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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 388 KB, 640x1059, 67252862-064C-45AD-B91D-196CD57B417D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11322179 No.11322179 [Reply] [Original]


Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.11322196
File: 1.41 MB, 580x433, trash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American cheese
>plastic tasting vomit cheese
It's a good thing boomers are dying off

>> No.11322199

you for posting this crap clickbait

>> No.11322213

>The way it serves as the glue that bonds your burrito contents together?

Ok now I’m actually mad. Good job.

>> No.11322437

The one thing American cheese is better at than other cheeses is adding to ramen.

>> No.11323283

What the actual fuck is wrong with you

>> No.11323288

American cheese from a deli and Kraft American singles aren't the same thing.

>> No.11323301

I'm a washed up 29 year old boomer and honestly American cheese has always fucking sucked. I don't mind it, but I would never choose it given any other option.

>> No.11323315

My vegetarian girlfriend did that. Poured out the water, added the seasoning and a slice of cheese
It has to be fake, nobody has used american cheese in a tortilla except a desperate drunk/poor man late night quesadilla

>> No.11323316

I hope American cheese fall out of favor so much that grocery stores stop selling it and this author gets even madder

>> No.11323333

I don't mind American cheese if it's sliced from the deli or something. Good sandwich cheese.

>> No.11323340

If I'm born in 1987 does that make me a millennial?

>> No.11323343

It's a Korean thing. They had a huge stockpile of American cheese that the American military stationed there imported, and started experimenting with it and decided to try putting it in ramen. Now it's a very popular dish both in Korea among Korean immigrants in other countries.

>> No.11323617

I like to take a clove of garlic and wrap it in a slice of american

>> No.11323619

>lol omg its not what it says it is so that means its baaaad xddddd
I bet you hate artificial crab because its not crab.

>> No.11323634

What the fuck even is a millenial anymore?
I'm not talking about stupid 4chan 30 year old boomer definintions.

Anyone younger than 40 appears to be a millenial

>> No.11323644

Esquire was wrong. American cheese easily isn't the best.

>> No.11323666


are all vegetarians cheesebreathers or what

>> No.11323948

People age 23-35

>> No.11323979

Gooks should be gassed

>> No.11323989

Anyone born between 1982-99.

>> No.11323990
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Based and cheesepilled

>> No.11323993
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>taste a lot of expensive cheeses
>still appreciate american cheese for how it melts on stuff like burgers or breakfast sandwiches

>> No.11324001

Why do people stress so much about it?
processed cheese has it's place for consistency and convenience.
It sure isn't the tastiest cheese out there but who buts brie on a burger?

>> No.11324008

1 slice:
VERY High in Sodium 11 % daily needs
VERY High in Phosphorus 19 % daily needs

>> No.11324048


>> No.11324063

No, you're a part of gen y. Millenials start in the early 2000's, IIRC.

>> No.11324110

>but who buts brie on a burger?
i do
i can’t say i habitually do it, but i do often use what ever i might have remnants if in the fridge when i make burgers.
cream cheese is especially good. kinda messy though

>> No.11324146

Millennial is 83-97

>> No.11324182

According to the common definition you gotta be as old as CWC or born in the year 2000 or later to not be one.

>> No.11324190

melted american cheese helps a bad burger

but so then just don't make a bad burger

>> No.11324197

There's a common misconception about what exactly American cheese IS. There are distinct differences between Kraft Singles and Land o' Lakes sliced from the deli. The former tastes like nothing and is essentially worthless, while the latter IS actually made from REAL cheese with added emulsifiers and has plenty of uses; ramen, burgers, sandwiches, grilled cheese, cheesesteaks, etc. All American cheese is NOT created equal.

>> No.11324201

You mean adding to mac and cheese... right? RIGHT?

>> No.11324208

Why do people pour out the water from ramen. Just put less water and wait longer if you don't want too much water. But I guess we're the instant gratification generation, hence instant ramen is one of the most popular food even among non-dorm-dwelling people. Most people today have the patience and attention span of a goldfish thanks to their dumbphones that they waste 90% of their lives using.

>> No.11324216

Absolute madman

>> No.11324225

And then what? Throw it in the trash? Finish the story.

>> No.11324237

i almost didn't read this thanks

>> No.11324243

I think splintering the generations every 10 years is retarded. As far as I'm concerned there are just millennials, boomers, and greatest (mostly dead now)

>> No.11324248


That's a pretty big gap leaving out gen x.

