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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11338921 No.11338921 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with going out alone to restaurant and having kids stare at you like you're some kind of animal all because you're sitting alone?

>> No.11338942

I usually pregame with some drinks before hand

>> No.11338945

i´ve never done it in my life, thats how i deal with it.

>> No.11338950

Do we really need one of these threads up at all time? Fuck off cunts, stop bumping this.

>> No.11338956


>> No.11338962

don't go out alone to restaurants

>> No.11338966

walk over to the table and tell the mum that you're legally obligated to tell her that you're a convicted sex offender

>> No.11338971

Check the catalog you dumb frog posting piece of filth

>> No.11338972

Sit at the counter with the other castoffs.

>> No.11338980

they should really be turning you away at the door

>> No.11338996

>aussie getting this upset he only has other spiders to dine with

>> No.11339002

Only eat at the bar. Good mix is between full and emoty, you don't look a sperg as much. Act like you're late for a plane, unless you hit it off with other diners, then relax yourself and order some drinks. Scope around a lot on Google maps for ideal bar eating situations. Also, TV's only. Bars without tvs are for normies.

>> No.11339009

Filthy newfag go home

>> No.11339015

I eat out alone often. I could not possibly care less what strangers think about it, or me - it has zero impact on me or my life. What I don't understand is what kind of effeminate, emotionally unstable, brain damaged, hypersensitive person actually DOES care what strangers think about them?

>> No.11339017

eat at the bar

>> No.11339083

Stop being a cuck and sit at the bar

>> No.11339091

kids are the only ones unrefined enough to treat you how you should be treated

>> No.11339103

I wish I had the guts to eat out alone

>> No.11339128

>I have never eaten out alone in my life because of a combination of anxiety and the thought that I won't enjoy it as much without someone else to experience it with me
Help /ck/. Am I gay?

>> No.11339151

I don't see how that matters

>> No.11339160

We just had this thread you piss annoying /r9k/ shithead.

>> No.11339165
File: 2.92 MB, 250x175, In The Trash It Goes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autism roleplaying frog

>> No.11339166

gtfo normie

>> No.11339172

Nobody cares. Stop being so narcissistic thinking that anyone cares about you pathetic ass. You're the one out eyeballing kids, then act like a fucking attention starved woman when someone looks in your general direction. Get a life.

>> No.11339178

Jesus Christ, it's still there
God I hate those blind self absorbed whiny /r9k/ assholes. Sure, make your own thread just about YOU, like everything in the world is, right? Fuck you.

>> No.11339181

>have exact thread yesterday and today it was still up
>hey guys let's do it again today
The absolute state of /r9k/ incels and why are they plaguing a fucking cooking board?

>> No.11339187

i've never experienced that and i eat out alone all them time

>> No.11339188

>letting a frog poster get this under your skin

>> No.11339219

Stick with drive-thrus, spare society of your autism.

>> No.11339310

>ask a general question
>"stop making threads just about yourself"