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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 460x460, broc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11299111 No.11299111 [Reply] [Original]

Probably the most repulsive veg

>> No.11299133

Cook it with some lemon juice in a pan.

>> No.11299136

Roast it in an oven.

>> No.11299142

pinch your nose when you eat it retard

>> No.11299150

Steamed is best but if you for some reason hate the taste of broccoli and insist on eating it, then I would try roasting it with garlic and olive oil or smothering it in cheddar cheese like a 4 year old

>> No.11299158

i just boil it and then mix it up with potatoes and cover it all in cheese and a light gravy

>> No.11299171


You're welcome, OP.

>> No.11299174
File: 1.99 MB, 400x299, 1538722742475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fry it lightly with some olive oil, black pepper, and maybe soy sauce. Squeeze a lemon over it when it is nearly done. Cook them until they are bright green and soft, but with a slight firmness to it still.

>> No.11299177

This. Coat in some kind of fat/oil first

>> No.11299185

Chop it, put it in a bowl and toss it with some oil, salt, and whatever spices you like. Roast it on a baking sheet at 400 until it's to your desired tenderness.

>> No.11299186

Dip it in ranch.

>> No.11299203
File: 94 KB, 680x521, 1530991338510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broccoli is great. I just eat it steamed with just salt/pepper

>> No.11299234

Sautee with garlic, and a sprinkle of sesame oil

>> No.11299241
File: 34 KB, 783x613, Brussels-Sprouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most repulsive
Not even close.

>> No.11299242

This, add cheese.

>> No.11299245

Just steam, add a little salt & pepper, toss with melted butter

I had some with steak and red wine as I was watching Kavanaugh vote

>> No.11299252

Those are amazing in stews, or chopped in half and fried with onions and baby bella mushrooms in bacon fat.

>> No.11299295

Shit load of butter

>> No.11299299

brussels sprouts are great with lots of lemon.

>> No.11299300

You need to be over 18 years old to post on this site

>> No.11299303

If you don't like it, don't eat it. It's not for everyone

>posts the same vegetable

>> No.11299311

Tastes good with sauces or bacon

>> No.11299403

Just boil it for under 2 mins

>> No.11299499
File: 33 KB, 720x833, 1532796379003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't like the brocc, brussels sprouts, or asparagus you have the taste palate of an underage. Grow up and eat your greens you little shits. I wish that your parents had to balls to beat you so that you would eat your fucking green beans instead of only eating chicken and bread. Fucking little shits. Obese motherfuckers eat some healthy shit for yourselves. The only people where it is acceptable to not eat 95% of vegetables are children, because they are literal fucking children. If you are an adult and you cant eat fucking brocc then you are a failed child. When you grow up, your TASTES should grow up as well. You don't watch barney as an adult do you, or shit your pants? Then you shouldn't be so choosy with what you eat.
Picky eaters are the true menace of society, no matter what /pol/ tells you. FUCK PICKY EATERS EAT YOUR BROCCOLI GET SOME REAL TASTE PALETTE YOU FUCKING SHITS

anyways whats your guys favorite vegetable, for me it has to be summer squash, quality stuff.

>> No.11299715

You are supposed to boil it in water before doing anything with it. Makes most of the bitterness go away. It's actually okay after that.

>> No.11299733

Aggressive but true. Summer squash is delicious when mixed with other vegetables but I'm not a huge fan of it on its own. Fav vegetable has to be eggplant. Super versatile and can be a great addition to any dish.

>> No.11299920

Most vegetables start to taste sweet if you steam them until they're soft. Even cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc. start to taste sweet. Tastes really good like that just with a bit of vinegar or lemon, nice sweet and sour combo. I like raw vegetables too but I think they should either be fully raw or fully cooked.

>> No.11299957

I used to hate broccoli.

then I grew up and became an adult.

>> No.11299965

i liked broccoli as a kid

>> No.11299974

the problem is not broccoli.
the problem is people not cooking broccoli properly.

Both undercooked and overcooked its total ass. But get it right with a light oyster sauce and some garlic its very nice.

>> No.11299996

lightly steamed and eaten plain

>> No.11300020

>broccoli is shit
is this an american meme? it gets shit on in every cartoon ever made

literally my favourite veg

>> No.11300024

Just boil it

fuck the chinese and fuck garlic

>> No.11300030

Steam it for a few minutes. Mix olive oil, lemon juice and fresh garlic and season to taste. When broccoli is done to your liking toss it in the mixture.

>> No.11300047

it's smell when being cooked does slightly resemble flatulence