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11429023 No.11429023 [Reply] [Original]

American craft beer is better than European beer.

>> No.11429384

This isnt unpopular.

Also, corn fucking sucks.

>> No.11429394

literally everyone who knows beer knows that

Keep in mind that Elysian is an AB-Inbev foreign owned brand though

>> No.11429397

Car milk isn't that good

>> No.11429427

Flag waving horseshit, if I could get a flight of fresh first rate Euro and American beers to compare you wouldn't be able to single them out.

Naturally I suppose in response you might post the top beers from an American beer ranking website like RateBeer, but it's clear from the styles of beer that rank highest there is not only a regional bias but that the majority of people that rank beer on these sites are new converts to 'craft beer' and rank highest extreme, boozy, aggressive beers that don't necessarily reflect the choices that a long term drinker would make.

Next would be the results from an American based international beer contest, the problem there being that all beer competitions have a bias towards beer from their home region due to shipping costs and difficulties

>> No.11429454

>fresh first rate Euro and American beers to compare you wouldn't be able to single them out.
Craft beer is barely a thing in Europe, and there just aren't many people making good beer there. Luckily for us all it is rapidly changing in some parts and good beer is becoming much easier to find in Europe, but Americans still have access to a lot more of a lot better beer. And for what its worth I was just in Europe a few weeks ago an drinking as much beer as I could specifically looking for the best local stuff around. Things were noticeably better than the last time I was in Europe a few years ago, but still far behind

>> No.11429466

remember that there is less demand for 'craft' beer because european macros are of a much higher standard than american ones

>> No.11429481

If you were looking specifically for American styles you might struggle in many regions, but by the same token a German looking for top quality lager in the USA will be disappointed in a country that predominantly uses British style equipment. You'd probably call him a stupid cunt for wanting it exactly like he has at home instead of exploring what the US does well, and likewise I'd call you a stupid cunt for doing the same.

>> No.11429484

I don't think nice resturant is necessary. As long as the food and place is clean I'll dine there.

Also waiter in not necessary. Just ring me up and I'll get the food

Different brand water taste different And Iike Evian and Contrex

>> No.11429490

Yeah, that is definitely the primary reason craft beer took off in America first, most of Europe either prefers wine, or has better cheap beer, or had communism and the worst of everything.

Interestingly, some of the former communist countries are most strongly embracing American style craft brewing now an leading the way into the future of European beer

>> No.11429511

>If you were looking specifically for American styles
I wasn't looking specifically at any style. I drank a lot of beer from a lot of styles. Obviously the IPA wasn't nearly as good but I wasn't expecting it to be. What was a little more disappointing was how uncommon good dark beer was

The best beer I had in Germany was this:

but still, one of the great things about American craft beer is the variety, most breweries are making 15-20 different beers. If a German dude goes to America and only tries macro lagers of course he will recognize they are basically just water, but good lagers are super common from craft breweries

>> No.11429516

good point

>> No.11429546

So very similar to the sorts of beers that new craft beer converts rank highly. And I'm sorry to say that hypothetical German would be disappointed by most US craft lagers owing to the equipment problem I already mentioned and thus shortfalls in terms of technique.

That said, if your trip encompassed Northern Europe, the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden you were making poor use of your smartphone if you didn't find something more to your liking.

>> No.11429581

>So very similar to the sorts of beers that new craft beer converts rank highly.
Yeah, good beer. You are really overestimating this probelm with American craft brewing equipment, many craft breweries make lagers just as good as those you will find in Germany or the Czech republic

And to clarify, I found plenty of good beer in Europe, it was just far less common than in America. American bars and restaurants are just much more likely to have large and good tap lists. You have to put a bit more effort in in Europe and the ceiling just isn't as high

>> No.11429628

>>So very similar to the sorts of beers that new craft beer converts rank highly.
>Yeah, good beer.
Good beer, but unsubtle, high ABV, lacking in nuance. The beer equivalent of a hot climate syrah. The sort of thing new palates are drawn to because they can immediately taste the massive bold flavors written up in the tasting notes. Not the be all and end all.

>> No.11429635

that is not an unpopular opinion though

>> No.11429652

If I wanted uncomplex subtle nuance I would drink a bud light (well a High Life at least)

Its absurd to paint complexity and flavor as being a bad thing, stop trying to sell watered down beer as "mature"

>> No.11429658

whats your favorite german beer?

>> No.11429695
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>mfw i don't give a fuck where beer is from as long as it's good
as an ausfag i am envious of the craft beer scene in almost every other country due to price

>> No.11429706
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100% senpai.

>> No.11429739

Now you are being childish, just like your underdeveloped palate. There is a vast gulf between the 8%, 10% and up beers which you are trying to pass off as the only good beer around and the rice and corn pisswater which you were drinking up until recently, and you'd admit as much if you weren't a dishonest turd. Grow the fuck up.

Tough, can't say I have a favorite. Schneider don't put out a bad beer, I wasn't ragging on Aventinus by any means, just it says a lot that his favorite beer from his trip most resembles babby's first craft beer for the reasons in that post. Probably something from Shlenkerla though, beechwood smoke tastes amazing. Maybe the Helles? More subtle smoke than the Märzen, I can easily knock back a few.

>> No.11429770
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Coors isnt that bad and the squat bottles are super aesthetic

don't hate me cuz u aint me

>> No.11429807

>babby's first craft beer
Who the fuck starts off with Eisbock? You seem to have a really specific and weird idea about what craft beer is and how people drink it that is rather detached from reality. High ABV complex stuff is generally loved by people who are deep into craft beer, but its a tiny fraction of craft beer overall, and not what anyone is starting with.

