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File: 49 KB, 1417x1488, ALDI_Nord_Logo_2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11312462 No.11312462 [Reply] [Original]

For the price-aware consumer. Where you meet equal minded black citizens.
When you probably make 15$/hr.

>> No.11312504 [DELETED] 

I like the store but my closest one is always full of spics and sandniggers. I have to limit how often I go there.

>> No.11312560

They got good beer

>> No.11312594

i like their Holland one, but I like skunk-y beer

>> No.11312613

They are expanding fast here in the U.S. They will be a force, soon.

>> No.11313072

Aldi is great around Christmas time for cookies and German pastries.

>> No.11313099

Aldi only takes cash, sounds like a money laundering operation to me.

>> No.11313219

So far I'd rate Aldi about a solid 75%

-Pre-packaged stuff, like cookies, salsas, chips, canned food etc is damn good. House brand stuff tastes good and the prices are amazing.
-Meat ranges from just as expensive as major grocery chains to amazing deals, especially on the frozen stuff. This is probably their strongest area imo.

-Produce/Milk/Dairy - Just plain fucking sucks. I've given up on buying good produce from them if I don't plan to eat it within 48 hours. The tomatoes and lettuce always seem to already start to go rotten within a day of purchasing, and the milk goes bad faster than anywhere else I've bought, and I thought Smart and Final's market pantry milk went bad fast.

It's tough, because it has so many good things, but equally amounts of shitty things, i end up having to go to a second store to finish my shopping.

>> No.11313236

That's odd about the produce, the ones where I live are know for having outstanding produce. Maybe their supplier sucks at your location.

>> No.11313238

Aldi is based.

>> No.11313260

Yeah I can't explain it. The only produce that seems to last a decent amount of time is the citrus and cabbage based salads. Anything else is a crapshoot.

>> No.11313265

both the produce and dairy at my closest aldi are fine. the meat there is disgusting though, i wouldn't feed it to my dog

>> No.11313277


Not anymore (in my region, at least). Aldi takes cash and what I like to call "the big-four cards".


Depending on your region, the German stuff may come round 3-4 times a year, but yes the holiday/cookie stuff is its own thing.


I appreciate your concerns about our milk especially, as this has been an issue in my own store. Please be aware that you can "double-back" any bad food that comes out of our stores. All this means is, you get your money back, and if you want, you can get a free replacement comparable food-item on top of the refund. Ideally it'd be the same thing (inventory) but in practice it can be any like food item of comparable price (to save everyone the hassle). We're re-branding this one now as the "twice as nice" guarantee; please be aware that it's just for our food, and does not extend to the non-food specials in the Aldi Finds aisle.

t. very happy Aldi manager who wants to help grow the American business and is happy to take questions. (The OP's logo corresponds to the other branch, not us, who own the American Trader Joe's btw)

>> No.11313288

I appreciate it. I'm willing to give it another shot, I just want to avoid having to hop multiple stores for my shopping trips is all.

>> No.11313320


That's fair. We're not a Wal-Mart or a big box and we never want to be, we're just a cheap stop for dumb-simple-basic groceries and doo-dads. I also get the multiple stops thing with my own customers so I undestand that too.

Personally, I use the local stores for small fruit buys, OJ, nachos, and the odd bits of meat.

>> No.11313340

some aldi in my area got remodeled into a more "traditional"-style grocery store, with the high ceilings and concrete(?) floors. Is there a justification from corporate for this, or is it up to owner discretion? I preferred the old aldi because it scared away the yuppies.

>> No.11313365


Remodeling has occurred at certain stores in my region, and frankly in some cases it's necessary as certain stores were ratty-looking. It's both upkeep and competing on an image-level with other grocery chains that you don't want to shop at because it makes so much more sense to get your basic stuff with us.

The product line (number of items) is slightly expanding, but not much. This is also to draw new customers in, and is calculated to better appeal to the American shopper.

Aldi is all one single thing. It's not "franchisees" like some fast food chains, or fragmented in that way. It's a private, international business, which contracts with local third parties.