>> No.11324249

If you add american cheese to ramen it becomes mac n cheese

>> No.11324259

You lump them in with millennials based on the similar level of retardation they exhibited. Just look at justice Bart "ralph" O'Kavanaugh. When you think about your grandparents, your parents, and yourself, the gap is much larger than just 10 years (unless your mom had you when she was 14 I guess). It makes no sense to make these nonsensical microdistinctions. History won't care about gen x or gen z. We will all be lumped together.

>> No.11324269

it's not even legally cheese in it's own homeland, so you tell me

>> No.11324294

Nah just retarded

>> No.11324330

Those are the gen z, the oldest millenial is 40 rn.

>> No.11324346

The fuck are you even on about?

>> No.11324353

>It will never die
>Somebody's killing it

They said two sentences and already there's a contradiction. That's some quality site you've got.

>> No.11324383

When will fucking millennials kill tabloids ?

>> No.11324390

Just shut up. There are no hard and fast definitions for the generations. Just shut the fuck up right now.

>> No.11324395

American cheese is good for
· burgers
· grilled cheese
· MAYBE mac and cheese
· that's it.

>> No.11324399

>the masses are not single minded

>> No.11324400

Esquire used to be a magazine of some repute. But now apparently it's turned into an unironic Clickhole.
>what's a magazine?

>> No.11324406
File: 15 KB, 300x400, c099f8188f5a2dcf4286e7ff78f1580e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American cheese for American dessert

>> No.11324409

Last time I checked we're not the overmind yet

>> No.11324412

That's like saying your cells are individual and you don't exist.

>> No.11324425

Other than the neon gloop on top of it, that actually looks like a halfway decent apple pie. Why does it seem like nearly no one can make a passable pie these days?

>> No.11324446

Fine. There is still some more integration that can be done

>> No.11324452

Stopped reading there.

>> No.11324494

>Cream cheese on a burger
Okay, you can stop joking now.

>> No.11324495

Millenials are Gen Y.

>> No.11324499

It will be, whether you like it or not. Just a matter of time

>> No.11324505

You mean adding to a warm slice of apple pie.

>> No.11324509

Stopped reading there.

>> No.11324581

Best cheese for burgers for sure.

>> No.11324601

I made sandwiches for my job at safeway for a while and I would feel legitimate contempt for anyone who asked for american cheese, even though it was easier to work with and always on-hand.

>> No.11324615

are you talking about deli american cheese or kraftshit

>> No.11324623

both are made with real cheese but kraft "cheese" can't really be considered cheese because it's barely even cheese

>> No.11324627

I've had this discussion before and younger people do seem to hate the fake cheese.

My thing is I don't give a shit it's fake cheese. It's American cheese product. I fucking like it. Fuck you.

>> No.11324632

t. trailer trash

>> No.11324634


>> No.11324637

this is partly true, but even the best made bougie-ass artisan american cheese can't compete with a hunk of store-brand cheddar.

>> No.11324643

>siding with millennials

>> No.11324662
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Real cheese will never taste as good as this

>> No.11324674

That's fucked up. You should be using a slice of sharp cheddar.

>> No.11324902

I'm fucking 26.

>> No.11324926

Between spam, hot dogs and American cheese, I've come to realize that riceniggers have awful taste

>> No.11324927

>posted on a tibetan pottery urn
Well done

>> No.11324947

Percent white ?

>> No.11324961

its only persisting bc theres no reliable way to get cheese across the giant flyover country that is united states

>> No.11324974

100 yuropoor.

>> No.11325058

American cheese from a deli is just cheddar. Say cheddar pretentious cunt.

>siding with cancer

>> No.11325067

But it's not

>> No.11325072

British colonists made cheddar cheese soon upon their arrival in North America. By 1790, American cheddars were being exported back to England. According to Robert Carlton Brown, author of The Complete Book of Cheese, "The English called our imitation Yankee, or American, Cheddar, while here at home it was popularly known as yellow or store cheese".[6] In 1878, the total export of American cheese was 355 million pounds per year, with an expected growth to 1,420 million pounds.[7]

After the invention of processed cheese in 1911, and its subsequent popularization by James L. Kraft in the late-1910s and the 1920s, the term "American cheese" rapidly began to refer to this variety, instead of the traditional but more expensive cheddars also made and sold in the US. The latter had already begun to be produced on an industrial scale in the 1890s, leading to the term "factory cheese".

>american education system

>> No.11325091

>mushy ramen
Once, but never again.

>> No.11325120

What does something from over 110 years ago have to do with now?
I can give you a blind taste test of american cheese from a deli, and some store brand cheddar, and you'll be able to tell the difference.

>> No.11325132

Then wait longer, but not so long that it becomes mushy. Do you own a clock?