Again, I like german lagers fine, and many American breweries make excellent examples too. But I'll take the best IPA, or best stouts or best quads or best sours over the top german style lagers any day, there just is a much lower ceiling on the style. And of course there is a large gap between high ABV craft beers and Bud Light, and most German lagers are much better than Bud Light, but the common ones are still much closer to american light lager than they are to most craft quality beers

>Probably something from Shlenkerla though
Just as you are trying to say liking strongly flavored beers makes you a child you come out for some nice rauchbier? Did not see that turn coming

>> No.11429811

bottles are outdated and should be entirely phased out

>> No.11429816

>american beer is surpassing European beer
>gotta make up a new criteria where anything with high abv or bigger flavor profiles means its babby's first beer
Jesus Christ fuck off with this nonsense. This same discussion happened on BeerAdvocate where Brits were trying to convince everyone that bold flavor was bad and cask ales with their much lighter flavor profiles were superior due to subtlety. It was a shit argument then and it's a shit argument now. Just enjoy beer and stop being stuck up about it. Imperial ales have had a massive boom around the world including Europe and the rediscovery and larger distribution of heavy trappist ales and craft breweries have lead to a small ale renaissance. But so have all sorts of other brews. Having been in this industry for 12 years now I'm convinced people overrate the snobbishness of the wine industry when beer commentators can be far worse.

>> No.11429826

>just it says a lot that his favorite beer from his trip
Note I said favorite German beer from my trip, of which only about a quarter was in Germany, my favorite beer from the trip was Belgian

>> No.11429829
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>> No.11429847

Anything you drink fresh should be from a can. Anything you want to age longer than 2 years should either be a corked bottle or waxed if bottlecap.

>> No.11429871

cans work fine for aging too, but most producers choose bottles for marketing reasons

>> No.11429901

I don't drink beer since it's haram but the success story of independent american breweries btfoing established and subsidized european breweries just goes to show that socialism and statism < free market, may allah strike down upon everyone disagreeing with me here.

>> No.11429912

they hate us cause they anus!!!

>> No.11430008

t. heptuppel belgian praline imperial mocha porter brewer

>> No.11430030

yeah, bud light is much better

>> No.11430057

The American IPA, especially the double and triple IPAs, is a vast and enduring contribution to the beer universe. American breweries are doing incredible things with sours, aged dark ales, and the IPA.

They tend to abuse creativity when it comes to classic styles like pilsner, lager, hefeweizen and Belgian ales. I dont want a fucking dry hopped triple, or a peach hefe, no way, no thank you.

I still look to Europe for classic Belgian strong ales and simple German lagers/marzen/pilsner. The consistency is phenomenal, the ingredients are easily anticipated, and the flavors tried and true.

What in the fuck is up with UK beer though? I have yet to try a UK beer worth importing.

>> No.11430066

Well you got the consistency part right, Euro beers within a style are all almost exactly the same

>> No.11430079

I dont trust the lining on aluminum cans for serious aging and I've never seen any studies that address this.

>> No.11430091

Thanks for proving my point in the post you first replied to, dipshit.

>> No.11430092

Sorry pal, that's BrewDog and that's in Scotland. Sort yourself out and try again.

>> No.11430093

>I dont want a fucking dry hopped triple, or a peach hefe, no way, no thank you
Why do Europeans always act like craft beer is all weird flavor amalgamations. While you can definitely find a lot of variants of things from Americas 7000 breweries if you cherry pick, in pretty much all cases the classic unvaried is more common. Way more breweries in America are making straight tripels than hopped up version (and at the same time Belgian breweries are making some good dry hopped variants, just had the Citra variant Duvel the other day) etc

>> No.11430094


Have you tried any barrel aged stouts, any sours by Wicked Weed or a New England IPA? This stuff is phenomenal man, just jam packed with flavor. I still love old world beer (I'm a sucker for Belgians- say Trappist Rochefort, or a crisp clean lager like Augustiner Helles) but these new beers are a ton of fun and really pushing the limits of what traditional brewing ingredients/techniques can result in.

>> No.11430097

No yeah I am 100% with you, I was just making fun of the lack of diversity in Euro beers, its really amazing how similar everything tastes there

>> No.11430098


I'm an American craft beer lover you're replying to there.. was just trying to say that classic genres are done better by European breweries (many of which are several generations or even centuries old) where as innovation is a hallmark of American brewing.

I have a big heart for beer. There is room for everyone (and their beer) in it.

>> No.11430100

That's not an unpopular opinion. American breweries routinely beat european breweries, in categories and styles that Europeans invented, in the world beer cup all the time. Look it up.


>> No.11430115

It's because of what I said earlier. Some Europeans cant stand to admit that most innovation in brewing occurs in America now leading to world class brews, so they instead move the goalposts of what quality beer means. It cant possibly be that America for years was hampered with retarded beer laws in general which created a massive class of homebrewers that when such laws were finally removed produced an explosion of brewing innovation as a result of years of repression. No matter that most American breweries will be financially dead in the next couple years due to market saturation, Europhiles have to always have the one up. In this case they want to pretend that beer quality is now determined completely by subtlety so that they can redefine quality being Eurocentric. These are, of course, the same folks who for years derided Americans for shitty low abv beer.

>> No.11430123

>it's another Americans and their Donut Chocolate Mocha Milk Stouts episode
We drink real beers in Europe, not beverages that should legally be obliged to have a different name like "flavored alcoholic carbonated beverages" because they're not beers anymore

>> No.11430129

It got bought out but that doesn't mean it's changed all its recipes dumbass

Getting acquired is a dream for most owners

>> No.11430134

>Heh, if I just define that quality beer comes from the Bavarian Purity Laws which have been defunct for years now I'll never have to acknowledge the accolades that American breweries have earned recently!

