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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11278141 No.11278141 [Reply] [Original]

so what are you gonna do when the meat department is filled with soy chickens?

>> No.11278145

Fast food meat is already like half soy so it wont be to bad

>> No.11278149

If it's about lab-grown meat, there's no soy involved

>> No.11278151

They already are.
What do you think they feed the animals?

>> No.11278156
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>tfw 6'6" vegan

Honestly when the average meatoid is 6'4" tops and fat, I think I'll stick to the lents.

>> No.11278171
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x960, 1537210622347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/soy soyposters weren't funny 2 years ago and aren't funny now
Look at these faggots

>> No.11278182

>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/!!!!!!!!!!!!
the post is about America's largest meat distributor moving to soy and other meat replacements

>> No.11278188

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11278198


>> No.11278222

I don't see why this is so controversial, other than not being """authentic"""
They are manufacturing ANIMAL tissue. As in the same genetic and chemical structures as the steak currently on your plates.
This means:
>same nutritional content
>zero cruelty
>zero environmental concerns
>significantly reduced chances of deadly bacteria and viruses in your food

Why would anyone be against this?

>> No.11278244
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If it's actually soy, not eat it because my digestive system has a hate boner for soy and takes it out on my nervous system. If It's made out of something like pea protein and the taste is 1:1, probably eat it without thinking much about it.

>> No.11278256

Eat it

>> No.11278323

Continue hunting.

>> No.11278332

All of the scifi's warned of a future where there is no access to real food or only the ultra rich can afford it. Thank you "progress."

>> No.11278334
File: 47 KB, 615x410, ................jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start harvesting, butchering, and consuming vegans.

>> No.11278350

Then youd support the distribution of wealth to level the playing field?

>> No.11278360

You'd have an easier time banning these foods from the market.

>> No.11278499
File: 63 KB, 500x375, 1368163909223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new food is invented
>proles feel entitled to it

>> No.11278539

Be happy that I don't have to incentivize animal farming and murder to fuel my meat addiction anymore.

>> No.11278565

The only way anyone is going to buy this "new food" is by jacking up the price of real food until normal people can't afford it.

>> No.11278573

>the free market is only good if it benefits meeeeeeee!!!!
kys chode, I'm sorry you're so poor you'll have to decide between a steak and your annual vacation

>> No.11278580

Americans don't take vacations anymore.

>> No.11278596

>eating creatures that make soy 80% of their diet

>> No.11278599

>herbivore lanklet
the world is shaking at the sight of you

>> No.11278629

make some memes with my alt-right friends and epicly troll normies with it until we get banned from twitter.

>> No.11278803

I'm on my third this year

>> No.11278851

daily reminder, the consumption of animal proteins literally make you smarter, eating bone marrow is how our scavenger ancestors became top brain on this planet. Soy is intentionally being pushed to dumb down the peasants now that they are no longer forced to consume a diet composed solely of grains and water.

as how to deal with this? stop being a stupid goy. Learn to fish, hunt, and raise your own food. You can even work in some soybeans if you really cant give them up. Become at least partially self sufficient so you can always feel good about eating what you want, when you want it.

>> No.11279228

>using a DFW meme pic to shit on poor/average people
It's like you're trying to make me mad.

>> No.11279308

If it tastes the same I don't care

>> No.11279371

Go to the butcher

>> No.11280648

i'm going to enjoy artificial meat, boo hoo you luddite