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11271010 No.11271010 [Reply] [Original]

Got any training videos to share? The cringier they are, the better. Let me get you started.


>> No.11271108

I can't remember how to find it but there's a great kitchen safety training video of some bitch dropping an entire pot of boiling water on her face. I'm sure somebody here knows what I'm talking about

>> No.11271132

This is how lesbianism starts. Make sure people like this remain separated and have access to regaular good dickings.

>> No.11271158


>> No.11271169

>It's cut into squares so the meat hangs over the bun.
That's why? But... um... why?

>> No.11271174


>> No.11271182

I'll give someone a $100 if they can post the starbucks "how to handle loitering brown people" vids.

>> No.11271207

It’s so the cheese matches the size. Dave Thomas as a fat autist.

>> No.11271705

I don't understand, how is there anything gay in that video

>> No.11271738

You need to start picking up on signals or you'll miss out on a lot in life. Even autistic people can learn do it if they pay attention and are willing to remain attentive.

>> No.11271825

I masturbated to this.

>> No.11272091

I love the way the smaller girl looks at the taller uglier authority figure

They probably scissored in that fridge multiple times

>> No.11272096

In a food safety training video, it shows a guy chucking a huge hunk of meat that was still on the meat slicer because it was unattended.

I understand the principal, that it could have been left in the back danger zone too long, but in what scenario does that ever happen?

>> No.11272105
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>> No.11272107

It wouldn't be unattended in the first place. Anybody abandoning post without warning loses his job. Especially today when most employees are taken on a casual basis.

But if that did happen, the meat would probably not end up in the bin. Its progeny would simply be obscured.

>> No.11272113

>two people walking on the sidewalk in the suburbs
why would that ever happen? sidewalks are for vagrants, criminals, and people who have had emergencies such as getting into a car crash in the dead of night

>> No.11272270

>not posting the superior Wendy's training video

Also, Wendy's training videos are truly GOAT.

>> No.11272277

It's funny because there really are parts of the world where the concrete is laid out in such a fashion that simple walking becomes an ineffective form of transport.

>> No.11272286

Yeah, Julie is pretty cute, but have you met Hope?

>> No.11272305

>tfw the dude who sang this never got anywhere with his acting career and got paid like 50 bucks for doing this

>> No.11272307

Why does she talk like a retard?

>> No.11272315

We all spoke that way at the time.

*crack* *sip* now that was elocution.

>> No.11272367

Lower Midwest, likely just north of the Ozarks. Missouri, I would guess. That accent and the upper Midwest accent (nearly everyone in Fargo) are often thought of as sounding particularly retarded by outsiders.

>> No.11272396
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>> No.11272415

He was overpaid and they never used that video, it was only made so they could check off a box on a government form that they hired some niggers

>> No.11272436

So how did they teach their employees to make instant coffee then? I really think you're definitely talking out of your ass this time, anon.

>> No.11272463

It's affected for the video so she'll sound more "down home" and friendly.
She doesn't have the accent in the OP video.

>> No.11272486

>more "down home" and friendly.
Has the opposite effect for me, when I hear a strong rustic accent like that I assume I'm in danger. People who talk like that are usually uneducated, prone to fear and violence when they see someone who "doan look lahk they's from round heah, boy"

>> No.11272497

Wow. You've never ventured out of the city, have you? That's kinda cute. But country people are much more friendly and helpful than anybody you'll ever encounter in densely populated areas. The stereotype you refer to only stems from their capacity to gang up on you if you try to be threatening. That rarely happens, because there's no reason to.

>> No.11272507

You people always say that whenever this topic comes up.

I've lived in megalopoli of 20million+, and small towns in middle America, population 1500.

I know what I'm talking about, the fact is you cannot possibly say how it feels to be an outsider in your little meth town, because you aren't one.

>> No.11272522

Yes I am. I'm rarely home and my work takes me from town to town. I'm lucky if I can stay in one place for a fortnight outside of the Christmas period. Even people in my home town consider me an outsider nowadays.

>> No.11272530

When you walk into a store does all conversation stop as people gape and stare?

Do people ask you "wheyah ya from?" {mentions state where I was born} "no ah men WHEYAH ya FROM?" routinely?