>> No.11430135

>most American breweries will be financially dead in the next couple years due to market saturation
eh, the market is still far from saturated. There are still more wineries in America even though Americans drink like 3 times as much beer as wine. The old try and become a regional brewery model is dead, but it will still be viable for quite some time to open a brewery based in large part on taproom and local retail sales

>> No.11430145

just saying its not an example of craft beer. It is a Brazilian/Belgian run mega brewery

Also, no, most craft brewers refuse the buyout when they have been asked (and almost all that have been around more than 5 years were asked at some point)

>> No.11430150

Americans make every style of beer, traditional and new better than you

>> No.11430154

I'm the manager for a major combo retailer and wholesaler. I've had to slash so many breweries as a result of this. Trust me on this, the crunch is coming. But quality breweries will still remain, and many local breweries are going to the BrewPub business model where they do not distribute anything but kegs and sell beer themselves.

>> No.11430155

>It's because of what I said earlier. Some Europeans cant stand to admit that most innovation in brewing occurs in America now leading to world class brews, so they instead move the goalposts of what quality beer means.
Ah yes. "Nuance" and "subtlety" are commie Europoor schemes to try and keep the good All American Imperial Triple India Barleywine down.

>> No.11430158

reminder that Reinheitsgebot was only ever designed to keep the price of bread down and never had anything to do with beer quality

>> No.11430166

More like nuance and subtly, the ill defined buzzwords that I have and you don't

>> No.11430167

>pretending nuance means anything but flavorless regional macro lagers
Fuck off with your bullshit. Nobody buys this.

>> No.11430169
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Let's see the USA is #1 in....
>baltic porter
>belgian quad
>belgian fruit
>belgian pale
>bohemian pils
>berliner weiss
>english pale
>irish stout
>german alt
>german kolsch
>munich helles

>mfw i don't have time to type out all the USA gold medals europeans got BTFO at their own game in

USA #1 U S A U S A

>> No.11430170

Reminder that Bud Light is the most subtle and nuanced of beers

>> No.11430179

Gotta say if anything is saturated though its ipas for sure. A well made IPA is great but most craft breweries have like 6 of them and 1 of every other variety they have, and most of the time they just get lazy and hop the shit out of a beer and call it an "IPA" and it ends up tasting like someone sprayed raid in a coors.

>> No.11430180

>Now you are being childish, just like your underdeveloped palate. There is a vast gulf between the 8%, 10% and up beers which you are trying to pass off as the only good beer around and the rice and corn pisswater which you were drinking up until recently, and you'd admit as much if you weren't a dishonest turd. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.11430188

most new IPAs are good since the west coast fad ended at least. Definitely form a higher percentage of beer than they need to but most new ones are at least pretty good

>> No.11430193

Let's see you actually back that up instead of impotently spit jabs as if the European - American beer industries resembled anything like they did decades ago.

>> No.11430201

germans are a joke at this point. completely obsolete.

>> No.11430204

Furthermore, absolutely no one was saying that beer quality's sole indicator was ABV, so fuck you for petty inferiority complex strawman.

>> No.11430214

I work at a liquor store in a city with a lot of craft breweries. Most of them are pretty gross. Every once in a while a nice one comes along and its like magic but the majority I try are pretty shit. It doesn't help that as I said IPAs are a huge selling point so if a Brewery has 7 core beers it will be something like a Pale Ale, a Lager, something like a saison or sour and then 4 IPAs. MAYBE one of those IPAs is good but they sure aren't putting out 4 of them because they're each an exemplary representation of the style, or really unique and interesting tasting.

>> No.11430216

I'd argue that German's still have the lock on Weizens and Dunkel lagers. Americans have done better at most everything else but I still council accounts on taking German made brews for these categories.

>> No.11430221


>> No.11430226

Back up that there are beer styles that aren't unsubtle sledgehammers or adjunct lagers? Try looking at the BJCP sometime fuckwit, I think all the methanol from the hot ferment double figure ABV monsters you seem to solely like has started to rot out your brain.

>petty inferiority complex strawman.
Like your desperate strawmanning in trying to deny that subtlety and complexity might ever be virtues.

>> No.11430228

You're replying to the wrong dude. I've already made the case several times in this thread that American beer has risen to the top.

>> No.11430239

>the only notable beers are lagers and low abv offerings
>complexity AND subtlety
Then fucking give an example or fuck off you stupid piece of shit. You haven't done anything but act like all American beers are 14% pastry stouts when American Breweries have been consistently winning competitions under most styles.

>> No.11430242

Sounds like California

>> No.11430244

No but it is west coast

>> No.11430246

American craft breweries have been making good dunkels and weizens and even dunkelweizens since the 90s

>> No.11430248

American craft beers include both the best and worst beers in existence. Fortunately the latter don't tend to stick around.

>> No.11430254

dude, what are you talking about?

>> No.11430264

I agree they have, but in most cases American hefes for example fall short of stuff like Ayinger's Brauweisse. Some beer regions just have their styles down better than others, and I have access to just about every brewery in the US and I have not yet had German style ales from US breweries that handily defeat Weihenstephaner or Ayinger. That said, pretty much everything else is better.