>> No.11325592

Millenials are 75~2000

>> No.11325711

American cheese is objectively more nutritious and has the ideal texture and melting point for grilled cheese and burgers.
If you think otherwise youre a buttmad europoor.

>> No.11325737

totally srs bruh.
i did it this evening.
i usually put a scoop of cold cc on the bottom bun, place burger on top of it, slice of actual cheese on top of burger, add top bun.
yes, it softens and makes a bit of a mess

>> No.11326425

It's not just cheddar you mental midget. It's a sharp cheddar with a different consistency.

>> No.11326793

Stop shitting on apple pie!

>> No.11326839

All American food suck

>> No.11327027

>siding with the past gen
>not getting ready for the future
This is what westeners think is survival

>> No.11327035

It sounds gross, but I get why it probably tastes okay if you try it. I like dipping a grilled cheese in ramen broth, so I imagine it'd be something similar.

>> No.11327047

Even paneer is better than American Cheese.

>> No.11327065

yeah but kraft singles last forever, I don't even refrigerate mine so they stay soft when I need them, so nice to always have some cheese product available without having to go shopping every other week

>> No.11327119
File: 8 KB, 250x238, 1522942114506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American cheese
>plastic tasting
It's not even that bad why do europoors insist on living this meme?

>> No.11327215

Cause all the Kraft singles type cheese I know tastes like plastic and melts absolutly awful and forms a weird plastic like surface when baked.

>> No.11327221

all mexican food, especially taco bell, gives you diarrhea volcano ass the shits toilet time. all pizza is literally cardboard. american cheese is literally plastic.

>> No.11327281

I have bad news anon
you're a millenial, by definition.

>> No.11327291


>> No.11327292

if you wait long enough to have as little water left as if you'd poured it you will have mushy ramen.

>> No.11327303

it's bad because it tastes like absolute shit anywhere but on a fastfood burger.

>> No.11327311

It's pretty good by itself when battered and deep fried.

>> No.11328576

"Bloomberg published a report suggesting that the youth of America have turned their collective back on the cheese that bears their country’s name."
They've turned their backs on this country in general. Fucking unpatriotic pieces of liberal shit.

>> No.11328595


>They've turned their backs on this country in general

Not really since they are not from this country. Why would a Mexican a Syrian or a Nigerian be loyal to the USA?

>> No.11328609

Fair point.

>> No.11328655


>> No.11328694

Tabloids died the same day porno mags became phased out
Fake news is all the bullshit and no stories about sasquatch police forces in rural Indiana

>> No.11329308
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quality american is actually top tier cheese for melting, grilled cheese etc. It's actually made out of milk and not soy lecithin and binders.

>> No.11329899

Who cares, Lidl's "murica" wares are better than the imported original shit anyway.

>> No.11329926

Try an actual good cheese like jarlsberg. Melts just fine on your burger and sandwich, doesn't actually taste like cancer and regret.

>> No.11330145

Huh, people born in 1980 will be 40 in two years. Feel old yet? (:

>> No.11330512

they don't know you're supposed to remove the plastic

>> No.11330526

Fucking millennials in Australia seem to be lapping that shit up here, it disgusts me. I want actual cheese on my burgers, not cheese product

>> No.11330899

Serious Eats redpilled me on American cheese and I can honestly say I'm okay with it. American is a perfectly good melting cheese that adds fat without an overpowering flavor of it's own.

You can even 'Americanize' cheeses to give them that same buttery smooth consistency. I still need to try the recipe out.

>> No.11330904

Then don't get Kraft singles.
They have higher quality American cheese that tastes good, it's your fault alone that you buy the cheap garbage and expect it to taste good.

>> No.11331049

They gave this shit out for free at my college at I was eating too much of it. Worst state Ive ever been in. No control.

>> No.11331074

Based, I was just eating this with some tostitos.

>> No.11331368

You're better off making your own with real cheddar and sodium citrate.

>> No.11331835

As the Morrissey song goes, America is not the world.

>> No.11331838

i wish americans would just neck themselfes.

>> No.11331888
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the problem w american cheese is there isn't a single thing you can put it on that wouldn't be improved by using an actual slice of real cheese.

this is because it's at the absolute bottom of the cheese hierarchy

>> No.11331918

>i can give you a blind taste test between two varieties of cheddar and I guarantee they'll taste different

lol americans so desperate to claim any bit of hurritage they can from their wasteland of a colony

>> No.11332067

kraft singles are bad. landolakes white is not.

that's because they don't sell the good stuff in your country.

>> No.11332079

Based, I was just eating this with some tostitos.

>> No.11332158

Real cheddar + milk + sodium citrate + pickled jalapenos.

>> No.11332367

How do you make American Cheese?

