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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11309771 No.11309771 [Reply] [Original]

Who /eggspresso/ here?

For those of you who havent tried - its actually really delicious. The idea struck me when I was out of milk and wanted a little "oumph" to my morning coffee. Hey - why not crack an egg in here? The heat cooks it all the way through, and it makes for an easy breakfast on the go.

Whats not to like?

>> No.11309778

everybody wanna medal for ruining everything

>> No.11309783

Yeah I'll take one

>> No.11309785

I do this but I also add sugar, an additional eggwhite, flour, vanilla extract, and baking powder and baking soda

>> No.11309792

>The idea struck me

Awesome. Next time that happens keep it to yourself. Dumbass.

>> No.11309821

look up Vietnamese egg coffee

>> No.11309874

wow OP is a culturally appropriating racist

>> No.11309902


I swear Dante should have included a special level of hell for people like you in the divine comedy

>> No.11309914

I, an intellectual, prefer the bulletproof coffee

>> No.11309916

>Vietnamese egg coffee
bruh i i gotta try dis tmr senpai

>> No.11310025

I see what you did there

>> No.11310646

>adding in a bunch of cholesterol into a perfectly fine black expresso

>> No.11310668

>eating raw eggs
enjoy your salmonella

>> No.11310672

>perfectly fine black expresso
unfiltered coffee actually increases cholesterol to unhealthy levels unlike dietary cholesterol dumbass

>> No.11310674

I'm calling the police.

>> No.11310681

>its actually really delicious
Only for braindead Amerifats

>> No.11311573

as a vegan, i have two words for you: chicken holocaust

>> No.11311605
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>> No.11311682

reminder that the holocaust didn't really happen but it should have and it will.

>> No.11311691
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, Viet-Egg-Coffee-Ca-Phe-Trung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Austrians have been doing this for a while. It's called Kaisermelange. Vietnamese have a similar drink too.


>> No.11312617

Hell is for people that are enjoying their sins.
OP has ruined their own coffee, the devil need do nothing.

>a bunch of cholesterol
Eggs have good cholesterol, it actively displaces bad cholesterol and is beneficial even though it increases total cholesterol levels. HDL and LDL are not the same thing, healthwise anyway.

>> No.11312652

The next time you do this add a bit of honey and then mix it all. You can add liquor too.

>> No.11312664
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this but unironically

>> No.11312678


>> No.11312888


>> No.11313127
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>> No.11313317

I did try this once. I think most experimental people will have because it's an obvious thought and doesn't cost much to try. It's not nice, and the heat does not cook it all the way through at normal temperature. If you make it hot enough to cook all the way through, it is still not nice.

>> No.11313490


>> No.11313494

>heat does not cook it all the way through
would microwaving it help?

>> No.11313530


>> No.11313745


>> No.11313848


>> No.11313862

(citation needed)

>> No.11313987

>salmonella still in eggs
What third world shithole are you posting from?

>> No.11313991


>> No.11315170

>The Austrians have been doing this for a while. It's called Kaisermelange.
But I have never seen one anywhere. Apparently, there's about 4 Austrian coffees with egg, according to wikipedia, most of them with schnaps too.
Gotta try it, I guess.