>> No.11430280

>and I have access to just about every brewery in the US
literally no one has this

>> No.11430462

Actually unpopular opinion
>Craft """"beer"""" is a disgusting fad propagated by and for soybois

>> No.11430471

That's like genuinely believing a restaurant known for good burgers is a disgusting fad for hipsters who think they're too good for mcdonalds.

>> No.11430475

It isn`t.
>going to McDonalds

>> No.11430508

It is though. You're saying people who appreciate a better quality thing are just suckers for a fad because of >muh onions meme. There is certainly a level of fad to it but if you think thats ALL it is you're a pants-on-head tier retard and your opinion is only unpopular because it doesn't matter

>> No.11430510

I travel constantly and work for the largest beer distributor in the US. I'm obviously not talking about breweries that don't distribute at all.

>> No.11430528

Friendly reminder that prohibition destroyed a tradition of craft, local and home brewing in America that reached back through the centuries to the earliest colonial days.

>> No.11430544

Friendly reminder that it started up again in the 80's and 90's and really took off in the last decade or so. We're truly living in the golden era of beer.

>> No.11430581
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>hibiscus, passionfruit, lime and blood orange juices
There's leather wearing dudes slathered with lube copping dicks in every orifice in the back room of a nightclub called the Midnight Fistula that are less gay than this beer and everyone who drinks it.

>> No.11430601

>t. overcompensating for lack of masculinity.

>> No.11430609

I just enjoy a cream ale from a local brewery in Minnesota. My grandma always brings it when she visits me in Florida. Tastes just like cream soda yum

>> No.11430612

>I was just making fun of the lack of diversity in Euro beers, its really amazing how similar everything tastes there
It's almost as if specific beer styles with hundreds of years of flavour precedent aren't looking to piss it up against a wall for the latest wet hopped dry hopped cacao nib acai berry goji passionfruit ginseng quadruple IPA using yeast harvested from under the fingernails of Lenin's corpse. Fucking kill yourself, there are muslim extremists shitting in holes in the Syrian desert whose knowledge of beer surpasses yours.

>> No.11430622

Space dust is grabage
Not a tasteful beer. Only buy this if you’re tryna get really drunk
Then again you should probably just use liquor

>> No.11430623

An American competition without a clear brief to judge blind, headquartered in the US, that most global breweries couldn't bother entering. And you say that the US does well? Colour me shocked.

>> No.11430630

I could have seven dicks in my ass right now and still be less gay than that beer and anyone who shills it.

>> No.11430657

>We're truly living in the golden era of beer.

>Yup, crystal malt and high-alpha hops. Now THAT'S a craft beer.

The main thing I'm disappointed about is how we succumbed to German autism. Why can't I find something in a bottle made from molasses and spruce tips? Why is fruit wine so hard to find? Why is "adjunct" treated like a dirty word? Why is it virtually impossible to find unhopped beers? I feel like even home brewers tend to turn their nose up at their own heritage and that saddens me.

>> No.11430683

prove it

>> No.11430696
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>why is it virtually impossible to find unhopped beers

>> No.11430701

>Hops are the only bittering agent that could ever conceivably be used in an alcoholic beverage

>> No.11430717

>the only bittering agent that could ever conceivably be used in an alcoholic beverage

Pretty sure this is a beer thread, dum dum. There are some amazing bitter cordials from France and Italy.

>> No.11430723

How did you think that beers were bittered before the Germans and their autism declared that fun was no longer allowed?

>> No.11430741

Literally who cares?

>> No.11430898

Can't wait for the Chinese to get into craft beer. Just imagine all those flavors they'll come up with.

>> No.11430922

Craft beer both has to have quality hands on care and be able to be distributed. China literally can't do both at the same time. Northern Vietnam makes this "fresh beer" shit that I remember being pretty good (not American craft beer good, but mind-blowing for SE Asia), but you literally had to sit on a stool on the sidewalk in Hanoi in order to get it.

>> No.11430937
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>In 2016 there were 6,596 beers from 1,907 breweries from 55 countries. Entries were judged by an international panel of 253 judges from 31 countries.

what did he mean by this post?

>> No.11430948 [DELETED] 

Beer is shit, kill yourselves

>> No.11430959
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The beer culture is definitely different in a few small pockets of Europe where they've been doing a couple styles for centuries and do them okay if you're on vacation, but obviously America produces much more high quality beer than the entirety of Europe at this point. There's literally no contest.

>> No.11431285

Unless there’s a breakdown of which countries entered what, your point is utterly meaningless. Which I suspect is their goal.
>6596 beers
>6000 of them from US brewers.
>US brewers scoop the prize pool by flooding the entries and matching US judges’ love of hibiscus mango astroglide 5x hopped IPA barrel aged truffle beer
Once again, colour me shocked.

>> No.11431304

Where'd you get that glass?

>> No.11431308

ITT flag waving bullshit

>> No.11431312

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he got it in Mississippi.

>> No.11431328


>Unironically thinking craft beer is even worth argumentation, let alone purchase.

>> No.11431347

I was wondering if that was a food and cigar event in Highland Village or some place like the Taste of Mississippi thing they do. It's pretty fun.
I'd like a glass like that.

>> No.11431370

The wine community has these kinds of flame wars too, but people generally manage to not get nationalistic over the terms "new world" and "old world", you can say you prefer old world style and it normally isn't construed to mean you hate america, because it is understood that america has a few cool-climate growing regions, you can get a good riesling and even pinot noir that doesn't taste like the syrup oozing out of the soda dispenser at mcdonalds, just so long as you avoid california like the plague everyone knows it is.

God forbid anyone say they sometimes enjoy a central european style beer in a "beer community" though, the craft beer neckbeards will set upon you with their pitchforks instantly (what is it with this "craft beer" nonsense anyway, why not just say "beer").