Do people throw stuff at you from passing vehicles?

Oh, that doesn't happen to you? Yeah, didn't think so.

I don't care if people aren't familiar with the texture of your latest bowel movement, that's not an implied threat.

>> No.11272536

If any of that happens to you, you're just a shit person. They don't turn on people for no reason.

>> No.11272548

>shit person
Yes, I know. I had the gall to not look like ah's from round heyeah. People like me should be deported because we {took er jerrrbs, bombed america, etc}.

But my Indian friend had it worse, he got called a terrorist on a near-daily basis. For me the extreme tension was more like a weekly thing, at worst.

>> No.11272560

we couldn't give a two-penny jizz about your shit. post some goddamn training vids, faggots

>> No.11272572

Me thinks you are a rapefugee or garden variety nigger and getting the weird looks you deserve from uncucked people

>> No.11272585

Be that as it may, what happened to your smug "you've never set foot outside of the city"?

>> No.11272601

They dont cut corners.

>> No.11272610

>Everyone that hates subhumans is the same person.

No one likes you go shit up some other country

>> No.11272616

You all look and sound the same to us.

Also if I moved, who would pay for your medicaid?

>> No.11272804

I've only ever seen Caribbean immigrants walking in the road when there's a sidewalk

>> No.11272819

So you're not even American? Just go back where you came from if you don't like it here.

>> No.11272898

Depends. When I travel abroad I'm considered American and treated as an American, since I speak English and have a US passport and sometimes my US credit card causes drama because we're in our own little reality when it comes to consumer finance here. So I try to have the equivalent of a couple hundred USD in cash at all times, just in case. Although recently I had an issue where a bar didn't want to break a 50 euro note for a 6 euro glass of wine, so things are getting more difficult for us burgers with passports (you wouldn't need to worry about that obviously).

When I travel to the hillbilly hinterlands I'm basically Osama Bin Laden and Chapo Guzman combined, and the authentic salt of the earth locals shit themselves with fear when they see my face, which isn't inbred like theirs.

I definitely do not like it where you live, the erroneously named "Real America" [sic]. I like it better here where normal people live, and there's an actual economy, and I don't have to worry about getting shot by some weirdo who watches too much Fox News.

>> No.11272914

calm your hungry tits

>> No.11272916

I'd be able to get a job if the 50 million illegals left

>> No.11272925

>A brown criminal afraid he will be shot by whitey

No that doesn't check out, coloured people don't have foresight

>> No.11272940
File: 63 KB, 210x401, image.ashx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you learned something new today

>> No.11272944

Not him, but what I don't understand is why you guys're pissed at the illegals rather than the greedy businesses who are cheating you out of your job. I mean... like you, the illegal is trying to earn an income to survive, but the business owner is a greedy fuck who's trying to fuck people over to get his costs down as far as possible. If I were someone who worked in the sort of industry where illegals could easily take my job, I'd certainly be more pissed at the guy firing me than my replacement.
>but if there were no illegals, he wouldn't be able to replace me
Yes he would. Just with someone legal who'd ask for less money/time off/benefits/whatever cuts into his bottom dollar.

>> No.11272945
File: 218 KB, 1537x1065, screen_shot_2017-01-25_at_3.12.39_pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is very noble of you to offer, but we have a principle in this country of not overtaxing the people mopping our floors, it's called a "progressive tax code". The idea is, you get something called EITC that minimizes your tax exposure, and I pay a bit more because I'm making enough where a bit off the top isn't going to send me to the poorhouse. People like me pay in, so that people like you don't show up at our doors with guns and pitchforks, trying to eat the "rich" [sic]. At least that is the theory, we'll see how well this works out.

In any case even if all those Juans and Pacos went "home", you'd still need someone to cover the social safety net that keeps you down. Here is a graph although it may be a bit advanced for your reading level.

>> No.11272953

>this is the retarder

>> No.11272978

I'm pissed off at both, but the businessman does ride by my house shouting fuck your flag or clog the high schools with so many retards that they cancel the high level math and science classes

>> No.11272983

Really? Retard is a normal word, you retard.

