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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11502648 No.11502648 [Reply] [Original]

>Have stomach problems and haven't eaten in days
>Try to order a couple Carnation Breakfast Bottle 6-Packs from grocery store app including exact product name and reference info
>Delivery guy got me the box of powder packets instead
>Instructions: Stir in 1 cup cold, fat-free milk
>I don't have any milk
Why do they market this powder as "Complete Nutritional Drink?" It's one of the only food products I've ever bought that *wasn't* complete on its own.

>> No.11502672

just break out that app and get the dude to bring some ... fat free milk? does that even exist

>> No.11502686

It took all the energy I had to make it downstairs out of my apartment to meet them and bring the bag up for this order (apartment is gated and I don't have a code to let them in or anything like that, so I have to meet them outside). I start to pass out if I even try standing now.

>> No.11502703

are you sure you aren't dying, dog?
is this condition diagnosed

>> No.11502714

>the absolute helplessness of frogposting scum

>> No.11502719

It's ulcerative colitis, every so often my insides start bleeding and spasming and I can't hold down regular food without getting even more sick.

>> No.11502732

Just kys yourself anon

>> No.11502736

Sorry I'm not in great health and able to run around and do whatever I want. My intestines bleeding out while I vomit bile is obviously just a poor choice because nothing bad ever happens to anyone that isn't a personal failing. Thanks.

>> No.11502752

Why are you guys so interested in me and not the Carnation Breakfast? This is supposed to be a Carnation Breakfast thread. Like why do they make you add milk and would it be OK to use water instead? I'm reading mixed things online when I try to figure that out. Some people have written it's probably fine and others have said it'll taste bad and won't even stick together or work right, and I don't want to swallow a bunch of unbound powder that's just going to irritate my intestinal lining more.

>> No.11502763

You can't be all that unwell if you're in front of your computer whining to your support group
ask your fucking neighbors for a bit of milk, you spineless fuck

>> No.11502768

How much energy do you think it takes to wiggle your fingers?

>> No.11502772

Lol I hope this is b8

>> No.11502779

How is that bait? It's a pretty straightforward question.

>> No.11502780

>Why are you guys so interested in me and not the Carnation Breakfast? This is supposed to be a Carnation Breakfast thread
You blogposted instead of just asking about CB

>> No.11502784

I kept it vague and only said stomach problems until people started pressing me for details. The point was to explain why "just go get some milk" isn't a solution, not to talk about myself for the rest of the thread.

>> No.11502799

do you have any carnation condensed milk?
shelf stable would probably be just the ticket as insurance next time your grocery man stops in

>> No.11502803

go shit yourself to death, fucking faggot*

* ;-)

>> No.11502820

All I have is the box of Carnation Breakfast Essentials powder that the delivery guy brought. I don't have any drinks except tap water and maybe half a bottle of Gatorade I think I brought home from work a week ago (would need to go get my jacket and check the pocket to confirm, but I don't think Gatorade works for this anyway).

>> No.11502834

Just fast retard

>> No.11502838

That's what I've been doing. I already wrote that's what I've been doing too.

>> No.11502846

well seems like you're stuck with just tap water then maybe mix it up with warm water and stick a couple glasses in the fridge, might help it dissolve better

>> No.11502857

>why are y’all so interested in me instead of my shitty soy bait?
gee i wonder why

>> No.11502888

I don't think Carnation Breakfast is a soy based product. And this isn't that complicated, I'm asking about how bad it would be to use water / reasons why that might or might not work. Like this anon's response:
Makes sense, thanks.

>> No.11503081
File: 98 KB, 821x869, 1529978869214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just order some soylent, it's not as bad as /pol/ makes it out to be.

>> No.11503091

too much blabbing not enough pepes