In such communities you're only a Real Patriot if you drink sugar bomb imperial russian chocolate milk chili espresso 190 minute bourbon barrel porters.

But "craft beer" fanatics get confused and frustrated when presented with a situation that doesn't have a hard binary answer. With us or against us. Friend or enemy. Regular normal guy or pretentious foreign hipster fag. I guess that sort of explains the need for a special term "craft beer", gotta make sure everyone knows you don't drink the "normal beer", where inexplicably "normal" suddenly became a bad thing despite the fact that it's a prerequisite for not being ritually murdered, wicker man style, in the context of "not normal" people showing up in their flyover towns

>my tastebuds are so damaged from 'vark and and mcchicken that I can't taste the difference between adjunct lager and a high quality pilsner
I'm sorry about your terrible upbringing

People spend too much energy worrying about beer anyway, it's fine when you're in the mood but most nights wine is better.

>> No.11431387

The idea of "craft beer" is only an American thing because American macrobrews were so shitty for so long that good beer was actually shocking to the average American. It's a crime what American companies are allowed to get away with. Brain-washing 300 million people to accept low-quality products should be punishable by death, especially when it concerns consumables. Some of these people go their entire lives without ever experiencing authentic, well-fashioned products. It's just sad.

>> No.11431398

>The idea of "craft beer" is only an American thing

t. never left the US

>> No.11431422

Do you know what they call "craft beer" in Europe?

>> No.11431482

I'm sure China has craft beer. Hong Kong had a lot when I was there and there was a Taiwanese brewery that had a brewpub there too. I can't see China not having it, it will just be popular there though and not overseas.

>> No.11431516
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any country can make good beer. its just that overall american beer like american food and american water and american bread and american people are garbage. a few specific autists going out of their way to create something good doesn't change the overall.

i can go into any store in swizerland and get great beer, meat, bread, water, coffee, choclate, etc. whereas in america i would need to get into my SUV and drive 100kms to pick up good beer another 100kms to pick up good bread etc etc.

no thanks. but no one will argue that a country with 300m people doesnt have a few autists who produce good products for a niche market. except cheese, all your Wisconsin cheese is garbage because its illegal to use proper milk in american apparently

>> No.11431523
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My city (Lausanne) has a local beer. (Dr. Gobbs) It's very good. But it's not called craft beer or artisan beer or any stupid shit like that. It's a city/cantonal beer. every canton in Switzerland has its own beer (most of the big one's are pretty boring but ok). Same thing with Germany, austria, belgium etc. In addition to all the other beers.

But each city has its own beer. People in that city will default to that beer. It's not craft though or w.e I dont even know what that actually means desu.

>> No.11431537

>I'll just make up some stuff that doesn't even make sense
Why do people do this? It's pretty much accepted at this point that Wisconsin makes the best cheese and the best beer in the world, a simple google search will confirm this, or just go outside and talk to real people and not internet trolls.

We were populated by the best makers of beer and cheese that existed in Europe at the time but we made it better because we're not afraid of innovation.

It's clear you're just jealous that you can't have what we have and need a license for everything. Hell you're probably not even allowed to say Merry Christmas anymore without apologizing for being white.

>> No.11431538
File: 433 KB, 900x1200, Kirin_Beer_12_Pack_X_330ml_Cans__87370.1531549056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better than most craft beer

>> No.11431542

>Illegal to use unpasteurized milk
>Best cheese
americans are so cute when they defend their fascist country with their gross cheese whose names are always copied european names slightly modified to avoid legal complications

>> No.11431561

Show me a peer reviewed study that proves that pasteurization can even be tasted. Spoiler: you can't. It's all in your head. This is just protectionism by your food industry, you can't compete with America so you make it illegal for us to use names that are just the standard names for cheese for centuries.

>> No.11431562

so cute look at the little americuck coping. so much for your freedums ;_;

>> No.11431697

Nice study. Enjoying your rape gangs?

>> No.11431771

Give the Killer Whale cream ale from Bold City. Good brewery. Ill shill em for free.

>> No.11431794

I mean it makes sense. The best food UK has is literally just a fucking egg wrapped in a meatball. It makes sense their beer would be worse also

>> No.11431920

A cold one of these with a huge bowl of ramen is bliss.

>> No.11431932

Stop being retarded, you're making amerilards look worse than we normally do. The US is being protectionist since it prevents us from importing a number of world class cheeses because they use raw milk. Go stuff your gob with a cheese style product."

>> No.11431945
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imagine being this butthurt about dairy products, and calling pne superior to others you have never tasted
yikes anon

>> No.11431958


weird, dont think that hyperbolic example fits in any of these categories:


>> No.11431960

the weed that the Canadian govt sells is really good actually

>> No.11431963
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>cold beer
>hot soup

>> No.11432009

opening up the tab for north american brewers lagged out my browser, it was that long.
any competition can be won by stacking enough cards into the deck
>The World Beer Cup is an international beer competition organized by the Brewers Association, a trade group representing America's small and independent craft brewers
seems 100% impartial to me, no clear reason why the organising group(north american brewers), would have any personal financial interest in making north american brewers win
>Entries were judged by an international panel of 253 judges from 31 countries.
need a breakdown of where these judges were from and what quantity, i dont trust the people who eat american 'cheese' with judging good quality beer for my palate

>> No.11432116

based false flagging europoverty poster

>> No.11432119

me dummy

>> No.11432185

>amerilards who want to improve their country's shit quality food don't identify the problems that exist so they can be fixed
>instead we should just blindly accept inferior foods 'cause muh tribalistic nationalism
You're part of the problem, get out of the way kid.

