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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11351541 No.11351541 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/. Coffee or Tea?

>> No.11351658


>> No.11351661


>> No.11351690

this for me to.

coffee in the morning. tea throughout the day

>> No.11351716


Green tea or filtered black coffee.

>> No.11351719


Coffee. Black.

>> No.11351725
File: 21 KB, 321x326, huh so you are the new baitmaster around town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea. And I'm American. Coffee sucks.

>> No.11351805

My man over here with the rich taste

>> No.11351810


>> No.11351822

Why does preferring tea over coffee make me "edgy"

>> No.11351842

Yeah, it doesn't make him edgy, it makes him a weeb.

>> No.11351859

Tea for the time because my office coffee black is fucking terrible and I can drink tea without sugar or milk.helping me lose weight

>> No.11351906

tea in the morning, coffe in the afternoon

>> No.11351926

Black tea with milk or honey

>> No.11351935
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>adding things to tea

>> No.11351942

Tea with lemon. No dairy or insect products need to be added.

>> No.11351961

coffee makes my balls hurt and makes me irritable, so its tea for me

>> No.11352067


>> No.11352077
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Both I guess, I live far north and they've both helped me through some rough days and nights

>> No.11352092

Caffeine gives me the shakes, so neither.

>> No.11352108

Tea. The caffeine content is lower so i don't feel like shit even if i drink an ass load. Coffee can really make me anxious and shitty all day.

Also, there is a LOT of different tea, but just "coffee", so fuck that noise.

>> No.11352392

coffee makes me wanna shit my self, plus im a britfag so tea.

>> No.11352618


>> No.11352641

Insect products?

>> No.11352750

He is being ironic because lemon trees are pollinated by bees and are therefor an insect product but few people realize this.

>> No.11352959
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It's more how you said it. Your delivery is reminiscent of those people who go onto The Beatles videos on youtube and say "I'm only 10 and I can tell this music is so much better than anything in my generation!"

>> No.11353413

Honey. Made by insects.

>> No.11353445
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Recently had a tea epiphany and now I'm obsessed. Been mostly drinking standard black teas. As a lover of all things smoked (whiskey, beer, food), I ordered that smoked black tea on the /ck/ wiki from a reputable company. What am i in for??

>> No.11353446

Coffee if I need it to function
Tea if I just want to relax

>> No.11353454

You mean Lapsang? It's nice with a dash of cream but don't add sugar or citrus to it. Also expect the smell to be much stronger than the flavour. It's got a smoky bite but it's not too different.

>> No.11353491
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Hey anon thanks for the response. Yep, I think that's it. Well, some smoke is better than none. Can't wait to try it.

On that note, if there is smoked tea, surely there must be smoked coffee?? Can anyone recommend any?

>> No.11353555

Both, but if I have to take one it's an easy win for tea.
Much more complex; much greater range of flavors; much better for you

>> No.11353573

Try some quality oolongs too: yunnan sourcing and eco-cha are both quite good. It sounds like you'd like Da Hong Pao (big red robe): roasted but also sweet; "whiskylike" gets thrown around a lot when talking about it. One recent favorite of mine (though damn expensive so not one I indulge a lot) is Duck Shit—it's really called that and doesn't actually include duck shit, but it's one of the most complex things I've drunk in awhile and damn worth the premium.

>> No.11353591
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Thanks anon, will have to check "duck shit" out!

>> No.11353608


Fedora mountain...
No idea what it's like it might even be good. I can't recommend shit, I drink instant most of the time because I can't be fucked spending more time than necessary for something ill drink in a few minutes.

>> No.11353701


>> No.11354512
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Coffee please.