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11437134 No.11437134 [Reply] [Original]

should I still sip?


>> No.11437138


>> No.11437156

Oh look, "the experts" are trying to get us not to drink caffeine for "health" again.

Next you're going to tell me I should never drink more than two beers at a time, that sex is good for my blood pressure and that I need to be counting my sodium intake.

Fuck you experts! I choose freedom from your slavish, anxiety-inducing proscriptions! Death comes for us all! Give me another sip of that new 300mg rockstar!

>> No.11437163

is the "and worse" part having to deal with faggots like you? I'd rather take the stroke.

>> No.11437165


>> No.11437167

practically everything you do increases your risk of death in some way. there's no way to avoid death.

>> No.11437178

Oxygen causes cancer.
Stop being a pussy and start living.

>> No.11437197

Fuck no. Nobody should. That shit is TRASH.

>> No.11437204

>causes cancer
and worse?

>> No.11437215


Ok RIP anon

>> No.11437434


>> No.11437443

once in a while i like to go multiple days without bathing or masturbating. once my testicles have reached the proper ripeness i dunk them in monster energy drink for a few moment before resting my hairy unwashed liquid drenched balls on my twink bfs mouth so he can enjoy a sip.

>> No.11437455

did that sound funnier in your head?

>> No.11437749

Everything seems to increase your risk of something, according to "experts".

>> No.11437753


>> No.11437782

>and Worse

>> No.11437793

Ah heart attacks, now that's a way to die!

>> No.11437800
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>and worse
sounds serious, boys

>> No.11437805


>> No.11437807

those drinks taste like carbonated chewable flintstones vitamins

>> No.11437815

wow caffeine is a stimulant, who knew

>> No.11437818

10 million strong and growing bitch

>> No.11437819

Oh no, I drank one once. Tell my wife I love her.
Fucking X Games.

>> No.11437822


>> No.11437823

Probably a study funded by big water.

>> No.11437828
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>by Adam (((Goldberg)))

>> No.11437850

Is dying young really a bad thing?

>> No.11437935

>get bored at work
>pound two back to back so I can think about how I'm vibrating instead of my boredom.
Yea, I guess I knew.

>> No.11437967

How many do I need to drink to guarantee death?

>> No.11437996

>caffeine causes vasoconstriction
yeah that's pretty much the point. don't take it if you're on the verge of a stroke tbqh.

>> No.11438000

good looking out m8.

>> No.11438001

Stimulants are very well known to cause heart attacks, strokes and anxiety. Top that off with a ton of sugar and there's no way that stuff can be any good for you.

>> No.11438130

I love drinking 3 or 4 sugar free energy drinks a day that total about a gram of caffeine. Then by the end of the day I'm so tired my eyes are involuntarily crying and I get all retarded and sad

>> No.11438140
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>heart attacks and strokes have a 100% fatality rate

>> No.11438154


>> No.11438161
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according to studies breathing air will kill you at some point in your life

>> No.11438174


>> No.11438207



>> No.11438212

what the fuck are you doing

>> No.11438213

>drink ""energy"" drink
>no effect
>drink cup of coffee
>all effect

>> No.11438222


>> No.11439011

keep drinking coffee

>> No.11439021

I'm sure I'll have health effects from those damn adhd drugs I was stuck on

>> No.11439063

I had to look this up but it wasn't hard to find since 13 sites ran this article with the same headline. All reference a preliminary study showing that, in children, drinking an energy drink worth of caffeine before exercise caused the hard to work harder to push blood to the more constricted blood vessels (caused by caffeine). This increased risk for cardiovascular complications due to the extra stress on the heart and vessels.

Not yet confirmed:
- if this is solely linked to energy drinks or if coffee will do. I suspect they didn't test coffee because children rarely drink it
- if this finding would hold for adults or only affects children whose bodies are still in crucial development
- if the study will be repeated. It's preliminary right now.
- if the same harm will occur without activity after drinking an energy drink

>> No.11439074
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>being alive increases risk of death

>> No.11439084

More than a case. Someone I know drank a whole 24 pack or some absurd amount of them in one sitting and had to have his stomach pumped. You'll get kidney stones before anything serious happens though, from the amount of urinating you'll be doing. Hope you're good at chugging anon.

>> No.11439095

>taking a vasoconstricting drug increases risk of cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular accidents
Wow, never would have thought that

>> No.11439139
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>> No.11439273

>before exercise
How the fuck is that relevant here then?

>> No.11439282

Anything to make me die faster.

>> No.11439323
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I am 92 years old and drink an energy drink every morning. Usually the Rockstar Fruit Punch or Monster Pipe Line Punch. This is followed by several cups of coffee through out the day. I feel fine. Like a young man. Think these health publications are full of it, to be perfectly honest.

>> No.11439341

Might as well enjoy yourself, you're going to die anyway.

>> No.11439348

>if this finding would hold for adults or only affects children whose bodies are still in crucial development
I don't think it would. A can of Monster has 160mg of caffeine while the daily limit for a normal healthy adult is 300-400mg. But for teens the limit is supposed to be around 100mg, and for younger kids it's about 50mg. So one can of Monster has more than what kids should be having, but not too much for adults.