Try our regular "Cheez-Its"! They're literally better than the name-brand Cheez-Its.

>> No.11313380

Who decides what seasonal items are carried? Canned/tinned herring is one of my favorite seasonal items, but is it a guarantee that it will return from season to season, or is that left up to someone's discretion? Do you have a calendar for what's scheduled to arrive at any given time of year?

>> No.11313387

that's odd because the produce, although very limited in range, is by far the best thing in aldis here in germany.
the rest of the products are just the cheap quality we are used to getting in most supermarkets and discounters all around the county.

>> No.11313404

hypothesis: much of the U.S. fruits and vegetables output comes from California, so shipping makes trouble for freshness

>> No.11313406

Aldi ist scheiße. I dont like Aldi in its home country. You must have pretty shit stores if you thinh aldi is great. Lidl is sometimes ok but usually way too expensive for a discounter. They did change their strategy though. Now they are premium discounters? Kinda stupid. But if it works it aint stupid.

>> No.11313421


As a store manager, I have a very short-term understanding of what's coming round, though there are obvious observable patterns (holiday stuff at holiday period, lawn equipment in summer, and the business likes to play up fitness specials at New Year's). In general, the stuff rotates on a weekly basis, with 1-2 week forecasting. The food draws bounce around and can be unpredictable. Simply put, it's above my pay grade.

People do love the Deutsche Kuche Herring though, it lasts like two days when we get it and then it's gone. One item that I personally like, since I use this site and all, is the "doppel keks", a sleeve of cookies.

>> No.11313431

aldi is very unique for an American retailer because it's "simple" but not "shitty" like a wal-mart or a dollar store. Most grocery stores in America are much larger than Aldi with far too large a selection (think 50-100 types of bread, 30 ketchups, and at least 15 aisles of product plus a separate produce and meat section). For certain types of consumers all that choice is a serious problem that only aldi has sidestepped.

>> No.11313437

not a fan of the doppelkeks, not sweet enough for me. But otherwise the standard cookies selection is on point, particularly the girl scout types

>> No.11313547

depends where you live, Bernd. the Aldi in my hometown is as nice and clean as a boutique in Paris.

>> No.11313622


Depends also on local laws and regulations as well.

>> No.11313675

Although their chocolate bars is oversweet kiddy shit, it's my guilty pleasure.
But I still avoid going there despite liking the chocolate because the customers are so fucking terrible.

>> No.11313677

Gimmie a quick rundown on what Aldi is and why it's good.

>> No.11313790
File: 11 KB, 300x169, 20728399_10214009862385879_8994465628364198503_n-300x169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Chistmas time simply because Aldi bring back these and I eat them daily
but I've since moved towns and they don't have an Aldi here
might kill myself

>> No.11313797

Yeah too much choice sucks, I totally agree on that. Im just unhappy with what they offer. Im more of a simple but healthy eater. Not processed food, usally get a stomach ache or the runs from it.

Aldi Süd for me. They are clean and nice. Just dont like the items they offer. I prefer rewe or Edeka when money isnt too tight.

Yeah probably. Never was in a foreign aldi but at two non german lidl. I guess it is nice to have worldwide standardized stock but meh. I want local food not the same as at home.

>> No.11313800

Cheap, ok products, limited (or tiny by murican standards) selection on product variations. Good for basics even if I personally dont like it.

>> No.11314389
File: 36 KB, 400x320, 202491_1286559707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I (and many Dutch people) just buy the non-perishables in large quantities and buy perishable shit at a closer, normal supermarket. Their beer is also quite drinkable, Schulten Bräu actually became a huge meme here

>> No.11314882


Is that an Opel Manta with a fox tail in the background?

>> No.11315022

How did this shit even evade the US market?
I though american supermarkets were one of the most competitive markets in one of the most competitive economies in the world.
Were the big chains fucking asleep?

>> No.11315035


>> No.11315045

What should i explain? I was sure such an old market was more than oversaturated in the capitalistic center of the world.

