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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 100 KB, 1024x843, 1541866471159m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11453311 No.11453311 [Reply] [Original]

Why is milk and meat so expensive in Canada?

>> No.11453316

less aggressive corn subsidies that make feeding cows more expensive

>> No.11453320

> not grass fed

That's an absolute yikes from me

>> No.11453321


Only 30,000,000ish people there, 90% of which live within 100 miles of any given US border. The majority of Canada is inhospitable tundra where nothing grows. That equates to limited farmlands for dairy farms and raising beef cattle. You import most of your beef from America, New Zealand and Australia. Likewise with your milk. That's why it's expensive, you're paying a duty/tarrif on all of it. That's another reason so many Canadians border shop in America, it's cheaper.

>> No.11453349
File: 416 KB, 1242x2079, 1541868831390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this:

ITT:OP uses the metric system and compares it to the imperial (US) system hoping no one will notice.
In other words, its the same price .

>> No.11453357

ITT: nothing but Americans. No mention of the federal supply control system or dairy farmers' council and their lobbying. FUCK off and stop pretending to be subjects of the Queen, burgershart rebels

>> No.11453365

Everything is more expensive in Canada
Except health care that is!
Thank you ladies and gentlemen you're too kind I'll be here all night

>> No.11453368


HRM retains the power to disband your parliament and draft you into her wars. How does it feel to be chattle of inbred Germans?

>> No.11453369

You're wrong you autist.

>> No.11453376
File: 3.97 MB, 5000x5000, food sadist cgdf hung drawn quartered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadians pay the highest food costs in the world

>> No.11453389

Not an argument.

>> No.11453669


>> No.11453884

don't samefag

>> No.11453930

Not samefagging just don't like the CGDF on here.

>> No.11453957
File: 703 KB, 726x942, canada leaf pol pole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternal Pole pls go

>> No.11453969

Not since 1982 you absolute mong

>> No.11453981
File: 2.87 MB, 704x991, reiley.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eternal pole?

>> No.11453989

>posting /pol/ images that specifically mention /pol/ on a cooking board

Time to go back.

>> No.11453990

I live in Canada, so I obviously buy my groceries here in Canada and I don't find things overly expensive desu...mind you, I shop at Giant Tiger for most items, and I make over $30/hr so I don't really notice prices as much...

>> No.11453998

>Except health care that is!
Spotted the person that doesn't pay taxes

>> No.11454009


>As all executive authority is vested in the sovereign, their assent is required to allow for bills to become law and for letters patent and orders in council to have legal effect. While the power for these acts stems from the Canadian people through the constitutional conventions of democracy,[29] executive authority remains vested in the Crown and is only entrusted by the sovereign to their government on behalf of the people, underlining the Crown's role in safeguarding the rights, freedoms, and democratic system of government of Canadians.

Heh, you're the property of a drunken inbred German.

>> No.11454039
File: 595 KB, 1294x854, $35:kg chicken breast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does 1kg of frozen chicken cost $35 in canada?

>> No.11454088
File: 1.05 MB, 992x858, just post the in-store prices and there will be an end to the horror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11454192


>> No.11454210
File: 1.77 MB, 2240x1330, Screen Shot 2018-11-10 at 2.26.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying its different in US

>> No.11454298

Because their country is collapsing

>> No.11454305

You are so fucking obsessed. Seek help

>> No.11454477

>t. Uninformed American
You're right about the low population but we certainly don't import most of our beef and dairy. Fuck, the dairy subsidies and protectionism are an actual political argument here. One of the sticking points for the new NAFTA agreement was our refusal to allow foreign dairy.

The real reason is that our dollar is fuck and everything else, including equipment and labor, is more expensive too. Our whole economy is slower than the US and therefore things are more expensive across the board. It's particularly pronounced in food because we don't subsidize food to the same level as the US (high fructose corn syrup)

>> No.11454507


1/4 of your beef comes from America alone, the majority of the rest for mega-farms in Australia and New Zealand. Some is raised there. The majority of your dairy comes from Australia and New Zealand, I mentioned this before. Canada produces essentially nothing and is in an $8,000,000,000 trade deficit to the USA. Work on paying that bill.

>> No.11454559

Do you have proofs?

>> No.11454590

40 cannacuckbucks per kilo is 20$ a pound. Not sure what cut that is

>> No.11454602

Nope, just a /pol/tard throwing out shit to see if anyone's stupid enough to believe it for the lulz.

>> No.11454609

35$ for a chicken breast
what the fuck bro.......................

>> No.11454632


There's a lot more on this page than what I said, but I found this interesting, the alarming rate at which your farms are closing. Just knock around for a while and read up. I've been doing that for the past half hour. Very interesting.


>> No.11454638



Genius at work here.

>> No.11454652



Be grateful your Queen hasn't seen fit to disband your Parliament and kick Trudeau out. If I was her...I'd have done it over the Omar Khadr debacle and selling off all your gold reserves.

