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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 129 KB, 1024x768, 0B9318B3-A956-4445-8B31-D8B4C027B279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11243403 No.11243403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw mom made us chicken tender, french fry and among other dishes as gamer fuel for our gamer session
what do (You) guys eat as gamer fuel and gamer oil (drink)?

>> No.11243433


a man of taste I see

>> No.11243443

>lime bepis (diet)
Absolute tastelet

>> No.11243449

12 cans of beer, a frozen pizza and a packet of lays

>> No.11243453

mom, wants to kill sons, slowly, but surely

>> No.11243456

That many tendies on one plate makes me uncomfortable. That's enough to feed a seven person family.

>> No.11243460

Or two very fat manchildren.

>> No.11243463 [DELETED] 

what are all those boxes to the right side

>> No.11243470 [DELETED] 

thats not alot bro

>> No.11243471

Looks comfy and tasty what TV is that?

>> No.11243472

>That's enough to feed a seven person family.
Or one growing boy! ;)

>> No.11243811

just a quick update she just brought down a pb&j platter -- comfy

>> No.11243822

>red rain
>diet pepsi


>> No.11243840

ok now THIS is epic

>> No.11243847


>> No.11243848

i have problems eating when im with people. can any of you relate?

>> No.11243854

Literally anything except soy can be eaten as gamer fuel. You're doing it wrong if you eat soy lecithin too. Milkies or water for oil.

>> No.11243856


The controllers are going to be quite greasy.

>> No.11243869

If you haven't already adapted to gaming with a greasy controller, you have no place in this thread.

>> No.11243876

I'd argue that if you have adapted then you have no place in this life. Why do you think you should be allowed to live, you fucking disgusting slob?

>> No.11243892

Retro Halo is actually more fun than I thought it would be, but with too few save points it can be a bit hard at times.

>> No.11243903

A pack of baby wipes can be obtained from the dollar store for a single dollar. There is no excuse to not just eat, then wipe your hands.

>> No.11243919

same here bro if im out with people then ill take my plate with me to the bathroom and eat in a stall

>> No.11243927

A six pack of beer and I usually rummage through the fridge before falling asleep.

>> No.11243944

t. subhuman

>> No.11244109

Fug, look at those fat, lack of muscular definition hands and forearms, not to mention the rather shady skin tone. So that's exactly the kind of fucks I routinely demolish when I game - no wonder.

>> No.11244126

stop making shit up on the internet bro seriously

>> No.11244140

As unaesthetic as that is, that is peak sleepover kino.

>> No.11244157

That looks like enough food for a few teen boys. As an adult I couldn't imagine eating more than like three of those strips and some fries. But as a teen I would slam all three plates and then go ride my bike or something.

>> No.11244158

Hes growing alright

>> No.11244171


>> No.11244247

300ml of 99 proof schnapps, frozen egg roll dipped in stupidly strong hot sauce

>> No.11244269

looks comfy as fuck i wish i had something good like this in my life

>> No.11244292

What the fuck are those boxs on the right from?
And what kind of tendies?

>> No.11244304

This is what i hate reposted fucking content branded under new shit nigger.

>> No.11244307

My mother never made me anything to eat. Everything I have now is in spite of her. When that bitch dies I won't even show up to piss on her grave.

>> No.11244357

Based and redpilled

>> No.11244371

my mom would make bagel bites for my frienda and me when i was 10

>> No.11244374

This was posted on /v/. go back there

>> No.11244387
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 2DB5889F-9EC1-4D84-A7BC-5E486E81D398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was little my mom only let me play Nintendo for an hour a day.

>> No.11244396

Your mom was trash. I play my nintendo as long as I want.

>> No.11244397

No save states, either. We had to learn to speed run if we wanted to reach the end before our daily quota was up. Now that was gaming.

>> No.11244405

Sorry to hear that anon. Sometimes I envy people like you because I could kill myself and no one would miss me.

>> No.11244414

so you admit you go to /v/?

>> No.11244449

fuck up bitch

>> No.11246017

Good mom

>> No.11247425


>> No.11247437

>be fat piece of shit zoomer raised by single mother
>see fatness all around you
>double down on your shit food so you can grow up to be a fat disgusting piece of shit too
kys with this garbage.

>> No.11247457

I didn't eat while playing videogames.

If anything I forgot to eat.

>> No.11247528

dont be jelly because you get no chicken tender

>> No.11247533

>mfw somebody is making a post about what "mommy" made to eat
Get the fuck out of here with your underaged cancer.

>> No.11247537
File: 21 KB, 333x250, 1537751510794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11247725

im a zoomer not a boom

>> No.11247732

then you say tendies fag

>> No.11247753

I sometimes envy not having anyone to disappoint. I'm happy being a starving artist hippie, but I gotta provide when the current patriarch can't. Serves me right for eating their tendies and blogposting on their wifi like a faggot.

>> No.11247779


>> No.11247790

There's always someone to disappoint: yourself.

>> No.11247798
File: 25 KB, 400x400, a8rJpSZr_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manchild pretend he doesn't live with his parents
Ok anon maybe someday you will move out
I personally love coming back to my hometown to see what mommy made me

>> No.11247854


>> No.11247910
File: 28 KB, 852x480, 3487623487624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whiteknighting for underaged beta orbiters
>calls somebody else a "manchild"

>> No.11248126

post pic of mom's panty drawer

>> No.11248193

really? how?
your not using your bare hands to eat that shit are you?

also after 10-15 minutes all that food is gonna be cold
might as well just take a 10-15 min break to eat hot food and watch some YT or someshit

>> No.11248222


>> No.11248227

Back when I'd have 16 person Halo 1&2 LANs in high school my parents would just buy like 4 of those large square frozen Costco pizzas and a large tray of mixed variety Shasta

>> No.11248230

Czeched and redpilled

>> No.11248246

>Retro Halo
kill me

>> No.11249354


>> No.11249497

I see that you too browse reddit

>> No.11250771

huh? thats dinner for one

>> No.11250808
File: 849 KB, 906x936, 1516733250935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Halo 3 edition Mountain Dew

>> No.11250815

Yes I can't stand eating in front of someone I don't know very well. If I have to, I need to at least have something I can use a fork with.

>> No.11250816

>gaymer fuel
>gaymer oil
b8 post :^)

>> No.11250847

Rolling for thus

>> No.11250932
File: 678 KB, 2448x1474, 1536195524477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, sometimes I miss being a retarded fatass playing video games with my other loser friends. Comfy times that shall never be had again

>> No.11252082

I can relate

>> No.11252122

not gonna lie, that looks delicious, but
>warm soda
makes me wanna puke tbf

>> No.11252140
File: 476 KB, 860x900, attempts to destroy 4ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11252177

A lot of those do look like pure shitposts but I don't think you know what shilling means.

>> No.11252179
File: 127 KB, 327x318, 1533931444585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two of my threads in there

heh, nothing personnel

>> No.11252211

haha hope you vomit blood as you die

>> No.11253268

t. salty seething boomer

>> No.11253423
File: 44 KB, 404x404, BDEjoQiCIAARay1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many nights at 2 or 3AM me and my friends would go get these and go back to playing Melee until like 6 in the morning.

Also in high school I used to make full pots of coffee on Saturday morning at 5AM and play Halo Wars all day online. Was so comfy.

>> No.11254079


>> No.11254206

Izusu GB7H

>> No.11254302

>E.D. Smith Culinary Treasures Aioli bottle

Fellow Canacuck?

>> No.11255206

darn that donut looks really good

>> No.11256045