>> No.11432186
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>> No.11432199

If you don’t like America, leave

>> No.11432331

There are some really excellent beers from Europe and the American craft scene. There are also some really shitty ones. I call it a wash.

>> No.11432348

spotted the commiefornian

>> No.11433699


>> No.11433727


'craft beer' isn't much of a thing in Europe because most countries consider beer making craftsmanship you brainlet. We didn't need the word 'artisanal baker' until some deranged asshole decided bakeries should make a profit by not actually baking, just reheating, and most everyone went along with it.

There's a single city in Germany that produces more quality beers (yes, I mean plural) than entire US states

>> No.11433746


Schlenkerla is good, tho I've had some better regional beers (I always forget the names, they're fucking generic)

As for popular ones I like Ayinger and Pilsner Urquell

>> No.11433826

>I want to improve my country by identifying faults and working toward solutions
>you're an atheist, communist, socialist, sjw, jewish, deep state member, npc who needs to leave the country
Hard to leave when people build walls that are designed to lock you in.

>> No.11433881

>whereas in america i would need to get into my SUV and drive 100kms to pick up good beer another 100kms to pick up good bread etc etc.
yeah maybe 100 years ago

>> No.11433889

Yes, 100 years ago when people drove in their SUVs all over their sprawling suburbs looking for "specialty food"

Dumb fuck

>> No.11433901

calm down autist

>> No.11433921

>it's fine when you're in the mood but most nights wine is better.
ok mom

>> No.11433928

Like what? Carlsberg? Heineken? Peroni? Fuck outta here with that meme.

German beer is based but the rest of the continent isn't much better off than the US.

>> No.11433929

while this is based in truth, don't act like Euro macro beer is actually good. It is certainly better than American macros but its still mediocre as shit

Also, craft beer is growing very rapidly in Europe, its still years behind America but the beer scene in many European cities has made huge strides in the last 5 years

>> No.11433943

Do you honestly believe that judges in this competition are trying to create some conspiracy t overrate American beers? If anything American beer nerd overrate the shit out of European beers, you should see how we fucking react to Belgian beer especially but basically any traditional style

>> No.11433957

>There's a single city in Germany that produces more quality beers (yes, I mean plural) than entire US states
no, no there is not, and its literally insane if you believe that

Also craft beer is definitely a thing in Europe, its way behind in Germany than many other parts of Europe because of political pressure from the large legacy beer lobby though

>> No.11433967

How far apart do you think Americans live?

Like Americans have much larger homes and way more living space than Europeans of similar class but homes are actually closer than 1km apart for the vast majority of people

>> No.11433991

There's a pretty fine line between Paulaner/Urquell/DAB, and high tier beer. Sure you can cherry pick the worst of the worst but by and large if you ask a European to describe "normal beer" they're going to describe something that isn't completely awful. Unlike in America where you autistically emphasize "I drink artisan craft micro beer" otherwise it's just assumed you're talking about something really horrid

>> No.11434005

How far do I think? Well, personally I live in a mid rise prewar, I'd estimate about 300-500 people live in my complex. I can walk outside and buy beer or whatever I need, I don't cage, because it's vile. But this is unusual, I've lived in 7 different states, most are less dense than this.

So from one American to another, it varies. I can assure you though that flyover folk think it's totally normal to just cage for 45 minutes just to buy toilet paper, 2 hours to buy beer, road raging at one another, man everything would be great if the only person on the road was me, clearly everyone else is the problem. Because muh freedom.

I don't personally choose to live like that, but that is what the most strident voices refer to as the UHHMMERRRRICAN DREEEEEEAM.

>> No.11434010

thats just because the bar for lighter lagers is so low. Its really almost apples to oranges comparing lighter lagers to full flavored beer styles
>ask a European to describe "normal beer" they're going to describe something that isn't completely awful
Isn't fucking Heineken the best selling beer in the EU?
>Unlike in America where you autistically emphasize "I drink artisan craft micro beer"
Have you ever even talked to an American? No one talks like this. If you say "I like beer" in most contexts, especially if you aren't particularly old, people will assume that means you are into craft beer. Its actually much more important to specify 'craft' talking to European in a place like this because so many of them are entirely unfamiliar with the concept of high end beer

>> No.11434015


>> No.11434023

The fuck is caging?
> I can assure you though that flyover folk think it's totally normal to just cage for 45 minutes just to buy toilet paper'
Dude, the midwest is the second most densely populated part of the country after the northeast. No one thinks that is normal outside maybe Alaska. Very, very few Americans live that far from stuff

>> No.11434027
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No, I've never once spoke to an American. I have different ideas than you so obviously I am trolling and/or insane and have never set foot in America, which obviously I hate, and want to destroy. Because that is how regular normal guys think, right? Aren't you a regular normal guy?

>> No.11434029

I think it's a retarded libcuck term for "driving a car." As is apparent, a lot of them are disconnected from reality.

>> No.11434031

You can't even walk to the grocery store without getting harassed by law enforcement in the midwest, people literally consider walking to be a form of lawlessness that needs to be aggressively policed.

>> No.11434053

Why did you previous refer to Americans as "you", but now imply you are an american?
Also what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.11434061

>say blatantly false things, and wildly and inexplicably mischaracterize other groups of people
>get really fucking weird about it when people correct you and go on some reddit spurge

>> No.11434062
File: 254 KB, 1280x960, 938741d0-fe73-45df-a066-61a248f22a54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the price, beer made in belgium is better than american beer.
Il stick to my abt 12

>> No.11434067

>getting buttblasted because wrong pronoun

>> No.11434076

>or the price, beer made in belgium is better than american beer.
maybe if you live in Belgium. Belgian beer is pretty expensive otherwise.

