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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 396x385, pepe with a gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11409981 No.11409981 [Reply] [Original]

Name your favorite cereal ITT or I'll shoot.
And it better be a good one. None of that Fruit Loops shit.

>> No.11409988
File: 74 KB, 640x640, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11409994
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>> No.11409999
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>> No.11410007
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Don't shoot!

>> No.11410013


>> No.11410014

Raisin Bran desu

>> No.11410016

Corn Flakes™

>> No.11410020
File: 74 KB, 450x600, UCIBLM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat cereal I start each day with 6 cups of coffee and 3 eggs, sometimes bacon if I have it or toast if I made bread the day before

>> No.11410021

you motherfuckers man

>> No.11410022


Aight, you kids can run off before I change my mind.

>> No.11410070

Not sure if it counts as cereal but i love me some muesli

>> No.11410074

oats with raisins

>> No.11410078

For me it's Reeses Puffs

>> No.11410114
File: 327 KB, 742x602, Fiber_One label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your butthole will thank you

>> No.11410144

bite sized shredded wheat with rice crispies (I prefer store brand rice) is surprisingly good. I sprinkle aspartame on it, you could use real sugar.

>> No.11410149

I tried some of that one day. It was like eating paper. The insoluble fiber got wedged into my teeth and so it hurt to chew it. It's practically inedible. I tried soaking it in water and drinking it, like a shake. I ended up throwing it away.

>> No.11410155
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>> No.11410160
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mah nigga.jpg

i buy this brand though. But i dont think it matters

>> No.11410171

I eat toasted, fruit free muesli just about every morning. I add a fresh sliced banana and a drizzle of raw honey.

Makes me feel right. Also makes me fart a lot.

>> No.11410175

based braap anon

>> No.11410212
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>> No.11410219
File: 33 KB, 660x442, Another generation RUINED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating cereal

Cereal, soda and candy is how they start the conditioning process to desensitize young people to sugars. Regular consumption of all that sugary shit conditions the brain of the consumer to adjust to abnormally high levels of sweetness, which in turn makes normal, healthy foods taste bland, creating a preference for artificial foods instead of natural healthy foods.

What happens next?

Pic related.

DON'T EAT THAT TRASH! You deserve better.

>> No.11410222

You go to sleep, Wayne.

>> No.11410235

the problem with cereal is it is a highly processed food. It's better to get starches form more natural sources, and mixed with vegetables.

>> No.11410248
File: 111 KB, 1100x619, 140820084625-peanut-butter-stock-super-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn flakes with a large scoop of peanut butter in it. Do as you must

>> No.11412096


>> No.11412117
File: 141 KB, 700x942, best cer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P fucking unhealthy but I loved this shit as a kid.

>> No.11412221

Peanut butter Crunch is a solid favorite of mine

>> No.11412227

Coaches Oats

>> No.11412239

As a gay man this helps to clean my bum hole and help prep my insides so I'm squeaky clean. You have impeccable taste

>> No.11412240
File: 72 KB, 720x690, 1476412541772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grape Nut Os
mfw they don't exist anymore

>> No.11412328

Corn flakes or shredded wheat. Like big ass bricks of it. Love shredded wheat.

>> No.11412353

chex in whole milk is so good and crispy and creamy and wonderful and i think i'm gonna go have a bowl right now

>> No.11412358

you just made me go grab a bowl of grapenuts, fuck my ass. I don't wanna stop eating.

>> No.11412404

Cap'n Crunch
Cracklin' Oat Bran

>> No.11412418
File: 65 KB, 488x488, GUEST_1f25cb64-0349-4082-bc5e-7d2e48abf5ef[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't eaten cereal in months, maybe a year, but if I did it would be this.

>> No.11412508


>> No.11412517

Either French Toast Crunch, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or Waffle Crisp. I like most cereals though. Even the unsweetened ones.

>> No.11413171

Raisin bran, extra raisins. For digestive health.

>> No.11413178
File: 170 KB, 799x1024, 27cereal0304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it, I love Cheerios. Always have.

>> No.11414009
File: 53 KB, 540x540, IDShot_540x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type of shit in yoghurt used to be my main breakfast cereal as a kid.
Now it's mostly oatmeal, and recently I've tried buckwheat as well but it's sold as an overpriced organic health food meme everywhere, might have to check some foreign supermarket for that shit cuz it's pretty good stuff. I also stir in crushed flax seed often, and mixed unsalted nuts, some raisins sometimes.

>> No.11414040
File: 47 KB, 800x600, DSCF5964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco wheats. Because it goes on forever!

>> No.11414070

Coco wheats coco wheats can't be beat. It's the creamy hot cereal with the coco treat. To be big and strong have lots of fun eat coco wheats everyone. Also you're a nigger who probably buys it with stamps.

>> No.11414152

How do you reverse the process if your parents were trash and gave you shitty dietary preferences?

>> No.11414179


>> No.11414415

I never understood people who like cereal, its either some sugary shit, or flavorless, not to mention how it gets soggy if it sits for too long in the milk.

>> No.11414565

auch deutsche Müsli

>> No.11414573

Cocoa Pebbles are the best!

>> No.11414579

I eat Old Fashioned only because I can make it in the microwave.

>> No.11414612

>oatmeal helps remove colersterholes
>eat porridge
>fall to ground writhing in agony as fibrous oat material scours the inner walls of your every bloodvessel

>> No.11414626

I prefer captain crunch or fruity pebbles

>> No.11414726
File: 135 KB, 1024x792, feed-or-malt-barley-cereals-grains-wheat-raps-seed-corn-sunflower-seeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barley master race, reporting.

>> No.11414731

Cereal is for children, have a proper breakfast like bacon and eggs or better yet just have a cup of coffee.

>> No.11414734

Cinnemon apple cheerios are goat

>> No.11414830

rice krispies

>> No.11414837

Most cereal is sugary crap. When I buy cereal, it's some brand of bran flakes. Sometimes müesli.

>> No.11414952

The trick is to pour just enough milk that all the cereal gets moist, not so much that the cereal is floating in milk.

>> No.11414976

I already shot you first fag.

>> No.11414979

Fruit Loops

>> No.11415215

in the head please