>> No.11272984

I already knew that coloured people have extremely high rates if crime all around the world. Everyone knows that

>> No.11272990

>they cancel the high level math and science classes
Did you pick that up from some TV segment? I'm sure it sounded emotionally appealing but what difference does that make to someone like you? You just need to be able to read numbers well enough to operate a cash register.

>> No.11272993

Yes, just like you already knew that the anti-flag cyclist jews cancelled your AP high school classes.

>> No.11273030

No that's my local high school. And you blame the news who would never dare to acknowledge that the people from South of the border can't do calculus. The white people who are paying for all these brown people to live here have to also hire private tutors for the classes that were cancelled so their kids can go to college so they can then start paying for the brown people and the new brown people that we get every year. Heck of a deal

>> No.11273037
File: 16 KB, 367x388, 1534965635115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dough master

>> No.11273041

I guess I'm not really seeing the issue here because growing up we thought going to private tutors, private violin lessons, summer programs and so on, was just a normal thing, not a special kind of punishment inflicted upon us by the Mexicans.

But wh*teoids think that encouraging your kids to do well in school is a kind of child abuse. Different cultures, different values. I know it's not your fault, but I still don't have much empathy for you. You're dragging this country down like a boat anchor.

>> No.11273043

Have you never heard of proofing dough? Grow up.

>> No.11273059


> I still don't have much empathy

Of course. Libtards and colored people have 0 empathy. Science proves that

>> No.11273077

Why should I support my enemies?

In any case, the idea of the "bleeding heart liberal" is really dumb. I want to invite in all the engineers and doctors and professors from other countries because that's good for my country (the united states, in case you forgot).

The collateral damage is regrettable but I think the tradeoff is well worth it. Obviously you would disagree, since you are the collateral damage. Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.11273109


>engineers and doctors and professors from other countries

And somehow once they get here they all go on welfare and deal drugs and rape kids. All those 65 IQ doctors ' accidently' injecting bleach into their patients oh boy

>> No.11273136

For the most part they're driving taxis and running small businesses. They'll never be as well off, relative to their neighbors, as they were back home. But they came here so their kids would have a better life - and those kids usually do.

In any case you should do what it takes to keep your head up. Being left behind must be frustrating. As long as you don't hurt anyone, it's ok to tell yourself little lies to get through the day.

>> No.11273155

Pretty good video actually. Bit too much shilling for my taste but the system works.

>> No.11273167

>the audacity of those niggers

>> No.11273841

I got one

>> No.11273871


this one's my favorite

>> No.11274055

Please teach me

>> No.11274109


it's not a training videos it's a work safety PSA

>> No.11274157


Gave me a boner

>> No.11274279

No one cares about your resentments, you grievance-mongering faggot. Post vids

>> No.11274357

But I just did.

>> No.11274541

>I don't know how supply and demand works in the labour market
>I can only be pissed at illegals or corrupt business owners, not both at the same time
Opportunities will always be exploited by unscrupulous individuals. Illegals will always cross a poorly defended border into a country with a lax deportation policy. Corrupt businesses owners will always exploit illegals for cheap labour. Strengthen the border and punish and deport illegals and the other problem solves itself.

>> No.11275628

The videos are just black people talking about oppression. There was nothing about dealing with people. Also learning how to be 'color brave' as opposed to color blind.

T. Former Starbucks employee

>> No.11276884


>> No.11276886

but that dumb fuck dropped the tomato on himself

>> No.11276913
File: 33 KB, 486x320, fuckingwhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 2 women in the kitchen making food
> lesbianism

you have never met any lesbian, right?

>> No.11276916

Wow, that's hot.

>> No.11276931

I think it's more about the 17 minutes of unbroken eye contact at the look of barely contained lust that Julie sports.

>> No.11277104

>literally gives the 'but if there were no illegals, [unscrupulous business owners] wouldn't be able to replace me' argument
>even though that argument was already covered in the post
You're both halves of a whole idiot, ain't ya kiddo?

>> No.11277116

Ask me how I know you're a Russian troll (on 4chan's cooking board of all places) and not an American. Go on. Ask me.

>> No.11277117

He probably isn't American and forgot that you guys don't even grant worker's rights to the legals. Most of us in the first world are threatened by off-grid workers because they can't turn to the law for protection.

>> No.11278302
File: 309 KB, 649x474, 5a565fa2420ce9d29730c311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