Also, you realize you can drink both, as most people who like good beer do. Belgians make a few styles really really well, definitely the best traditional beer in Europe, but most styles America makes better, drink both

>> No.11434079

Its not the wrong pronoun, its just you trying to troll by pretending to be European in one post and saying haha, actually I was a self hating American all along in the next

>> No.11434085

what do you think this word means?

>> No.11434090

>daad! he was trying to trick me into thinking he was a foreigner!
No, that's your mentally ill flyover mentality speaking. It's completely normal to use the word "you" as a stand-in for a generic person in a hypothetical situation, it does not literally mean the person being addressed. But far be it for me to get in the way of the traditional flyover airing of the grievances, so by all means explain to me how I'm "why she lost", or whatever.

>> No.11434109

>Unlike in America where you autistically emphasize
Are you seriously going to argue that you weren't trying to portray Americans as a different group than yourself with this phrasing? And why do you keep bringing up random unrelated things like flyovers and Hillary Clinton? Can you try and keep it on topic?

>> No.11434113

American beer is better in general. Shit Mexico is making german beers better than the germans

>> No.11434136

>Shit Mexico is making german beers better than the germans
ha, now I wouldn't go that far

>> No.11434156

It's pretty clear that your (I really do mean you specifically as an individual this time) point of view is based on the premise that you represent the "USA #1 regular normal guy" and anyone who disagrees with you is

-A terrorist
-An illegal immigrant

So what I can I possibly say to have a sincere discussion in you, when you are not here to discuss beer at all? You're just here to find reasons to get offended on behalf of America, like, if I say I like the taste of hallertau I'm obviously just trying to undermine the reputation of the proud American hops industry long may she wave. if I say I'm enjoying a junmai daiginjo jizake (I am btw, on the topic of drinks) then I must be a scheming Jap who reenacts Pearl Harbor every time I speak English (should have dropped more nukes). If I say I like drinking something even remotely obscure then I'm just a "self hating American doing it to confuse you and make you feel uncultured."

I don't even need to lift a finger for you to wonder why I'm trying to destroy America, you simply cannot wrap your mind around the fact that different Americans like different things, because in your local culture (in this case again I really do mean "you" specifically) it's considered dangerously subversive to like stuff that doesn't signal to others that you're just a regular normal guy. Or to have an opinion that differs from someone else's opinion (at this point this is your cue to look concerned, look off into the distance and go "hmm. that's different" and then change the subject to sports or the weather in order to seem agreeable and cool.

>> No.11434162

No but it does mean that they'll start to cut corners and put far less effort into ensuring good quality. Case n point Goose Island IPA

>> No.11434166

Well, the last known version of a Vienna lager was found in Mexico under the Modello brand. True that Austrians will tell you they aren't krauts, but still, same difference - leiderhosen and shite.

>> No.11434190

You can't just frame factual falsehoods as just your opinion an expect people to take you seriously
>when you are not here to discuss beer at all?
Are you fucking serious? Thats specifically why I am here, you are the one constantly throwing out non sequiturs trying to make the conversation about all sorts of other random things. I never said or even implied any of these other things you are talking about. You just have this insane caricature of people from other places in your mind and project all sorts of weird, non existent motives on them to the point where it is really tough to believe that you actually believe any of this stuff

>> No.11434208

>that has not been my personal subjective experience so it's a fabrication designed as slander
Mmmh mm. Speaking of crazy nonsequiturs, this conversation was never about me until you started asking me all sorts of random personal questions about how many Americans I've met and whether I've spent much time in Alaska. Because I used the wrong pronoun when discussing beer.

Get a hold of yourself. Can we get back to talking about beer now?

>> No.11434223

Do you know what a rhetorical question is?

>> No.11434229

Do you know what an indefinite pronoun is?

>> No.11434231


>> No.11434256

You are really gonna stick with this one? The context of that post was pretty clear, you aren't going to convince anyone that you weren't trying to imply you were not American

>> No.11434273

>Very, very few Americans live that far from stuff
That depends on what your threshold for "that stuff" is. I grew up in a town of <800 with a liquor store, gas station, small market, etc. but if you wanted to buy anything more exotic than instant ramen or Fat Tire you're looking at a drive of ~50 minutes at minimum (there was another town closer but it was and still is the shittiest place I've ever been - including several indian reservations) and if you can't find it there then you can spend another ~45 minutes on top of that going to the bigger city up the road or another 1h45m going to the state capitol. Also, note that those are travel times under ideal conditions; during winter weather you could be looking at doubled travel times.

That said, I'm not complaining. I would gladly drive for a couple extra hours every week in exchange for for no traffic noise, no light pollution and elk bugling in the front yard in the fall.

>> No.11434286


U trollin

>> No.11434288

Right, just double down with that.

I'm obviously never going to convince you that I'm American in the first place, because Americans all look, talk, think, eat, drink, and live just like you. I do not, so obviously it follows that I'm an illegal foreign terrorist whose mere existence is an affront to your freedom. Even if I fit some statutory definition of "American" you'll just appeal to have those statutes rewritten, retroactively.

You can have the last word now, good night.

>> No.11434297

My point was that only a relatively small portion of American live in towns like that

>> No.11434309

I don't care if you are American or not, I was only calling you out for implying you were not in one post and that you were in the next. You just struggle to put out a coherent front to this troll persona

>> No.11434323
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This literally sums up the divide in america right now and strangely enough this post slaughters the current maga bootlickers. The times they are a changin'.

