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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11513544 No.11513544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What food do you usually bring to parties?

>> No.11513561

boys and drinks

>> No.11513566
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>> No.11513577
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Text messages like that are what caused 9-11

>> No.11513633

I'd get smashed drunk and fuck every guy in the place just out of spite if I got a text like that.

>> No.11513640

I'm sure spite was your reason. :)

>> No.11513647
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>> No.11513657


>> No.11513674

big bottles of soda
once manned the stovetop cooking folks miso soup fresh (dash, miso, water, seaweed). they kinda liked that actually, but I still had to deal with a few sickos that thought it was too weird.
if you can use the oven/stove, do bagel bites or pizza rolls.
bread rolls.
maybe some of the grocery store picnic tubs of food.
white rice, with a few toppings (don't mix with black rice, as the purple color will turn people off).

pretzels is honestly probably the best and easiest. mustard pretzels are even better.

>> No.11513676

I hope she got blacked that night

>> No.11513679

Pretzels are nasty.

>> No.11513684

make some home-made soft pretzels with dip

>> No.11513686

What kind of dumb cuck lets his woman go to a party alone? This pussy faggot didn't have the balls to say "no" to his woman's face so he lets her go and sends her her a text after the fact in an attempt to nurse his bruised ego. What a loser.

>> No.11513692

your pussy nasty.

>> No.11513710

Relish tray or chips and queso

>> No.11513714

i dont understand. this cant be parents; what kid would label them in their phone as "Hot Stud Muffin"? can't be a boyfriend, sounds too faggy. wouldn't be a girl friend, too parentlike. maybe a gay friend who knows she is a promiscuous slut?

>> No.11513731
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I'm an old man who only goes to family parties that take half a fucking year to get together so I usually bring something that has been carefully assigned to me from a list of things needed for the party.
Last time it was a bunch of different crisps, peanuts, dips and such.
I believe the year before that it was steaks and sausages, to be grilled on site.

If I had to do a more spontaneous sort of party now I guess I'd bring a box of red wine and a whole bunch of garlic bread. Maybe some butter for the bread.
That stuff's ambrosia when it's 2 AM and the dinner is no longer feeling filling.

Are you by any chance in London?

>> No.11513758

my gf literally asked me this question last night and she got super sad to hear that i never get invited to parties, so i cant answer the question

>> No.11513772

Just go for something high in sugar/fat. Once drunk no one will give a shit and gobble it up in order to avoid puking.

>> No.11513784

>women crave sociable men
more news at 11. To women you are more or less just another fancy handbag to show off.

>> No.11513794

he will get his pure heart broken and trampled on.

this is how shooters get created.

>> No.11513799

I wish I wasn't like this with my girlfriend, but I am, not this bad though. She still texts her ex boyfriend and every time I tell her it bothers me she tells me
>He doesn't matter to her
>What bothers me is not reason enough to control who she's talking to
I understand letting her pick her own friends but I feel there's an exception for exes. Also in an online game someone said they wanted to fuck her and she was like ":0 yes". She hasn't actually cheated yet (I'm positive) but I feel like it'll happen. Sorry for the blogpost but I'm so desperate I even went on the relationship advice reddit (and because it was reddit, they just said "let her be itself, it's not your business XD"). Every time I try to talk to her about it she literally says "I'll just ignore you until you forget about it and move on".
I know if anyone replies they'll just tell me to break up with her but we both truly love each other and we want to be together for life. Thanks for reading and I know there's no reason to post this here but it feels good typing it.

>> No.11513805

i only bring drugs then leave and call the cops on the party

>> No.11513809

Hate to break it to you anon, but it's clear from reading all that that she doesn't give a shit about you. She sees you as her beta bitch provider, nothing more.

>> No.11513810

>"I'll just ignore you until you forget about it and move on".
>we both truly love each other and we want to be together for life
ah yes, because not caring about your insecurities is the real emblem of somebody being in love with you

well, to be fair, she refuses to tell people about me and always giving stuff (including sex) so i am pretty sure she doesnt see me as a social status symbol

>> No.11513811

Yeah your wall of text is letting me know that you need to back the fuck off. Just dump her dumbass.

>> No.11513816

make sure not to leave fingerprints senpai

>> No.11513853

I guess you're all correct, I've just never had a girlfriend before and I don't think I'd be able to get one again. Thanks for the advice and sorry for attention whoring, I had no one else to ask.

>> No.11513855

Given that you don't actually want advice and just want to hear someone say it's fine, become a cuck. You probably already are one given the situation but maybe formally acknowledging it may make you feel better

>> No.11513869

My first relationship was a toxic one as well anon. I also clung onto her because I thought I wouldn't find anyone else. If you remove her from your life you'll feel a lot better about yourself, believe me.

>> No.11513882

my first gf got addicted to drugs and it hurt me to be with her
eventually she pissed off because she liked drugs more than me but i would say it was overall a plus in my life
after the 3 weeks of heartbreak ofc

>> No.11513887
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You're gonna get cucked

>she refuses to tell people about me and always giving stuff (including sex)
You're the back up plan since her chad plan is failing

>> No.11514100

I was in a relationship like this. For example, the GF texting with her Ex’s. We split and a couple months after the breakup in a snapchat group I saw her shotgunning a beer with one of her ex’s I knew she was talking about. I also found out she went to some guys house on multiple occasions without me knowing. I know nothing happened because the guy is a pathetic sóyboy lapdog. I always had the suspicion that she was cheating, even if I knew 100% she wasn’t. Whether it be emotionally cheating it got old. I got tired of it. My advice would be just end it bro. It’s just really draining.

>> No.11514108

>She still texts her ex boyfriend
>she tells me he doesn't matter to her

>> No.11514305

Irish stew

>> No.11514316

Buffalo Chicken Dip

>> No.11514317

Break up with her but not like "you don't respect my feelings... blah blah.. texting ex's.. blah blah". Just start ghosting her and get use to her not being in your life.

>> No.11514320

Spotted cock

>> No.11514322

>Mo Drinking
getting crossed signals from him

>> No.11514516

i dont mind being her backup plan if this is how im getting treated
pretty comfy imo

>> No.11514530

I need to know the rest of this text conversation

>> No.11514591

>T. Emotionally and intellectually stunted roastie

>> No.11514662

Dude. Just end it.

>> No.11514704

usually either guac+chips, beer/cider, or some zucchini to grill
most parties arent massive ragers once you are older than 21 you fucking retards

i love shotgunning PBRs more than most but christ alive adults normaly just drink craft beer/wine/cider and bullshit about stuff while cooking food and getting into wacky nonsense, then people sober io and go home while you take your girlfriend to bed and have sex with her and then watch Nightcrawer and Bladerunner 2049 after smoking the devil’s romaine lettuce because you love jake memenhall and THE GOOSE

>> No.11514716

good man

>> No.11514735

My favorite part of this is that someone else took a photo of this phone with their phone, meaning the girl who received the text was probably already smashed drunk getting pounded by chad in the other room after talking about how her retarded faggot boyfriend acts like he's her dad so her friends looked through her phone for the juicy text to take a picture of to post on the internet to mock the beta idiot on Reddit or Instagram or whatever.

>> No.11514736
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god bless you :)