>> No.11454674

This link proves him wrong though.

>> No.11454688


It's off topic, confirmed for didn't read. It illustrates by weight, the differences in beef/pig/chicken/bison/deer production between countries, nothing more. I thought Asias were supposed to be smart.

>> No.11454731

We're talking about this post right?

>1/4 of your beef comes from America alone, the majority of the rest for mega-farms in Australia and New Zealand.
Less than 10% of our beef comes from the US and we export more than 2 times to the US than what we import from them.

>> No.11455183


>> No.11455227

It really isn't...
Don't get your news from 4chan and infowars.
Canada is overall, a very nice place to live.

>> No.11455327

>grass fed milk cows

ok sharon

>> No.11455344

jesus christ

>> No.11455359

ok now post the prices of chicken you can buy at the grocery store and not chicken you need to have delivered, you fucking tard

>> No.11455622

So what's this about USMCA giving Americans 1% of the industry? Don't we import it all?

>> No.11455631

Do Americans use Canada as a socialist scapegoat or something. I can't figure out why people are so misinformed

>> No.11455658

America doesn't like to think about Canada since Canada is basically their cleaner, slightly better kempt liberal brother that stayed with Dad after we got mad and ran away. Canada of course isn't perfect and has it's own problems, but it well mannered and makes America feel self conscious

>> No.11455664

An aggressively restricted dairy market with government controlled and subsidized prices.

At least they did until Nafta got re-negotiated this year lol

>> No.11455674

That's 26$ in usd

>> No.11455697

I dunno what it's like the rest of the country but milk is dirt cheap in BC. I know US milk just started coming into the market but I haven't actually seen it so I dunno how much they charge for it here. Everybody just buys the local milk for cheap.

>> No.11455733

>all these responces
>None wich mention the fucking double dildo on the middle shelf.

>> No.11455755

pretty good thanks. how does it feel being assfucked by an orange clown with tiny hands?

>> No.11455758

It's 4chan. It would be weird if there WASN'T a dildo on the second shelf.

>> No.11456567

>Mum says no
>House of commons overrides it
Wow so restricted

>> No.11456605

based Albertan here drinking milk and eating dealicious meats

>> No.11456933

> Canadian
> based

Kek you're all turbo cucks

>> No.11456939
File: 17 KB, 529x481, hahahahaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess canadians just cant
milke ends meat

>> No.11456980

its 30.27USD for 2.6lbs in the picture
so 11.64USD/lb
again have no idea what that cut is

>> No.11457180
File: 867 KB, 1200x1320, edmontonIBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but my part of Canada is where we grow all the cows to make dealicious meals out of and also anime is real here and that's worth being cuckolded

>> No.11457291
File: 3.30 MB, 2000x2000, omar khadr WINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't that where the true Canadian Omar Khadr lives off his $10.5M?

How nobody has put a bullet in this traitors head is beyond me

>> No.11457299
File: 39 KB, 592x329, 1522794897004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fegget treudeau sold all your gold, crashed your currency, and sucks chinese cock

>> No.11457368

>Not understanding grass fed is more expensive and this thread is about why meat is expensive

>> No.11457382

To pay the taxes that subsidize weed and sucking dog dicks and 6 year old drag queens

>> No.11457425

They literally just have the last of their gold reserves to China

>> No.11458327 [DELETED] 

Its a NY strip.
In the U.S. prices usually start at 15.99 a pound

>> No.11458335

Its Canada Prime NY strip, which is the same as USDA Prime.
In the U.S. prices usually start at 15.99 a pound for for it

>> No.11458553
File: 89 KB, 303x211, CornFedvsGrassFedBeef-steaksonly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes is right

>> No.11458993

>not even comparing the same cut of steak
>not even comparing the same grade of meat (yes there is grass fed choice and prime)
Nice try, Conagra defense force! Is Bayer subsidizing your propaganda machine now since they bought Monsanto?

>> No.11459155

You're a retard if you believe your pic

>> No.11459158
File: 304 KB, 401x539, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.45_[2018.09.22_20.58.00].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you can get meat delivered to you for free on grindr

>> No.11459475


>Dat dildo in the fridge

Who the fuck puts a dildo in the fridge?

>> No.11459486
File: 39 KB, 153x185, mami_think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's too big and he's trying to shrink it with the cold so that it'd fit

>> No.11461000

>he doesn't like a cold dildo (chilldo)

>> No.11461045

remember exchange rate

>> No.11461087

"free" healthcare

a gallon of milk in canada is equivalent to about $14 usd

>> No.11461673

>Monkey Mart
Kek, might as well be.

>> No.11461681

What the fuck is wrong with Canada?
They virtually can't even buy alcohol either. Yikes

>> No.11461997

Canadians do

>> No.11462075

Higher minimum wages cause inflation.

>> No.11463758