>> No.11434325

And my point was that your answer is correct based on only on how you define "that stuff". If we're just talking about toilet paper and beer then yeah that guy is retarded but there are a lot of people who live an hour or more away from many goods that most people have easy access to.

>> No.11434338 [DELETED] 

>This literally sums up the divide in america right now
A guy randomly yelling about politics in the middle of a do with it?

>> No.11434345

>This literally sums up the divide in america right now
A guy randomly yelling about politics in the middle of a conversation that has absolutely nothing to do with it?

>> No.11434450

IPAs suck. They smell like fucking pine sol.

>> No.11434489

Have you not smelled an IPA since the 90s?

>> No.11434526

No, and I never will. Stouts are better.

>> No.11434531

I mean one being better doesn't mean you should forsake the other. Drink both, both are good

>> No.11434565

sure its expensive. But worth it. And better than any american beer

>> No.11434582

I like plenty of belgian beer, its pretty good though a bit overpriced and overrated by Americans. Americans overall make a much broader variety of styles better. If you were gonna pick just one county's beer to drink it would be silly to pick anything besides America, though Belgium would almost certainly be number two

>> No.11435063

i havent found an american beer as good as belgium for the money.

>> No.11435456

I'm a eurofag who drinks fag beers and opened this thread thinking I might get some insight

all I found were autists baiting each other into serious convos then derailing one another's arguments with retarded memes

>> No.11435469

Go to bed, Skippy.

>> No.11435479

how insecure do you have to be to point out something that literally no well-adjusted person would care about

>> No.11435490
File: 84 KB, 597x572, D25A1882-485D-42A9-8903-234FE7DC11AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the retard whose only contributions are failed bait threads.

>> No.11435494


>> No.11435654

>Craft beer is barely a thing in Europe
Eh, you are wrong in that. Many countries in Europe already had their own small scale beer brewing operation, but in Scandinavia atleast there are hundreds of domestic craft brews to choose from.

>> No.11435684

Euro macros > USA macros
Euro macros include meh to pretty good beers, like Duvel, Leffe which are much better than budweiser and coors

>> No.11435690

On the other hand, America's macro scene has gotten less awful lately, there's stuff like blue moon, shock top, and sierra nevada. I know the neckbeards will fly off the handle at the suggestion that blue moon isn't satan incarnate, but I'm a brave keyboard warrior who will admit that it's good, at the possible cost of my own reputation on this website.

>> No.11435741

my home country of fucking montenegro, obscure meme nation has two craft breweries, serbia and croatia have even more, the more into the eu to go the more craft you see, can't really say it's barely present

>> No.11436122

Unibroue makes some really great beers that are as good as the Belgian stuff, though they're Canadian.

>> No.11436130
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Canadian craft beer is better than American craft beer.

>> No.11436551

>good beer shocking to Americans
You have zero idea what you're talking about. The lack of diversity and quality of macros plus the extremely harsh alcohol laws on the books instead created a nation of homebrewers. We as a nation didn't decide to just suck down macro brews, we brewed beer ourselves. Sure Macros dominated, but they do that everywhere. Why do you think within MONTHS of blue laws being revoked we had thousands of breweries pop up? We didn't just suddenly learn how to brew beer, we were just now allowed to brew beer. And as a result of that the floodgates opened. All of the people who had been brewing beer for years or whose families had homebrewed for generations now could actually sell it and distribute it widely. American beer culture didn't come out of nowhere, it was just simmering in the background held back by terrible constricting laws. Here in Texas back when I was a boy I knew of 5 local stores to get hops, equipment, malted barleys, and brewers yeast from. The beer was always here. It's just that no one was allowed to sell it.

>> No.11438145

>Euro macros > USA macros
literally everyone knows this. Thats almost as uncontroversial as stating America makes the best beer overall

>> No.11438181

>american brewer adds a ton of hops to a brew

Hurrr, best beer in the world

>> No.11438198

Americans make the best hoppy beer, the best dark beer, and the best sour beer (though the Belgians are pretty close there)

And just as good lagers as the Czechs, who make the best in Europe, though every county with good breweries lagers are almost exactly the same in quality, a pretty easy thing to master.

For some reason non-Americans have absurd misunderstandings of what American beer is all of the time

>> No.11438199

*said no one ever

>> No.11438730

>rape gangs
>t. man with more niggers in his country than mine has total population
americucks just can't win against the based Swiss chads

>> No.11438740
File: 46 KB, 1079x674, 1514392235986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americans are really really defensive. or maybe this thread is a bad sample. i cant imagine any European really giving a shit about this topic though. we just enjoy the fruits of our domestic labor in peace. its ok if your neighbor country makes objectively better beer because taste is subjective for the most part. i grew up drinking cardinal and its probably not as good as some fancy belgiun thing its still my favorite. its not a big deal ameriburgers, you dont need to prove your self to your genetic betters.

>> No.11439227

Maybe you just have an absurd lack of experience when it comes to Europe's regional diversity.

>> No.11439847
File: 168 KB, 852x1200, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This alone surpasses anything produced in US

>> No.11441148

>Do you honestly believe that judges in this competition are trying to create some conspiracy t overrate American beers?
Not necessarily a pro-American conspiracy, but that is pretty much the entire point of those types of competition. The host rake in entrance fees, attendance fees to their awards ceremony and various sponsorships, and in exchange lots of companies get to splash 'Award Winner', or at least 'Nominee' in the marketing for whatever shit they brought to the door.