted trees, worked in a fibreglass insulation factory...Army...
Life is bready good naow as a tradie...

>> No.11532089

Is great lakes flyover or is only the strict midwest like nebraska flyover?

>> No.11532119

>Jupiter in Berkeley
>Drake's Brewing
Stop it, anon. You're almost making me miss the Bay.

>> No.11532123

Lol go be poor somewhere else, faggot

>> No.11532132

Mother fucker I'm half white myself. I've thrown sod, I've toted blocks, worked in industrial fab as well as carpentry my entire life.

Its fine when your area isn't filled with mexicans or the job requires exacting standards, otherwise its filled with mexican laborers posing as tradesman for the higher rate of pay or flat out working under the table for less than the minimum.

And yes you had to hustle in those jobs or you'd be fucking fired. No time for laziness.

>> No.11532208
File: 21 KB, 480x465, fucktards everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Those are examples from the whole menu, you silly needle dick muthafuggahs. It's not intended to be an entire meal, just pick what you would normally eat, like a beverage, salad, main entree, sides, and dessert.
If you bozos are an example of this countries future, we all be fucked.

>> No.11532220

What? The Great Lakes is the midwest, Nebraska is the plains.

>> No.11532228


I was asking because I'm a filthy fucking GTA Ontario faggot so I thought my perception on what is and isn't flyover is off.

>> No.11532237

Flyover is not used consistently here. It most specifically means the midwest, which is essentially the same thing as the great lakes, but Flyover is often used more broadly for everything that isn't LA and NY.

Often people just use some combination of stereotypes for the midwest, and more rural great plains, and sometimes even mix in southern memes, or they just think its like living in 1960s New England

>> No.11532632

Well there's the extra 4% restaurant tax in San Francisco, that adds up fast on top of the 9.5% sales tax.

>> No.11532668

I do know what you mean, haven't found anywhere good that does an NY style. It's odd that NYC has so many options for cheap greasy food but the Bay has nothing, even food carts are charging like $15 for a carton of trendy slop.

The food and the surrounding nature are the only things the Bay has going for it. I haven't found better fresh produce anywhere in the US, and the ethnic diversity does have its benefits. It's not worth coming back here for that though, everything else about the Bay ruins it.

>> No.11532678

the same person that considers watching ads for new movies before your film "suffering" is the person that also goes out for burgers and WINE
this is why NYC is a shitshow

faggot probably isn't even from here, just some fucking transplant ruining this place even more

>> No.11532719

not that guy but i think he means two very different classes of people: people who struggle to afford staple foods and the occasional big mac, and people who spend money on food frivolously then bitch when they see the price tag. Maybe I'm misinterpreting him though

>> No.11532775

everyone who chooses to stay in NY is wasteful

consider the homeless for example. I always wonder why if you are homeless would you stay in NY? why would you stay somewhere that is not just more expensive to survive than anywhere else, but also unbearably cold for half the year?
from october to april you really don't want to be outside unless you absolutely have to be

I'd just start walking south

>> No.11533097

Miami is pretty shit but the prices throughout all of Dade county aren't bad.

>> No.11533103

>these replies
I don’t live in a cheap city (San Diego) and a dinner for two can definitely go way below $100.

>> No.11534077

The burger is $5, the wine is $100, OP is a fag.

Every XBOG hueg food bill includes booze.

>> No.11534088

This is true but I do genuinely wonder who goes out and pays $100 for "burger and wine". Like, is that $20 worth of burger and $80 worth of wine?

>> No.11534207


>> No.11534308

McDonald's may not be the best but it will say hello to you.

>> No.11534358

I went downtown to a local sports bar and got a patty melt, beer, and buffalo mac n cheese for 10 bucks. Must suck living in places where you have to pay 30 bucks for a burger and fries. Thats what you get for living in cucked states like cali and NY.

>> No.11534378

What about Nevada?

>> No.11534402

I would never eat that much when at a bar. In fact, I'd never go to a bar. I want to get wasted, $10 spent at a bar is two pitchers of beer.