>> No.11439518

>Jews say drinking energy drinks is unhealthy, jews always lie, so I'll drink my Monster instead of water

>> No.11439532


>> No.11439699

Why do people think vasocontraction is so bad
Yes it increases heart pressure but momentarily and shrinking and expanding vessels seems lile a good way of keeping them supple

>> No.11439707

Yea sometimes I don't get their logic either. They think anything a Jew does is instantly bad.

It's very important to be able to think for yourself.

>> No.11439915

And that's a good thing!

>> No.11440318

My amphetamine usage would be more worrying than a little bit of bean juice extract

>> No.11440321
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>> No.11440512

My coworker drinks 3 Bangs (300mg) and takes 2 200mg caffeine pills a day.

>> No.11440716


Drink your death soda then, you fucking inbreds.

>> No.11440727

>death soda
Great name for an energy drink. The kids will love it.

>> No.11440823

You are gonna die anyway even if you go for a water and celery diet, faggot.

>> No.11440831

I'd rather die young as an energy drinking freak of nature rather than waste away in a wrinkly arthiritis ridden body like you will

>> No.11440860

I'd rather drink anything else than the metallic piss that energy drinks taste like. The fact that it's horribly unhealthy is a bonus to not drinking it.

>energy drinking freak of nature
>actually thinking people who drink energy drinks are this
Why not die now and get it over with?

>> No.11440884

Double cancer

>> No.11440924

>average ~150mg caffeine per can
>2600mg of caffeine
Most I've ever taken was 1600mg of caffeine at once and had heart skips etc.
What a mad man

>> No.11442999

Red Bull (not sugar loaded as much as other energy drinks) with it's one negative effect: an increase in resting base heart rate, actually comes with a huge amount of positive side effects; better blood sugar management, healthier nervous system, membranes, etc. etc.
Dietary Taurine is pretty good for you.
I bet a person with a good heart would actually have an overall health benefit from drinking 1 to 2 Redbull a week.

>> No.11443004
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I'm too high to understand this completely

>> No.11443012

He wasn't even that much older than like 14 or 15 at the time iirc. Had another friend that tried every energy drink our local Flying J sold over the course of half the summer and he started having kidney stones shortly after doing it. He never touched another energy drink afterwards.

>> No.11443039


Based. Pleasure to share a forum with you, good sir. Hope to run into you from time to time.

>> No.11443143

its really ZERO PROBLEM
against refined sugars and sodium intake

>> No.11443204
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unironically based and redpilled

>> No.11443207

BRB getting some sips

>> No.11443290

Sounds kinda hot desu

>> No.11443515

How did you found out about 4chan old man?

>> No.11443526

>we're going to die anyways
>might as well just drink liquid cancer that tastes like trash
I guess if that's your definition of fun

>> No.11443527

Used to work with this ridiculously fat fuck who stuffed his face with pizza and taco bell all the time and drank at least two big cans of Monster every day because he """""""needed the energy"""""""
That put me off energy drinks for life.
If I even look at can of energy drink I see his sweaty, greasy face and hear his labored breathing.

>> No.11443778

its something we all get to do

>> No.11445887
File: 71 KB, 707x500, 5216995+_791b31df653b4ef17c548f0ad5536594[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My morning and evening sips are literally the highlights of my day. You can take them from my cold, dead hands.

>> No.11445901

My brother did only two energy drinks and he died I believe that fentanyl is to blame

>> No.11445923

I get the memes but can anybody unironically explain why not be happy for 70 years than unhappy for 80?

>> No.11445944

Sure, if that's what you want to do with your life. Doesn't affect me at all, so why should I give a fuck if you are shaving years off your life drinking big-boy sody-pop? Energy drinks are for adults with the mindset of children who think coffee is too bitter and want to let big drink companies experiment with their body chemistry. Do you seriously need to bombard your bloodstream with multiple stimulants, useless vitamins and sugar multiple times per day to be able to drag your sad sloppy ass through life? Energy drinks are even more of a hoax than DUDE WEED LMAO

>> No.11446002

I've known 2 people that had heart attacks related to energy drinks. Of course, I'm talking about drinking a case in a day.

>> No.11446009

Sex increases your heart attack and stroke risk. To all my wizards out there: stay strong! You'll live to be 110!

>> No.11446013


>> No.11447086

why did they fucking discontinue Monster Unleaded?

Is there anything that tastes like Monster but doesn't have caffeine?

>> No.11447170
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>Study Confirms

>> No.11447177

If you would call the feeling of eating a bad diet happiness your life is empty enough that I don't care what you do. If you have the aesthetic sense to go experience the best things in life, then you may want to take care of yourself.

>> No.11447208

Or you lose the one thing you value more than life, your ability to be a great doctor, House.

>> No.11447613

I have a 57 year old neighbor who drinks 4 monsters a day everyday, is she gonna explode?

>> No.11447629

Shut up nerd. Life is about making yourself happy. Whatever that may be doesn’t matter. We’re all insignificant nothings only hear for an infinitely small blip in time. A hundred years from now my enjoying a Monster and hot dog will have the exact same lasting impact as your enjoyment of nature or whatever gay shit you do.

>> No.11447940
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>And worse

>> No.11447945

that stroke/heart attack is going to be agonising though. the weight of an elephant on your chest

>> No.11448031
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>"study" """confirms"""
>Adam ((Goldberg)))

>> No.11448040

I won't bother taking them from your cold dead hands, I'll just bury you with them

>> No.11448042

Piss off, weeb.