>> No.11315054

I have one on the same road as multiple Asian grocery stores so I pop in for some produce sometimes. I need to call ahead if I'm buying a box of bananas, otherwise they need to take them all out and weigh them on the tiny scale and it takes a long time.

>> No.11315060

I think some of your misconceptions are influencing your thoughts. Are you surprised a capitalist economy is free and open?

>> No.11315081

>most competitive markets in one of the most competitive

Well, that's what they said about American car manufacturers 50 years ago too.

>> No.11315562

it's not something that just happened overnight, aldi has been in america for quite a while now, around at least twenty years now I'd say

>> No.11315917

Definitely more. It's been around as long as i remember, and I'm 31

>> No.11315925

tell us what you have learned in your travels, wise old sage

>> No.11316011

My rule of thumb is: Buy everything at Aldi unless it sucks.
So far I buy their: egg, rice, meat, cheese, bread, dried fruits, chocolate, coffee, potato, fruit, mushroom, trail mix, ketchup, butter, oil, cola, crisps, lemonade, detergent, sponge, paper towel, dishwashing soap and the occasional Olga's kofta.
Won't buy their: produce, ramen, toothpaste

>> No.11316016

>Won't buy their: produce
that was like half the shit you listed you fucking gaywad

>> No.11316021

i go every sunday when they open
i see the same 4 asian women every time
they always buy a shittonne of milk, eggs, and whatever produce is on sale at the time

>> No.11316035

Supermarket chain, specializing on homebrands so most of what they sell are "weird" brands. Some of their products are rumored to be rebranded versions of major brandnames. They also have limited-time specials of surprisingly good quality stuff like snow gears, bicycles, shoes, etc.

>> No.11316100
File: 86 KB, 1024x801, c5a261fa-ad09-11e2-bda2-96fcafff89db_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best example of their name rebranding is the Leo chocolate bar (Milka) and the Ole chocolate bar (Aldi). They are the exact same product, produced in the same factory with the exact same ingredients but the Ole's are much much cheaper

>> No.11316172

>Won't buy their: produce
>So far I buy their: dried fruits, potato, fruit, mushroom

anon, I...

>> No.11316188
File: 54 KB, 540x405, 1498460739131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big box makes it even worse, although im not aldis, produce sits for a good 1-2 weeks after leaving processing plant. I give my stuff a week max before it looks rusty. Organic stuff although mroe expensive and shit tend to get to our backroom within a few days of being processed and thend to last alot longer then our non organics.

>> No.11316805

Nothing desu. Biggest advice is to not make the same mistakes as me. Move away from your hometown and take as many odd jobs as you can instead of working your way up through your local Walmart's management.

>> No.11316975

I have eaten 2 1/2 of their elevation brand mint chocolate protein bars every single weekday for the past 9 months or so ... they are so convenient but at this point its like eating nutrient paste

>> No.11317885

The German grocery landscape is stupidly competetive. Wal Mart tried to establish itself there and got ripped to pieces. Also, the establishey stores assume only poor people shop there, so they don't see them as competition. Once they realize it isn't the case it's usually too late to stop the growth.

>> No.11318260
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1538997979089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this place. Full of cosmopolitan faggots and ragheads, I guess its a europoor place so they feel at home there.
A completely pointless place, you can find cheaper stuff at coles and woollies without supporting the EU.

>> No.11318290
File: 74 KB, 850x548, aldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aldi Sud master-race here.

>> No.11318318

Are you in Europe? My understanding is that European Aldi has great produce, but American ones have shit, bottom shelf stuff (and as an American I can attest to this, the only produce I ever buy at Aldi are potatoes, onions, and the odd watermelon)

>> No.11318328

You'd be surprised how high a percentage of Aldi brands in Australia are manufactured in Australia. Much more than you find in Woolworths or Coles. Manufacturing is a more important industry to support than retail.

>> No.11318343

Aldi is where you go when you forgot to buy something, it's on the way and you're too lazy to go to Kaufland. I guess it's pretty good for Americans not having to go through an entire Walmart for 10 products.