>> No.11534410

>only $20
45% is the new standard stop low balling your waiter asshole.

>> No.11535095

where do you live?
a burger at mcdonalds is in the 7 dollar range....

>> No.11535214

>buy 2 5$ burgers
>get a 90$ wine bottle

something tells me that this is how it went down

also: everything is more expensive when you are forced to pay a 10% extra just so the owner can be a cheap asshole who pays shit to his employers

>> No.11535223

Wow you're telling me fast food is cheap everywhere? HOLY SHIT!

>> No.11535242

eating out is a luxury, everywhere, its going to cost more money then actually just buying the ingredients and cooking them.

>> No.11535366

In my southern shithole a big mac or quarter pounder meal is $7+

>> No.11535807

We paid 85$ for cheeseburgers and cokes/parking at Ed Debevics before they closed. It’s all location. 100$ sounds right for my wife and I to have a date night

>> No.11535942

I think so too. I live in a big US city and even at a trendy spot I can get two "gourmet" burgers and wine for like $50.

>> No.11535960

food is only expensive if you don't have a job. Literally most people in America have no problem eating food.

>> No.11536163

food is cheap. some restaurants are expensive.

not all; i can go get a big dosa from a local indian place for $7

>> No.11536170

yeah, but included in price

>> No.11536173

problem is drinking. drinks add up so much. Mash'Allah, I'm muslim so doesn't affect me

>> No.11536174

go to a chinese rest.

get a combo meal with soup for $10>>11525612
I just go to chinatown and get a plate of food for $5

>> No.11536177

or iceland

>> No.11536178

food is free if you dont have a job

>> No.11536181

i go out to eat about once a week. nothing fancy though...
costs me about $30 at most for me and my wife.

>> No.11536186

good. time for the market to re-adjust

>> No.11536192

they don't refuse tips much anymore, kyou baka-yarou

>> No.11536193

lmao coasties in a nutshell

if you're not earning 10x median wage you're basically a flyover with delusions of grandeur

>> No.11536195

i can get a bowl of rcie with chicken and shit for $5 in chinatown...

>> No.11536200
File: 84 KB, 500x267, 1542152348577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QE didn't fuel the stock buying post 2008
>QE didn't allow financial institutions to keep giving out more loans in SV

H-holy delusion Batman. Most of the tech bubble is a colossal house of cards pumped up by easy access to liquidity that's why they took it so hard in the shorts last week in stock value because as interest rates rise the first people affected are all those incubators and profitless app designers hunting for new funds.

>> No.11536671

we'd still see disparity in prices in that region without it you can't deny that. you're bitching about things being expensive in one local area and saying QE caused it

>> No.11537084

Without QE San Jose's housing market would've crashed harder than Merced's. Not because San Jose is worse than Merced but because the amount of speculative worth in San Jose is the highest in the nation. Its a real estate speculation bubble fed by a tech speculation bubble fed by untenabley low interest rates. Don't get me wrong its a nice enough area but its housing is selling in the millions of dollars for p.o.s. GI bill housing built in the '50s. Its unreal to believe that's a healthy market. Two income households pulling 6 figures each struggle to afford decent housing c'mon stop deluding yourself.

>> No.11537087

no it wouldn't it would still be more desirable than tulsa oklahoma

>> No.11537094

Yes but the rate of desirability is FAR outstripped by the speculation. Tulsa's probably not so much. Kind of a left field comparison btw.

>> No.11537103

Or maybe if you live in Podunk you don't know shit. Could be equally true, and probably more likely.

>> No.11537335

this is one of the best b8s ive ever seen

>> No.11537988

>expensive in America

You can get a burger for a dollar, food is cheap as fuck.

But if you want food + also the sense of superiority that comes from buying expensive products, the cost stops being caused by the food and starts being caused by the fancy neighbors you're trying to keep up with. That's not the foods fault, get poorer neighbors or stop trying to keep up with them.