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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11331608 No.11331608 [Reply] [Original]

>go vegan for two months
>lose 27 pounds while gorging myself with delicious food
>feeling happy again
Why didn't they just say this to begin with?

>> No.11331629

>go vegan for two months
have you sucked a dick yet?
you're not a full vegan until you suck a dick.
it's the only meat they allow in their mouths because they enjoy going against nature.

>> No.11331634

Stop fantasizing, faggot.

>> No.11331637

Enjoy cancer

>> No.11331641


>eat meat my entire life
>eat a healthy and balanced diet
>never need to lose weight by meme-ing and sacrificing my manhood or dignity

Yeah, enjoy your soy you fat dink.

>> No.11331659
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>> No.11331665

shush, vegan.
you're our food when the food runs out after the bombs start dropping.

>> No.11331681

because most don't do it for health, most do it to feel superior. I'm glad you found something that works well for you anon. What do you eat a lot of?

>> No.11331684
File: 19 KB, 543x443, brainlet short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants to eat malnourished humans with serious vitamin deficiencies when it comes down to the wire

>> No.11331693

Sounds like you just moved to regulating your diet and watching what you eat. Isn't about the veganism.

>> No.11331711

more like needs because all the livestock will be underground in the rich bases.

>> No.11331712
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>> No.11331759
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1528186286150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch the two documentaries that supposedly turn people vegan
>instead never want to be a vegan after watching them

>> No.11331772

you eating fish?

>> No.11331783

Oh, what are they called? I like food documentaries, even if they're blatant propaganda or stupid.

>> No.11331790

earthlings (2005)
dominion (2018)

>> No.11332411
File: 408 KB, 478x473, sweaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you're not gorging yourself with food and loosing 27 pounds in a month.

Plus the worst foods for you are vegan
Transfats - hydrogenated vegetable oils

Why people want to believe if you just eat vegetarian you are eating healthy is beyond me.

t. vegetarian for 20+ years

>> No.11333074
File: 79 KB, 414x499, das_it_mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went vegan for a year
>Lost all my gains and now I look like a sickly skinny fuck
>Food prep takes forever and and everything tastes the same
>Still tired all the time and its becomes a problem to eat at certain places with friends
>I always have to make vegan food for bbqs or house parties just so I can eat
>Friend is have oktober beer party with kegs of German beer and all kinds of sosig and meat balls and other beef/pork based dishes
>TFW when I give in and go back to eating meat

>> No.11333079

>lose 27 lbs in two months
That's only healthy if you're grossly obese.

>> No.11333084

>you fat dink
This is a good one, I'll be using it in the future

>> No.11333094


Because being an herbivore isn't about gaining any real benefit to begin with. Look up signaling theory and be amazed.

>> No.11333109

Vegan food isn't boring. It's just I don't want to spend 200 dollars a month on protein and fat substitutes. And survive off an extremely upper middle class like style.

>> No.11333122

>10~ lbs overweight
>keep eating the same thing
>just make one meal smaller
>lose 10 lbs
how can i become rich and famous with my "just eat less" diet?

>> No.11333153

do you have to poop a lot more now or are things in the shit department comparable to before veganism?

>> No.11333246

why are fat people so retarded? also veganism is cringe. i'd rather eat plain fruits and vegetables and call myself a vegetarian than be a gay ass vegan.

>> No.11333255

in for a penny in for a pound