>> No.11332409

Shut up poo

>> No.11332666

taco bell barely qualifies as mexican food

>> No.11332673

It is obvious that you do not eat ramen.

>> No.11332706
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my first preorder since BRINK killed preorders for me seven years ago. Did it just because I loved the first season so much. Here's hoping I don't get burned again.

>> No.11332778

>being this obsessed AND retarded
holy shit....

>> No.11333053

>Who was in the wrong here?
anyone who opened the article

>> No.11333068
File: 39 KB, 715x541, Don't Like What I'm Hearing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss 4chan being an American website full of psychotic weebs and not an international website full of retarded foreigners.

>> No.11333072

amerilard shart in mart

>> No.11333087

Is there anything that millennials AREN'T killing according to click bait websites?

>> No.11333186

when you say "American cheese", you're talking about kraft singles.
When many people in America think of it, we think of Wisconsin and their dedication to making cheese with respect and love for the craft. There's a difference that you either can't or refuse to see.

>> No.11333206
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/ck/ has always been overrun by inbred bucktoothed halal-observing britbongs for some reason. probably cus they cant cook so they fit right in.

>> No.11333212

boomers getting mad at millennials for not eating plastic cheese is the best timeline

>> No.11333215


Apparently not. It seems that nearly everything on the market was subsidized by the grossly incompetent spending habits of boomers, and now that they're dying off, the stupid shit they liked is dying with them. Millennials, meanwhile, are struggling to make rent and afford groceries in the inflated market, so they don't spend as freely as the boomers did, and so they're blamed for "killing" stuff, when it's really more a matter of "not supporting stuff due to inability."

It's super bizarre to me that it's not a more widely-understood phenomenon among the article-publishing journalists and such.

>> No.11333236

We should do the /int/ thing and have flags. I really want to know where people are from.

>> No.11333243

No we don't, quit speaking for us. American cheese is cheese product, that's it. if wisconsin is in america and makes a cheddar, then it's cheddar. if they make a cheese product (a blend of cheeses) then it's american cheese

>> No.11333261

>millennials can't afford american cheese style product
Yeah, no. It's true of housing, but as far as food and restaurants millennials are more selective in their choices and reject the garbage pig slop boomers were gullible enough to buy into due to sophisticated marketing.

>> No.11333737

>unga phone bad
>ooga booga, book good
Anti-tech fags deserve the rope before even the kikes do, desu.

>> No.11333752

>write outrageous article
>watch your website counter as angry people click on it and the ad bux roll in

congrats you felt for (((their))) trap

>> No.11333766

>American cheese cannot be legally sold under the name (authentic) "cheese" in the US. Instead, federal laws mandate that it be labeled as "processed cheese" if simply made from combining more than one cheese,[2] or "cheese food" if dairy ingredients such as cream, milk, skim milk, buttermilk, cheese whey, or albumin from cheese whey are added.[3] As a result, sometimes even the word "cheese" is absent altogether from the product's labeling in favor of, e.g., "American slices" or "American singles".

>> No.11333779

Phones are awful, but when compared to a desktop, not a book.

I still prefer physical manga and books to digital ones.

>> No.11333785

Besides some spooks why would you even buy dead trees formats ? just pirate your stuff.

>> No.11333788


I was more referring to the overall trend these people favor for blaming millenials for everything they don't buy, less to the specific example of cheese product. My apologies for being unclear and perhaps for rambling.

>> No.11333850
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>being this new

>> No.11333876

>preferring older tech/society makes you a ludite
Not that guy, but you are a serious faggot. Some older systems have their merits. At least consider hybridizing or incorporating elements instead of making everything as cheap and lazy as possible.

>> No.11333946


>> No.11333950


Not the guy you're replying to, but I feel compelled to point out that taking a long view is actually a strength when combined with laziness. It's essentially the realization that putting in the work now will mean that you don't have to put in an effort later, meaning that you can just hang out instead of laboring on top of having a deadline that's tomorrow.

That said, I'm on board with everything else you've said. Books may not be as incredibly capable of storing as much information is as small a space as digital medium, but they do have a certain smell to them that keeps drawing me back in and they don't fail to function when the power goes out or the batteries run out of charge. Further, there's not some fuckwit on Facebook trying to get your attention with memes on the next page, distracting you from what you're trying to read. Even further, it has one purpose and excels at it, rather than the multitasking disasterpiece that the modern cellphone has become. "Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one" might be a punchy old saying, but at the end of the day, being good at one thing is how modern societies advanced to the point we've reached today.

>> No.11334695

The amount of depth in a country's cheeses is really just a proxy for measuring the depth and worth of a country's culture.

>> No.11335199
File: 154 KB, 800x800, CheeseSauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live somewhere were good cheese is hard to get.
Saw this for sale online, should I?

>> No.11335269

Apple pie is Dutch, not American.

>> No.11335576

You do realize that those tastes come from them being poor as fuck and having to eat anything they can get theri hands on.

>> No.11335579

Claiming another country's inventions/cultures as their own is as american as apple pie.

>> No.11335703
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You might give Bega a try.

>> No.11335725


It's actually a little more interesting than "America claims everything forever," if you'll believe it. You see, Dutch apple pie was actually exactly what it sounds like: A pie made directly from apple and otherwise unspiced because people believed that was all it took to make it tasty. It was only after the American revolution, and indeed after the Civil Rights Movement in the USA that people began to go ballistic with innovation as it pertains to apple pie, creating what is commonly referred to as "apple pie spice."

It's typically a household recipe to throw together, differing among regions and even families, it commonly includes cardamom, cinnamon, allspice(itself possessed of a fascinating and varied history), ginger, and nutmeg. Those of you with a familiarity with the regions those spices come from might already know that these are varied and indeed not always directly connected to the Netherlands, which a reasonably well-learned individual could contribute to the melting pot of America, and could easily be attributed to the land of the free, the home of the brave, and the nation of self-described assholes.

>> No.11335732

Northern Illinoisan here, Wisconsinite detected.
No one in their right mind thinks of Wisconsin Cheddar/Brie/Havarti/Provolone/Mozzarella/Parmesan when they hear "American Cheese," because none of those cheese are the same variety as American Cheese, which is a processed cheese product (cannot be sold as "cheese") that typically comes in singulated sliced form.

>> No.11335740
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Based as fuck facts poster.

>> No.11336718
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>American cheese
>Best cheese

My God, you people are downright schizophrenic

>> No.11336741

>ooo yes yum yum rotting rot puke flavor ooo so magnifique

>> No.11336762
File: 75 KB, 680x492, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, you don't even know what cheese is, you just live in that deluded crazy world of yours where poopoo is number one and burger is food porn

now go back licking melted plastic to keep that fat ass of yours

>> No.11336861

are you so retarded you can't realize that's a joke article

>> No.11336870

your a joke

>> No.11336883
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Imagine being this mad about cheese.

>> No.11336895

>Implying american 'cheese' is actually cheese

>> No.11336948


a yellow plastic sheet


>> No.11337000

Being mad about what's NOT cheese is still being mad ABOUT cheese. Maybe spend your time on something else anon.

>> No.11337174
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>Northern Illinoisan here, Wisconsinite detected.

>> No.11337178

It is cheese. Shitty cheese, but it is actually cheese.
American cheese =/= pasteurized cheese food product.

>> No.11337196

The only thing it's good for is cheeseburgers. That or pepperjack are the only cheeses I'll use

>> No.11337878
File: 40 KB, 515x229, yesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little do Westerners know that SPAM goes much better with rice than bread/pasta. It's why most Westerners hate SPAM while Asians love it.

>> No.11337901

Goddamned Hawaiians too.

I had to do a spam-themed banquet for spam once. My personal nightmare just because I had to eat so much of the garbage for tasting, to make sure the: appetizers, salads, and entrees all tasted good. Problem is spam never fucking tastes good.

Fuck you.

>> No.11337909

I never got this. It's weird, I feel younger and more immature for my age, but I still don't identify as a millennial even though I technically am. I'll be 30 in a couple of months and 30-year-old millennials kind of fucks with my head.

>> No.11337912

i live in northern illinois and i can confirm you're correct but also a faggot

>> No.11337951

I don't get the whole adding cheese to ramen. IDK, maybe because I had one of those shitty cup-of-noodles version of cheddar flavored ramen, but it was the most vile flavor of instant ramen I have ever had.

>> No.11337965

Why are boomers and gen-x so mad that millennials don't want to settle for bullshit like they did?

they made it impossible for millennials to earn a decent living, then criticize them for being careful about how they spend their money

>> No.11338887

when I first heard the term "millenial" I associated it with people born in the year 2000 and I haven't been able to shake that

>> No.11338992

As many of us don't live where we're from, it woudn't help shit here.
If I'm from Britainistan originally but currently live in Mooseland, you'd likely disregard my post about how to make some proper faggots simply because there'd be a fucking leaf beside my name rather than the Union Jack.

>> No.11339168

Kek no, American cheese is processed cheddar and iirc a blend of two cheeses, and the Kraft stuff is processed even further to barely be cheese. It's like saying cheddar jack is just cheddar.